HealthCare Notes


The Case For Preserving CLASS

The Case For Preserving CLASS: "pOur guest bloggers are Judy Feder, Urban Institute Fellow and Professor and former Dean, Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Harriet Komisar, Research Professor, Georgetown Public Policy Institute, and Paul Vandewater, Senior Fellow, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities With most of the focus on the Affordable Care Act’s impact on health insurance coverage, little attention has [...]/p"

DNC Chair On Republicans Plan To Kill Medicare And Social Security

Steve King would rather cut Social Security than raise the debt limit

Steve King would rather cut Social Security than raise the debt limit


Rick Perry Signs A Mini-Ryan Health Bill

Rick Perry Signs A Mini-Ryan Health Bill: "pGov. Rick Perry (R-TX) is transforming Texas into a Paul Ryanian Mecca, having just signed legislation that seeks to privatize Medicare and compels the state to formally ask for a Medicaid block grant. The measure also “defunds abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood” and “implements co-payments for non-emergency visits to hospital emergency rooms.”/p"

Maine Governor Proposes Throwing 30,000 Off Medicaid: ‘We Should Not Be More Generous Than Other States’

Maine Governor Proposes Throwing 30,000 Off Medicaid: ‘We Should Not Be More Generous Than Other States’: "pMaine Governor Paul LePage (R) — a vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act — is proposing reforming MaineCare, the state’s Medicaid program, by reducing eligibility to the level in place in most states, thereby throwing off some 30,000 Mainers off the rolls. “This is what the level is in 47 other states,” LePage said [...]/p"


Cantor's secret memo for $350 billion in Medicare, Medicaid cuts

Cantor's secret memo for $350 billion in Medicare, Medicaid cuts

Cantor Proposes Cutting $353 Billion From Medicare And Medicaid

Cantor Proposes Cutting $353 Billion From Medicare And Medicaid: "pHouse Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has proposed $353 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, which he suggested in the deficit reduction talks yesterday at the White House. Cantor’s plan would cut $100 billion in matching payments to states for Medicaid, and save $109 billion by increasing co-payments, reducing home health payments, and prohibiting [...]/p"


10 Reasons Why Everyday Americans Need Medicaid And How The Republican Budget Undermines Them

10 Reasons Why Everyday Americans Need Medicaid And How The Republican Budget Undermines Them: "pFrom CAP’s Scott Lilly, Melissa Boteach, Katie Wright: 1) States would have to spend $266 billion more on Medicaid from state-generated revenues, 2) Block-granting Medicaid would threaten the safety net for middle-class families, 3) Medicaid is a well-baby program but not really a poverty program, 4) The largest share of Medicaid spending benefits the disabled, [...]/p"

Republicans Try to Gut Medicaid as Studies Show Its Success | Crooks and Liars

Republicans Try to Gut Medicaid as Studies Show Its Success | Crooks and Liars


Why Politicians Should Care About Medicaid In Three Graphs

Why Politicians Should Care About Medicaid In Three Graphs: "pIn a new report out today, Scott Lilly dismisses the popular conception that Medicaid cuts would mostly affect lower income Americans who won’t go to the polls and therefore don’t pose much of an electoral threat to lawmakers. He argues that the massive Medicaid reductions in Paul Ryan’s budget (and any other cuts that the [...]/p"


House Liberals Demand No Cuts to Medicare, Social Security in Deficit Deal | Common Dreams

House Liberals Demand No Cuts to Medicare, Social Security in Deficit Deal | Common Dreams

Study: Health insurance for poor people makes a big difference

Study: Health insurance for poor people makes a big difference

AARP 'will not accept any cuts to Social Security as part of a deal to pay the nation's bills'

AARP 'will not accept any cuts to Social Security as part of a deal to pay the nation's bills'

"First Of Its Kind" Study Shows Medicaid Provides Health And Financial Benefits To Poor

"First Of Its Kind" Study Shows Medicaid Provides Health And Financial Benefits To Poor

Medicaid Improves Health Outcome

Medicaid Improves Health Outcome: "pOne of the most ridiculous aspects of the recent debate over the Affordable Care Act went as follows. Many people in the United States of America believe quite sincerely that over-taxation of rich people is among the most serious problems the country faces. And the Affordable Care Act does a great deal to increase taxes [...]/p"

Paul Ryan thinks voters will go for his Medicare-killing budget plan if it's just sold right | Crooks and Liars

Paul Ryan thinks voters will go for his Medicare-killing budget plan if it's just sold right | Crooks and Liars
Paul Ryan keeps trying to destroy Medicare.


Improve Medicare and Expand It to All | Common Dreams

Improve Medicare and Expand It to All | Common Dreams

States Make Drastic Cuts To Medicaid Reimbursment Rates

States Make Drastic Cuts To Medicaid Reimbursment Rates: "pPhil Galewitz’s worries that states’ efforts to control costs in their Medicaid program by cutting reimbursement rates to providers will lead to serious access problems for beneficiaries and only exacerbate physician shortages: The payment cuts, which require federal approval, are part of a larger effort by states to reduce the cost of Medicaid, typically the [...]/p"

If You Had A Stroke Tomorrow: What’s Your Situation? | Common Dreams

If You Had A Stroke Tomorrow: What’s Your Situation? | Common Dreams


Universal Health Care: Can We Afford Anything Less? | Dollars & Sense

Universal Health Care: Can We Afford Anything Less? | Dollars & Sense

Enrollees In Federal High-Risk Insurance Pools See Lower Premiums

Enrollees In Federal High-Risk Insurance Pools See Lower Premiums: "pI’ve recently been told that progressive groups and blogs are eager to pounce on the administration for not living up to certain principles but rarely highlight instances of success and accomplishment. And so, it’s in an effort to correct the imbalance that that I point to the government’s efforts to reduce health care premiums in [...]/p"