HealthCare Notes


PERRspectives: GOP Always Feared Obamacare's Success, Not Its Failure

PERRspectives: GOP Always Feared Obamacare's Success, Not Its Failure

"With sign-ups for private insurance nearing 7 million on the final days of open enrollment for Obamacare, Republicans are once again trying to unskew the polls. While Wyoming Senator John Barrasso accused the White House of "cooking the books," Ted Cruz (R-TX) pretended the number of uninsured Americans is actually rising.

Sadly, this conservative whimpering doesn't mean the GOP's all-out war on the Affordable Care Act is over. The avalanche of court challenges continues. The 50-plus repeal votes will continue to grow. The conservative misinformation campaign about mythical "death panels" and a bogus "government-takeover of health care" left millions of Americans fearful and confused--the uninsured most of all--about Obamacare. Thanks to the refusal of many Republican-led states to accept the ACA's Medicaid expansion, over 7 million red staters will needlessly remain uninsured--and thousands of them will needless die as a result. Many of the same GOP-dominated states are blocking the work of Obamacare "navigators," despite supporting the same federal outreach program for Medicare for over two decades."

I Saved $335.00 A Month On Healthcare Because Of Obamacare

I Saved $335.00 A Month On Healthcare Because Of Obamacare

"Sure, there's still a lot of work to be done to make healthcare in America much more affordable and accessible, but we're off to a good start."

Big numbers ahead of the Obamacare deadline

PERRspectives: GOP's Obamacare Sabotage Produces Red State Death Toll

PERRspectives: GOP's Obamacare Sabotage Produces Red State Death Toll

"To put those findings in terms Republicans can understand, up to 3,000 of Rick Perry's Texans will needlessly die each year. Those dead will joined by up to 671 from Scott Walker's Wisconsin, 1,176 in Nathan Deal's Georgia, 2,221 in Rick Scott's Florida and 1,145 in Pat McGrory's North Carolina. It's no wonder Ohio GOP Gov. John Kasich got biblical on Buckeye State Republicans to extend Medicaid coverage to 300,000 of their state's residents"


Obamacare Enrollment Tops 6 Million, Meets Projection

Obamacare Enrollment Tops 6 Million, Meets Projection

"I wonder how Republicans will explain to all those millions why they want to take their healthcare away."

BREAKING: Obamacare Enrollment Tops 6 Million
"With several days left to go before open enrollment ends on March 31, the administration has met its target. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that Obamacare enrollment would hit six million by the end of its enrollment period. Although the CBO initially projected a seven million enrollment figure, that number was revised down after technological issues plagued the insurance marketplaces’ websites this past fall."


Wisconsin Republican Flip Flops On Mandatory Coverage Of Chemotherapy Pills After Getting Cancer
"But wouldn’t it be nice if Rep. Czaja were just as enthusiastic about other women’s health issues as she is about her own particular one? According to We Are Wisconsin, she is an insurance industry insider who has a history of lobbying against affordable health care for Wisconsinites."

Is Rick Scott Guilty of Murder?

Is Rick Scott Guilty of Murder?

"Republicans are hoping that working poor people like Charlene will be so upset that they can't get Obamacare, and won't realize that it was the Republican governors who refused their eligibility, that they'll be angry with Obama and the Democrats and vote Republican in 2014 and 2016.

It's all about politics.

These states are literally playing politics with people's lives, and Charlene is one of the people they've now killed."

America's Underinsured: A State-by-State Look at Health Insurance Affordability Prior to the New Coverage Expansions
"Using newly available data from census surveys, this report provides national and state-level estimates of the number of people and share of the population that were insured but living in households that spent a high share of annual income on medical care in 2011–12. In the analysis, we refer to these people as “underinsured.” However, this group is only one subset of the underinsured."


With Hippocratic Oath, Doctors Pledge Allegiance to Patients, Not Profits | Common Dreams

With Hippocratic Oath, Doctors Pledge Allegiance to Patients, Not Profits | Common Dreams

"The Maine Medical Association recently updated a 2008 poll of their members that asked the question, “When considering the topic of health care reform, would you prefer to make improvements in the current public/private system (or) a single-payer system, such as a ‘Medicare-for-all’ approach?” In 2008, 52.3 percent favored the Medicare-for-all approach. In the updated poll, released last week, that number had risen to 64.3 percent."


Abby Huntsman Promotes the Wall Street Banksters' Big Lie

Abby Huntsman Promotes the Wall Street Banksters' Big Lie

"People like Pete Peterson think that if they can convince enough people that Social Security is going bankrupt, the government will do crazy things like raise the retirement age or, as George W. Bush tried to do, privatize Social Security altogether.

If the government does go ahead and privatize Social Security, Peterson and his bankster friends will make billions leaching off the retirement savings of working Americans that otherwise would gone to fund Social Security

They want you to think Social Security is going bankrupt so they can skim the top off your retirement account and toss it into the stock of companies owned by friends of theirs.

Abby Huntsman really does seem like a nice person. I just hope she knows who she's shilling for."

Scott Brown Woos GOP Rep Who Calls Obamacare 'A Lifesaver'

Scott Brown Woos GOP Rep Who Calls Obamacare 'A Lifesaver'

"Brown found that out on Saturday, when he stopped by the home of Herb Richardson, a Republican state representative. Sitting in Richardson's home, Brown called Obamacare a "monstrosity" that members of Congress didn't even bother to read before they passed. At that point, according to the Coos County Democrat, Richardson chimed in to explain that the law had been a "financial lifesaver" for him and his wife."


Wisc. lawmaker blocks cancer treatment bill after insurance lobbyist brother opposes it
"On Wednesday, the Majority Leader called a phantom committee meeting to prevent votes from being taken on the bill, but he insisted that his lobbyist brother, who opposes the measure on behalf of insurance companies, had nothing to do with the move. If the legislation is not brought up for a vote by Tuesday, it will most likely be considered dead for this session."

Koch Brothers Group Abandons Anti-Obamacare Ads After Fact-Checkers Prove Them False
"The commercials by Americans For Prosperity backfire after being overwhelming panned for falsehoods."


MSNBC's New Young GOP Voice, Abby Huntsman, Takes Old False Generational Warfare Line on Social Security
"A stunning error-riddled tirade from presidential candidate Jon Huntsman's daughter."

PERRspectives: Republicans Burr, Deal Split on GOP's Emergency Room Plan

PERRspectives: Republicans Burr, Deal Split on GOP's Emergency Room Plan

"Rather than take President Obama's money to run the Peach State's hospitals, Nathan Deal would prefer to leave hundreds of thousands uninsured and put an end to the only health care plan Republicans have consistently supported. (Unsurprisingly, he wants to avoid accountability for his decision by shifting responsibility for the Medicaid rejection to the Georgia state legislature.) In Deal's ideal Georgia, you couldn't just go to the emergency room."


GOP Strategist Saves Bundle On ACA Policy, Still Hates It!

GOP Strategist Saves Bundle On ACA Policy, Still Hates It!

"Seriously, at this point it's just a stretch to understand how this guy can criticize something that is saving him at least $1,000 per month and likely more when he looks at what is and isn't covered."

GOP senator deflated by facts from doctor

Watch an expert teach a smug U.S. senator about Canadian healthcare,0,2995139.story#axzz2vqTnE6RP
"A U.S. politician's I-don't-need-no-stinkin'-facts approach to health policy ran smack into some of those troublesome facts Tuesday at a Senate hearing on single-payer healthcare, as it's practiced in Canada and several other countries."

Fox Promised To Follow Up On Obamacare Horror Story -- What About Now That It's A Success Story?
"Fox News promised to stay in touch with the cancer patient at the center of one of right-wing activists' favorite Obamacare horror stories. But now that new reports show it is actually an Obamacare success story, as the woman who worried the Affordable Care Act was "unaffordable" will now save approximately $1,000 a year under the new law, will Fox make good on its promise?"

Fox's Kelly Continues Doom and Gloom on Obamacare Even as Enrollments Surge

Fox's Kelly Continues Doom and Gloom on Obamacare Even as Enrollments Surge

"I'm not sure what positive news would ever make the talking heads over at Faux "news" finally quit beating up on the health care law that their side used to embrace -- or did before the Kenyan, Socialist, Communist, tyrant, mom-jeans-wearing, Marxist President Obama decided to sign what used to be considered Bob Dole, the Heritage Foundation and/or Mitt Romney's Republican health care plan into law."


Canadian doctor makes anti-Obamacare senator look like a buffoon

Canadian doctor makes anti-Obamacare senator look like a buffoon

"Speaking before a Senate subcommittee on Tuesday, Dr. Danielle Martin, vice president at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, masterfully showed how to smack down a disingenuous politician’s misleading and misinformed questions with courtesy, intelligence and, well, facts."

Push To Expand Social Security Is On The March

Push To Expand Social Security Is On The March

"The push to increase social security benefits was never mentioned by the beltway media because Conservatives didn't bring it up. See, progressives are not serious to them, but a group that shuts down the government and loses America twenty four billion dollars because of their insanity is truly the awesome."


"Now I Can Sleep at Night": Stories of Finding Health Insurance in the Affordable Care Act's Marketplaces
"The Affordable Care Act was designed, in part, to help prevent people like Doucet from skipping care or going bankrupt if they are unlucky enough to get sick or injured. Under the law, as of October 2013, each state has a health insurance marketplace, operated by the state or the federal government, through which people without affordable employer-sponsored or public coverage can buy a private health plan."


Uninsurance Rate Falls As Millions Sign Up For Obamacare, Survey Finds
"The U.S. uninsurance rate has hit another five-year low as Americans continue enrolling in health coverage during Obamacare’s first open enrollment period, according to a new Gallup survey. All told, the uninsurance rate in the first three months of 2014 stood at 15.9 percent, compared to 17.1 percent in the last quarter of 2013 — and the largest drops in uninsurance occurred among African Americans and lower-income people, who are among the most likely to benefit from the ACA’s financial assistance."

Candy Crowley Gets Caught Repeatedly Lying About Obamacare On CNN
"This is how Republicans play the game. They get mainstream media outlets to give their falsehoods legitimacy by reporting them as fact. Republicans then use this newfound legitimacy to claim that their false statements are the truth. The willingness to use Republican talking points as fact turns someone like Candy Crowley into a information equivalent of a money launderer. They take dirty lies, and make them clean."


Breaking: Uninsured Rate Drops To Near Six Year Low, Thanks To Obamacare

Breaking: Uninsured Rate Drops To Near Six Year Low, Thanks To Obamacare

"It’s official: So many people from every demographic group are signing up for Obamacarethat the uninsured rate in the United States is on track to drop to its lowest quarterly level since 2008."


Chris Christie Praises Obamacare Medicaid Expansion At Town Hall, South Carolina Responds

Chris Christie Praises Obamacare Medicaid Expansion At Town Hall, South Carolina Responds

"what's even more amazing is that Christie is not shy about flaunting his support for Medicaid expansion. Has he bullied the press so much that hey won't even question his actions in South Carolina while doing just the opposite in his own state?"


Elderly Women the Most Vulnerable, Social Security the Most Protective

Elderly Women the Most Vulnerable, Social Security the Most Protective

"Social Security (and other social insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid) has significantly helped reduce elderly poverty over the last several decades. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 15.3 million elderly people would have been in poverty in 2012 without Social Security."

Obamacare Is Giving Medicaid A Significant Boost — Even In The States That Didn’t Expand It
"A new analysis by Avalere Health finds that the Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment season is boosting Medicaid signups even in the states that have refused the health law’s optional Medicaid expansion."

House Republicans Dig a Deep Hole with Budget that Kills Medicare and Cuts Head Start
"If you recall, the non-partisan CBO was not impressed either, and pointed out that the Ryan voucher concept would result in rising costs for older Americans. People would have higher out of pocket expenses even as their medical bills escalated. The bottom line is that the Republican plan “saves” money by shifting the burden of pay onto seniors, and this means that they no longer have the guarantee of Medicare. By any logic, this fundamentally changes Medicare enough to call it killed, as the entire purpose was to provide a safety net."


7 Numbers that Show How Most Americans Were Robbed of a Comfortable Retirement
"The dream of a comfortable retirement is dying for many Americans. It's being extracted as a form of tribute to the very rich, a redistribution of our nation's wealth, a "tax" imposed on the middle and lower classes and paid for with their retirement savings."


Georgia’s Republican Gov. Wants To Save Money By Not Allowing Poor People To Receive Emergency Care!

Georgia’s Republican Gov. Wants To Save Money By Not Allowing Poor People To Receive Emergency Care!

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act of 1986 requires that a hospital treat anyone in an emergency, regardless of citizenship or ability to pay and it has saved many lives since it was enacted.  Governor Nathan Deal (R) of Georgia thinks that it is an onerous law which is costing way to much money and wants Congress to repeal it and just let those poor people die.

Deal, who has been vocal in his opposition to Obamacare, called for the repeal of the law at a University of Georgia political science alumni event."