HealthCare Notes


Obamacare Has Reversed A Negative Trend. Researchers Call It ‘Remarkable.’
"Commonwealth’s findings, which also documented a drop in the number of Americans going without insurance, track closely with other surveys that have reported declines in the uninsured rate under Obamacare. The number of Americans without health care was reduced by about 25 percent last year, which means that between eight million and eleven million people have gained coverage."


The 80-Year Conservative War On Social Security Is Back For More
"Conservatives finally made their play for privatizing Social Security during the second Bush administration.
George W. Bush told conservatives in the midst of the 2000 campaign that Republicans "have to find a way to allow people to invest a percentage of their payroll tax in the capital markets" -- a new incarnation of the individual accounts or privatization concept.
But the GOP was getting sharper with its rhetoric. The libertarian Cato Institute renamed its existing Project on Social Security Privatization to the Project on Social Security Choice in 2002. The overall effect of the Bush-era proposals was the same, turning a guaranteed benefit into something else entirely, but they had figured out what they thought were better ways to talk about it.
"BANISH PRIVATIZATION FROM YOUR LEXICON," read a memo that Republican pollster Frank Luntz gave Bush during the 2004 campaign. But while Bush made Social Security a top priority at the onset of his second term and undertook a national tour to discuss the issue, those who support the traditional program rallied against it."

Obamacare had strong enrollments through January 1
"Obamacare enrollment for plans beginning January 1 has ended, but the exchanges remain open until February 15 for people who don't have coverage through their employers. But the January 1 deadline ended strong, with the government reporting nearly 6.6 million enrollments."


Thanks To Obamacare, Uninsured Rates Hit Record Lows – Again
"Obamacare has accomplished (and will still accomplish) exactly what it was designed to do. I’m waiting for the Republican apology for all the wasted time on frivolous repeal attempts and mass lying to the American public."

Scott Walker Completely Destroys GOP Obamacare Challenge

Scott Walker Completely Destroys GOP Obamacare Challenge

"He's no fan of the Affordable Care Act; indeed, he's a Kochhead and therefore wants to kill it and all those newly insured people with it.

Nevertheless, he has managed to destroy the central argument going before the United States Supreme Court intended to gut Obamacare."


The Right Tries (and Fails) To Justify Its Assault On Social Security

The Right Tries (and Fails) To Justify Its Assault On Social Security

"Republicans moved to cut Social Security disability benefits by blocking a routine reallocation of funds. That’s bad enough, but their end game is even worse: broad Social Security cuts and the privatization of the entire program.

That would be bad for most Americans, but great for the people who finance the Republican Party – and think tanks like Heritage. There would be less pressure to increase taxes on billionaires. Wall Street would have more money under its control. And the far right’s antigovernment ideology would have claimed another scalp."


Republican Congress Launches With Back-Door Attack On Social Security Benefits
"Republicans are starting the new Congress by attacking Social Security funding through a subtle, obscure policy measure buried in the gigantic bill that establishes parliamentary rules for the new session."

GOP’s new attack on Social Security: Yet another result of government for the 1 percent

GOP’s new attack on Social Security: Yet another result of government for the 1 percent

"So if you’re scratching your head over why Republicans are so eager to attack a program as beloved by voters as Social Security, don’t. Just keep in mind that so long as American politics is dominated by the hyper-wealthy, the hopes and fears of regular voters only matter until the final ballot is cast."


'Hostage-Takers': Republicans Go After Social Security on Very First Day

'Hostage-Takers': Republicans Go After Social Security on Very First Day

"Advocacy groups like AARP and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare expressed outrage."

New GOP Congress Launches First Missile At Social Security

New GOP Congress Launches First Missile At Social Security

"Here we go, folks! First stop, gutting Social Security. You knew it was coming, and Republicans just set out the carving knives."

GOP's New House Rules Set Stage For Social Security Cuts | Alternet

GOP's New House Rules Set Stage For Social Security Cuts | Alternet

"Republican opponents of Social Security have not wasted even a single day in their plan to dismantle Social Security brick by brick. What should be a dry, mundane exercise -- the adoption of new rules by the newly convening House of Representatives -- has turned into a stealth attack on America's working families."


Speaker John Boehner Confirms Republicans Will Target Obamacare Once Again

Speaker John Boehner Confirms Republicans Will Target Obamacare Once Again

"You’d think that after more than 50 times trying to repeal or defund the Affordable Care Act, perhaps Republicans would focus on doing something else. You know, maybe something like coming up with their own version of the road and jobs bill that Sen. Bernie Sanders intends to introduce in the new session of Congress – but no, it looks like we are going to see more fruitless attempts to take down Obamacare in any way possible."


Right-Wing Media's Catastrophic ACA Predictions Still Haven't Materialized
"Conservative media issued catastrophic predictions and myths about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014, despite ample evidence that the health care law is working."