HealthCare Notes


Trump's New Budget: Deep Cuts in Medical Research

Donald Trump to Hungry Seniors: Drop Dead
"Some 10 million elders are threatened by hunger—but the president’s budget would slash desperately needed funding for food programs."

How the Trump Budget Threatens the American People
"President Donald Trump’s budget would do nothing to create jobs and would slash programs that help working families. Trump breaks his promise not to cut Social Security and Medicaid, threatening the livelihoods of millions of seniors, children, and people with disabilities. This budget poses a direct threat to Americans across the country, while rigging the system even more for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations."


Republican Politicians Making Huge Profits Off Trumpcare Vote

How the Trump Budget Undermines Economic Security for Working Families
"With an administration chock full of self-serving millionaires and billionaires, it comes as little surprise that President Donald Trump’s proposed budget would be an enormous windfall for the wealthiest Americans. But the degree to which it privileges the 1 percent at the expense of nearly everyone else—breaking Trump’s campaign promises to restore prosperity to everyday Americans—is staggering. Notably, by calling for cuts to Social Security, the budget violates one of Trump’s most significant promises."

How Paul Ryan turns an 800 percent increase in premium costs into good news for Trumpcare: He lies
"When they say "disproportionate" they're talking about an 800 percent increase over what a 64-year-old with an income of $26,500 pays under Obamacare. Her annual premium now would be $1,700. Under Trumpcare? $13,600. Yeah, that's not a lower premium, Mr. Ryan. While he'd like to erase older, poor Americans from the face of the earth, they still exist, and in fact are Republicans' most loyal voters. And they are getting royally screwed."

‘New’ health care bill spells disaster for sick, according to CBO report
"The CBO report on the House Republicans’ health care bill was released on Wednesday. If passed, the American Health Care Act would leave 23 million additional people uninsured and increase costs for the sickest and oldest Americans."

GOP lawmaker chokes back tears after finding out the impact of the health care bill he helped write
"Weeks after House Republicans advanced the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) finally issued its scoring of the bill and found exactly what most experts had already projected: higher costs and less coverage, particularly for those who need health care the most, like those with pre-existing conditions."

Trump promised to protect the sick and the poor. He lied.
"Trump lied in public about the most consequential policy decisions he is now making as president. He lied on the trail, and he is lying again now from the Oval Office."

CBO: Republican plan would take health coverage from 23 million
"This might have been useful information for House members to have before they voted three weeks ago. Indeed, it was difficult not to appreciate the irony this afternoon. Those most invested in the health care debate today did what Republican lawmakers refused to do: learn about the real-world effects of the GOP legislation. Remember, House Speaker Paul Ryan and his GOP allies could’ve waited for the Congressional Budget Office to issue a report on the legislation before they voted on it, but Republicans chose willful ignorance: they didn’t want to know what their bill would cost – and they didn’t want to know how many Americans would lose their health security – because the more facts policymakers had at their disposal, the more likely it would be their bill would fail. And now 217 House Republicans are on the hook, voting for legislation first, then learning they voted to take health security away from 23 million Americans."

This Is Paul Ryan's CBO Face
"the CBO estimates that premiums for the low-income elderly could rise … wait for it … 800 percent."

CBO: Republican Healthcare Plan A Death Sentence

Montana's Republican candidate tries to hide from $800,000 tax break he would get from the AHCA
"The mummified corpse of Trump and Ryan care was resurrected in order to create budget space for the enormous tax break Republicans want to give the wealthy. It is as simple as that. They don’t care if people get sick and they don’t care what works or doesn’t work. This is a fundamental problem since even the most bigoted Trump supporter really doesn’t want to lose their healthcare coverage."


Senator Warren on Donald Trump's Proposed Cuts to Social Security

President Trump's Budget Slashes Billions From Medicaid, Social Security

Economist Joseph Stiglitz: Trump's Budget Takes a Sledgehammer to What Remains of the American Dream

Elizabeth Warren Just Offered Terrifying Proof Republicans Have Given Up on Democracy @alternet

Elizabeth Warren Just Offered Terrifying Proof Republicans Have Given Up on Democracy @alternet:

"Senate Republicans have been dubiously dissecting the House health care bill since it passed 217 to 213 on May 4. But don't count on them seeking any aid from across the aisle.  According to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), "The Republicans have literally locked the Democrats out of the negotiations over the Senate health care bill. They have gone into closed rooms and they will not let the Democrats participate at all."  A week and a half later, "what the Republicans are planning to do with the House version of the bill remains a mystery [even] to those of us who serve on the committees to consider health care in America and those of us who are deeply concerned about the impact of health care changes on our home states," she told MassLive on Monday.  Warren, having called the first iteration of the house bill "fundamentally cruel," also touched on Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA)'s March assessment of its explosive costs—an estimated $1 billion loss in federal health care aid for Massachusetts by 2020."

Congressman Shows Townhall He Doesn't Know How Insurance Works

Paul Ryan’s next move is an attempt to privatize Medicare
"Giddy from his recent health care win, House Speaker Paul Ryan said he looks forward to tackling an overhaul of Medicare, which would leave many seniors without coverage or with higher premiums. On Friday, Speaker Ryan told the conservative radio host, Vicki McKenna, that he would like to see a plan for overhauling Medicare this year. He said the plan is part of an “ongoing conversation” with the Trump administration."

Ryan sticking with Trump so he can get his Medicare privatization
"But what about Trump's forceful promises throughout the campaign that he would not touch these programs? Ryan's got a powerful weapon on his side in Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, former Freedom Caucus maniac, who seems pretty confident. When it comes to wrecking Medicare, "let the [House] pass that and let's talk about it," he says. Of course, there's the little problem of getting it through the Senate, but that's not going to keep Ryan from trying. It rarely has before. He's bound and determined to throw granny off that damned cliff."


Cuts to Medicaid Would Harm Young Children with Disabilities
"Medicaid provides a lifeline for children with disabilities and their families"

American Health Care Act vs. Women

Republicans' TrumpCare Strategy: Just Keep Lying

Marijuana Could Help Elderly and Alzheimer's Patients @alternet

Marijuana Could Help Elderly and Alzheimer's Patients @alternet:

"New research suggests cannabis may actually be good for memory, especially on the elderly, reversing brain aging and restoring learning ability."

The three ironclad laws of universal health care
"The theory explaining the failure of free market health care isn’t rocket science. Let's start with the conservative free-market nirvana where buyer and seller, each armed with perfect information, come together in a voluntary transaction. But from the get-go, the patient-as-consumer faces a knowledge asymmetry almost impossible to overcome. Americans' general deference to physicians isn't just a cultural trait, it simply reflects the expertise and training regarding diagnoses, possible treatments, and likely outcomes doctors possess and their patients do not. For some cases and for some conditions, the layman can narrow that yawning information gap. But WebMD or no, it can't be eliminated. "Health" is not a commodity. Those who believe that choosing a health care product or service is no different than buying a car, television, or cell phone might feel differently after, say, developing colon cancer. But even if the diagnoses, treatments, and cures for heart disease, diabetes, or depression could be purchased in a free market, in the United States the buyer simply doesn't—or can't—know what price he or she will pay. As Stephen Brill documented in March 2013 ("Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us"), hospital prices for drugs, supplies, and procedures are completely opaque. The answer from the so-called "charge master" about what anything costs depends on whether the patient is insured or uninsured (the latter often forced to pay multiple times more than the former) and who the insurer is. As it turns out, that mystery pricing is one of the hallmarks of the American model that spends more than $3 trillion a year (over 17 percent of GDP) on health care, more than Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain, and Australia combined."

REVEALED: Montana Republican cheers Trumpcare vote in private after vowing to keep some Obamacare features

REVEALED: Montana Republican cheers Trumpcare vote in private after vowing to keep some Obamacare features

"Secretly recorded audio of Republican congressional nominee Greg Gianforte speaking to Washington, D.C., lobbyists revealed a far different message on repeal of the Affordable Care Act than what the candidate had been saying to Montana voters. The New York Times received leaked audio recording of a conference call where Gianforte spoke about health care repeal while asking lobbyists to rush his campaign $5,000 contributions."


Reince Priebus Lies About Trump Keeping His Campaign Promises With AHCA Bill | Crooks and Liars

Reince Priebus Lies About Trump Keeping His Campaign Promises With AHCA Bill | Crooks and Liars

"Priebus, like most of the Trump surrogates who appeared on the Sunday shows, was given a pass while he lied to the cameras about what this godawful bill they passed actually does. Count on the public remaining woefully uninformed about the damage that's coming if anything remotely close to what the House just pushed through passes the Senate if this is how the media is going to continue to cover the issue."

Trumpcare advocates lie their way through the Sunday political shows
"Days after the House passed a newly-amended American Health Care Act, its biggest proponents took to the Sunday morning political shows to defend it — by blatantly lying about what the bill does."

Republicans Don't Know How the Human Body Works
"Ignorance about the most basic aspects of health care might be why they keep pushing such crappy legislation"

50 Preexisting Conditions That Can Make You Lose Your Insurance If Trump and GOP Have Their Way @alternet

50 Preexisting Conditions That Can Make You Lose Your Insurance If Trump and GOP Have Their Way @alternet:

"The people most likely to suffer under the new Republican plan are older people and people in rural America, who overwhelmingly went for Trump. In fact, the 11 states with the highest number of adults with preexisting conditions all voted to live in Trump’s America."

The Republican Party is sociopathic: If you didn’t know that already, the health care bill should make it clear
"This is quite literally the politics of life and death. Republicans in Congress have chosen to place their fingers on the scale in favor of the latter."

Gerrymandering did this: How the GOP’s redistricting master plan brought us Trumpcare — even though most people hate it
"Here’s why. Gerrymandering helped lock in GOP control of Congress. In 2012, Americans re-elected Barack Obama, strengthened the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate, and delivered 1.4 million more votes to Democratic House candidates than Republicans. The GOP, however, maintained control of the House, 234-201. It was an exceptionally rare example of the party with the most votes not getting the most seats — but it was no fluke. Far from it. It was part of a plan called the Redistricting Majority Project, or REDMAP for short, which is exactly what it created. Republicans set out in 2010 to take control of key legislative chambers in states like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, all with an eye toward locking Democrats out of the room and taking complete control of drawing all-important district lines. Locking Democrats out of the room is literally what Republicans did in Ohio — where GOP officials moved redistricting headquarters out of the state capitol and into a suite at the Doubletree dubbed the Bunker — and in Wisconsin, where operatives set up at a Madison law firm and claimed that attorney-client privilege allowed them to shroud the process in secrecy. Here’s how well it worked: There are 435 House districts. In 2011, Republicans were able to draw 193 of them by themselves. Democrats? Just 44. That’s nearly a five-to-one advantage. Princeton professor Sam Wang has shown that Republicans likely gained at least 12 seats due to gerrymandering in 2012. Look how the election played out in just a handful of blue states and swing states on these new maps: In Pennsylvania, voters cast 100,000 more votes for Democratic House candidates than Republicans. But by surgically crafting district lines to pack Democrats into as few seats as possible, Republicans won 13 of 18 races. In Michigan, Democrats seeking the House won 240,000 more votes than GOP competitors. Republicans, however, won nine of 14 seats."

Republicans Lie About Health Care

WATCH: Idaho town hall erupts after GOP lawmaker says ‘no one dies’ from lack of health care

WATCH: Idaho town hall erupts after GOP lawmaker says ‘no one dies’ from lack of health care

"Voters attending a packed town hall in Idaho booed and shouted down their Republican congressman after he attempted to defend the House passing a replacement for Obamacare by telling the crowd “no one’ in the US dies from lack of health care."

GOP Congressman Lied To Constituent With Brain Tumor | Crooks and Liars

GOP Congressman Lied To Constituent With Brain Tumor | Crooks and Liars

"How much gall does it take to lie to a woman with a brain tumor about protecting her health insurance? However much gall it takes? Congressman John Faso has it."

Democrats Look To Supplant Republicans Avoiding Home Town Halls

History Will Remember These 217 House Republicans for Their Inhumanity
"North Carolina Congressman Ted Budd cast an indefensible vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with legislation that is so awful that Budd’s fellow Republicans were caught scheming to exempt themselves and their staffs from the measure’s draconian provisions. But Budd got one thing right. “I’ll take around 2,000 votes this Congress. Most of them will be forgotten,” the Republican congressman said as the vote approached. “This is not one of those votes.” Good. The vote by 217 House Republicans to gut the Affordable Care Act (while 20 of their colleagues and 193 Democrats opposed the move) must be remembered as the shameful abandonment of health and humanity that it is. This should become the permanent stain on every member of the House who supported it—the issue that does not to go away. House Speaker Paul Ryan and his caucus abandoned any pretense of deliberative or responsible legislating in order to deliver an empty “win” the flailing administration of President Donald Trump."

Republican bill generates unity—patients hate it, docs hate it, hospitals hate it, insurers hate it
"The rich get a cut in their income taxes, then they get a cut on capital gains taxes, they get expanded tax credits for “certain tax-advantaged accounts,” then they get some special healthcare perks that would reward the rich for being … rich. What kind of healthcare bill takes away services from millions of people, hurts patients, doctors, hospitals, and even insurers to reward the wealthy? No kind. Because the Trumpcare bill isn’t a healthcare bill."

Congressman: 'Nobody Dies’ From Lack Of Healthcare

Republicans' Vicious and Immoral Health Care Bill Is Just Part of a Sinister Long Game @alternet

Republicans' Vicious and Immoral Health Care Bill Is Just Part of a Sinister Long Game @alternet:

"That strategy is not only one the GOP has successfully used many times in the more recent past, from Nixon’s “secret plan to end the Vietnam war” to Reagan’s “reforms” of tax law, but one that they’re clearly betting will continue to work for them (particularly with the help of Fox and right-wing hate radio). Step one is to use the classic Goebbels “Big Lie” technique. That was on full display in the White House PR stunt after the House vote – lie about lowering premiums, lie about expanding availability, lie about preexisting conditions, lie about how Obamacare is “failing.” (Think Bush with Iraq, or the “Clear Skies Initiative,” etc.) And, to make sure it sticks, Trump had Republican after Republican step up to the microphone and explicitly and clearly repeat the Big Lies.  Step two then becomes clear. The bill goes to the Senate and no matter what happens there, complain that it’s being “watered down.”  This sets up the perfect next part of the Goebbels/Machiavelli strategy – claim victimhood, and place blame on those awful (and often racially different from all those white people at the White House ceremony) Democrats.  Because the Senate prevents some of the true horrors of the House GOP’s plan from going into law, GOP voters don’t realize (and Fox will never tell them) that it was really all just a hustle to satisfy the GOP billionaire donor class.  And, because of the Big Lie, every good thing that’s still in Obamacare is thought, by Republican voters, to be the result of GOP efforts, as they now “own” health care. At the same time, they’ll claim that Democratic obstruction is why whatever “bad” things happen happened. (And Drudge, et al, will be sure to find some horror stories in the fall of 2018.) Step three happens in 2018 – go after every Democrat running for the House or Senate for “obstructing Republican improvements and progress” on healthcare."

Did the Marquis de Sade Write This Health Care Bill?
"Republican leaders in the House and White House wanted to implement a massive tax cut for the wealthiest Americans (the health care bill passed Thursday) as a prelude to adopting a second massive tax cut for the wealthiest Americans and big corporations (the tax bill that’s next on their agenda). They needed the first tax cut so they could pass both bills through a process called “reconciliation” which allows them to enact both massive gifts to the 1 percent by a simple majority in the Senate without the 60-vote threshold in the Senate for other legislation. The first tax cut for the very rich is called the American Health Care Act, the not so hidden fine print in a bill that is also a horror story for tens of millions of Americans who would be deprived of health coverage and millions more who are threatened with bankruptcy for being sick. And, no doubt many of the 217 Republican Congress members who narrowly passed the bill are among those expected to benefit from the nearly $600 billion tax cut in the AHCA, most of which goes to those with incomes of over $1 million a year. What does the rest of America get? A nightmare, which ought to violate the Constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment."

GOP Rep: ‘Nobody Díes Because They Don’t Have Access To Health Care’

Steve Scalise: 10 million people losing health coverage? 'That's called freedom.'
"Noted white supremacist and Majority Whip in the House of Representatives Steve Scalise went on MSNBC's Morning Joe Friday morning to carry on his leadership's tradition of lying about absolutely everything included in the Trumpcare bill that passed the House Thursday. Starting with people who have pre-existing conditions."

Paul Ryan Was Right: This Was A Defining Moment For The Republican Party
"House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) reportedly delivered a message to his colleagues earlier this week, seeking their support for the American Health Care Act: “This is who we are. This will define us.” It was one of the more accurate things he’s said in a long time. The AHCA would expose many millions of Americans, including some of society’s most vulnerable members, to the possibility of crippling medical expenses ― forcing them to choose between financial hardship, medical hardship or both. At the same time, it would lower taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans, to the tune of $594 billion over 10 years. Insurance for millions, or tax cuts for millionaires ― that was one of the choices House Republicans faced on Thursday when they voted on the bill. And, with just a small handful of exceptions, they chose the latter."

GOP Uses Health Care As Means To Tax Cuts

Republican health care pitch built on a foundation of falsehoods
"Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are playing a needlessly cruel life-or-death game in order to scratch an ideological itch. It is not an exaggeration to say some Americans’ lives would be at risk if the president were to sign the GOP’s American Health Care Act into law."

Were You Invited to the Party in Washington Today?
"They had a party in Washington on Thursday to celebrate the fact 24 million people would be made free by losing the healthcare that has made their lives easier since 2009. This was a thing to celebrate. They had a party in Washington to celebrate that people with diabetes, or a genetic disposition to Parkinson's, or a congenital heart defect, would be made free because their insurance rates would be subject to the kind ministrations of Republican governors like Sam Brownback, or Republican state legislatures like the one presently sitting in the newly insane state of North Carolina. This was a thing to celebrate. They had a party in Washington to celebrate that an $8 billion risk-pool fig leaf was enough to drain the guts out of Republican "moderates" in the House and get them on board. This was a thing to celebrate. They had a party in Washington to celebrate that freedom was served because Medicaid took a serious shot below the waterline. This was a thing to celebrate. They had a party in Washington to celebrate that one state—Mississippi? Kansas?—could bring freedom by restoring lifetime limits on employer-based healthcare coverage for 129 million Americans. This was a thing to celebrate. They had a party in Washington to celebrate the fact that taking healthcare from poor people was enough to give the top two percent of Americans a trillion-dollar tax cut. This was a thing to celebrate. They had a party in Washington to celebrate the fact that sexual assault can now be considered a preexisting condition. This was a thing to celebrate. Goddamn them all. Goddamn the political movement that spawned them and goddamn the political party in which that movement found a home, and goddamn the infrastructure in which their pus-bag of an ideology was allowed to fester until it splattered the plague all over the government."

Paul Ryan Won’t Stop Lying About How Awful His Healthcare Bill Really Is

5 Ways the New GOP Health Care Bill Is Even Worse Than Before
"Paul Ryan emerged Thursday with a plan to make insurance coverage even more expensive and less beneficial for millions of Americans."

AHCA is a betrayal of all the GOP’s promises on health care
"The American Health Care Act, passed today by the US House of Representatives, is a law that fundamentally does the reverse of what its proponents are promising."

Americans Face Impact Of New GOP Health Care

Trumpcare would likely kill 25,000-36,000 Americans per year
"217 of them are now on record for being willing to kill about 30,000 Americans per year in order to give rich people a $600 Billion tax cut.

Rachel Maddow Details the Carnage Trumpcare Will Inflict on Tens of Millions of Americans @alternet

Rachel Maddow Details the Carnage Trumpcare Will Inflict on Tens of Millions of Americans @alternet:

"The AHCA is likely the largest wealth transfer from the poor and middle-class to the rich in the history of the United States. It is clear why Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and all the heartless politicians who forced this bill were at the White House overjoyed. It takes a certain type of evil to rejoice after passing a bill that will hurt millions and kill thousands."

Boing Boing Co-Editor Xeni Jardin: 'This Isn't The America I Love'

Seth Meyers Trashes Trump's 'Disastrous' Health Care Bill: 'Exactly What Bernie Sanders Warned Us About' @alternet

Seth Meyers Trashes Trump's 'Disastrous' Health Care Bill: 'Exactly What Bernie Sanders Warned Us About' @alternet:

"As for the American Health Care Act now in the Senate, "Trump and the GOP will not be able to escape [its] negative consequences," remarked Meyers, who went on to explain why the bill's ramifications are "disastrous." "Remember, when Republicans first tried to pass this bill a few weeks ago, the Congressional Budget Office found that it would kick as many as 24 million Americans off of health insurance, raise premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%, cut federal Medicaid spending by $880 billion, and give the wealthiest people a giant tax cut of nearly $1 trillion over a decade?" the "Late Night" host said. "It's exactly what Bernie Sanders warned us about"."

Bernie Sanders Tees Off: Trumpcare Is Not A Health Care Bill, It’s A Death Sentence
"Not only is this legislation bad for the very people that Trump spent the entire campaign promising to help, as Sanders said, but each time Republicans refer to it as “health care legislation,” they should immediately be called out. Kicking more than 20 million Americans off of health insurance is not a health care plan. Putting cancer patients in financial turmoil in order to stay alive is not a health care plan. Eliminating critical health benefits and denying important services to millions of women is not a health care plan. The Republicans may be chugging beers and exchanging high-fives after the passage of the legislation, but there is nothing in the measure that improves the health of the country or provides better care to more Americans. It’s time to stop labeling this a health care policy and instead call it what it is: a death sentence for millions of people."

Protests Erupt After House Republicans Pass Healthcare Bill That Could Hike Premiums for Millions

The Health Insurance Republicans Say Is Too Good For Ordinary Folks | Crooks and Liars

The Health Insurance Republicans Say Is Too Good For Ordinary Folks | Crooks and Liars

"Ryan and his gang have 72-75% of their premiums paid by their employer-YOU! If Ryan's healthcare plan is $1,500 a month for him and his family, we pay $1,080 - $1,125 for his healthcare. Ryan only pays $375-$420 per month for some of the best healthcare insurance in the world. Congress' healthcare plans can only increase premiums based on age. Premiums do not increase for preexisting conditions, gender, geography or even for smokers. Your governor may choose to waive the rules under the AHCA and allow insurance companies to charge you more based on the fact that you have survived breast cancer or because your child has autism, but your representatives in Congress and their staffs may not be affected by that decision."

Trump Humiliates Himself, Praises Universal Health Care – Bernie Sanders Quickly Chimes In (Video)
"Sadly, the Republican celebration after the pointless passing of Trumpcare 3.0 wasn’t even the most ridiculous thing that happened on Thursday — not even close. During his “victory lap,” of sorts, Trump appeared at an event with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbell where he praised Australia’s health care system as better than our own. “I shouldn’t say this to the great gentleman, my friend from Australia, because they have better health care than we do,” Trump said. “We are going to have great health care, very soon.” Fun Fact: Australia has publicly-funded universal health care. It didn’t take long before Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) learned of Trump’s remarks, quickly mocking the ironic stupidity of what he said on a day where he had been celebrating a for-profit health care bill that would strip away insurance from millions."

The Shame and Cruelty of the GOP | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Here’s why Republicans have no problem crushing the poor and sick to help the ultra-rich

Here’s why Republicans have no problem crushing the poor and sick to help the ultra-rich

"The health care bill passed by the House Republicans on Thursday would rip away insurance from an estimated 24 million Americans — while also delivering a massive tax cut for America’s wealthiest families."

New Jersey Republican rescues his party health care crusade
"Then Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) came along. The New Jersey Republican, still eager to repeal “Obamacare,” started talking to Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who leads the far-right House Freedom Caucus, about an agreement that could generate enough GOP votes to pass. The solution was MacArthur agreeing to gut protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions."

Trumpcare Bill Will Give Wealthy Lawmakers A Huge Tax Break

Reminder: Zombie Trumpcare is not about health care, it's about tax cuts for the rich
"All the hoopla—and the out-and-out lies from Ryan about how this really protects people with pre-existing conditions? Cover for every Republican who just wants to enact those massive tax cuts for the rich and for corporations. That's the big rush, and at its core, it's all any of this has ever been about. Because it's fundamentally all that being a Republican is about—cutting taxes for the rich.

House Republicans Hit The Booze After Destroying Healthcare For Millions


The Health Care Sector Really Hates This GOP Bill
"Republicans haven’t been listening to people who treat and represent patients. That’s a big reason why physicians, hospitals, nurses and organizations advocating for people with serious illnesses are all but uniformly opposed to the American Health Care Act. Andrew Gurman, president of the American Medical Association America should not go backward to the time when our fellow citizens with pre-existing health conditions faced high costs for limited coverage, if they were able to obtain coverage at all. The AMA urges congressional leaders and the Administration to pursue a bipartisan dialogue on alternative policies that provide patients with access and coverage to high quality care and preserve the safety net for vulnerable populations. American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, JDRF, March of Dimes, National Organization for Rare Disorders, National MS Society, WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease: In March, our patient advocacy organizations collectively urged Congress to ensure that any changes made to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) provide affordable, accessible and adequate coverage and do not result in a loss of coverage for any Americans. The AHCA would do the opposite, causing at least 24 million Americans to lose health insurance, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. As introduced, the bill would profoundly reduce coverage for millions of Americans — including many low-income and disabled individuals who rely on Medicaid — and increase out-of-pocket costs for the sickest and oldest among us. We are alarmed by recent harmful changes to the AHCA, including provisions that will weaken key consumer protections."

Republicans plan massive beer bash as they take healthcare away from women, the disabled and the poor

Republicans plan massive beer bash as they take healthcare away from women, the disabled and the poor

"Republicans on Thursday passed legislation that would rip away health care from an estimated 24 million Americans — and they plan to celebrate it with a massive keg party."

How do you protect people with pre-existing conditions? With Medicaid, which Trumpcare guts
"Once again, this is not about taking care of people. It's not about health policy. It's not about the children. It's about tax cuts for the very rich—tax cuts explicitly made possible by gutting Medicaid and taking care away from the most vulnerable children."

American Medical Association: New ACA Repeal Bill Would Still Do ‘Serious Harm’
"The United States’ largest advocacy group for doctors on Wednesday said the latest iteration of Republicans’ bill to repeal and replace Obamacare would eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions and result in millions of people losing their coverage."

Senator Elizabeth Warren on the Republican Effort to Undo State-Run Retirement Plans

'God Have Mercy on Your Souls': GOP Passes Cruel, Destructive Trumpcare Bill
"After weeks of arm-twisting reluctant members and backroom negotiations, House Republicans voted Thursday to pass the much-maligned, "astonishingly evil" American Healthcare Act (AHCA), known as Trumpcare."

GOP health care push reflects a breakdown in American governance
"Stakeholders from throughout the health care system – doctors, nurses, hospitals, patient advocates, et al – have condemned the Republicans’ health care plan is no uncertain terms. To date, GOP policymakers have decided those voices simply do not matter and deserve to be ignored."

6 things in Trumpcare that Trump promised he would never do
"Yet for a bill that supposedly fulfills Trump’s campaign pledges on health care, it still breaks almost every one of his promises to voters — from how many people it will cover, to how much it will cost, to how it will treat vulnerable populations like women and the elderly."

Jimmy Kimmel offers powerful rebuke of GOP healthcare plan after newborn son’s emergency surgery

Jimmy Kimmel offers powerful rebuke of GOP healthcare plan after newborn son’s emergency surgery

"Kimmel said that the Affordable Care Act, instituted by former president Barack Obama, has allowed children like Billy, who were born with what is deemed a pre-existing condition, to receive treatment, when they may have been denied insurance prior to 2014."