HealthCare Notes


Iowans Show Up At Rep. King’s District Office To Protest Vote To End Medicare

Iowans Show Up At Rep. King’s District Office To Protest Vote To End Medicare: pAfter a planned Rep. Steve King (R-IA) town hall was canceled this morning, a dozen protesters showed up at his Sioux City district office to voice their message anyway. ThinkProgress spoke with one of the Iowans, Ken Mertes, who said he was there to speak out against King’s vote to end Medicare. “The Ryan budget [...]/p


Perry Says Social Security Is No Longer A ‘Retirement Program’ But Simply A ‘Tax’

Perry Says Social Security Is No Longer A ‘Retirement Program’ But Simply A ‘Tax’: pThinkProgress filed this report from Ottumwa, Iowa. During a campaign stop in Ottumwa, Iowa this past weekend, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) continued his assault on Social Security, saying it was no longer a “retirement program” but has just “turned into a tax.” Perry is certainly no fan of Social Security. In his November 2010 [...]/p
Perry is a liar and he wants nothing more than the complete destruction of Social Security.

Don't Kill The Dream

Republicans trying to rewrite history on Medicare vote

Republicans trying to rewrite history on Medicare vote
Once again, republicans lie about what they have voted for and plan to do to Medicare.

Perry Says Social Security Is No Longer A ‘Retirement Program’ But Simply A ‘Tax’

Perry Says Social Security Is No Longer A ‘Retirement Program’ But Simply A ‘Tax’: pThinkProgress filed this report from Ottumwa, Iowa. During a campaign stop in Ottumwa, Iowa this past weekend, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) continued his assault on Social Security, saying it was no longer a “retirement program” but has just “turned into a tax.” Perry is certainly no fan of Social Security. In his November 2010 [...]/p


BREAKING: Perry Says He Hasn’t ‘Backed Off Anything’ In His Book, Still Thinks Social Security Is Unconstitutional

BREAKING: Perry Says He Hasn’t ‘Backed Off Anything’ In His Book, Still Thinks Social Security Is Unconstitutional: pThinkProgress filed this report from Des Moines, IA. During a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa today, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) reaffirmed all the views expressed in his book Fed Up!, including that Social Security is unconstitutional, despite previous attempts by his campaign staff to walk back the candidate’s words. In Perry’s book, released [...]/p


Marco Rubio: Medicare, Social Security ‘Weakened Us As People,’ Made Us Lazy

Marco Rubio: Medicare, Social Security ‘Weakened Us As People,’ Made Us Lazy: pPotential vice president running mate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) dismissed the importance of programs like Medicare and Social Security during a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library this afternoon, arguing that the initiatives “weakened us as people”: These programs actually weakened us as a people. You see, almost forever, it was institutions in society that [...]/p
Classic Libertarian garbage. Remember that the Tea Party views the elderly as parasites and no longer producers. That's what happens when you read too much Ayn Rand.


Why Rick Perry’s War On The 16th Amendment Is The Third Prong Of His War On Seniors

Why Rick Perry’s War On The 16th Amendment Is The Third Prong Of His War On Seniors: pTexas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is taking a lot of well-deserved criticism for his absurd claims that Medicare and Social Security violate the Constitution. But these are hardly the only part of Perry’s constitutional agenda, which seem designed to inflict unnecessary cruelty on America’s seniors. Perry also wants to repeal the federal government’s 16th Amendment [...]/p


Tom Coburn: America Was Better Off Before Medicare

Tom Coburn: America Was Better Off Before Medicare: pTom Coburn is really on a roll this summer. He has suggested that taking care of the elderly is unconstitutional, speculated that President Obama is created a culture of dependency because of his race and now Kevin Drum notices that ‘s even said that American health care system was better off before Medicare was enacted [...]/p


While Pushing Corporate Tax Cuts, Bachmann Rejects Extending Jobless Benefits: ‘We Don’t Have The Money’

While Pushing Corporate Tax Cuts, Bachmann Rejects Extending Jobless Benefits: ‘We Don’t Have The Money’: "pRight now, 14 million unemployed Americans are struggling to make ends meet. 44.4 percent of these Americans have been struggling without a job for six months or more. While Republican lawmakers continually put off their “jobs” agenda, many of these Americans receive much needed financial support from the federal unemployment benefits program. These benefits, unfortunately, [...]/p"


VIDEO: Romney Angrily Confronted Over His Desire To Cut Entitlements While Protecting The Rich

VIDEO: Romney Angrily Confronted Over His Desire To Cut Entitlements While Protecting The Rich: "pGOP 2012 presidential contender Mitt Romney today spoke at the Iowa state fair, before a key Republican debate tonight and an upcoming Iowa straw poll. At the end of his speech, a Q&A session quickly devolved into a shouting match. The first questioner asked Romney if he would raise the cap on payroll taxes, so [...]/p"


While Cutting Health Care For The Poor, Gov. Scott Pays Less Than $400 A Year For Taxpayer-Subsized Health Insurance Plan

While Cutting Health Care For The Poor, Gov. Scott Pays Less Than $400 A Year For Taxpayer-Subsized Health Insurance Plan: "pAfter relentlessly campaigning to abolish health care reform, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has taken every opportunity to slash health care coverage for the poor, elderly, and disabled. Since taking office in January, Scott has enacted a landmark Medicaid privatization scheme, rejected millions in federal health aid for seniors, children, and the disabled, and even [...]/p"

CNN poll: Majority want taxes on the rich, no major changes to social insurance programs

CNN poll: Majority want taxes on the rich, no major changes to social insurance programs

Boehner Claims S&P Downgrade Happened Because Democrats Blocked The GOP’s Attempt To Eliminate Medicare

Boehner Claims S&P Downgrade Happened Because Democrats Blocked The GOP’s Attempt To Eliminate Medicare: "pEver since the credit rating agency S&P downgraded U.S. credit to AA+ on Friday night, Republicans have desperately trying to pin the blame on President Obama, even though, as National Journal put it, “it’s hard to read the S&P analysis as anything other than a blast at Republicans.” S&P called out the GOP for using [...]/p"
He is a liar! This is the republicans true goal, to end Medicare and throw seniors to the insurance wolves.


Report: Health Insurer Profits Surged 13.5 Percent In Second Quarter

Report: Health Insurer Profits Surged 13.5 Percent In Second Quarter: "pHealth Care For America Now (HCAN) is out with a new release pointing out that health insurer profits are increasing as Americans are spending less on health care. “Combined profits for UnitedHealth Group Inc., WellPoint Inc., Aetna Inc., Cigna Corp. and Humana Inc., which cover one-third of the U.S. population, surged 13.5% to $3.4 billion [...]/p"

Bachmann: Raising Medicare Eligibility Age Should Be ‘In The Mix’

Bachmann: Raising Medicare Eligibility Age Should Be ‘In The Mix’: "pFox News’ Bill O’Reilly pressured GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on how she would lower health care spending during an interview last night and ultimately forced her to admit that she would likely support raising the Medicare eligibility age. President Obama had agreed to a gradual age increase as part of a larger debt ceiling [...]/p"


CBO: Social Security Trust Fund Solvent Through 2039

CBO: Social Security Trust Fund Solvent Through 2039: "pA new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reveals that the Social Security trust fund is actually in better shape than previously thought. The CBO had previously projected that the popular entitlement program was solvent until 2037. CBO now projects the trust fund won’t run out until 2039. In the ongoing battle over deficit [...]/p"

The Tea Party Is Coming For Your Medicare (Again)

The Tea Party Is Coming For Your Medicare (Again): "pIf It’s August, The Tea Party Wants To Take Away Your Health Care In August of 2009, the Tea Party tried to run the health care bill off the rails. Flash forward two years and the Tea Party is at it again, but this time they are dead set on pushing through the GOP’s spectacularly unpopular plan to [...]/p"


August Town Halls 2.0: Tea Party, Republicans Plan Renewed Push For Ryan’s Medicare Privatization Plan

August Town Halls 2.0: Tea Party, Republicans Plan Renewed Push For Ryan’s Medicare Privatization Plan: "pIn yet another sign that the debt ceiling negotiations have re-ignited conservatives’ fervor to privatize the Medicare program, Reuters is reporting that Tea Party activists are planning to descend on the town halls held by members of Congress while on recess this month to demand that the new super committee and future legislative proposals to [...]/p"
The Tea Party plans to yell and threaten at town hall meetings this month. They will be pushing Paul Ryan's Randian plan to destroy Medicare, privatize it and throw seniors to the insurance wolves.