Romney-Ryan: The Medicare Killers | Common Dreams
"But Mr. Ryan’s big lie — and, yes, it deserves that designation — was his claim that “a Romney-Ryan administration will protect and strengthen Medicare.” Actually, it would kill the program."
6 Worst Lies In Paul Ryan’s Speech
6 Worst Lies In Paul Ryan’s Speech: His speech was riddled with false claims, so much so that even Fox News wrote, “To anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech.”
Reintroducing the real Paul Ryan
Reintroducing the real Paul Ryan
"On Medicare: We already know that his plan would effectively end Medicare, turning it into a privatized voucher system. The vouchers given to seniors to purchase health insurance would decrease in value relative to the cost increase of health care, sicker and older people would stay in traditional Medicare, costing it more and more, and retirees would be forced to spend much more out of pocket to get less care. And yes, the cuts proposed by Ryan and Mitt Romney will hit current seniors, not just the under 55 crowd."
"On Medicare: We already know that his plan would effectively end Medicare, turning it into a privatized voucher system. The vouchers given to seniors to purchase health insurance would decrease in value relative to the cost increase of health care, sicker and older people would stay in traditional Medicare, costing it more and more, and retirees would be forced to spend much more out of pocket to get less care. And yes, the cuts proposed by Ryan and Mitt Romney will hit current seniors, not just the under 55 crowd."
Iowa Hospital Officials Voted Unanimously To Expand Medicaid
Iowa Hospital Officials Voted Unanimously To Expand Medicaid: Although Republican governors across the country have pledged to reject the expansion of the Medicaid program under Obamacare — turning down nearly $300 billion in federal funds and leaving 17 million low-income Americans without coverage — they are standing in direct opposition to medical professionals. Hospital officials across the country have advocated for expanding the [...]/p
Deficit Hawk Hypocrites | Common Dreams
Deficit Hawk Hypocrites | Common Dreams
"Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Republican Party are now mounting a massive attack against Social Security and other programs. Using "deficit reduction" as their rationale, they are attempting to dismantle every major piece of legislation passed since the 1930s that provides support and security to working families. They are being aided by at least 23 billionaire families, led by the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson, who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in this campaign as a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision. Despite paying the lowest effective tax rate in decades, the billionaires want more tax breaks for the very rich. Despite the fact that the elimination of strong regulations caused the Wall Street meltdown and a terrible recession, the billionaires want more deregulation. Despite outsourcing of millions of good-paying American jobs to China and other low-wage countries, the billionaires want more unfettered free trade."
"Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Republican Party are now mounting a massive attack against Social Security and other programs. Using "deficit reduction" as their rationale, they are attempting to dismantle every major piece of legislation passed since the 1930s that provides support and security to working families. They are being aided by at least 23 billionaire families, led by the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson, who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in this campaign as a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision. Despite paying the lowest effective tax rate in decades, the billionaires want more tax breaks for the very rich. Despite the fact that the elimination of strong regulations caused the Wall Street meltdown and a terrible recession, the billionaires want more deregulation. Despite outsourcing of millions of good-paying American jobs to China and other low-wage countries, the billionaires want more unfettered free trade."
"Path to Prosperity?" Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Looks Like a Path to the Poorhouse
"Path to Prosperity?" Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Looks Like a Path to the Poorhouse
"So one has to wonder how Messrs Ryan and Romney think making our senior citizens pay a lot more for care under a privatized Medicare program could even remotely be a Path to Prosperity for most of us. Could it be that they're not thinking -- or even caring -- about most of us but about people who, like them, have such big 401(k) accounts they'll be able to do just fine in their golden years regardless of how Medicare is structured?"
"So one has to wonder how Messrs Ryan and Romney think making our senior citizens pay a lot more for care under a privatized Medicare program could even remotely be a Path to Prosperity for most of us. Could it be that they're not thinking -- or even caring -- about most of us but about people who, like them, have such big 401(k) accounts they'll be able to do just fine in their golden years regardless of how Medicare is structured?"
Mitt Romney's Main Campaign Lies
the GOP/Romney-Ryan's deliberate & endless LIES about Medicare & Welfare reform.
Is the Republican Medicare spin working?
A new ad from the Romney campaign repeats the lie about President Obama's plan for Medicare.
GOPer Says Medicare And Social Security Are Unconstitutional Then Whines When He’s Attacked For It
GOPer Says Medicare And Social Security Are Unconstitutional Then Whines When He’s Attacked For It: Indiana GOP U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock thinks that Medicare and Social Security are unconstitutional. We know this because there is video of Mourdock expressing his incredulity at the idea that the Constitution permits the safety net for seniors to exist — in Mourdock’s words, “I challenge you in Article I, Section 8 of the [...]/p
Voters Reject Romney’s Medicare Privatization Plan
Morning Briefing: Voters Reject Romney’s Medicare Privatization Plan: In the latest New York Times/CBS News/Quinnipiac University poll, voters in the three key swing states of Ohio, Florida and Wisconsin trust President Obama by a wide margin over Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to handle Medicare, an issue that ranks behind only the economy and health care in importance to voters. – At [...]/p
Republicans try new twist on old Medicare lie
Rep. Paul Ryan told voters today he didn't want to bore them with the details of his and Romney's plan for Medicare. But we promise not to be bored if he tells us the truth about the plan and what it will really cost seniors. Ed Schultz explains the facts and talks to MSNBC Political Analyst and columnist for Bloomberg View about whether the Republicans will fool voters in the debate over healthcare.
CBO: Medicare Spending Growth Remains Slow
CBO: Medicare Spending Growth Remains Slow: In an update to a January report, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that Medicare spending is growing more slowly than expected for the third year in a row. CBO Director Doug Elmendorf said the slower Medicare growth is consistent with the slower growth of health care costs in general, but he said the reason [...]/p
NYT: Romney-Ryan Medicare proposal would hasten insolvency, raising costs for current retirees
NYT: Romney-Ryan Medicare proposal would hasten insolvency, raising costs for current retirees
"The reason why premiums and co-payments would go up under Romney's plan is common sense: by increasing payments to providers, Romney's plan drains the Medicare trust fund more quickly than the president's plan (which also has the virtue of already being law). That money needs to be made up somehow, so to keep the same level of coverage, Medicare beneficiaries would be on the hook for the difference."
"The reason why premiums and co-payments would go up under Romney's plan is common sense: by increasing payments to providers, Romney's plan drains the Medicare trust fund more quickly than the president's plan (which also has the virtue of already being law). That money needs to be made up somehow, so to keep the same level of coverage, Medicare beneficiaries would be on the hook for the difference."
Romney’s Plan To Restore Medicare Cuts Would Increase Seniors’ Premiums
Romney’s Plan To Restore Medicare Cuts Would Increase Seniors’ Premiums: Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan continue to attack President Obama for “stealing” $716 billion from Medicare. The GOP presidential candidate says he will restore the cuts, despite the fact that Ryan included the savings in his FY 2013 budget. But if Romney did stick to his plan to undo the billions cut [...]/p
Report: Elderly Americans Are Living Longer, Healthier
Report: Elderly Americans Are Living Longer, Healthier: According to a government report about the well-being of older Americans, today’s 65-year-olds can expect to live longer — to age 85, compared to 79 in 1980 — and healthier than previous generations. Deaths from heart disease and stroke have dropped almost 50 percent, which has helped to increase the average life expectancy for Americans. [...]/p
Todd Akin Isn’t The Only Tea Party Senate Candidate Who Thinks Medicare Is Unconstitutional
Todd Akin Isn’t The Only Tea Party Senate Candidate Who Thinks Medicare Is Unconstitutional: Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin (R-MO) does not just have an unusually weak understanding of human biology, he also has a similar inability to understand the Constitution. Akin doubts the constitutionality of Medicare and other federal health care programs, in addition to believing that national school lunch programs violate the Constitution. Akin is not alone. [...]/p
Romney/Ryan will raise Medicare eligibility age for current seniors
Romney/Ryan will raise Medicare eligibility age for current seniors
"Proving yet again two things: Romney and Ryan are liars when they say the pain won't hit anyone older than 55; and their very serious policy solutions are not serious and not solutions, just snake oil."
"Proving yet again two things: Romney and Ryan are liars when they say the pain won't hit anyone older than 55; and their very serious policy solutions are not serious and not solutions, just snake oil."
The neverending Republican war on Medicare
The neverending Republican war on Medicare
"In stark contrast, in 2011 and 2012 98 percent of Republicans in Congress voted for Paul Ryan's budget plan, which not only repeals the ACA but would transform Medicare into an under-funded voucher scheme the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirmed would dramatically shift health care costs onto future elderly. Just as damning, the Ryan plan takes the same $716 billionin savings to partially offset the cost of its budget-busting tax cut windfall for the wealthy. Of course, there's nothing new in this latest GOP effort to roll back the popular and successful old-age insurance program. The same Republican Party that tried to kill Medicare in the 1960s and gut it in the 1990s now wants to smother it again. The only question now for Mitt Romney and his number two Paul Ryan is how fast. Republican demagoguery of Medicare began well before President Johnson signed it into law in 1965. "I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare," Bob Dole later boasted, "Because we knew it wouldn't work in 1965." In 1964, George H.W. Bush was among the first to call it "socialized medicine." And three years earlier, Ronald Reagan voiced his opposition"
"In stark contrast, in 2011 and 2012 98 percent of Republicans in Congress voted for Paul Ryan's budget plan, which not only repeals the ACA but would transform Medicare into an under-funded voucher scheme the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirmed would dramatically shift health care costs onto future elderly. Just as damning, the Ryan plan takes the same $716 billionin savings to partially offset the cost of its budget-busting tax cut windfall for the wealthy. Of course, there's nothing new in this latest GOP effort to roll back the popular and successful old-age insurance program. The same Republican Party that tried to kill Medicare in the 1960s and gut it in the 1990s now wants to smother it again. The only question now for Mitt Romney and his number two Paul Ryan is how fast. Republican demagoguery of Medicare began well before President Johnson signed it into law in 1965. "I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare," Bob Dole later boasted, "Because we knew it wouldn't work in 1965." In 1964, George H.W. Bush was among the first to call it "socialized medicine." And three years earlier, Ronald Reagan voiced his opposition"
Romney Adviser Says GOP Would Extend Medicare’s Solvency By Raising The Eligibility Age
Romney Adviser Says GOP Would Extend Medicare’s Solvency By Raising The Eligibility Age: Earlier this week, Mitt Romney pledged to restore Obamacare’s savings in the Medicare program — a move that would move up the insolvency date of the program’s trust fund from 2024 to 2016. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Romney senior adviser Ed Gillespie how the campaign would extend the life of the program [...]/p
Ryan Touts Medicare Program He Wants To End At Florida Rally
Ryan Touts Medicare Program He Wants To End At Florida Rally: Paul Ryan doubled down on the GOP’s strategy of staying on offense against criticisms of his plan to partially privatize the Medicare program for future retirees and defended the proposal during an appearance with his 78-year-old mother in The Villages, Florida Saturday morning. Without explaining how the program would change for the next generation, Ryan [...]/p
Romney and Ryan Both Supported Privatization of Social Security
Romney and Ryan Both Supported Privatization of Social Security
"Almost from the moment it was announced, the Republicans' Romney-Ryan ticket began already drawing fire for both men's plans for the "voucherization of Medicare." As it turns out, there's another reason Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should worry America's seniors and the millions more soon to join them. Both supported President Bush's aborted scheme to privatize Social Security, only to run away from their past positions after its staggering unpopularity and the 2008 meltdown of the U.S. financial system revealed that Republican path to be political suicide."
"Almost from the moment it was announced, the Republicans' Romney-Ryan ticket began already drawing fire for both men's plans for the "voucherization of Medicare." As it turns out, there's another reason Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should worry America's seniors and the millions more soon to join them. Both supported President Bush's aborted scheme to privatize Social Security, only to run away from their past positions after its staggering unpopularity and the 2008 meltdown of the U.S. financial system revealed that Republican path to be political suicide."
Wisconsin Catholic Group Prays For Paul Ryan To ‘Reconnect With The Compassion For The Poor’
Wisconsin Catholic Group Prays For Paul Ryan To ‘Reconnect With The Compassion For The Poor’: A group of Catholics from Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) home state have launched, a website asking people to pray for the vice presidential candidate to change his position on his plan for the federal budget. This group, which includes Franciscan friars, joins in the growing protests from Catholic clergy concerned about the impact Ryan’s [...]/p
Romney adopts Bush strategy on propaganda
George W. Bush said he would repeat things over and over in order to "catapult the propaganda." Mitt Romney is now using the Bush strategy to push his ideas on Medicare.
How Paul Ryan's Medicaid Cuts Would Screw the Elderly | Alternet
How Paul Ryan's Medicaid Cuts Would Screw the Elderly | Alternet
"So old folks do better than young folks under Ryan’s tender care, right?
"So old folks do better than young folks under Ryan’s tender care, right?
Well, not exactly. As Joan McCarter usefully reminds us at Daily Kos today, Medicaid is the ultimate safety net for lower-income seniors, paying for Medicare premiums for some and for long-term care for virtually all of modest means. More than two-thirds of America’s nursing home residents—two-thirds—are having their basic needs met by Medicaid. So with federal Medicaid funding being cut an estimated one-third over the next decade if Ryan gets his way (not cuts likely to be offset by the typically Republican leadership in the states most affected, who are already whining they can’t afford their current costs), and Romney apparently even more inclined to aggressively follow the block, cap and dump approach, it’s going to get tough fast for lower-income seniors."
Whiteboard Face Off: ThinkProgress Takes On Romney’s Medicare Madness
Whiteboard Face Off: ThinkProgress Takes On Romney’s Medicare Madness: Mitt Romney offered a white board presentation during a news briefing in South Carolina on Thursday morning that sought to untangle the campaign’s contradictory message about Medicare. Over the last week, Romney and Ryan have twisted themselves into a pretzel to attack President Obama for “stealing” $716 billion from Medicare, while trying to explain why [...]/p
What a Romney-Ryan budget would mean for Americans | Economic Policy Institute
What a Romney-Ryan budget would mean for Americans | Economic Policy Institute
"The Romney-Ryan fiscal agenda would wreak havoc on the middle class—and the U.S. economy at large—in order to keep cutting taxes for millionaires. Romney and Ryan are not serious about accelerating economic recovery or stabilizing the long
"The Romney-Ryan fiscal agenda would wreak havoc on the middle class—and the U.S. economy at large—in order to keep cutting taxes for millionaires. Romney and Ryan are not serious about accelerating economic recovery or stabilizing the long
-term fiscal outlook, or even proposing evidence-based solutions to our actual economic challenges (raising millionaires’ disposable income is not one of them). What they would enact, if given the chance, would increase unemployment, slow near-term economic growth, destroy the safety net and social insurance programs, and defund non-security discretionary investments, all in order to lavish millionaires with tax cuts more than twice as large as those that would be afforded by continuing all the Bush-era tax cuts."
77 Years After FDR Signs Social Security, VP Pick Paul Ryan Pushes Dismantling the Social Safety Net
77 Years After FDR Signs Social Security, VP Pick Paul Ryan Pushes Dismantling the Social Safety Net
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney’s newly picked running mate, Paul Ryan, is on the forefront of efforts to dismantle Social Security by putting seniors’ savings into risky Wall Street investments. Over the years, Ryan has not only pushed for privatizing Social Security, but also dismantling Medicare and slashing funding for Medicaid. In the Republican response to President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union address, Ryan defended cutbacks on social spending. "We’re in a moment where if government’s growth is left unchecked and unchallenged, America’s best century will be considered our past century," Ryan said. "This is a future in which we will transform our social safety net into a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency." For more, we speak with two experts on Social Security: independent journalist Eric Laursen, author of the book "The People’s Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan," and Heather McGhee, vice president of policy and outreach at the progressive policy group Demos and co-author of a chapter on retirement insecurity in the book "Inequality Matters: The Growing Economic Divide in America and its Poisonous Consequences."
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney’s newly picked running mate, Paul Ryan, is on the forefront of efforts to dismantle Social Security by putting seniors’ savings into risky Wall Street investments. Over the years, Ryan has not only pushed for privatizing Social Security, but also dismantling Medicare and slashing funding for Medicaid. In the Republican response to President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union address, Ryan defended cutbacks on social spending. "We’re in a moment where if government’s growth is left unchecked and unchallenged, America’s best century will be considered our past century," Ryan said. "This is a future in which we will transform our social safety net into a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency." For more, we speak with two experts on Social Security: independent journalist Eric Laursen, author of the book "The People’s Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan," and Heather McGhee, vice president of policy and outreach at the progressive policy group Demos and co-author of a chapter on retirement insecurity in the book "Inequality Matters: The Growing Economic Divide in America and its Poisonous Consequences."
"Path to Prosperity?" Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Looks Like a Path to the Poorhouse
"Path to Prosperity?" Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Looks Like a Path to the Poorhouse
"So one has to wonder how Messrs Ryan and Romney think making our senior citizens pay a lot more for care under a privatized Medicare program could even remotely be a Path to Prosperity for most of us. Could it be that they're not thinking -- or even caring -- about most of us but about people who, like them, have such big 401(k) accounts they'll be able to do just fine in their golden years regardless of how Medicare is structured?"
"So one has to wonder how Messrs Ryan and Romney think making our senior citizens pay a lot more for care under a privatized Medicare program could even remotely be a Path to Prosperity for most of us. Could it be that they're not thinking -- or even caring -- about most of us but about people who, like them, have such big 401(k) accounts they'll be able to do just fine in their golden years regardless of how Medicare is structured?"
Biden: 'I guarantee you there will be no changes in Social Security'
Biden: 'I guarantee you there will be no changes in Social Security'
"That's a really nice reminder of what Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be doing their damnedest to not talk about at all. Already, Paul Ryan has avoided discussing his plans for Social Security, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have them. His 2010 budget proposal included privatizing the program, allowing workers to divert as much as 40 percent of their payroll taxes into private investments, a slow walk plan that would divert money away from the Social Security Trust Fund and weaken it. That idea, which Romney has endorsed since at least 2007, was unpopular enough that Ryan didn't include it in his latest budget. But he didinclude measures that would fast-track Social Security cuts in the future.
"That's a really nice reminder of what Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be doing their damnedest to not talk about at all. Already, Paul Ryan has avoided discussing his plans for Social Security, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have them. His 2010 budget proposal included privatizing the program, allowing workers to divert as much as 40 percent of their payroll taxes into private investments, a slow walk plan that would divert money away from the Social Security Trust Fund and weaken it. That idea, which Romney has endorsed since at least 2007, was unpopular enough that Ryan didn't include it in his latest budget. But he didinclude measures that would fast-track Social Security cuts in the future.
But that doesn't mean Ryan's abandoned his Social Security privatization scheme, something he's been pushing for years. In fact, in 2004, he had a privatization bill that was so extreme, the Bush administration called it "irresponsible." Just ponder that for a moment. The only president to propose Social Security privatization in the history of the program rejected Paul Ryan's idea as irresponsible."
Paul Ryan: Bankrolled by the Banksters, the Privatizers, and the Kochs
Paul Ryan: Bankrolled by the Banksters, the Privatizers, and the Kochs
"While most developed nations have found a way to pay for health care for all their citizens, the United States is only able to provide low-cost, comprehensive health care coverage for seniors. With a new study out showing that half of Americans die with no financial assets, Medicare is literally a life saver for millions of seniors and their children who often cannot afford to take care of their elderly parents without the government's help.
"While most developed nations have found a way to pay for health care for all their citizens, the United States is only able to provide low-cost, comprehensive health care coverage for seniors. With a new study out showing that half of Americans die with no financial assets, Medicare is literally a life saver for millions of seniors and their children who often cannot afford to take care of their elderly parents without the government's help.
Ryan's proposed 2013 budget would replace this system with one that provides a government voucher to force families to purchase insurance on the private market. If the insurance company decides it can't or won't cover all your needs, tough luck."
77 Years After It Became Law, Social Security Keeps 20 Million Americans Out Of Poverty
77 Years After It Became Law, Social Security Keeps 20 Million Americans Out Of Poverty: Today marks the 77th anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act into law, creating arguably America’s most successful social program. “We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have tried to frame a law which will [...]/p
Paul Ryan: Cruel, Not Courageous | Common Dreams
Paul Ryan: Cruel, Not Courageous | Common Dreams
"Under Ryan’s plan, the wealthiest 1 percent would get a massive tax break. Meanwhile, Medicare would be privatized, leaving seniors with vouchers that could never keep up with rising health-care costs. It would slash programs helping struggling families stay afloat, such as food stamps and housing assistance, by nearly a trillion dollars over the next decade. Education and employment training — vital to our nation’s future — would be cut by a third. Ryan, whose great-grandfather founded a large road construction company, would spend 25 percent less than President Obama rebuilding our deteriorating infrastructure. And since gutting Medicaid and Medicare isn’t enough, he would also repeal the president’s health-care law, leaving tens of millions of people uninsured."
"Under Ryan’s plan, the wealthiest 1 percent would get a massive tax break. Meanwhile, Medicare would be privatized, leaving seniors with vouchers that could never keep up with rising health-care costs. It would slash programs helping struggling families stay afloat, such as food stamps and housing assistance, by nearly a trillion dollars over the next decade. Education and employment training — vital to our nation’s future — would be cut by a third. Ryan, whose great-grandfather founded a large road construction company, would spend 25 percent less than President Obama rebuilding our deteriorating infrastructure. And since gutting Medicaid and Medicare isn’t enough, he would also repeal the president’s health-care law, leaving tens of millions of people uninsured."
Soledad O'Brien Rips Sununu's Medicare Claims: 'You Can't Just Repeat It and Make It True, Sir'
Soledad O'Brien Rips Sununu's Medicare Claims: 'You Can't Just Repeat It and Make It True, Sir'
"The chairman of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s national steering committee on Tuesday angrily shouted for a CNN anchor to "put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead" after she tried to fact check Republican claims about Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) plan to overhaul Medicare."
"The chairman of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s national steering committee on Tuesday angrily shouted for a CNN anchor to "put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead" after she tried to fact check Republican claims about Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) plan to overhaul Medicare."
Paul Ryan Tells Seniors It's Too Bad If You Lose Your Benefits
Paul Ryan Tells Seniors It's Too Bad If You Lose Your Benefits
"Conservative policies led us the the Big Economic fail under George Bush and Ryan, but Rep. Paul Ryan can't be bothered with helping those who would suffer the most. Many world cultures revere their elderly and have an obligation to care for them; not so for compassionless conservatism."
"Conservative policies led us the the Big Economic fail under George Bush and Ryan, but Rep. Paul Ryan can't be bothered with helping those who would suffer the most. Many world cultures revere their elderly and have an obligation to care for them; not so for compassionless conservatism."
Frank Luntz Messaging Ordered by NRCC For Medicare Lies
Frank Luntz Messaging Ordered by NRCC For Medicare Lies
"Here it is, plain and simple. Paul Ryan is a fervent believer in killing social insurance by privatizing it for profit. To that end, his budget proposal ends Medicare. It ends it. Period. There is no "choice." involved. It ends Medicare and shifts the burden for medical costs onto senior citizens. Similarly, his scheme for Social Security ends it. Period. It takes our retirement funds and gives them to Wall Street, where all the risk then shifts over to the retiree and all the profit heads into Wall Street's pocket."
"Here it is, plain and simple. Paul Ryan is a fervent believer in killing social insurance by privatizing it for profit. To that end, his budget proposal ends Medicare. It ends it. Period. There is no "choice." involved. It ends Medicare and shifts the burden for medical costs onto senior citizens. Similarly, his scheme for Social Security ends it. Period. It takes our retirement funds and gives them to Wall Street, where all the risk then shifts over to the retiree and all the profit heads into Wall Street's pocket."
PERRspectives: 98% of Republicans in Congress Voted for Ryan's Medicare Rationing Scheme
PERRspectives: 98% of Republicans in Congress Voted for Ryan's Medicare Rationing Scheme
"While the math of the Ryan budget may not seem simple, its erosion of the Medicare program is nevertheless inevitable. Because the value of Ryan's vouchers fails to keep up with the out-of-control rise in premiums in the private health insurance market, America's elderly would be forced to pay more out of pocket or accept less coverage."
"While the math of the Ryan budget may not seem simple, its erosion of the Medicare program is nevertheless inevitable. Because the value of Ryan's vouchers fails to keep up with the out-of-control rise in premiums in the private health insurance market, America's elderly would be forced to pay more out of pocket or accept less coverage."
Republican Governors Weary Of Romney/Ryan Medicare Privatization Plan
Republican Governors Weary Of Romney/Ryan Medicare Privatization Plan: Governors Rick Scott (R-FL) and Rick Perry (R-TX) both refused to endorse Mitt Romney and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s plan for Medicare on Monday. In a Fox News interview with Neil Cavuto, both Scott and Perry joined a growing number of Republicans distancing themselves from the Romney-Ryan plan for Medicare by saying that they [...]/p
Romney Officially Embraces Ryan’s Plan For Medicare
Romney Officially Embraces Ryan’s Plan For Medicare: Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign sought to distance the former Massachusetts governor from Paul Ryan’s controversial Medicare privatization plan on Saturday, but by Monday, Romney fully embraced his running mate’s proposal. During a press availability in Miami, Romney turned down three opportunities to explain how his proposal would differ from Ryan’s, telling reporters, “my plan for [...]/p
Ryan Family Financially Benefits From The Health Insurance Industry
Ryan Family Financially Benefits From The Health Insurance Industry: Ryan touts a Medicare plan that would expand the role of private insurers by replacing the traditional Medicare plan with a voucher program that seniors could use to purchase private health plans.
Republicans In Competitive Races Distance Themselves From Ryan’s Medicare Plan
Republicans In Competitive Races Distance Themselves From Ryan’s Medicare Plan: Mitt Romney may hope that picking Paul Ryan as his running mate will help him shore up the Republican base, but many of Romney’s fellow Republicans in competitive elections aren’t quite as happy to see Ryan’s name on the November ballot. Republicans in tight congressional races are moving to distance themselves from Ryan and the [...]/p
Why Religious Leaders Have Condemned The Ryan-Romney Budget
Why Religious Leaders Have Condemned The Ryan-Romney Budget: Now that Mitt Romney has picked Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his running mate, Ryan’s radical budget constitutes Romney’s economic platform. The Ryan-Romney budget is based on a number of false and dangerous [...]/p
PERRspectives: Romney and Ryan Both Supported Privatization of Social Security
PERRspectives: Romney and Ryan Both Supported Privatization of Social Security
" the Republicans' Romney-Ryan ticket is already drawing fire for both men's plans for the "voucherization of Medicare." As it turns out, there's another reasonMitt Romney and Paul Ryan should worry America's seniors and the millions more soon to join them. Both supported President Bush's aborted scheme to privatize Social Security, only to run away from their past positions after its staggering unpopularity and the 2008 meltdown of the U.S. financial system revealed that Republican path to be political suicide."
" the Republicans' Romney-Ryan ticket is already drawing fire for both men's plans for the "voucherization of Medicare." As it turns out, there's another reasonMitt Romney and Paul Ryan should worry America's seniors and the millions more soon to join them. Both supported President Bush's aborted scheme to privatize Social Security, only to run away from their past positions after its staggering unpopularity and the 2008 meltdown of the U.S. financial system revealed that Republican path to be political suicide."
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies
Paul Ryan is the mastermind behind the extreme GOP budget plan. It's a plan Mitt Romney endorses.
But what does that budget mean for America? The GOP budget plan hurts seniors, it hurts middle-class families, and it hurts students. All to pay for tax cuts for those at the top..
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: back to the failed top-down policies that crashed our economy.
"Path to Prosperity?" For Many Senior Citizens, VP Pick Ryan's Plan Would Be Path to the Poorhouse | Common Dreams
"Path to Prosperity?" For Many Senior Citizens, VP Pick Ryan's Plan Would Be Path to the Poorhouse | Common Dreams
"If Americans who are embracing Rep. Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" -- and that now includes Mitt Romney -- spent a few minutes reviewing a few recent research reports, they just might conclude that the Wisconsin Republican's plan to reduce the deficit might better be renamed the "Path to the Poorhouse" because of what it would mean to the Medicare program and many senior citizens."
"If Americans who are embracing Rep. Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" -- and that now includes Mitt Romney -- spent a few minutes reviewing a few recent research reports, they just might conclude that the Wisconsin Republican's plan to reduce the deficit might better be renamed the "Path to the Poorhouse" because of what it would mean to the Medicare program and many senior citizens."
Paul Ryan’s Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period
Paul Ryan’s Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period: In April of 2011, after Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan had been House Budget Chair for only a few months, he convinced nearly the entire House GOP caucus to vote for a laissez-faire budget resolution that would slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, and destroy Medicaid’s promise to provide health care to [...]/p
12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan
12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate 42 year-old Republican Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the architect of the GOP budget, which the New York Times has described as “the most extreme budget plan passed by a house of Congress in modern times.” Below are 12 things you should know about Ryan and his policies: [...]/p
Medicare Pilot Program Could Help Save Seniors Thousands Of Dollars
Medicare Pilot Program Could Help Save Seniors Thousands Of Dollars: Medicare has just launched a new three-year pilot program to work to revise a policy that often sticks seniors with large medical bills, potentially helping to save seniors thousands of dollars in outpatient care. Current Medicare rules make a distinction between inpatient care and outpatient care — requiring patients to spend at least three days [...]/p
Why the Right Has New Legal Ammunition in Its Quest to End Medicare, Social Security and Our Entire Social Safety Net | Alternet
Why the Right Has New Legal Ammunition in Its Quest to End Medicare, Social Security and Our Entire Social Safety Net | Alternet
"If you think the right wing would have been content with killing the healthcare reform law that is the centerpiece of President Obama's agenda, think again. With a new strategy in hand, they're coming for it all: Medicaid, Social Security and welfare programs -- in addition to the Affordable Care Act.
"If you think the right wing would have been content with killing the healthcare reform law that is the centerpiece of President Obama's agenda, think again. With a new strategy in hand, they're coming for it all: Medicaid, Social Security and welfare programs -- in addition to the Affordable Care Act.
Conservatives may have been dealt a momentary set-back when the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act in June, but there's every reason to think they plan to use that decision to launch even more legal attacks not just on the healthcare reform law, but on the entire social safety net -- and plenty of reason to worry they'll succeed."
Without Medicaid Expansion, Missouri Hospitals Could Lose $400 Million
Without Medicaid Expansion, Missouri Hospitals Could Lose $400 Million: State hospital officials across the country have been speaking out in favor of the Obamacare provision that expands Medicaid coverage to an estimated 17 million low-income people across the country, urging their legislators to opt into the health care exchanges set up under the law. Despite the significant financial benefits for states that accept the [...]/p
Missouri GOP Picks Guy Who Thinks Medicare Is Unconstitutional For U.S. Senate
Missouri GOP Picks Guy Who Thinks Medicare Is Unconstitutional For U.S. Senate: Yesterday, Missouri Republicans selected Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) as their candidate to oppose Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-MO) bid for reelection. Akin, who like nearly every Republican in Congress voted for Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan to phase out Medicare, is a staunch opponent of Medicare in general. Indeed, he told a Tea Party group last [...]/p
Swing voters want their Social Security, Medicare and good government
Swing voters want their Social Security, Medicare and good government
"A new survey of American suburban and swing voters by Hofstra University's National Center for Suburban Studies demonstrates just how mainstream the progressive vision for the country on the role of government really is. On issues of income inequality, the social contract, government regulation of industry for health and safety of the public, these swing voters demonstrate that, while they don't like these concepts in the abstract, they support the specific programs at issue, and want to keep them strong."
"A new survey of American suburban and swing voters by Hofstra University's National Center for Suburban Studies demonstrates just how mainstream the progressive vision for the country on the role of government really is. On issues of income inequality, the social contract, government regulation of industry for health and safety of the public, these swing voters demonstrate that, while they don't like these concepts in the abstract, they support the specific programs at issue, and want to keep them strong."
State Agency Estimates Medicaid Expansion Would Save Oklahoma $47.8 Million
State Agency Estimates Medicaid Expansion Would Save Oklahoma $47.8 Million: The Oklahoma Health Care Authority has just released a report estimating that accepting the expansion of Medicaid coverage could save their state nearly $48 million a year. Their findings are similar to the results from another recent study that estimated $350 million in savings for Arkansas under the expansion. The Obamacare provision that expands Medicaid [...]/p
Study: Seniors Would Pay More For Medicare Under Republican-Backed Plan
Study: Seniors Would Pay More For Medicare Under Republican-Backed Plan: Lawmakers like Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-WY) support radically restructuring the current the Medicare system into a voucher program that provides seniors with “premium support” credits to purchase coverage from an exchange of private health insurers or remain in traditional fee-for-service Medicare. Mitt Romney, the GOP presidential candidate, has embraced the [...]/p
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