HealthCare Notes


Sen. Dick Durbin Says Social Security Should Not Be Part of Any Fiscal Deal

Sen. Dick Durbin Says Social Security Should Not Be Part of Any Fiscal Deal
"Anyone who's paying attention knows that Social Security DOES NOT add one red cent to the federal deficit. So it's nice to finally some Democrats are speaking out against including Social Security in any talks for a fiscal cliff solution."

CEOs Try to Shred the Safety Net While Pigging Out on Corporate Welfare

CEOs Try to Shred the Safety Net While Pigging Out on Corporate Welfare
"A gang of brazen CEOs has joined forces to promote economically disastrous and socially irresponsible austerity policies. Many of those same CEOs were bailed out by the American taxpayer after a Wall Street-driven financial crash. Instead of a thank-you, they are showing their appreciation in the form of a coordinated effort to rob Americans of hard-earned retirements, decent medical care and relief for the poorest."

Poll: Strong support for Obama's tax plan, opposition to GOP plan to cap deductions and cut Medicare

Poll: Strong support for Obama's tax plan, opposition to GOP plan to cap deductions and cut Medicare
"These numbers once again show that the path forward is abundantly clear: let the Bush tax cuts on income over $250,000 expire, keep major cuts to Medicare benefits off the table, and don't use tax reform as an excuse to take away middle-class tax benefits. In other words, Americans support President Obama's approach—not Mitt Romney's and certainly not the Republican Party's. Given that President Obama won the election, that's not exactly a shock. The key thing to remember is that Congress doesn't need to do anything in order for Bush's upper-income tax cuts to expire—under current law, they end on December 31, 2012."


White House Rules Social Security Out Of ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Talks

White House Rules Social Security Out Of ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Talks: According to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, Social Security should not be on the table during negotiations over the so-called “fiscal cliff,” the set of spending cuts and tax increases scheduled for the end of the year. Carney rightly noted that Social Security has nothing to do with today’s deficits: White House spokesman Jay [...]/p


CEO Council Demands Cuts To Poor, Elderly While Reaping Billions In Government Contracts, Tax Breaks | Common Dreams

CEO Council Demands Cuts To Poor, Elderly While Reaping Billions In Government Contracts, Tax Breaks | Common Dreams
"CEOs belonging to what the campaign calls its CEO Fiscal Leadership Council -- most visibly, Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein and Honeywell's David Cote -- have barnstormed the media, making the case that the only way to cut the deficit is to severely scale back social safety-net programs -- Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security -- which would disproportionately impact the poor and the elderly."


6 Reasons the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam | Alternet

6 Reasons the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam | Alternet
"Stripped to essentials, the fiscal cliff is a device constructed to force a rollback of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, as the price of avoiding tax increases and disruptive cuts in federal civilian programs and in the military.  It was policy-making by hostage-taking, timed for the lame duck session, a contrived crisis, the plain idea now unfolding was to force a stampede."


Why Does The Working Class Have To Pick Up The Pieces Caused By Wall Street & Tea Party Deficit Hawks?

Why Does The Working Class Have To Pick Up The Pieces Caused By Wall Street & Tea Party Deficit Hawks?
"Are you sick and tired of listening to the Beltway villagers frame our economic plight as the end of the year looms? Whenever a Democratic politician comes out and says that we should let things play out until after January 1, and then start bargaining, they freak out. They have completely surrendered to the disaster-capital Republicans and are trying to help them force major cuts in the social safety net for all working class Americans, all in the name of a greedy Wall Street along with much-needed backup from the Tea Party Birchers."

The Truth About Raising The Social Security Retirement Age

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Ezra Klein, filling in for MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell this Tuesday evening, ended this segment responding to Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein's assertion that the Social Security retirement age should be raised with a question that we all already know the answer to

Five Obamacare Provisions To Be Thankful For

Five Obamacare Provisions To Be Thankful For: After clearing significant hurdles over the past year — including repeated repeal votes in Congress, a Supreme Court challenge, and a presidential election — the future of President Obama’s landmark health reform law is finally secure. Now that it’s here to stay, Americans can expect to reap significant benefits as the Affordable Care Act continues [...]/p


Macy’s CEO to American People: Drop Dead | Alternet

Macy’s CEO to American People: Drop Dead | Alternet
"Macy’s is a powerful symbol of Thanksgiving, with its festive parade and freakishly large floats. But Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren is part of a group of greedy, unpatriotic CEOs who would like to seize this moment of American hardship and tear the rug out from under hard-working families. Moms, dads, grandparents, kids—he’d like to take a little something from each of you. Especially if you're poor: he’d really like to get into your purses.
Lundgren and a coalition of other big-time CEOs are lobbying Congress to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits so that they can enjoy tax breaks."


HHS releases draft rules on key elements of Obamacare, including pre-existing conditions

HHS releases draft rules on key elements of Obamacare, including pre-existing conditions
"This is the stuff health insurance reform was all about, the core regulations that will make health insurance affordable and accessible. They're also the parts of reform that will be most popular and important to the public. This is the stuff Republicans absolutely did not want to see implemented, and the stuff that will make "Obamacare" be as much an appreciated part of the nation's health care system as Medicare."

The Giant Lie Trotted Out by Fiscal Conservatives Trying to Shred Social Security | Alternet

The Giant Lie Trotted Out by Fiscal Conservatives Trying to Shred Social Security | Alternet
"Trying to convince the public to cut America’s best-loved and most successful program requires a lot of creativity and persistence. Social Security is fiscally fit, prudently managed and does not add to the deficit because by law it must be completely detached from the federal operating budget. Obviously, it is needed more than ever in a time of increasing job insecurity and disappearing pensions. It helps our economy thrive and boosts the productivity of working Americans. And yet the sharks are in a frenzy to shred it in the upcoming “fiscal cliff” discussions."


Bernie Sanders in a Fiery Speech: Do Not Cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid | Alternet

Bernie Sanders in a Fiery Speech: Do Not Cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid | Alternet
"A coalition of lawmakers led by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders joined yesterday to demand there be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid made during deficit reduction deals. "

Senators Caucus Vows To Protect Social Security, Medicare

Senators Caucus Vows To Protect Social Security, Medicare
"Ah, the fiscal scam! It's interesting that the same conservative and Blue Dog politicians who insisted we didn't need additional stimulus to recover from this recession are now insisting that we will ... go back into a recession if these fiscal deal cuts are made! Why, you would almost think they were Keynesians!"

Expanding Medicaid Would Save Florida $100 Million Per Year

Expanding Medicaid Would Save Florida $100 Million Per Year: Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has been an outspoken opponents of President Obama’s landmark health reform law over the past year. Back in July, he announced that his state would not be setting up a health insurance exchange or expanding the Medicaid program under Obamacare, even though his state has some of the worst rates [...]/p


You Want to Raise the Retirement Age? Walk a Mile In Our Shoes First

You Want to Raise the Retirement Age? Walk a Mile In Our Shoes First
"I don't know about anyone else, but as someone who has actually worked at one of those jobs where you take a shower at the end of the work day and not before you go in, I'm sick to death of watching these overpaid television pundits and their counterparts in the Congress, nonchalantly discussing raising the retirement age. It may not matter much to them, but there are real economic hardships involved when you force the average wage earner out there to continue to work until they drop dead if the retirement age is raised any higher than it already is now."


Grand or otherwise, there's no bargaining with these Republicans

Grand or otherwise, there's no bargaining with these Republicans
"No compromise. No Grand Bargain. No cuts to Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid. No enabling a Republican Party that is spiraling toward oblivion. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and force the Republicans to decide whether they want to oppose the Obama middle class tax cuts. The false Republican narratives of fiscal crisis and runaway entitlements must be called for the lies they are. The false Republican politicians and pundits must be revealed as the frauds they are. The Democrats need only speak the truth, seize the moment, and ride the electoral and demographic tide that has them ascendant and still rising. History is there for the making. History is there for the taking."


Republican Party is going to have to leave their proverbial bubble to remain viable

The Republican Party is going to have to leave their proverbial bubble to remain viable. Facts matter. Terrific breakdown of election night. The national results were predicted by fact-based models while the right wing media failed as usual.


Social Security: It Ain't Broke | Common Dreams

Social Security: It Ain't Broke | Common Dreams
"Social Security is more popular than sliced bread. And it should be. Our Social Security system is the foundation of our families' security: We work hard and pay into it with every paycheck so each of us can retire with dignity."


PERRspectives: Mitt Romney by the Numbers

PERRspectives: Mitt Romney by the Numbers
"$4.1 billion. Total amount saved by 5.4 million American seniors as a result of Obamacare's closing of the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole," which would be reopened by Mitt Romney."


On Alzheimer’s Prevention, Obama Has A Record To Run On

On Alzheimer’s Prevention, Obama Has A Record To Run On:  Amy R. Borenstein, Ph.D., a professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida’s College of Public Health. You wouldn’t know it from listening to the recent presidential debates, but President Obama has made some real accomplishments in supporting the fight against Alzheimer’s disease — accomplishments with potentially significant economic benefits. [...]/p


PERRspectives: Elderly Will Be Hit Hard by Romney's Medicare, Medicaid Plans

PERRspectives: Elderly Will Be Hit Hard by Romney's Medicare, Medicaid Plans
"As the Congressional Budget Office and a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study confirmed, the Romney-Ryan plan to "voucherize and privatize" Medicare will invariably lead to much higher health care costs for future recipients. But today's elderly voters will feel a double sting under President Romney as well. After all, his pledge to "kill Obamacare dead" will erase hard-won drug benefits and health services those over 65 have gained under the Affordable Care Act. And as it turns out, Romney's proposal to slash Medicaid spending by more than a third over the next decade and give what remains as block grants to the states could jeopardize nursing home care for millions of American seniors."