HealthCare Notes


PERRspectives: Health Insurance "Coverage Gap" Coming to a Red State Near You

PERRspectives: Health Insurance "Coverage Gap" Coming to a Red State Near You
"The resulting Republican body count is staggering. Thanks to the GOP's rejection of Medicaid expansion, 1.3 million people in Texas, 1 million in Florida, 534,000 in Georgia and 267,000 in Missouri will be ensnared in the coverage gap.
Here's why."


GOP’s destructive grifter: Jim DeMint peddles political poison

GOP’s destructive grifter: Jim DeMint peddles political poison
"The Medicare-dependent seniors and military veterans who rely on government-run healthcare can’t be reassured by that kind of talk. It’s the sort of rhetoric that’s great for raising money from the rubes — sadly, probably even some rubes who don’t realize their healthcare is government-run — but terrible for the Republican Party."



OOPS: Obamacare Opponent Is Very Impressed With The Law He Hates So Much

OOPS: Obamacare Opponent Is Very Impressed With The Law He Hates So Much:
"Over 75 percent of respondents like the law’s insurance subsidies; 80 percent favor the statewide insurance marketplaces; a staggering 88 percent approve of the small business tax credits to help pay for employees’ health coverage.
But decidedly fewer Americans realize that these are all things the health law actually does"


What Would It Take For Republicans To Support Obama's Health Care Law?

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How Slashing Co-Pays For Doctor’s Visits Could Drastically Reduce Strokes And Heart Attacks

How Slashing Co-Pays For Doctor’s Visits Could Drastically Reduce Strokes And Heart Attacks: One in three Americans has high blood pressure. But a large-scale, decade-long experiment by Kaiser Permanente has some hoping that more convenient medications and less expensive doctor visits could help Americans treat the "silent killer."

Rick Perry Quietly Lobbies The White House For $100 Million In Obamacare Funding

Rick Perry Quietly Lobbies The White House For $100 Million In Obamacare Funding: Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) despises all things Obamacare, including its optional Medicaid expansion. But he'll still take $100 million of the law's funding.

PERRspectives: Republican Parents Vote for Obamacare with Their Wallets

PERRspectives: Republican Parents Vote for Obamacare with Their Wallets
"Over the last few weeks, Republicans have been waging a very determined--and even more deceptive--campaign to scare the bejesus out of uninsured young adults so important to the success of the Affordable Care Act. But while the conservative commentariat has been issuing dire warnings about the so-called "Young Invincibles," their parents have quietly added millions of them to their family insurance plans, all thanks to Obamacare."


Cue GOP hysteria: New estimates predict millions more exchange customers
"This is potentially huge for the program. First of all, more of the currently uninsured will be getting access to health care. More people means more healthy people in the system, which means premiums can be kept lower for everyone."

Colorado And Montana Announce Affordable Insurance Premiums Under Obamacare

Colorado And Montana Announce Affordable Insurance Premiums Under Obamacare:
"Add Colorado and Montana to the list of states reporting affordable insurance premiums under Obamacare."

PERRspectives: Beware the Red State Suckers!

PERRspectives: Beware the Red State Suckers!
"But if Republicans think things are bad now, just wait until this time next year. As millions of people in states like Texas, Florida and North Carolina see their friends and relatives in places like Oregon, New York and Colorado with health insurance coverage they themselves lack, there could be hell to pay for the GOP obstructionists who played them for suckers."

The Remarkable Slowdown In Health Care Costs Since The Passage Of Obamacare

The Remarkable Slowdown In Health Care Costs Since The Passage Of Obamacare: A new survey of health care premiums for employer-sponsored health care coverage shows that health care inflation is slowing, undermining critics' predictions that costs would skyrocket in the aftermath of the Affordable Care Act.

Koch-Backed Group Rallies To Oppose Extending Health Care To Low-Income Virginians

Koch-Backed Group Rallies To Oppose Extending Health Care To Low-Income Virginians:
"Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, sponsored a rally on Monday to stand up against extending Medicaid coverage to nearly 400,000 low-income Virginia residents."

Conservative death panels? The right’s bad healthcare idea

Conservative death panels? The right’s bad healthcare idea
"Wing-nuts are pushing young people to sit out Obamacare -- which, for some, will likely mean bankruptcy... or death"

GOP Rep. Joe Heck Catches Hell From Constituent Over ACA Repeal Votes

GOP Rep. Joe Heck Catches Hell From Constituent Over ACA Repeal Votes
"You thought Barry Goldwater was bad? The John Birch Society? Strap in, folks, because it's about to get much, much worse at the hands of those like Rep. Joe Heck who are so willing to bearhug terrible policy in the name of billionaire backing."

GOP prepares to self-destruct over nonsense

GOP prepares to self-destruct over nonsense
"The conservative movement seems dead-set on tearing itself apart over "defunding Obamacare," an imaginary gimmick"


ACA Supporting Business Owner Trounces Obamacare Bashing House Republican At Town Hall
"House Republicans are finding out that it isn’t 2009 anymore. They can’t just make stuff up to scare people about the ACA. People are experiencing some of the benefits of the new law, and just like the constituent in the video (Ron Nelson), they want to know why Republicans want to take away the good things that the ACA is doing?"

Scott Walker Makes Marriage Dangerous For All of Wisconsin
"Scott Walker’s budget expanded estate recovery powers, so leaving something to your kids or grandkids might not happen now."

Then & Now: Why We’re STILL So Bad At Treating Cancer (Hint – Profit Motive)
"When you realize that the business of treating cancer is second only to the business of petrochemicals in profits, then you begin to understand one reason why those numbers have been so sluggish. From 1970 to 1990 alone, the business of treating cancer was worth $1 trillion. Today, cancer treatment is a $120 billion a year industry in the United States and $600 billion worldwide."

A Guide To Breaking Down 'Obamacare'

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Social Security Is the Only Reason Most Americans Can Afford to Retire | Economic Policy Institute

Social Security Is the Only Reason Most Americans Can Afford to Retire | Economic Policy Institute
"As we celebrate the 78th birthday of Social Security today, it’s worth noting the vital role the program continues to play in Americans’ retirement security."

PERRspectives: State-Run Exchanges Expand Blue States' Health Care Edge

PERRspectives: State-Run Exchanges Expand Blue States' Health Care Edge
"From the very beginning, one massive irony has loomed over the Obamacare debate. The elephant in the room? Health care is worst where Republicans poll best. From access to care and insurance coverage to the health of their residents, red states generally produce the most dismal rankings. And while Democratic-led states are now embracing the Affordable Care Act to bring new insurance options, lower premiums and improved customer service to blue state denizens, many GOP states are doing almost nothing at all."


Pension Advance Companies Are Another Scam To Steal Our Future

Pension Advance Companies Are Another Scam To Steal Our Future
"Aggressive marketers are targeting seniors' pensions for their next effort to strip away what little they might have in the way of assets. As if it weren't bad enough that conservatives have found ways to destroy pensions during the working years, now their Wall Street pals are working hard to steal your pension payments after they begin."

Right-wing push poll accidentally finds Obamacare popular

Right-wing push poll accidentally finds Obamacare popular
"And yet, despite oversampling Republicans and asking misleading questions, the poll still finds that pluralities favor keeping Obamacare and that Republicans would bear the brunt of the public’s wrath if the government shuts down."

Almost Half Of All Americans With Individual Health Plans Will Get Subsidies Under Obamacare

Almost Half Of All Americans With Individual Health Plans Will Get Subsidies Under Obamacare:
The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has released a new study examining the effects that Obamacare’s insurance subsidies will have on Americans who currently own individual health plans — and it’s great news for consumers.


PERRspectives: Meet the Real Death Panelists

PERRspectives: Meet the Real Death Panelists
"Every single Republican Representative and Senator voted against the Affordable Care Act before President Obama signed it into law in March 2010. Since January 2011, House Republicans have voted 40 times to repeal Obamacare. Were they to succeed, the GOP wouldn't just be preventing up to 30 million more people in the U.S. from obtaining health insurance."


PERRspectives: Fox News Poll Shows Success of GOP's Obamacare Lies

PERRspectives: Fox News Poll Shows Success of GOP's Obamacare Lies
"Given the history of the Republicans' killer lies on health care, it's no surprise that Americans are confused about what Obamacare does, what it mean for them and the national budget. But like Politifact's 2009 Lie of the Year ("death panels") and 2010 Lie of the Year ("government takeover of healthcare"), Republican repetition of the claim that the Affordable Care Act will generate red ink doesn't make it any truer. But like the 2010 fraud that President Obama raised taxes or the sham that stimulus "made the economy worse" or any of the other myriad GOP claims which were "not intended to be a factual statement," millions of Americans deceived by Republican lies sadly it."


Constituents Want Answers For Rep. McHenry's ACA Repeal Votes

Constituents Want Answers For Rep. McHenry's ACA Repeal Votes
"Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) wasn't expecting what he got when he held a town hall meeting this week. Instead of being cheered for his votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he was greeted by angry constituents, including this mom, who is grieving the death of her uninsured son. I can completely relate to her grief and anger."


The Self-Sabotage Of The Latest Campaign Against Obamacare

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In Some Deeply Red States, Figuring Out How To Enroll In Obamacare Is Like ‘Searching For A Unicorn’

In Some Deeply Red States, Figuring Out How To Enroll In Obamacare Is Like ‘Searching For A Unicorn’: Missouri's GOP-controlled legislature has enacted so many barriers to health reform, it may be too hard for uninsured residents to figure out how they can get coverage under Obamacare.

Obamacare Successful When States Care More For Citizens Than Ideology
"States that, thus far, have decided to implement both their own healthcare exchanges and the Obamacare expansion of Medicaid, have shown better pricing and cost savings than expected."

Cantor: We'll totally keep government running, if you give up Medicare and Social Security
"In other words, yeah, we're taking hostages. We'll shut down the government over Obamacare AND Social Security and Medicare."

8 Ways Privatization Has Failed America | Common Dreams

8 Ways Privatization Has Failed America | Common Dreams
"A little analysis reveals that privatization doesn't seem to work in any of the areas vital to the American public"

The Great American Do-It-Yourself Retirement Fraud, Brought to You By Big Finance & Co. | Alternet

The Great American Do-It-Yourself Retirement Fraud, Brought to You By Big Finance & Co. | Alternet
"The United States is on the verge of a retirement crisis. For the first time in living memory, it seems likely that living standards for those over the age of 65 will begin to decline as compared to those who came before them—and that’s without taking into account the possibility that Social Security benefits will be cut at some point in the future.
The culprit? That same thing Mathisen celebrated: the 401(k), along with the other instruments of do-it-yourself retirement. Not only did they not make us millionaires as self-appointed pundits like Mathisen promised, they left very many of us with very little at all."


GOP’s Mad Health-Care Vendetta
"One day, Americans are going to understand just how much destructive damage to our republic has been caused by the radicalized Republican Party and the so-called “fundamentalist/religio/values” conservatives in general. One wonders just how long that is going to take. One wonders if the discovery will come too late."

Southern Leaders Opt to Exclude 2.7 Million From Health Care

Southern Leaders Opt to Exclude 2.7 Million From Health Care
"But in Rome, 27 percent of  adults under 65 are uninsured, a rate that holds true across the state. Last year, the city’s two hospitals report spending more than $80 million delivering uncompensated care, often in the emergency room, where costs run high. Taxpayers and those with health insurance will end up paying for that care through government subsidies and higher premiums, industry experts say."

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Medicare For All

Lobbyists Come For Your Retirement Money

Attacking Seniors For Wanting To Eat?

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