The Health Insurance Marketplace Is Open!
The new Health Insurance Marketplace helps uninsured people find health coverage.
PERRspectives: Better Dead and Red: How the GOP Blocked Health Care for Red State Americans
"Study after study has long shown that health care is worst in precisely those states where Republicans poll best. But in their zeal to discredit a president they loathe, GOP leaders across the nation passed up an historic opportunity to bring health insurance, greater financial security and higher standards of living to millions of their own constituents. When they didn't outright deny coverage to red state residents, Republicans did their damnedest to prevent their voters from even learning about their options under the ACA. And what "information" about Obamacare the GOP's best and brightest regurgitated simply wasn't true."
Ted Cruz Lie Exposed By Student He Used To Vilify Obamacare (VIDEO)
"It is no surprise that Ted Cruz got caught in yet another lie. What is surprising is how sloppy and irresponsible it was."
Dear Congress – Stop This Manufactured Crisis | Common Dreams
"Protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
The National Memo » Republicans Are Terrified That Obamacare Will Succeed
"the Koch brothers, like most conservatives, want Obamacare to fail. They are not concerned that the new health care law, which would extend insurance to the vast majority for the first time in history, is a “government takeover” of medicine or a “jobs-killer” or a ruinous new entitlement. None of that is true. (See factcheck.org or PolitiFact.com for actual facts about Obamacare.) Nope, the real concern of most conservatives is that Obamacare will work, proving popular over the long run."
Tea Party Lawmaker Letter on Med Device Tax Repeal Authored by Lobby Group | The Nation
"In fact, medical device lobbyists have been close to Congress all week leading up to the vote today."
Fox And Friends Do Not Understand Obamacare
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Debunking the Propaganda Campaign to Kill Obamacare | Alternet
"You can bet the figure that will stay in recipients’ minds is the prospect of $2,672 in savings, compared to current costs. Most people will ignore the anti-Obamacare noise and see just what they can get for $222 less a month."
Correcting Five Myths About Medicaid — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
"Some claim that Medicaid is an inefficient program whose costs are growing out of control. That’s a myth. Medicaid’s per-beneficiary costs are lower than for private insurance, and its costs have been growing more slowly than employer coverage."
Missouri GOP Senator Breaks From His Party, Encourages People To Sign Up For Obamacare Next Week
GOP Fears American Appreciation Of Obamacare
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President Obama Defends Obamacare
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Pinheads And White House Correspondents
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Obama Calls Out GOP Healthcare Lies
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Why You're a Lot Better Off with Obamacare Than You Might Think | Alternet
"Consider the following two examples from the Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums for 2014 issue brief released Wednesday by the White House and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In 36 mostly red states, HHS will be enrolling people via online applications at healthcare.gov because local Republicans have refused to set up state-run exchanges. For these states and their largest cities, HHS listed premiums and subsidies called a tax credit. The credits go directly to insurers monthly; they are not refunded in a lump sum after filing one’s yearly taxes."
Clearing Out The Message On Obamacare
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The Official Health Plan Marketplace For New York State
NY State of Health is an organized marketplace designed to help people shop for and enroll in health insurance coverage. Individuals, families and small businesses will be able to use the Marketplace to help them compare insurance options, calculate costs and select coverage online, in-person, over the phone or by mail. The Marketplace will help people to check their eligibility for health care programs like Medicaid and sign up for these programs if they are eligible. The Marketplace will also be able to tell what type of financial assistance is available to applicants to help them afford health insurance purchased through the Marketplace. Insurance coverage can be purchased through NY State of Health beginning in October 1, 2013 and can be effective starting January 1, 2014.
Vermont Health Connect
A new way for Vermonters to find health coverage that fits their needs and budget. Vermont Health Connect is a marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses can make side-by-side comparisons of private health plans and find financial help to pay for care. Vermont Health Connect is also for individuals and families in Vermont to find out about and enroll in public health coverage.
Maryland Health Connection
Maryland Health Connection is Maryland’s new health insurance marketplace opening October 2013.
Hawaiʻi Health Connector
The Hawaiʻi Health Connector (the Connector) is an online health insurance marketplace, created to help individuals and small businesses take advantage of the health insurance choices available to them.
Nevada Health Link - Connecting you to health insurance
Nevada Health Link was created by the State of Nevada to help individuals and small businesses easily shop for, compare and buy health insurance. In October 2013, this website will become an online marketplace where you can enroll in an income-based health insurance plan. You'll be able to make side-by-side comparisons of plans from different insurance companies, so you can pick the plan that's right for your needs. If you have questions, the Nevada Health Link team is here to help, by phone, online and in-person.
HealthSource RI
As of October 1, 2013, you can use HealthSource RI to compare plans and buy affordable health insurance. Sign up now to receive a notification.
DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority
The health care exchange program will enable individuals and small employers to find affordable and easier-to-understand health insurance and assist small employers in purchasing qualified health benefit plans for their employees. The exchange will facilitate the purchase of qualified health plans and assist individuals and groups to access programs, premium assistance tax credits and cost-sharing reductions.
Ball On Conservatives Opposing Obamacare
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Final Word On Obamacare Coverage: Cheaper Than Expected
"On average, people will have a choice of 56 different insurance plans -- depending on which state you live in, though, that figure could range from seven (in Alabama) to 106 (in Arizona). The average number of insurers in a state is eight, though that again ranges from one to 13 in different states.
New Report: For 95% Of Americans, Obamacare Will Cost Much Less Than Expected
DC Republicans in Full Panic Mode: Obamacare Will Be Hugely Popular and There's Little the GOP Can Do to Stop It | Alternet
"Thus, their posturing, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest bill for complete defunding and his Tuesday filibuster, needs to be seen as the old clichĂ© it is: a desperate measure for their desperate time.
New Health Care Exchange: Covered Oregon
An innovative marketplace is coming for Oregonians to compare and enroll in health insurance. With Cover Oregon™, you’ll have more choices, more control and more access to health coverage than ever before. It includes coverage from both public medical programs and private insurers. Enrollment begins this October with coverage starting in January 2014.
Health Care Reform: A Guide to Health Insurance & Affordable Care Act
GOP-led misinformation campaigns have left millions of Americans confused about health reform. The largest health website in the country wants to help change that.
Affordable Health Insurance: Covered California
"Millions of Californians will be able to choose affordable, high-quality health insurance coverage offered through Covered California™ that will take effect January 2014. Covered California is a new, easy-to-use marketplace where you and your family may get financial assistance to make coverage more affordable and where you will be able to compare and choose health coverage that best fits your needs and budget. By law, your coverage can't be dropped or denied even if you have a pre-existing medical condition or get sick."
Kynect: Kentucky's Healthcare Connection
Introducing kynect: Kentucky’s Healthcare Connection.
Quality healthcare coverage. For every Kentuckian.
New Health Care Exchange For Colorado: Connect For Health Colorado
Welcome to Connect for Health Colorado, a new health insurance marketplace. Opening in October, you will be able to shop, compare, pick and purchase the health plan that is right for you. All on one site, all in one visit.
Obamacare Explained By Clinton And Obama
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Why Ted Cruz’s Anti-Obamacare Grandstanding Doesn’t Matter At All
Washington Healthplanfinder
For Washington residents who currently do not have affordable, quality health insurance the first place to look for insurance is at the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, also called the Washington Healthplanfinder. While the exchange officially opens for business on October 1, you can search their website today at wahealthplanfinder.org or you can call for information or to ask questions at 1-855-WAFINDER (1-855-923-4633) or TTY/TDD 1-855-627-9604.
Some additional online resources include:
· The federal government has its own marketplace website called the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace at HealthCare.gov
· Medicaid eligibility has been expanded so you might want to look at Medicaid Coverage at medicaid.gov
· If you need insurance for children DSHS provides through Apple Health for Kids at hca.wa.gov/applehealth/
Congressman Suggests Pushing Nation To Default Unless Obama Slashes Health Care Coverage For Seniors
Wingnuts Cheer Impending Government Shutdown While Obama Cleans Their Clocks
"Republicans don't seem to understand that Obamacare under any other name is called affordable access to health care for millions who don't have it right now. That name is one that polls well, which terrifies Republicans, because they understand that once it's in effect, people will actually like it."
House GOP Didn't Get Pope’s Memo On Poor Before Slashing Food Stamps | Alternet
"There’s nothing new about the House GOP’s war on America’s poor. They want people to go hungry. They want to deny people healthcare. Those were the bottom lines in votes on Thursday and Friday."
Anti-Obamacare Ad Loses Message In Creepiness
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Low-Income Preschoolers, Cancer Patients Take Hit In GOP Budget Extension
"Republicans have consistently threatened to shut down the government by refusing to pass a continuing resolution unless they got spending cuts, and nearly every time an extension has been passed since 2010 spending has been reduced. In fact, Congress has already enacted about $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction since the beginning of fiscal year 2011, 72 percent of which has come from spending cuts. Inflation-adjusted discretionary spending is now lower than the last two years of the Bush administration. The deficit has also fallen to the lowest level since 2008."
Cruz Plays Chicken With Obamacare
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Report: For Millions, Insurance Will Cost Less Than $100/Month
"About 6.4 million Americans eligible to buy insurance through the new health exchanges will pay $100 or less a month in premiums because of tax subsidies, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report released this week."
PERRspectives: GOP Blocks Health Insurance for 11 Million in 2014
"As other studies have warned, the state-by-state numbers are shocking. In Texas, Governor Rick Perry denounced Obamacare Medicaid expansion as a "fool's errand." But his foolishness in opting out means an extra 1.9 million Texans will needlessly go without health insurance in state where 24 percent of all residents--and 30 percent between the ages of 18 and 64--lack coverage. In Florida, where the GOP legislature is rebuffing Republican Governor Rick Scott's choice to accept the windfall from Washington, another million residents will be left uncovered. (In contrast, over 300,000 more Arizonans will gain insurance, thanks to a rare showing of common sense by Governor Jan Brewer.) Next door neighbors Minnesota and Wisconsin provide another useful case study. While Democrat Mark Dayton will be cutting the ranks of the uninsured by almost half in his state, in Madison Republican Scott Walker is leaving an estimated 182,000 folks out in the cold."
Five Major Ways That Republicans Are Trying To Sabotage Obamacare
"In two weeks, uninsured Americans will finally be able to start signing up for health coverage through Obamacare’s statewide insurance marketplaces. But even as the critical enrollment period inches closer, Obamacare opponents remain engaged in an all-or-nothing effort to block the law."
Koch-backed conservatives go pro-cervical cancer
"The right's campaign to convince young people to remain uninsured rather than enroll in Obamacare hits a new low"
GOP Continues Crusade To Defund Obamacare
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Chuck Todd: Not His Job to Point Out Lies About Obamacare
"From this Wednesday's Morning Joe, Chuck Todd finally said out loud what most of have known for a long time now. He doesn't think it's his job to make sure his audience knows when Republicans are lying to them."
More Kids Now Have Health Care, And You Have The Federal Government To Thank For That
Ted Cruz’s nightmare: Obamacare helps people!
"A new report shows most uninsured Americans will pay premiums of under $100 a month -- so Cruz says repeal it"
Obamacare Will Give Americans Cheaper Health Coverage Options If They’re Laid Off From Work
Under Obamacare, Millions Of Americans Will Pay Less Than $100 Per Month For Health Insurance
Health Care Reform:Health Insurance & Affordable Care Act
GOP-led misinformation campaigns have left millions of Americans confused about health reform. The largest health website in the country wants to help change that.
Two groups fall to GOP's Obamacare sabotage
"According to the Commonweath Fund, 17 states have passed various kinds of legislation to make this outreach effort as difficult for the administration as possible. Because more people having health insurance is the worst thing in the world and they must stop it."
Medicaid gap in red states could seriously wound Obamacare
"The solution is going to require organizing at the state level to both pressure governors and legislatures who have refused the expansion to change their minds, either by lobbying or by ousting them in 2014."
Employers Actually Plan To Hire More Full-Time Workers As Obamacare Rolls Out
Republicans Threaten To Push Nation Into Default Unless Obama Agrees To Delay Obamacare For One Year
A Congressional Budget Office report from July 2012 found that repealing the ACA in its entirety would increase the federal deficit by $109 billion over 10 years and $24 billion in FY 2014.
What Will Medicaid Look Like Under Obamacare?
What's in it for me? Your Obamacare health insurance options
"These tools and studies can give you some idea of how the process is going to work, and possibly how much you will be spending, if you're going to be purchasing health insurance on the exchanges this fall. They'll also be helpful if you're talking to friends, family or coworkers about Obamacare and what's happening with it, or if you're going to be helping out someone you know to sign up."
North Carolina Hospital Will Shut Down In Six Months Because The State Won’t Expand Medicaid
Washington State Got Flooded With Hundreds Of Phone Calls This Week About Signing Up For Obamacare
Without Medicaid Expansion, Over 40 Percent Of The Poorest Americans Won’t Get Any Health Insurance
Obamacare 'rate shock' myth debunked
"The whole idea behind the health insurance exchanges was that competition in the marketplace would do what it's always done, force companies to provide their best price to consumers. Early reports out of Oregon and California hinted at this trend. With more and more states reporting rates as October 1, the target date for the launch of the nation's insurance shopping spree nears, the trend is bearing out."
Major New Study On Obamacare Premiums Should End The ‘Rate Shock’ Hysteria Once And For All
Clinton Hits The Road To Explain Obamacare
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Georgia’s Governor Took Money From The Insurance Lobby While Denying Health Coverage To The Poor
PERRspectives: Study Debunks Myth of Doctors Fleeing Medicare
"The claim has become a staple of Republican efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act and transform Medicare into a system in which future elderly receive vouchers to purchase health insurance in the private market. "We are starting to see physicians turn away from taking patients who are on Medicare," the GOP.gov web site warns, with "more and more physicians are choosing to opt out of Medicare altogether." In July, the Wall Street Journal dutifully picked up that cudgel, cheering one "doctor goes off the grid" while fretting "more doctors steer clear of Medicare."
GA Gov. Nathan Deal Taking Payola To Obstruct Obamacare
"Let's also pay attention to the Big Donors here: United Health, Aetna, Humana and Blue Cross. United Health and Aetna have declined to participate in state-based exchanges in states where they're actually regulatedlike California and New York, opting instead to hand off some payola to a corrupt Georgia governor in order for him to behave like an obstructionist."
CDC Predicts Obamacare May Help Reduce The Number Of Americans Dying From Heart Disease
Retirement Inequality Chartbook: How the 401(k) revolution created a few big winners and many losers | Economic Policy Institute
"The switch from pensions to 401(k)s has left most Americans without enough money to retire. 46 interactive charts explore this growing problem."