You Probably Didn’t Hear About The Most Important Health Care News This Week
"U.S. health care spending since 2010 has increased by just 1.3 percent — the smallest cost growth over a three-year period in American history — while prices in the health care sector rose by 50-year lows, thanks in part to structural changes made by the Affordable Care Act."
"U.S. health care spending since 2010 has increased by just 1.3 percent — the smallest cost growth over a three-year period in American history — while prices in the health care sector rose by 50-year lows, thanks in part to structural changes made by the Affordable Care Act."
The Obamacare news in the states is pretty good, and Politico hates that
"For example, in Kentucky: "Kentucky's program, Kynect, has enrolled 56,422 Kentuckians as of Nov. 22 [...] [A]n additional 22,000 have entered personal information through the website and have found they are eligible for subsidized insurance but have yet to pick a plan."
From Indiana: "There are exciting changes ahead for a local health center that for years has been providing health services to the poor in the Wabash Valley. A recent infusion of federal dollars will allow The Wabash Valley Health Center, commonly known as St. Ann Medical and Dental Services, to continue to provide health care, expand its services and reach more people in the Valley"."
"For example, in Kentucky: "Kentucky's program, Kynect, has enrolled 56,422 Kentuckians as of Nov. 22 [...] [A]n additional 22,000 have entered personal information through the website and have found they are eligible for subsidized insurance but have yet to pick a plan."
From Indiana: "There are exciting changes ahead for a local health center that for years has been providing health services to the poor in the Wabash Valley. A recent infusion of federal dollars will allow The Wabash Valley Health Center, commonly known as St. Ann Medical and Dental Services, to continue to provide health care, expand its services and reach more people in the Valley"."
Obamacare Is a Great Deal for Stressed Out 64-Year Old Smoker John Boehner, Who's Leading the Sabotage Campaign Against It | Alternet
Obamacare Is a Great Deal for Stressed Out 64-Year Old Smoker John Boehner, Who's Leading the Sabotage Campaign Against It | Alternet
"As a 64-year-old heavy smoker, it’s a marvel Boehner will be able to purchase individual market coverage at all. I wonder what crazy law guarantees that he can?"
"As a 64-year-old heavy smoker, it’s a marvel Boehner will be able to purchase individual market coverage at all. I wonder what crazy law guarantees that he can?"
Grayson: GOP Solution For Health Care is Still to 'Die Quickly'
Grayson: GOP Solution For Health Care is Still to 'Die Quickly'
"Rep. Alan Grayson joined Ed Schultz this Friday to discuss Rep. Darrell Issa's latest stunt, where he's traveling around the country looking to generate more negative press for the Affordable Care Act, but as Grayson reminded Schultz during the interview, the Republicans' supposed "solutions" for Americans to have access to health care are the same as they've always been. Don't get sick and if you get sick, die quickly."
"Rep. Alan Grayson joined Ed Schultz this Friday to discuss Rep. Darrell Issa's latest stunt, where he's traveling around the country looking to generate more negative press for the Affordable Care Act, but as Grayson reminded Schultz during the interview, the Republicans' supposed "solutions" for Americans to have access to health care are the same as they've always been. Don't get sick and if you get sick, die quickly."
Surprise! GOP Following Scripted Plan To Attack Obamacare
Surprise! GOP Following Scripted Plan To Attack Obamacare
"I know you are shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that all the Obamacare noise over the last month is the product of a very carefully orchestrated public relations campaign."
"I know you are shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that all the Obamacare noise over the last month is the product of a very carefully orchestrated public relations campaign."
How the GOP Is Literally Killing Its Voters | Alternet
How the GOP Is Literally Killing Its Voters | Alternet
"In the past, there were many Republicans who saw the value of having a social safety net. Today’s Tea Party Republicans, however, believe in assaulting the poor and the middle class at every turn—and the older whites who vote for them are not exempt. Between butchering the food stamp program, opposing healthcare reform, trying to turn Social Security over to the whims of Wall Street, and going out of their way to eliminate what’s left of the New Deal, modern-day Republicans are no friends of older Americans—including their older white male rural base."
"In the past, there were many Republicans who saw the value of having a social safety net. Today’s Tea Party Republicans, however, believe in assaulting the poor and the middle class at every turn—and the older whites who vote for them are not exempt. Between butchering the food stamp program, opposing healthcare reform, trying to turn Social Security over to the whims of Wall Street, and going out of their way to eliminate what’s left of the New Deal, modern-day Republicans are no friends of older Americans—including their older white male rural base."
I Watched My Patients Die of Treatable Diseases Because They Were Poor | Alternet
I Watched My Patients Die of Treatable Diseases Because They Were Poor | Alternet
"A Galveston medical student describes life and death in the non-existent Texas safety net."
"A Galveston medical student describes life and death in the non-existent Texas safety net."
Growing Movement: Expand Social Security or 'Pay a Price' | Common Dreams
Growing Movement: Expand Social Security or 'Pay a Price' | Common Dreams
"With Social Security cuts once again on the table in closed-door congressional budget negotiations, a growing movement has taken the offensive, demanding that lawmakers strengthen, rather than stranglehold, our social safety net."
"With Social Security cuts once again on the table in closed-door congressional budget negotiations, a growing movement has taken the offensive, demanding that lawmakers strengthen, rather than stranglehold, our social safety net."
CEOs With Massive Retirement Fortunes Push Social Security Cuts | The Nation
CEOs With Massive Retirement Fortunes Push Social Security Cuts | The Nation
"These CEOs aren’t just trying to short the average American retiree; they’re throwing their own under the bus. While raising alarm about the federal debt, Business Roundtable CEOs have run up massive deficits in their employees’ pension funds."
"These CEOs aren’t just trying to short the average American retiree; they’re throwing their own under the bus. While raising alarm about the federal debt, Business Roundtable CEOs have run up massive deficits in their employees’ pension funds."
Fact Check: Social Security Does Not Increase the Deficit | Alternet
Fact Check: Social Security Does Not Increase the Deficit | Alternet
"There are basically two categories of people who want to see Social Security cut: 1) financiers who wish to move us toward privatized retirement accounts so that they can charge us fees; and 2) rich people who do not like to pay taxes. Their main champions are conservatives at the Heritage Foundation, libertarians at the Cato Institute and Wall Street financier Pete Peterson."
"There are basically two categories of people who want to see Social Security cut: 1) financiers who wish to move us toward privatized retirement accounts so that they can charge us fees; and 2) rich people who do not like to pay taxes. Their main champions are conservatives at the Heritage Foundation, libertarians at the Cato Institute and Wall Street financier Pete Peterson."
Republicans love Batkid, but they don't want him to have health care coverage
"Before insurers were prohibited from denying coverage to kids with pre-existing conditions, it was common for them to do just that. Not only that, treatment for a disease like leukemia could have taken a child to a lifetime insurance cap—caps that have now been lifted by Obamacare."
"Before insurers were prohibited from denying coverage to kids with pre-existing conditions, it was common for them to do just that. Not only that, treatment for a disease like leukemia could have taken a child to a lifetime insurance cap—caps that have now been lifted by Obamacare."
CEOs with Platinum Plated Pensions Want to Raise Social Security Eligibility to 70
CEOs with Platinum Plated Pensions Want to Raise Social Security Eligibility to 70
"According to a new report, CEOs at the forefront of the drive to “fix the debt” by slashing Social Security and Medicare, possess personal retirement funds worth an average of $14.5 million, and three have retirement nest eggs worth more than $100 million. The average Social Security check is $1,308 per month."
"According to a new report, CEOs at the forefront of the drive to “fix the debt” by slashing Social Security and Medicare, possess personal retirement funds worth an average of $14.5 million, and three have retirement nest eggs worth more than $100 million. The average Social Security check is $1,308 per month."
CEOs Against Grandmas | Common Dreams
CEOs Against Grandmas | Common Dreams
"David Cote, the CEO of Honeywell, has more than $134 million in his personal retirement fund. If I were sitting on a nest egg that big, I might feel a bit sheepish about telling ordinary grandmas and grandpas to take a cut in their Social Security payments. But Cote — and leaders of many other large corporations — don’t see it that way. In fact, as Congress prepares for yet another budget showdown at the end of the year, the loudest calls for Social Security cuts are coming from CEOs who will never have to worry about their own retirement security.
Two lobby groups have organized CEOs into an austerity army."
"David Cote, the CEO of Honeywell, has more than $134 million in his personal retirement fund. If I were sitting on a nest egg that big, I might feel a bit sheepish about telling ordinary grandmas and grandpas to take a cut in their Social Security payments. But Cote — and leaders of many other large corporations — don’t see it that way. In fact, as Congress prepares for yet another budget showdown at the end of the year, the loudest calls for Social Security cuts are coming from CEOs who will never have to worry about their own retirement security.
Two lobby groups have organized CEOs into an austerity army."
On Social Security: “It’s Values, Not Math” | Common Dreams
On Social Security: “It’s Values, Not Math” | Common Dreams
"The fight to provide retirement security for all Americans has an eloquent advocate in Sen. Elizabeth Warren, as the following speech demonstrates."
"The fight to provide retirement security for all Americans has an eloquent advocate in Sen. Elizabeth Warren, as the following speech demonstrates."
PERRspectives: GOP Commits Double Fraud with Obamacare Navigator Smear Campaign
PERRspectives: GOP Commits Double Fraud with Obamacare Navigator Smear Campaign
"To put it another way, Bush's Medicare drug plan navigators helped the government "reach people where they live, work, pray and play." But with the White House currently occupied by a Democrat and the nation's first African-American president, Republicans now pretend, those navigators aren't partners but the equivalent of Nigerian identity thieves."
"To put it another way, Bush's Medicare drug plan navigators helped the government "reach people where they live, work, pray and play." But with the White House currently occupied by a Democrat and the nation's first African-American president, Republicans now pretend, those navigators aren't partners but the equivalent of Nigerian identity thieves."
Elizabeth Warren Stands Up For Expansion Of Social Security
Elizabeth Warren Stands Up For Expansion Of Social Security
"Elizabeth Warren is taking the bull by the horns, becoming a true leader of the progressive movement in the Democratic Party. It's refreshing to hear a sitting senator discuss the problems of working-class Americans as if she truly wants to help them. Today, she delivered a powerful speech on the floor of the Senate in which she believes that the push to expand Social Security instead of cutting it will be a defining moment in the Democratic Party as we move forward."
"Elizabeth Warren is taking the bull by the horns, becoming a true leader of the progressive movement in the Democratic Party. It's refreshing to hear a sitting senator discuss the problems of working-class Americans as if she truly wants to help them. Today, she delivered a powerful speech on the floor of the Senate in which she believes that the push to expand Social Security instead of cutting it will be a defining moment in the Democratic Party as we move forward."
Huckabee Conflates Medical Insurance With 'Obamaburgers'
Huckabee Conflates Medical Insurance With 'Obamaburgers'
"It's more of the same we always see on Fox, where their favorite sport is bashing the poor. Not very Christ-like of the former governor, is it? Sadly, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more segments like this from Fox in the coming months and beyond."
"It's more of the same we always see on Fox, where their favorite sport is bashing the poor. Not very Christ-like of the former governor, is it? Sadly, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more segments like this from Fox in the coming months and beyond."
CHART: Americans Pay Way More For Health Care Than People In Any Other Affluent Nation
CHART: Americans Pay Way More For Health Care Than People In Any Other Affluent Nation: About 37 percent of Americans didn't see a doctor or fill a prescription because it was too expensive in 2013 -- a significantly higher number than for other well-to-do countries.
Paul Ryan Gets 700,000 ‘No’ Votes on Social Security Cuts | Common Dreams
Paul Ryan Gets 700,000 ‘No’ Votes on Social Security Cuts | Common Dreams
"Rep. Paul Ryan now has a clear, unmistakable message about where the American Majority stands on his ideas for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits – no, no, 700,000 times no."
"Rep. Paul Ryan now has a clear, unmistakable message about where the American Majority stands on his ideas for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits – no, no, 700,000 times no."
No, Obama Didn't Lie to You About Your Health Care Plans | Alternet
No, Obama Didn't Lie to You About Your Health Care Plans | Alternet
"First, it is important to note that the ACA grand-fathered all the individual policies that were in place at the time the law was enacted. This means that the plans in effect at the time that President Obama was pushing the bill could still be offered even if they did not meet all the standards laid out in the ACA.
"First, it is important to note that the ACA grand-fathered all the individual policies that were in place at the time the law was enacted. This means that the plans in effect at the time that President Obama was pushing the bill could still be offered even if they did not meet all the standards laid out in the ACA.
The plans being terminated because they don't meet the minimal standards were all plans that insurers introduced after the passage of the ACA."
GOP’s newest demented crusade: War on mothers
GOP’s newest demented crusade: War on mothers
"Conservatives continue to be outraged by the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that basic insurance policies cover maternity and newborn care."
"Conservatives continue to be outraged by the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that basic insurance policies cover maternity and newborn care."
GOP Did Contribute To Obamacare, Study Finds – Turns Out They Wrote A Large Portion
"For the final bill, over 10% came from House Republicans, and almost 30% came from Senate Republicans. That brings the total GOP contribution to Obamacare to 38.5%, meaning that over a third of Obamacare was written by the Republican party."
"For the final bill, over 10% came from House Republicans, and almost 30% came from Senate Republicans. That brings the total GOP contribution to Obamacare to 38.5%, meaning that over a third of Obamacare was written by the Republican party."
6 Reasons Why Obamacare Enrollment Is Going Better Than You Think
6 Reasons Why Obamacare Enrollment Is Going Better Than You Think: An estimated 50,000 enrolled in the federal exchanges, but that's not the whole story.
Koch Group Throws Boozy Anti-Obamacare Tailgate Party At College Football Game
Koch Group Throws Boozy Anti-Obamacare Tailgate Party At College Football Game: The game day bash included a "fleet of Hummers," according to a Generation Opportunity spokesperson, in addition to beer pong, models, and anti-Obamacare rhetoric.
New Rules Mandate Mental Health Coverage
New Rules Mandate Mental Health Coverage
"The final rule issued today implements the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and ensures that health plans features like co-pays, deductibles and visit limits are generally not more restrictive for mental health/substance abuse disorders benefits than they are for medical/surgical benefits."
"The final rule issued today implements the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and ensures that health plans features like co-pays, deductibles and visit limits are generally not more restrictive for mental health/substance abuse disorders benefits than they are for medical/surgical benefits."
PERRspectives: Republicans Put Red State Hospitals at Risk
PERRspectives: Republicans Put Red State Hospitals at Risk
"Among the myriadtactics Republicans are using to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, the "coverage gap" is perhaps the most visible. Because 26 GOP-led states have refused to accept the federally-funded expansion of Medicaid to their residents earning up to 138% of the poverty level, at least five million Americans will needlessly be left without health insurance in 2014. As it turns out, that Republican rejection will deal a second body blow to the red state health care systems that need help most by draining funds from hospitals that currently serve the uninsured."
"Among the myriadtactics Republicans are using to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, the "coverage gap" is perhaps the most visible. Because 26 GOP-led states have refused to accept the federally-funded expansion of Medicaid to their residents earning up to 138% of the poverty level, at least five million Americans will needlessly be left without health insurance in 2014. As it turns out, that Republican rejection will deal a second body blow to the red state health care systems that need help most by draining funds from hospitals that currently serve the uninsured."
Chuck Todd Equates Opposition to Privatizing Social Security to GOP Obstruction of 'Obamacare'
Chuck Todd Equates Opposition to Privatizing Social Security to GOP Obstruction of 'Obamacare'
"There are so many things wrong with this very short clip from this Friday's Morning Joe on MSNBC, it's hard to know where to begin, but let's start with the fact that there is no equivalence whatsoever between George W. Bush wanting to privatize Social Security and the Democrats who were against that policy, and the type of obstruction we've seen from Republicans against the Affordable Care Act."
"There are so many things wrong with this very short clip from this Friday's Morning Joe on MSNBC, it's hard to know where to begin, but let's start with the fact that there is no equivalence whatsoever between George W. Bush wanting to privatize Social Security and the Democrats who were against that policy, and the type of obstruction we've seen from Republicans against the Affordable Care Act."
From Kentucky, a reminder of the bigger health insurance picture
"Kentucky has become an early success story in the roll-out of Obamacare, with a Democratic governor, Steve Beshear, whose administration has tackled getting their program—Kynect—up and running efficiently. Just as important, Kentucky has committed to an extensive outreach program to get people educated, informed and signed up."
"Kentucky has become an early success story in the roll-out of Obamacare, with a Democratic governor, Steve Beshear, whose administration has tackled getting their program—Kynect—up and running efficiently. Just as important, Kentucky has committed to an extensive outreach program to get people educated, informed and signed up."
The Cancer Patient From The Wall Street Journal Will Likely Save Thousands Under Obamacare
The Cancer Patient From The Wall Street Journal Will Likely Save Thousands Under Obamacare: Edie Sundby could pay less and benefit from a whole host of new consumer protections.
The Biggest Winner From Last Night’s Election? Obamacare
The Biggest Winner From Last Night’s Election? Obamacare: Not only did the nation's loudest critic of Obamacare go down in defeat, but the so-called bellwether for national politics is now on its way to expanding Medicaid under the law.
Behind the Right’s Crazy Crusade to Make Women Pay More for Health Insurance | Alternet
Behind the Right’s Crazy Crusade to Make Women Pay More for Health Insurance | Alternet
"Republicans can’t win women because they’re still fighting a culture war to restore men to their “rightful” place as the head of the family and society. They’re profoundly uncomfortable with women’s autonomy – and that makes women voters increasingly uncomfortable voting Republican."
"Republicans can’t win women because they’re still fighting a culture war to restore men to their “rightful” place as the head of the family and society. They’re profoundly uncomfortable with women’s autonomy – and that makes women voters increasingly uncomfortable voting Republican."
Do The Right Thing: Expand Social Security Benefits
Do The Right Thing: Expand Social Security Benefits
"we as a country should be expanding benefits and not cutting them to appease the angryPete Peterson deficit hawk mob or the vacuous conservatives, who need their pound of flesh."
"we as a country should be expanding benefits and not cutting them to appease the angryPete Peterson deficit hawk mob or the vacuous conservatives, who need their pound of flesh."
Don't Be Fooled! Health Insurance Companies' Latest Scam to Scare Off Customers from Obamacare | Alternet
Don't Be Fooled! Health Insurance Companies' Latest Scam to Scare Off Customers from Obamacare | Alternet
"The letters from health insurance companies don’t mention the health care exchanges they could look into to get cheaper plans."
"The letters from health insurance companies don’t mention the health care exchanges they could look into to get cheaper plans."
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