HealthCare Notes


How Republican Obamacare Lies Nearly Killed A Man
"Angstadt would probably be dead if he didn’t have a friend who cared about him enough to fight and educate him about the ACA. Dean Angstadt got lucky. He had a friend who was willing to fight to get him to sign up, and he signed up during the open enrollment period.
His story is a reminder that the Republican lies about the ACA have real life and death consequences. Some of the people who believe the Republican misinformation campaign, and don’t get health insurance, will get sick and die before the next open enrollment period begins. It is twisted, but some opponents of the law view every person who doesn’t sign up and gets sick as proof that Obamacare doesn’t work.
The results of scaring people away from signing up for the ACA include crippling debt, people not going to see a doctor when they are sick, or even death."

Unskew this! Desperate GOP Obamacare ploy fails, again

Unskew this! Desperate GOP Obamacare ploy fails, again

"Not only was it announced that Obamacare sign-ups hit 8 million, almost simultaneously, Gallup reported that states that fully embraced Obamacare — setting up exchanges and expanding Medicaid — reduced their percentage of uninsured residents by 2.5 percent, compared to just 0.8 percent for states that resisted on one or both counts. The success of the law and the failure of opposition to it came as a one-two punch. And now we’re even starting to see Democratic healthcare ads."


PERRspectives: The GOP Has Made the Red State Health Care Deficit Worse

PERRspectives: The GOP Has Made the Red State Health Care Deficit Worse

"To put those findings in terms Republicans can understand, up to 3,000 of Rick Perry's Texans will needlessly die each year. Those dead will joined by up to 671 from Scott Walker's Wisconsin, 1,176 in Nathan Deal's Georgia, 2,221 in Rick Scott's Florida and 1,145 in Pat McCrory's North Carolina."


How Obamacare Will Help Americans Retire Sooner
"The reason for that is pretty simple: Once Americans don’t have to worry about losing their employer-sponsored health insurance, they’ll be freed up to make different decisions about how long to continue working."

Bernie Sanders Lays The Smack-Down : GOP Freedom Is ‘The Freedom To Die’ (Video)

Bernie Sanders Lays The Smack-Down : GOP Freedom Is ‘The Freedom To Die’ (Video)

"Sanders went on to say that he doesn’t believe that the majority of the people are in favor of the things that the Republicans want to do, things like eliminating Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid and eliminating the minimum wage.  They want to strengthen those programs and raise the minimum wage."


From Death Panels To Death Spirals: The Right-Wing Media's Epic Five-Year Health Care Disinformation Campaign
"In the five years since President Obama's health care reform plan -- which became the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- was first introduced, the right-wing media has waged a continuous campaign to attack the law through misinformation, deception, and outright lies."


PERRspectives: In Arkansas and Georgia, an Obamacare Tale of Two Clinics

PERRspectives: In Arkansas and Georgia, an Obamacare Tale of Two Clinics

"For the two clinics, it was the best of times and the worst times. In Mena, Arkansas, the 9th Street Ministries free clinic is closing its doors after 16 years, its services no longer needed by the poor residents who have now obtained health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act. But in Glenwood, Georgia, the Lower Oconee Community Hospital has closed, largely because the low income denizens of Wheeler County did not. And with 94,000 Arkansanscovered by the expansion of Medicaid spearheaded by Democratic Governor Mike Beebe while Republican Governor Nathan Deal left over 600,000 Georgians without, the tale of two clinics is bound to be repeated in the months ahead."

Republican Governors and Legislatures Are Killing People by Not Expanding Medicaid

Republican Governors and Legislatures Are Killing People by Not Expanding Medicaid

"Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) and the Republican legislature in Florida are likely responsible for the death of 32-year-old Charlene Dill, a mother of three separated from her husband. Dill did everything the anti-poor warriors in DC demands of those with limited money: She worked three jobs, budgeted her expenses and cared for her children. But she couldn't afford adequate medical care."

If You Don’t Have Healthcare, The GOP Doesn’t Care If You Die
"While prominent Republicans, like Mitt Romney, Jim DeMint and Haley Barbour have turned to the “ER’s will treat you” as a way to support the rejection of expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, they are quickly changing their tunes. Now, instead of advocating for ERs to treat the uninsured like decent human beings, they aim to keep the uninsured from using emergency rooms at all. Georgia Governor Nathan Deal is lobbying on Congress to allow hospitals to turn people away from emergency rooms who lack health insurance."


Should the Ryan Budget Worry Seniors?
"But as important as many seniors and their families think Medicare is to their well-being and family financial solvency, the greater threat to their well-being might well be Rep. Ryan’s Medicaid proposal. Medicaid is sometimes thought of as medical assistance for the poor, but about two-thirds of the money in the program goes to elderly and disabled Americans."


WATCH: New Study Shows Nearly 10 Million People Insured Because Of Obamacare!

WATCH: New Study Shows Nearly 10 Million People Insured Because Of Obamacare!

"Nearly 10 million formerly uninsured Americans now have coverage for themselves and their families because of the Affordable Healthcare Act.  The latest study to show this was conducted by the RAND Corporation"

The Conservative Death Panel

The Conservative Death Panel

"Right now, millions of Americans across 23 states are uninsured, because their Republican lawmakers have refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare.

As a result, they fall into the "Red State Doughnut Hole," that was drilled into Obamacare by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and his four right-wing buddies. The Supreme Court said that states could refuse to take federal money to pay to insure working poor people, and Republican governs have jumped at the opportunity.

Millions of Americans are unable to afford life-saving health care, because Republicans would rather play politics than protect people's lives."


Tea Party Republicans Publish Op/Ed Slamming Obamacare; Shocker, It’s Filled With Lies

Tea Party Republicans Publish Op/Ed Slamming Obamacare; Shocker, It’s Filled With Lies

"With a non-stop geyser of news hitting digital media every day, a lot of material tends to slip through the cracks. For example, we somehow missed an op/ed from several days ago that’s packed wall-to-wall with lies and misinformation about Obamacare."

This 32-Year-Old Florida Woman Is Dead Because Her State Refused To Expand Medicaid
"A recent study conducted by Harvard researchers estimated that as many as 17,000 people will die directly as a result of their states refusing to expand Medicaid. In Florida, that translates to about six deaths like Dill’s every single day."


PERRspectives: White Hoods, Dunce Caps and Paul Ryan

PERRspectives: White Hoods, Dunce Caps and Paul Ryan

"Ryan's scheme looked even more irresponsible after the implosion of Wall Street in 2008. (After all, millions of seniors would have seen their retirement accounts plummet, even as investment managers raked in billions in fees.) Nevertheless, even after the near-collapse of the American financial system, Paul Ryan stuck with his Social Security privatization gambit."

Documents from Open Records Lawsuit Further Undermine Claims that ALEC Is Legislator-Driven

Documents from Open Records Lawsuit Further Undermine Claims that ALEC Is Legislator-Driven

"New documents released as a result of the Center for Media and Democracy's open records lawsuit against American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) vice-chair Senator Leah Vukmir provide more evidence that lobbyists and special interest groups are calling the shots within ALEC, undermining that group's latest PR spin that it is a "legislator-driven" organization.

The previously-undisclosed records from ALEC's Spring 2013 meeting show a Florida-based State Policy Network lobbying group instructing Senator Vukmir and other legislators to introduce a "model" resolution for legislators to thwart Medicaid expansion in their state, and even writing an entire "script" for legislators to parrot in the ALEC task force meeting -- contradicting ALEC's claims to reporters last year that only legislators propose model policy, and demonstrating that such claims are merely a talking point."

GOP leaders optimistic Paul Ryan's latest plan to repeal Medicare will pass
"The good news is that it doesn't much matter what happens on this vote; for all practical purposes, it's just a symbolic document. But if you needed another reminder that the GOP is still every bit as crazy as it was when it shut down the government last fall, look no further than the fact that for the only question they have about a plan to repeal Medicare is whether the Steve King's of their party will think it's too liberal."

Gallup: Uninsured Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Obama Took Office

Gallup: Uninsured Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Obama Took Office

"It's a crime that so many red states are refusing to expand Medicaid in their states and as the ACA succeeds, I hope the voters kick all the bums out."


PERRspectives: Rick Perry Leads GOP's "Let 'Em Die" Primary for 2016

PERRspectives: Rick Perry Leads GOP's "Let 'Em Die" Primary for 2016

"Thanks to his refusal to expand Medicaid coverage in the Lone Star State, Texas Governor Rick Perry has left two million of his constituents needlessly uninsured and sentenced up to 3,000 annually to needlessly die.

That's the conclusion a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School recently published inHealth Affairs. The authors of "Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion: The Health And Financial Impacts" tallied up the coming body count in the Republican states that rejected the ACA's extension of Medicaid to millions of their residents"


Remember When Republicans Said Social Security And Medicare Would Destroy Freedom Too?
"The intense conservative ire for Obamacare may seem like an anomaly in American history. But it's eerily reminiscent of two other large -- and now widely popular -- expansions of the safety net: Social Security and Medicare.
The two programs are now a staple of American political culture. But a backward glance at the political environment during their inception reveals equally fierce, ugly antipathy from conservatives -- including screaming warnings that they'd be ruinous to freedom."

Paul Ryan Admits Pre-Existing Conditions Exclusions Would Come Back After GOP Repeals ACA

Paul Ryan Admits Pre-Existing Conditions Exclusions Would Come Back After GOP Repeals ACA

"And this is reason number umpty-zillion why it's imperative that we toss these jerks out of office forever. He really believes this, and saying it aloud should be political suicide. It should be as disastrous as saying he wants to cut Medicare. But those "shoulds" only become reality if people show up to vote."


VA Tea Party Delegate Calls Elderly Woman 'Intellectually Lazy' Over Medicaid Expansion

VA Tea Party Delegate Calls Elderly Woman 'Intellectually Lazy' Over Medicaid Expansion

"If you're an elderly citizen concerned about your healthcare and you don't understand why your own state legislatures refuse to expand Medicaid because of a Conservative ideological hatred of the government, then be careful when you question or email that representative."

PERRspectives: Mitch McConnell's Diskynect

PERRspectives: Mitch McConnell's Diskynect

"Already facing a tough reelection fight, Mitch McConnell is going have to explain to those 370,000 people--1 in 12 of all Kentuckians and equal to about 27 percent of the entire 2010 midterm electorate--why he wants to take away their health insurance."

A big victory for Obamacare


The Ryan Budget Is a Broken Record of Failed Trickle-Down Economics
"As in the past, Rep. Ryan’s budget dramatically slashes the social safety net, including critical programs that support seniors and working families. Similar to previous years, Rep. Ryan repeals the Medicaid expansion in the Affordable Care Act and proposes block grants for Medicaid, slashing about $1.5 trillion over 10 years from a critical program that supports low-income families and seniors. He is undermining a cornerstone of our health care system, one that covered more than 67 million peoplein 2012, including 32 million children, 6 million seniors, and 11 million people with disabilities. Such dramatic cuts from Medicaid would also affect states’ ability to provide long-term care to seniors because Medicaid is seniors’ primary payer of long-term care."

President Obama proudly shares success of ACA

After 7 Million Americans Sign Up For Obamacare, Fox News Insists ‘No One’ Opposed Some Of Its Provisions
"Moments after President Obama announced that 7.1 million Americans have signed up for coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s health care exchanges and criticized Republicans for seeking to repeal the law, Fox News host Neil Cavuto jumped in to defend the party — and the most popular parts of Obamacare."

Obamacare enrollment numbers could rise even higher

Obamacare Cuts Kentucky's Uninsured Rate By 40 Percent
"Obamacare has cut Kentucky's uninsured population by more than 40 percent, signing up roughly 360,000 residents since enrollment opened up on Oct. 1, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal."

PERRspectives: Paul Ryan Aptly Releases GOP Budget on April Fool's Day

PERRspectives: Paul Ryan Aptly Releases GOP Budget on April Fool's Day

"Paul Ryan's vision for America--more debt, a tax cut bonanza for the mega-rich, Medicare rationing and millions more uninsured--is hardly the stuff of Republican talking points for November's midterms."