HealthCare Notes


A Secret Plan to Close Social Security’s Offices and Outsource Its Work | Common Dreams

A Secret Plan to Close Social Security’s Offices and Outsource Its Work | Common Dreams

"Despite the fact that a Democratic president is running the executive branch, the Social Security Administration appears to be accepting the harsh budget cuts imposed upon it by Congress with an air of surprising passivity. This is puzzling. Social Security is an enormously successful and popular program. Historically only conservative Republicans have urged cuts to its administrative budget. Those cuts are already frustrating the public and undermining public confidence in the program."


Far right’s “monstruous” lies: Palin, Limbaugh and Medicaid fight in Virginia

Far right’s “monstruous” lies: Palin, Limbaugh and Medicaid fight in Virginia

"The willingness to concoct, promulgate and defend lies like these is amoral enough. That they’re intended to restrict healthcare access to people who really need it is just monstrous. And you get very little sense that conservatives care or even recognize this for the problem that it is."


You Might Be Able To Sign Up For Obamacare This Summer
"Anyone who experiences a “life-changing event” — graduating from college and losing a student health plan, moving to a new home, getting married, having or adopting a baby, or turning 26 years old — may be eligible to enroll in a new marketplace plan even before the next enrollment period starts in the fall. They can take advantage of what’s called Special Enrollment."


Thanks To Obamacare, Minnesota’s Uninsurance Rate Has Dropped 40 Percent
"The number of uninsured people in Minnesota has plunged to the lowest level in state history, following Obamacare’s six month open enrollment period that allowed people to sign up for new health plans, according to a new analysis from University of Minnesota researchers."


Bad News For Republicans: Obamacare Still NOT A Job Killer As 217,000 Jobs Added In May, Healthcare Adds The Most
"For the fourth consecutive month, the economy added more than 200,000 jobs, and healthcare led the way in creating those jobs. According to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 217,000 jobs were added in May. Healthcare was responsible for approximately 55,000 of those jobs. And that’s not the only good news.
The jobs report is even sweeter because it means the United States has finally recovered all of the jobs lost when the economy crashed during the Bush Administration in 2008. It also marks the first time that the economy has added 200,000 jobs for four straight months since 1999-2000, when another Democrat, Bill Clinton, occupied the White House. Additionally, the unemployment rate still stands at 6.3 percent, which is a six year low since the rate peaked at 10 percent in 2009 just after Obama took office."


PERRspectives: Mitch McConnells Deadly Lies about Obamacare

PERRspectives: Mitch McConnells Deadly Lies about Obamacare

"So facing a tough reelection race this fall, Mitch McConnell did what Mitch McConnell does. He lied about taking people's health insurance away, like he lied during his failed effort to prevent them from getting it in the first place."