HealthCare Notes


Obamacare's successes hurting Republicans
"The remarkable declines in the growth of healthcare spending, particularly for Medicare, are upending Republicans' anti-Obamacare, deficit fetishist attacks on Democrats, allowing Democrats to turn the table on Medicare. Remember that $716 billion lie about Obamacare and Medicare? It has no resonance anymore."


Good news for Obamacare

Hospitals will save $5.7 billion this year because of Obamacare
"Take the example of Texas, where annual uncompensated care is $5.5 billion—almost as much as has been saved nationwide by Obamacare. It's seen a bit of improvement because of new Obamacare enrollees, but Gov. Rick Perry's refusal to expand Medicaid is costing the state—and the state's taxpayers—dearly. Property tax revenues are used to keep hospitals running. The state could receive as much as $100 billion in federal funds in the next decade, with expansion. That's something the state's hospitals and its taxpayers would happily accept."

Thanks To Obamacare, Hospitals Will Save Nearly $6 Billion This Year
"Hospitals will save $5.7 billion in uncompensated care costs this year, thanks to the fact that people are gaining insurance under Obamacare and are now able to pay their bills, according to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Compared to what hospitals would have likely needed to pay without the law’s coverage expansion, that represents a 16 percent drop in costs.
The report finds that there are now fewer uninsured people going to the emergency room and being admitted to the hospital — which translates into big savings for hospitals."


FL Gov Rick Scott Pleaded the Fifth a Shocking Number of Times During Medicare Fraud Trial

FL Gov Rick Scott Pleaded the Fifth a Shocking Number of Times During Medicare Fraud Trial

"Seventy-five times!  And he wasn’t even facing prison time. Because why would he, right? He was just the CEO of a company which defrauded the government, of course prison time wouldn’t be on the table."

10 Ways Conservatives Sell Their Failed Policies
"There was a time when some prominent Republicans (including President Dwight D. Eisenhower) recognized social security as a valuable element of the New Deal, but these days, Ryan and other Tea Party favorites speak of “reforming” social security when in truth, they want to butcher it."



Obamacare Misinformer Betsy McCaughey Walks Off Set Of The Daily Show

Obamacare Misinformer Betsy McCaughey Walks Off Set Of The Daily Show

"The Daily Show's Jordan Klepper tried to interview serial Obamacare misinformer Betsy McCaughey to discuss why it's been such a tough road for critics of the Affordable Care Act to continue to demonize the law, and this Thursday he found out the hard way that when that happens, you get treated to her walking off the set."


GOP's Obamacare Nightmare Is Coming True: It's Working
"The shift has been crystallized in contentious Senate races this fall. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently signaled that Kentuckians benefiting from the state's Obamacare exchange and Medicaid expansion should be able to keep their coverage. Senate GOP candidates Joni Ernst of Iowa, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Scott Brown of New Hampshire and Terri Lynn Land of Michigan have all refused to call for rolling back Medicaid expansion in their states. The number of television ads attacking the law have plummeted in key battleground states since April, and now even vulnerable Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas is touting his vote for protecting Americans with preexisting conditions under Obamacare."


PERRspectives: Medicaid Rejection Costing Red States Billions of Dollars, Thousands of Lives

PERRspectives: Medicaid Rejection Costing Red States Billions of Dollars, Thousands of Lives

"To put those findings in terms Republicans can understand, up to 3,000 of Rick Perry's Texans will needlessly die each year. Those dead will joined by up to 671 from Scott Walker's Wisconsin, 1,176 in Nathan Deal's Georgia, 2,221 in Rick Scott's Florida and 1,145 in Pat McGrory's North Carolina."