HealthCare Notes


West Virginia Republicans Want To Throw People In Jail For Helping Uninsured Get Obamacare
"This is a strong contender for craziest proposed law of 2015. It will probably come as a surprise to Republicans, but they can’t declare a federal law invalid and make it crime to enforce the law. The proposed Republican bill is unconstitutional on many levels."

States That Accepted Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion Are Creating More Jobs
"The new study, published by the market trend research group FitchRatings, found that Medicaid expansion states experienced 30 percent faster growth in health sector jobs in 2014, compared to the states that haven’t accepted the expansion."


White House: Obamacare enrollments reach 11.4 million
"That's a lot of people. A lot of people who now have affordable health insurance. Charles Gaba puts the total, including all the young people who've been able to stay on their parents plans, the people who are in expanded Medicaid and the regular enrollees at 32 million. That's the primary success of the law but it's only part of the success. Healthcare spending has slowed, dramatically. Like the lowest growth in half a century dramatically. A slowdown in Medicare spending is already reducing the deficit and extending the life of the Medicare program. Somewhere around 50,000 lives have been saved because of measures in the law that make hospitals safer.
That's what Republicans want to repeal, make go away entirely and have absolutely no intention of replacing should the Supreme Court decide to cut one of the most critical components out from under it."

How many truthful attacks have Republicans launched against Obamacare? (Spoiler: still zero)
"It's really no wonder that Republicans are utterly bankrupt when it comes to healthcare reform. At one time they had some ideas, and some of those ideas ended up in Romneycare, and from there some of them ended up in Obamacare. Which caused them all to have to be completely repudiated by all right-thinking Republicans and replaced with, well, platitudes and gibberish."

Obama Reminds Republicans That They Were Totally Wrong About Obamacare
"Republicans responded to the news by saying nothing. The offices of Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had nothing to say about the news that the health care law that they are trying to destroy is exceeding all expectations.
The president pushed back on the outright falsehood that the ACA is a government takeover of healthcare by mentioning the benefits that free market competition have brought to the healthcare system. The Republican critics were, and continue to be, wrong about the Affordable Care Act.
The ACA is not only exceeding expectations as far as sign ups are concerned, but also the law is also performing better than even supporters thought was possible. President Obama didn’t point a finger and say you were wrong, and I was right, but reminding everyone that the Republican critics have been wrong since the beginning, the president reinforced the idea that Republicans are more interested in partisan politics than health care policy that works."

White House comedy stints wield huge influence


Why Is No One Talking About the GOP’s Plan to Send Millions of Disabled Americans Into Poverty? | The Nation

Why Is No One Talking About the GOP’s Plan to Send Millions of Disabled Americans Into Poverty? | The Nation

"Despite their virtues, many conservative Republicans have an unfortunate habit of picking on the weak and disadvantaged, slandering the people least able to fight back."

Michael Cannon, CATO hack behind King v. Burwell, lying again about Ben Nelson
"It is fun to see Cannon's own arguments contribute to the increasingly fast self-destruction of his own case."

This Map Of Health Care Costs Around The World Will Make Your Blood Boil (IMAGE)
"That means it costs four times as much to be treated in the United States as it does in France."

Rick Perry Makes Ridiculous Claim About Why Texas Leads the Nation in Number of Uninsured Citizens

Rick Perry Makes Ridiculous Claim About Why Texas Leads the Nation in Number of Uninsured Citizens

"the truth is, almost nobody wants him to be president - especially after his disastrous 2012 campaign. It doesn’t matter that almost every poll I’ve seen of potential 2016 GOP candidates has Perry at or near the bottom, he’s still clearly getting ready for another run at the presidency. I can’t really blame the GOP for not getting behind him. Why would they? He was an absolute embarrassment in 2012 and I can almost guarantee 2016 isn’t going to be any better. For example, recently Perry made a completely asinine claim that the reason why Texas leads the nation in the number of its citizens without health insurance is because that’s what Texans want. “Texas has been criticized for having a large number of uninsured,” Perry said. “But that’s what Texans wanted. They did not want a large government program forcing everyone to purchase insurance.” No, actually what most Americans want is true universal health care – but Republicans damn sure won’t allow that to happen. Currently, Texas leads the nation with 22 percent of its citizens living without health insurance. In a state of around 27 million people, that means about 6 million aren’t insured. And this isn’t a number that magically grew after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. This has been a problem in Texas for years, so Perry trying to link this problem to the Affordable Care Act is just idiotic."

The 'absurdist comedy' that is the Obamacare challenge
"That fabric they manufactured is unraveling around them, exposing them as the unprincipled partisan hacks they are. But that's nothing compared to the egg on the Supreme Court's face for even taking this turkey of a case. Imagine how they'll look if they actually rule for the nut-jobs."

Rick Perry’s Absurd Healthcare Claim: Texans Like Being Uninsured! | Alternet

Rick Perry’s Absurd Healthcare Claim: Texans Like Being Uninsured! | Alternet

"According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 70 percent of uninsured Texans are in working families, with 40 percent living below the poverty level. Kaiser does not have statistics on how many consider their lack of coverage just another part of being liberty-loving Texans."


Kentucky Medicaid expansion reaping great rewards
"Those gains boil down to a net budget gain of nearly $820 million for state and local governments. "For all the naysayers who claimed that expanding Medicaid was a budget-busting boondoggle, take a look at the facts," said Gov. Steve Beshear in response to the news.
There's also the other part—375,000 people who didn't have health care do now. That's saving lives. The Koch brothers must be so pissed."

The right’s sinister plot to destroy Social Security, revealed

The right’s sinister plot to destroy Social Security, revealed

"In one of its first actions, the Republican House of Representatives of the 114th Congress, changed its rules to manufacture a Social Security crisis."

New Front In #RepublicanClassWar: Social Security For The Disabled

New Front In #RepublicanClassWar: Social Security For The Disabled

"Class war is precisely what we’ve been seeing for decades now – but it’s been waged for, not against, the wealthy. And Republicans have been its dutiful servants from the start. It might make a good hashtag, come to think of it: #RepublicanClassWar."


Scott Walker's Most Heinous Budget Stunt Yet

Scott Walker's Most Heinous Budget Stunt Yet

"In other words, Walker wants to force the frail elderly and disabled adults into a single, expensive program. He then wants to give these contracts - worth more than $3 billion - in a no bid process to large for profit insurance companies, who will have little or no oversight.

Gee, do you think he is fishing for the Big Insurance campaign donations with this immoral giveaway?

Ah, but that's not all. With all things Walker, there is more. There is always more.

Walker is not satisfied with just going after the disabled adults and frail elderly. He wants to go after disabled children as well."

Koch Brother Minions Booed At Montana Medicaid Townhall

Koch Brothers Group Shouted Down By Irate Citizens During Montana Town Hall Meeting
"The Koch Brothers probably thought opposition to Obamacare would be an easy sell in small town Montana, but their town hall meeting backfired in epic fashion. Much to their chagrin, there are still some Republican lawmakers in Montana who can’t be bought off, and some voters who won’t fall in line, no matter how many millions the Koch Brothers’ decide to spend."

Koch group gets hostile reception in Montana over Medicaid expansion
"The Koch brothers have made stopping Medicaid expansion under Obamacare a top priority for their state efforts. It worked last week in Tennessee. Their allies did it in Wyoming, too. But not all states are as receptive to their interference. Take Montana, where a Koch road-show against Medicaid expansion was greeted by some well-informed and angry Montanans.
Seems that Americans for Prosperity has been having "Healthcare Town Hall" meetings around the state, trying to relive the glory days of August recess 2009 when they terrorized politicians and citizens alike with stories about death panels and the evils of affordable health insurance. They decided to have one in Kalispell targeting Rep. Frank Garner, a Republican who has refused to sign their pledge to vote against Medicaid expansion. They did, though, without inviting Garner to appear as well."


Republican Switches Parties Over Mississippi Refusal To Expand Medicaid

Republican Switches Parties Over Mississippi Refusal To Expand Medicaid

"I always expected some Republicans to switch parties, because it's an enormous psychological stress to constantly paint bad things as good, and to tear things down instead of building them up."


Exposing the Republican Party's Sleazy Playbook to Destroy Social Security | Alternet

Exposing the Republican Party's Sleazy Playbook to Destroy Social Security | Alternet

"In one of its first actions, the Republican House of Representatives of the 114th Congress, changed its rules to manufacture a Social Security crisis."

Koch brothers killed Medicaid expansion in Tennessee, and they're coming for your state
"Those are just a few examples of the Koch brothers expanding the Republican civil war and making sure moderates are either stifled or drummed out. All the way from the presidential level, where they promise to spend $889 million over the next two years, down to city and state parties, the Kochs are taking over the Republican party. They own the entire party's database of voters, they own most of the Republican House and Senate, and now they're going to own the states.
Instead of the GOP it's now the KOP, the Kochs' Own Party."

Koch Cartel Blocking Medicaid Expansion, Denying Hundreds of Thousands Care | Alternet

Koch Cartel Blocking Medicaid Expansion, Denying Hundreds of Thousands Care | Alternet

"While it is not a surprise that the Republican war on Obamacare continues, it is new to see a handful of Republican governors push for Medicaid expansion while the GOP's Koch wing is essentially intimidating state lawmakers into voting no."

Meet the Unusual Plaintiffs Behind the Supreme Court Case That Could Destroy Obamacare
"Levy contended that Obamacare had caused many Americans to lose their insurance and for premiums to rise.
In fact, the percentage of uninsured Americans has fallen from 18 percent to 13.4 percent since the law took effect last year. And Obamacare has made health care more affordable than ever before. This especially holds true for Levy. She told me she faced monthly health care premiums of $1,500, which she attributed to health woes that have included two craniotomies and two hip replacements. "I've had some holes drilled in my head," she quipped. Levy hasn't checked out the plans she qualifies for under Obamacare, but a October 2013 affidavit filed by the government in King v. Burwell indicates that at that time she could have purchased a low-cost bronze plan on the federal exchange for $148 a month. Given this, it's unclear how Obamacare has caused her any real harm."

The secret that could destroy Obamacare

What Happens To Emergency Rooms When A State Doesn’t Expand Medicaid? Louisiana Is A Harrowing Example
"Helping people shouldn’t be a conservative vs. liberal issue, but to Jindal, it clearly is. And his stubbornness, idiocy, and short-sightedness is putting the health of his state in danger."

Exposed: The Republican Alternative To Obamacare Is Nothing More Than A ‘Cut and Paste’ Job (IMAGES)
"Obamacare has seen the number of uninsured Americans drop by between 10 and 12 million. Multiple pieces of research have also found that citizens with Obamacare are better off than they were without it; a survey from the Commonwealth Fund found that 60% of people who got new coverage on the marketplaces had used their insurance to pay for services—and 62% of that group said they could not have paid for such care previously. On top of this, according to figures from the Congressional Budget Office, the net result of the policy has seen healthcare costs reach a historic low."

GOP’s “pre-existing” lie: How to trick people into thinking you’re “replacing” Obamacare

GOP’s “pre-existing” lie: How to trick people into thinking you’re “replacing” Obamacare

"Authors of the “new” GOP healthcare reform plan are lying about its policy for people with pre-existing conditions"

Republicans combine their war on Obamacare with their war on women
"It's not just lady parts stuff in Obamacare that these Republican men want to go away, too. The so-called plan does away with the ban on insurance companies charging women more for coverage just because they're women. They want to make insurance more expensive for older Americans by allowing insurance companies to charge much more for older people than Obamacare allows, a cost that will hit women disproportionately higher."


Scott Walker's Sneak Attack On Senior Citizens

Scott Walker's Sneak Attack On Senior Citizens

"At least this shows that Walker isn't an ageist. He's willing to screw over anyone, no matter what stage of life they are in."


Fox Anti-Obamacare Segment Goes Off The Rails When Guest Says He 'Didn't Have Healthcare Before'

Fox Anti-Obamacare Segment Goes Off The Rails When Guest Says He 'Didn't Have Healthcare Before'

"A Fox News interview that was presumably intended to bash President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law took a left turn on Sunday when the guest admitted that he could only afford insurance for the first time thanks to Obamacare."