HealthCare Notes


Obamacare "Is Here To Stay"-Full Speech On Supreme Court Ruling

Yet Again, A Scalia Dissent Is Used Against Him
"Justice Antonin Scalia strongly objected to Thursday's Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, so it was amusing to see Chief Justice John Roberts use Scalia's own dissent in the last major Obamacare case against him."

ACA Ruling Safeguards Subsidies No Matter Who Occupies The White House

ACA Ruling Safeguards Subsidies No Matter Who Occupies The White House

"There is certainly plenty of Republican angst today over the decision, but they should all be thanking the Chief Justice for hauling their butts out of the political fire. Had it gone the other way, they would have been forced to admit they had no plan now or ever for how to deal with dead citizens' blood on their hands."

The Supreme Court’s Obamacare Decision Is The Biggest Possible Win For The Obama Administration
"The attorneys and activists behind this lawsuit came to the Court hoping to gut Obamacare; instead, they placed it on the strongest possible legal footing."

Obamacare Keeps Working As Uninsured Rate Keeps Dropping
"The CDC’s survey results confirm what other surveys have also verified. Obamacare has reduced the uninsured rate in America significantly."

Obamacare ‘here to stay’

The right’s tortured Obamacare arguments get a Supreme Court smackdown: Inside the demise of the “Moops” doctrine

The right’s tortured Obamacare arguments get a Supreme Court smackdown: Inside the demise of the “Moops” doctrine

"For Republicans, the reaction should be one of complete and utter relief. They’ll complain and moan to keep up appearances with the conservative activists and to remain consistent with their full-throated, bad-faith support for the King plaintiffs, but this is a boon for the GOP. If the court had ruled in the other direction, Republicans in Congress would be in the position of having to move and move quickly to do something to mitigate the damage. They would have had to find unity of purpose within their own ranks to move forward on healthcare policy. That’s something they’ve tried and failed to do for over half a decade now, and there was little reason to believe that they were on the cusp of getting their act together. The stage was set for vicious intra-party fight that would have, in all likelihood, left congressional Republicans in their all-too-familiar position of deadlocked incompetence."

Supreme Court Saves Republicans From Themselves by Upholding the Affordable Care Act
"This time, even if Republicans don’t recognize it, the Supreme Court rescued them from the political fallout that would have came had millions their constituents gotten a notice informing them they no longer had health insurance. Some of their constituents might have even figured out that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are the same things."

Clueless Republicans Trust Wall Street With Social Security Funds

BREAKING: Supreme Court Will Not Take Away Health Care From Millions Of Americans
"By a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court decided on Thursday to avoid a major disruption to the insurance market by leaving in place the Affordable Care Act’s current tax subsidies."


PERRspectives: CBO Once Again Tells GOP Obamacare Repeal Will Increase National Debt

PERRspectives: CBO Once Again Tells GOP Obamacare Repeal Will Increase National Debt

"Now with the Republicans in control of both houses of Congress and their man Keith Hall installed as its director, CBO has once told GOP leaders what they don't want to hear. On the eve of the Supreme Court's monumental ruling in King v. Burwell, CBO has again announced that the repeal of Obamacare will cost Uncle Sam hundreds of billions of dollars."

Pensions Are a Promise

GOP Forced To Admit Repealing Obamacare Would Blow Up The Deficit Like A Bad Bush War
"It means that no matter how the GOP tries to spin it, the Affordable Care Act is working. Repealing it would not only deprive an estimated 17 million people of quality health care, it would send the economy into a tailspin."

Millions of Seniors Go Hungry


Jeb!: 'My brother tried on Social Security'
"Just to refresh everyone's memories on W's efforts on Social Security: In his 2005 State of the Union Address, Bush laid out his plan for diverting retirement savings from Social Security payroll taxes into private investments. Which truly did go over like a mashed potato sandwich with the public and members of Congress (except for Rep. Paul Ryan, who loved it so much he sponsored the legislation to do it). That would, of course, eventually bankrupt the program as less and less payroll tax money came in. And that was and always has been the ultimate goal of Republicans.
As American Bridge details Jeb! was there every step of the way with his brother. Now he's running to finish the job."

Right Wing Extremism...'Jeb!' Style


Republicans’ raging civil war: GOP can’t decide how best to take away your healthcare

Republicans’ raging civil war: GOP can’t decide how best to take away your healthcare

"Republican politicians are in the awkward position of rooting for the subsidies to be killed but also seeking to avoid the blowback that would come from effectively kicking millions of people off their insurance."

Supreme Court ruling against Obamacare could cause economic shockwaves
"The hospital sector alone gained more than 100,000 jobs in the last year. The repercussions of what more than six million people losing health insurance will be big. Very big. The repercussions of what Republicans would do in response would be even worse."

The Manipulative Way Obamacare Opponents Made Their Lawsuit Look Legitimate
"A leading Republican attorney made a surprising admission at a legal conference this weekend, revealing a key element of the strategy he and many of his fellow Republican lawyers have used in order to lend credibility to lawsuits challenging Obama administration policies. The law’s supporters have long suspected the lawyers who challenged the Affordable Care Act of intentionally maneuvering to bring the case before a very conservative judge who was inclined to support their agenda. One of those lawyers helped feed those suspicions last Friday."

Infographic: How Many Women Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act?
"This infographic is a compilation of data from multiple sources to highlight how women are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act."

Survey: Uninsured rate nears single digits for first time
"All the surveys conclude, though, that Obamacare has quickly succeeded in dramatically reducing the uninsured rate to the lowest levels on record. That's a well-documented success that only the most craven Republicans can deny, which they will because they are Republicans. But that denial is setting them up for some serious hurt if the Supreme Court rules their way in a few weeks and strips premium subsidies away from millions of people. Because, despite all their assurances that they've got a secret plan ready to go, it's obvious that their only plan right now is praying that the Supreme Court doesn't hand this mess to them. Because they got nothin'."

Paul Ryan’s Disastrous Obamacare Interview Shows Republican Ideology is Officially Bankrupt
"Ryan’s inability to put forward literally anything that resembles a serious plan for the country’s health care system is indicative of a much wider problem the GOP will have to grapple with if it wants a shot in 2016. The truth is, the Republicans don’t actually have any serious ideas about anything. When your entire political philosophy has been built on the premise that free markets solve everything, you’ve pretty much absolved yourself of having to think about anything ever again. Sure, you can criticize those in power actually engaging in policy, pointing out problems, inconsistencies etc, etc, but you never have to offer anything up yourself. This works well in opposition, but tends to fall apart when applied – as did the country when free market militants took over from 2000-2008.
While impossible to predict the nature of the 2016 Presidential election, we can be sure it won’t be a battle of ideas. Because one side categorically doesn’t have any."

Watch: Chris Hayes Beats Down Ex-Senator's ACA Lies With Facts

Watch: Chris Hayes Beats Down Ex-Senator's ACA Lies With Facts

"Former Senator and Governor Judd Gregg was the guest. The topic was the Affordable Care Act, and Judd Gregg was serving up the usual nonsensical talking points in a particularly vitriolic way. From his claim that the ACA was a mess that helped no one, to his mockery of Hayes' claim that the ACA has gotten health coverage to millions, Gregg was mean, nasty, and rude.

Hayes was having none of it, and he used that good old fashioned fallback to debunk Gregg: Facts, with a touch of math for good measure.

Gregg scoffed at Hayes' use of the word "plummeted" to describe the uninsured rate in this country. But in fact, it has plummeted.

I was taken aback by the nastiness and disrespect Gregg showed Chris Hayes, but Hayes persisted in simply using facts and math to contradict his claims.

Watch it, because a transcript won't do it justice.

Aside to Chris Hayes: This is one that your colleagues (particularly Chuck Todd), should study to understand how to use facts to stop these talking points dead in their tracks. It's what we expect from our so-called liberal media, and you delivered.

The other thing you'll notice is that Gregg never answered the question."


After Denying Health Insurance To 800k Poor, Florida Lawmakers Want To Reward Themselves With Cheap Insurance

After Denying Health Insurance To 800k Poor, Florida Lawmakers Want To Reward Themselves With Cheap Insurance

"It’s no wonder Scott has done just about everything he can to disenfranchise voters who tend to vote for Democrats in the state to ensure Republicans keep as much power as possible. Though it still blows my mind the people of Florida elected this crook to a second term. It’s not just that he’s sleazy, he’s flat-out incompetent as well. But if you’ve ever wanted a clear-cut example of what politicians really think of poor people, look no further than this. It’s pathetic that after years of denying nearly 1 million poor Floridians access to health insurance, many state lawmakers would approve ridiculously low premiums for themselves."


Florida House rejects Medicaid expansion again, but passes sweet insurance deal for themselves
"How low? Really low, as in "$8.34 a month for individual coverage and $30 a month for family coverage." That's for the high-level state employees, like Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi, legislative staff and various management level state employees."


Red States Are Screwed If Obamacare Is Repealed

Killing Medicare on back burner as Paul Ryan pushes 'tax reform'
"A key problem Republicans face with any new Paul Ryan plan is that voters know a little too much about the last Paul Ryan plan, and don't like what they know. Sure, this time it will include big promises of tax cuts (bigger for rich people than for you, but Republicans will have a talking point to obscure that), but you can confidently expect Democrats to remind voters—correctly!—that this is a plan coming from a guy whose end game is privatizing Medicare and Social Security."

Watch: Paul Ryan’s Obamacare Hypocrisy Gets DESTROYED In Two Minutes
"The Republican House has made it their number one priority to deny healthcare to millions of Americans"

President On Obamacare's Success- Full Speech

The high price of being uninsured in for-profit America
"Most of these hospitals are in red states that didn't take Medicaid expansion and where subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare are jeopardized by the lawsuit the Supreme Court will decide by the end of the month. Which means that a lot of these hospitals are in states that already still have high uninsured rates. Rates that will increase if the Supreme Court rules against the administration and the Republican Congress refuses to act. But hey, that's just more profit to Community Health Systems, which operates 25 of the hospitals on the list, and Hospital Corporation of America, which has 14 of the others. Republicans will say that's just how it works in the world's greatest healthcare system."

Unease growing in red states over Supreme Court Obamacare decision
"Gwinnett County, Georgia, is one of those places in deep-red America where there's a growing sense of doom about what the Supreme Court might do in a few weeks to Obamacare, when it decides King v. Burwell. About one in eight residents of the county gets insurance through Obamacare. They got that insurance on the federal exchange, because the state's Republican leadership refused to establish one for the state."


Montana Republican Uses the Story of Noah’s Ark to Justify Why Americans Don’t Need Social Security

Montana Republican Uses the Story of Noah’s Ark to Justify Why Americans Don’t Need Social Security

"Once upon a time these sort of wackos could easily be ignored because nobody was really paying attention to them, let alone electing them to public office. But since the rise of the tea party, these crazy people now have a voice."


Florida Republicans May Have Just Signed Death Warrants For Almost A Million Of The State’s Working Poor
"They have continually denied people the comfort of health insurance in a state with the second highest number of uninsured citizens, but this time they didn’t just hurt the poor, they hurt hospitals too."

PERRspectives: The Supreme Irony of King v. Burwell

PERRspectives: The Supreme Irony of King v. Burwell

"But merely tallying up the ranks of the uninsured understates the magnitude of the health care horror story in Red State America. In its 2014 state health care scorecard, the Commonwealth Fund measured performance in providing health care access, prevention and treatment, avoidable hospital use, equity across income levels, and healthy lives for residents. Again, all of the top 10 performing states voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, 9 of the 10 cellar-dwellers backed Republican Mitt Romney. Texas, which then Governor and 2016 White House hopeful Rick Perry claimed in 2010 had the best health care system in the nation, is ranked a moribund 44th."

The States That Thwarted Obamacare Have Left Poor People In The Dark About The Law
"Anti-Obamacare politicians have rarely been candid about the fact that, on a practical level, their opposition to the law translates into fewer people getting access to health care. But, when it comes to state-level restrictions on education and enrollment campaigns, there certainly appears to be a correlation. Previous studies have found that patients are less likely to get accurate information about Obamacare in states where the governor opposes the law."

Millions of Americans face losing health care with Supreme Court ruling


Rick Scott Brings Sleazy Healthcare Deal To Florida

Bernie Sanders Lays Into Republicans For Their Attack On Social Security

Bernie Sanders Lays Into Republicans For Their Attack On Social Security

"Unlike the GOP, Sanders actually has a plan to keep it solvent that doesn't involve asking Americans to work until they drop dead."

Deep red Florida town is epicenter for Obamacare
"Here's a bit of irony—the place in the country that has the most Obamacare enrollees and stands to lose the most if the Supreme Court rules against subsidies is the stomping grounds of two Republican candidates for president. Both of those candidates, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, want to repeal Obamacare."

States stand to lose big in Obamacare case, but the majority of people in them don't know that
"Texas stands to lose $205,586,498 in tax credits to its citizens with Obamacare policies, if the Supreme Court rules that the law doesn't authorize those subsidies, because Texas uses the federal insurance exchange. That's 832,334 people, by the way, at risk at losing their subsidies in Texas. In Florida, it's $389,407,704 going to a whopping 1,324,516 people. Those two states represent nearly a third of the nation's population that's at risk of losing subsidies, according to new state-by-state analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation."

Americans In Red States Have The Most To Lose If The Supreme Court Guts Obamacare
"That’s because the people who currently rely on subsidies to help them pay for plans purchased on Obamacare’s federal marketplaces are more highly concentrated in red states"