Over 350,000 Back Call for Lawmakers To Give Up Their Subsidized Healthcare
"Highlighting the hypocrisy of members of Congress who benefit from large healthcare subsidies at the same time that they work to kick millions of Americans off of their health coverage, a man who lost his father to cancer because he was uninsured has created a petition demanding an end to those subsidies for lawmakers."
"Highlighting the hypocrisy of members of Congress who benefit from large healthcare subsidies at the same time that they work to kick millions of Americans off of their health coverage, a man who lost his father to cancer because he was uninsured has created a petition demanding an end to those subsidies for lawmakers."
HHS Secretary Tom Price Lied To A Cancer Survivor's Face | Crooks and Liars
HHS Secretary Tom Price Lied To A Cancer Survivor's Face | Crooks and Liars
"Price's answer was just stunningly evil. After explaining that he was a doctor and had treated many, many cancer patients, he launched his litany of lies."
"Price's answer was just stunningly evil. After explaining that he was a doctor and had treated many, many cancer patients, he launched his litany of lies."
Trump’s budget screws over his voters
"Two key programs that help the elderly and rural poor reduce their energy bills will be cut."
"Two key programs that help the elderly and rural poor reduce their energy bills will be cut."
The CBO's other bombshell: the Affordable Care Act isn't imploding
"Beyond its eye-popping findings on higher premiums and large-scale coverage loss, the Congressional Budget Office’s official score of the American Health Care Act also quietly demolishes the central publicly stated rationale for repealing the Affordable Care Act."
"Beyond its eye-popping findings on higher premiums and large-scale coverage loss, the Congressional Budget Office’s official score of the American Health Care Act also quietly demolishes the central publicly stated rationale for repealing the Affordable Care Act."
‘America First’ Budget Is Unworthy of Our Nation
"Congressional Republicans will also demand cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Trump promised to defend those programs, but stay tuned: after ritual displays of ‘reluctance,’ followed by ‘negotiations,’ Trump will probably break that promise too. Trump pretends to be a different kind of Republican, but his budget blueprint is ideologically consistent with the modern GOP’s hard-right extremism. It values death over life, and fear over hope. It tramples on the bonds that hold us together as one people. It sells off the environment, our shared inheritance. It rejects the fundamental American idea that a nation should be a community, a group of people who protect and look out for one another."
"Congressional Republicans will also demand cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Trump promised to defend those programs, but stay tuned: after ritual displays of ‘reluctance,’ followed by ‘negotiations,’ Trump will probably break that promise too. Trump pretends to be a different kind of Republican, but his budget blueprint is ideologically consistent with the modern GOP’s hard-right extremism. It values death over life, and fear over hope. It tramples on the bonds that hold us together as one people. It sells off the environment, our shared inheritance. It rejects the fundamental American idea that a nation should be a community, a group of people who protect and look out for one another."
White House says Meals on Wheels is “not showing any results.” Research says otherwise.
"a further benefit of these programs is that by allowing seniors to continue living independently in their own homes, they tend to reduce the need for nursing home care, which is very expensive."
"a further benefit of these programs is that by allowing seniors to continue living independently in their own homes, they tend to reduce the need for nursing home care, which is very expensive."
Seth Meyers Dismantles Trump's Barbaric Budget Proposal @alternet
Seth Meyers Dismantles Trump's Barbaric Budget Proposal @alternet:
"There's only one thing "Late Night" host Seth Meyers wants to know after Donald Trump's 10th week in office: "Are you sick of winning yet? Because if you are, you better get to the doctor before Trump takes away your health care." Republicans' Obamacare replacement would hit much of Trump's base the hardest, a reality even Trump admitted to Fox News' Tucker Carlson. “For any other president it would be a smoking gun, but for Trump it’s a guy smoking," Meyers joked. "‘Yeah I know. I know. F*ck ’em.'” Trump's budget proposal spells bad news for rural America as well. Along with cuts to foreign aid, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Environmental Protection Agency, the proposal would also slash the Meals on Wheels program."
"There's only one thing "Late Night" host Seth Meyers wants to know after Donald Trump's 10th week in office: "Are you sick of winning yet? Because if you are, you better get to the doctor before Trump takes away your health care." Republicans' Obamacare replacement would hit much of Trump's base the hardest, a reality even Trump admitted to Fox News' Tucker Carlson. “For any other president it would be a smoking gun, but for Trump it’s a guy smoking," Meyers joked. "‘Yeah I know. I know. F*ck ’em.'” Trump's budget proposal spells bad news for rural America as well. Along with cuts to foreign aid, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Environmental Protection Agency, the proposal would also slash the Meals on Wheels program."
Trumpcare: Paul Ryan's gambit to destroy Medicaid and Medicare
"It's never been a secret that Paul Ryan's fondest dream has been to blow up the social safety net, every single part of it, but particularly the big three: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. In no small part that's because they are a direct refutation of his dystopian, Ayn Rand-inspired philosophy of government as a force for evil. Ironic, yes, given he got to where he is today with the Social Security survivor benefits his family received after his father died when he was still a teen. But a pretty typical Republican response: I got mine, the hell with you. So here we arrive at Trumpcare and his big opportunity to take down both Medicare and Medicaid."
"It's never been a secret that Paul Ryan's fondest dream has been to blow up the social safety net, every single part of it, but particularly the big three: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. In no small part that's because they are a direct refutation of his dystopian, Ayn Rand-inspired philosophy of government as a force for evil. Ironic, yes, given he got to where he is today with the Social Security survivor benefits his family received after his father died when he was still a teen. But a pretty typical Republican response: I got mine, the hell with you. So here we arrive at Trumpcare and his big opportunity to take down both Medicare and Medicaid."
Paul Ryan says he fantasized about cutting health care for the poor at his college keggers
"Ryan is 47 years old, which means that, if he started “drinking at a keg” early in his college career, he’s fantasized about all the poor people who could be stripped of health care for nearly three decades."
"Ryan is 47 years old, which means that, if he started “drinking at a keg” early in his college career, he’s fantasized about all the poor people who could be stripped of health care for nearly three decades."
Why Appalachia (and the Whole Nation) Needs a Single Payer Healthcare System
"The United States remains the only developed country with a system based on for-profit insurance companies. We are spending the largest amount per capita ($8,000+) on healthcare expenditures of any nation in the world, but without the best outcomes. The leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States is medical bills, and an estimated 45,000 deaths annually can be attributed to lack of health insurance. Over 100 million Americans forgo professionally recommended medical care due to cost each year. Clearly, we have work to do. A single payer system by way of a Medicare for All structure would allow coverage for all Americans and would actually reduce spending."
"The United States remains the only developed country with a system based on for-profit insurance companies. We are spending the largest amount per capita ($8,000+) on healthcare expenditures of any nation in the world, but without the best outcomes. The leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States is medical bills, and an estimated 45,000 deaths annually can be attributed to lack of health insurance. Over 100 million Americans forgo professionally recommended medical care due to cost each year. Clearly, we have work to do. A single payer system by way of a Medicare for All structure would allow coverage for all Americans and would actually reduce spending."
Republicans to Disabled: Go to Hell
"The AHCA also contains tax breaks that benefit the wealthiest people to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Disabled people who rely on Medicaid will have to pay for these windfalls for the very rich. That’s the way it works with this batch that’s in charge right now."
"The AHCA also contains tax breaks that benefit the wealthiest people to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Disabled people who rely on Medicaid will have to pay for these windfalls for the very rich. That’s the way it works with this batch that’s in charge right now."
Nearly everyone who knows anything about health care hates Trumpcare
"Pretty much everyone with a stake in America’s health care system hates Trumpcare. The biggest doctors’ group in the country, the American Medical Association (AMA) came out against House Republicans’ health care bill on Wednesday, warning that it “would result in millions of Americans losing coverage and benefits.” The organization is joined in its opposition by the American Hospital Association and the AARP. America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the leading industry group representing health insurers, stopped shy of denouncing the entire bill, but still objected to provisions that could destabilize insurance markets, cut financial assistance to help people afford coverage, and “weaken Medicaid coverage of mental health and opioid addiction.” All of these groups are taking a position stemming from self-interest. Doctors stand to lose patents if millions of Americans lose coverage or wind up on inferior plans. Many hospitals restructured their business models to account for the Affordable Care Act, and would need to make more costly changes if the law were significantly altered. AARP is a membership organization representing older Americans, who are likely to face the greatest financial burdens if the House bill becomes law. AHIP obviously doesn’t want to see its own markets destabilized."
"Pretty much everyone with a stake in America’s health care system hates Trumpcare. The biggest doctors’ group in the country, the American Medical Association (AMA) came out against House Republicans’ health care bill on Wednesday, warning that it “would result in millions of Americans losing coverage and benefits.” The organization is joined in its opposition by the American Hospital Association and the AARP. America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the leading industry group representing health insurers, stopped shy of denouncing the entire bill, but still objected to provisions that could destabilize insurance markets, cut financial assistance to help people afford coverage, and “weaken Medicaid coverage of mental health and opioid addiction.” All of these groups are taking a position stemming from self-interest. Doctors stand to lose patents if millions of Americans lose coverage or wind up on inferior plans. Many hospitals restructured their business models to account for the Affordable Care Act, and would need to make more costly changes if the law were significantly altered. AARP is a membership organization representing older Americans, who are likely to face the greatest financial burdens if the House bill becomes law. AHIP obviously doesn’t want to see its own markets destabilized."
GOP’s health care tax swindle: Tax cuts for the rich financed by taking coverage from everyone else
"The first major legislative push by Republicans after taking control of the government is, at its core, a tax cut for millionaires financed by slashing health care benefits for poor and elderly people. The bill would almost certainly leave millions of Americans uninsured or with higher out-of-pocket medical costs, all in the pursuit of reducing the tax burden for people like Donald Trump."
"The first major legislative push by Republicans after taking control of the government is, at its core, a tax cut for millionaires financed by slashing health care benefits for poor and elderly people. The bill would almost certainly leave millions of Americans uninsured or with higher out-of-pocket medical costs, all in the pursuit of reducing the tax burden for people like Donald Trump."
Paul Ryan Is Living His Misogynist Ayn Randian Dream | Crooks and Liars
Paul Ryan Is Living His Misogynist Ayn Randian Dream | Crooks and Liars
"Just watch him in the video above, celebrating the prospect of stripping poor women of health care and depriving millions of health insurance."
"Just watch him in the video above, celebrating the prospect of stripping poor women of health care and depriving millions of health insurance."
The House G.O.P. Health-Care Plan Is Harmful, Regressive, and Wrong
"If enacted, millions more Americans would end up without any health care. For many people who purchase individual policies, especially older people, it promises fewer services for more money. And it also proposes a big tax cut for the rich, which would be financed by slashing Medicaid, the federal program that provides health care to low-income people."
"If enacted, millions more Americans would end up without any health care. For many people who purchase individual policies, especially older people, it promises fewer services for more money. And it also proposes a big tax cut for the rich, which would be financed by slashing Medicaid, the federal program that provides health care to low-income people."
Republicans Block Vote To Protect Seniors’ Health Care From TrumpCare Devastation
"Republican House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) blocked a vote that would have protected seniors' health care from the price increases that are built into TrumpCare."
"Republican House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) blocked a vote that would have protected seniors' health care from the price increases that are built into TrumpCare."
CBO: TrumpCare Would Wipe Out Coverage for 24 Million People
"Additionally, the plan would lead to higher deductibles and other cost-sharing payments."
"Additionally, the plan would lead to higher deductibles and other cost-sharing payments."
Republicans are now paying the price for a years-long campaign of Obamacare lies
"You can win an election based on a lie. You can even pass a bill based on a lie if you want. But you can’t expect that you’re going to get away with it."
"You can win an election based on a lie. You can even pass a bill based on a lie if you want. But you can’t expect that you’re going to get away with it."
GOP’s awful health care bill: Republicans serve up atrocious policy paired with horrendous politics
"After more than half a decade of breaking promise after promise to produce some sort of legislation to “replace” the Affordable Care Act, congressional Republicans have finally unveiled an actual health care bill. And boy oh boy, is it terrible. In essence, House Speaker Paul Ryan (with the blessing of President Donald Trump) has served up legislation that sort of replicates Obamacare but is substantially worse in every way that matters: It will result in fewer people being covered, dole out less generous subsidies and screw over a lot of sick and low-income people. On top of that, it cuts taxes for the rich and doles out goodies to health insurance companies. The bill, known as the American Health Care Act, offers up a special combination of unjustifiable policy and horrendous politics."
"After more than half a decade of breaking promise after promise to produce some sort of legislation to “replace” the Affordable Care Act, congressional Republicans have finally unveiled an actual health care bill. And boy oh boy, is it terrible. In essence, House Speaker Paul Ryan (with the blessing of President Donald Trump) has served up legislation that sort of replicates Obamacare but is substantially worse in every way that matters: It will result in fewer people being covered, dole out less generous subsidies and screw over a lot of sick and low-income people. On top of that, it cuts taxes for the rich and doles out goodies to health insurance companies. The bill, known as the American Health Care Act, offers up a special combination of unjustifiable policy and horrendous politics."
The Unaffordable Care Act: AARP's eye-popping cost projections for near-seniors
"In a letter to Congress, the AARP states a 64-year old making $15,000 a year could face health insurance premiums of up to $8,400 under the GOP House healthcare bill"
"In a letter to Congress, the AARP states a 64-year old making $15,000 a year could face health insurance premiums of up to $8,400 under the GOP House healthcare bill"
America’s top doctors’ lobby bashes Trumpcare — and says it will likely cause millions to lose coverage
America’s top doctors’ lobby bashes Trumpcare — and says it will likely cause millions to lose coverage
"The American Medical Association, the top lobbying group for doctors in the United States, has told House Republicans that it cannot support their proposed legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. In a letter to Republican lawmakers, AMA CEO James Madara said that it would oppose the current health care legislation as drafted for the primary reason that it is projected to boot millions of patients off their health insurance."
"The American Medical Association, the top lobbying group for doctors in the United States, has told House Republicans that it cannot support their proposed legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. In a letter to Republican lawmakers, AMA CEO James Madara said that it would oppose the current health care legislation as drafted for the primary reason that it is projected to boot millions of patients off their health insurance."
How the GOP's Healthcare Plan Helps Make Case for Medicare-for-All
"The GOP's new plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with something much worse merely supports the argument that the only way to achieve true healthcare reform is to enact a single-payer, Medicare-for-All system, advocates said this week."
"The GOP's new plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with something much worse merely supports the argument that the only way to achieve true healthcare reform is to enact a single-payer, Medicare-for-All system, advocates said this week."
Major Hospitals Group Comes Out Against GOP Health Care Bill
"A major hospital group that represents nearly 5,000 hospitals came out against the Republican Obamacare repeal legislation introduced this week."
"A major hospital group that represents nearly 5,000 hospitals came out against the Republican Obamacare repeal legislation introduced this week."
Trumpcare Has Arrived: Exposing the Horrible Facts About the GOP Plan to ‘Fix’ Health Care
"For years Republicans have said they were going to “repeal and replace Obamacare” and give us health care reform that gives Americans “better coverage that’s more affordable.” In fact, here are a few quotes from Donald Trump about health care: We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us. They can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better. I am calling on Congress to REPEAL & REPLACE OBAMACARE with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs & provide better care. We’re going to come up with great health care at a fraction of the cost, much better and much less expensive. This Republican proposal does none of that. It’s every bit as complicated, is going to actually decrease the number of Americans who have health insurance, coverage is going to get worse, and costs are going to skyrocket. Oh, and by the way, this is in no way a “repeal of Obamacare.” It’s a complete butchering of the law but removes the mandate to appease those ignorant enough to think you can remove that requirement without causing health care premiums to drastically increase. I would say this proposal is a joke, but there’s not a damn thing funny about it. I can see why Republicans kept this “plan” private as long as they did, because it’s an absolute disaster. Republicans don’t understand that you can’t “fix” a for-profit health care industry. For profit-driven companies, revenues always need to be increasing, which means expenses need to be reduced while revenue (premiums) need to be increased. There’s absolutely no way you can require that health care companies provide everyone coverage, but not mandate that people have health insurance. All that’s going to do is lead to massive premium increases for everyone who does decide to purchase health insurance."
"For years Republicans have said they were going to “repeal and replace Obamacare” and give us health care reform that gives Americans “better coverage that’s more affordable.” In fact, here are a few quotes from Donald Trump about health care: We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us. They can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better. I am calling on Congress to REPEAL & REPLACE OBAMACARE with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs & provide better care. We’re going to come up with great health care at a fraction of the cost, much better and much less expensive. This Republican proposal does none of that. It’s every bit as complicated, is going to actually decrease the number of Americans who have health insurance, coverage is going to get worse, and costs are going to skyrocket. Oh, and by the way, this is in no way a “repeal of Obamacare.” It’s a complete butchering of the law but removes the mandate to appease those ignorant enough to think you can remove that requirement without causing health care premiums to drastically increase. I would say this proposal is a joke, but there’s not a damn thing funny about it. I can see why Republicans kept this “plan” private as long as they did, because it’s an absolute disaster. Republicans don’t understand that you can’t “fix” a for-profit health care industry. For profit-driven companies, revenues always need to be increasing, which means expenses need to be reduced while revenue (premiums) need to be increased. There’s absolutely no way you can require that health care companies provide everyone coverage, but not mandate that people have health insurance. All that’s going to do is lead to massive premium increases for everyone who does decide to purchase health insurance."
The Republican House of Horrors Offers a Terrifying Healthcare Vision
"Instead we have a plan that again fetishizes a market-based healthcare fundamentalism that saw the U.S. plummet in a wide array of health care barometers, including infant mortality and life expectancy rates and people skipping needed care due to cost compared to the rest of the developed world, especially before the ACA. With the hodgepodge plan hurriedly released Monday night, the House majority attempts to straddle growing public support for a government role in establishing health security for the American people and the Tea Party crowd that views any fingerprints of public protection as akin to Satanism. The bill fails on both counts, while also betraying promises made by then candidate Donald Trump that "we’re going to have healthcare for everybody" that is "far less expensive and far better." Pretending to retain popular components of the ACA, the bill offers refundable tax credits to replace the ACA subsidies to buy private insurance, temporary continuation of the ACA Medicaid expansion, and requiring insurers to sell insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. But it’s like fools gold, each component sabotaged by the not-so-fine print. The principal effect of the new bill will be the loss of existing health coverage for tens of millions of people, without any restraints on healthcare industry pricing practices that add up to massive health insecurity for the American people."
"Instead we have a plan that again fetishizes a market-based healthcare fundamentalism that saw the U.S. plummet in a wide array of health care barometers, including infant mortality and life expectancy rates and people skipping needed care due to cost compared to the rest of the developed world, especially before the ACA. With the hodgepodge plan hurriedly released Monday night, the House majority attempts to straddle growing public support for a government role in establishing health security for the American people and the Tea Party crowd that views any fingerprints of public protection as akin to Satanism. The bill fails on both counts, while also betraying promises made by then candidate Donald Trump that "we’re going to have healthcare for everybody" that is "far less expensive and far better." Pretending to retain popular components of the ACA, the bill offers refundable tax credits to replace the ACA subsidies to buy private insurance, temporary continuation of the ACA Medicaid expansion, and requiring insurers to sell insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. But it’s like fools gold, each component sabotaged by the not-so-fine print. The principal effect of the new bill will be the loss of existing health coverage for tens of millions of people, without any restraints on healthcare industry pricing practices that add up to massive health insecurity for the American people."
All the ways Trumpcare would devastate women’s health care
"Republicans in Congress are celebrating International Women’s Day this year by pushing forward a health care bill that could be disastrous for America’s women."
"Republicans in Congress are celebrating International Women’s Day this year by pushing forward a health care bill that could be disastrous for America’s women."
Gutting Obamacare: Opening Salvo in the Republican War on Seniors, Middle-Aged and Poor Americans @alternet
Gutting Obamacare: Opening Salvo in the Republican War on Seniors, Middle-Aged and Poor Americans @alternet: Seriously undermining Medicare and Medicaid, shifting thousands in unaffordable annual costs to families. If Republican elites in Congress were honest about their agenda, no senior would ever vote Republican.The current fight over repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not generally couched in terms of its impact on seniors, but it should be. It is a thinly veiled — and serious — opening attack on the economic and health security of those who have spent a lifetime contributing to our nation.
5 Ways President Trump’s Agenda Is a Disaster for People with Disabilities
"Donald Trump made his disregard for the 1 in 5 Americans with disabilities abundantly clear when he mocked a disabled New York Times reporter to a crowd of thousands at a campaign rally. But now that he’s in the White House, that disregard is no longer restricted to hateful words. Now, President Trump’s administration—together with his Republican colleagues in Congress—are pursuing policies that would put the health, education, and economic security of people with disabilities and their families at grave risk while further enriching both the wealthy and corporations through massive tax cuts."
"Donald Trump made his disregard for the 1 in 5 Americans with disabilities abundantly clear when he mocked a disabled New York Times reporter to a crowd of thousands at a campaign rally. But now that he’s in the White House, that disregard is no longer restricted to hateful words. Now, President Trump’s administration—together with his Republican colleagues in Congress—are pursuing policies that would put the health, education, and economic security of people with disabilities and their families at grave risk while further enriching both the wealthy and corporations through massive tax cuts."
House Leadership Obamacare Repeal Bill Is Republican Declaration of Class Warfare on Average Americans @alternet
House Leadership Obamacare Repeal Bill Is Republican Declaration of Class Warfare on Average Americans @alternet:
"On Tuesday, AARP, the lobby for people over age 50 and retirees, came out against it. By Wednesday, the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association weighed in, joining Democrats in opposing the House bill. But other businesses and interests that would see tax cuts benefiting them announced their support. "This legislation as currently drafted is...likely to result in a substantial reduction in the number of Americans able to buy affordable health insurance or maintain coverage," a letter to Congress from hospital and health care organizations said. "Currently, 21 million Americans have gained health care through the marketplaces and through expansion of the Medicaid program. We are very concerned that the draft legislative proposal being considered by the House committees could lead to tremendous instability for those seeking affordable coverage." What is unfolding in American politics and health care is unambiguously dire. Republicans clamoring for repeal are in an ideological bubble where they are blind to its real-life implications, from individual hardship to wreaking chaos in the health care system. But beyond the bill's specifics and the growing political fray is the larger reality that the repeal legislation is really the first salvo in a Republican-led class war on ordinary Americans."
"On Tuesday, AARP, the lobby for people over age 50 and retirees, came out against it. By Wednesday, the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association weighed in, joining Democrats in opposing the House bill. But other businesses and interests that would see tax cuts benefiting them announced their support. "This legislation as currently drafted is...likely to result in a substantial reduction in the number of Americans able to buy affordable health insurance or maintain coverage," a letter to Congress from hospital and health care organizations said. "Currently, 21 million Americans have gained health care through the marketplaces and through expansion of the Medicaid program. We are very concerned that the draft legislative proposal being considered by the House committees could lead to tremendous instability for those seeking affordable coverage." What is unfolding in American politics and health care is unambiguously dire. Republicans clamoring for repeal are in an ideological bubble where they are blind to its real-life implications, from individual hardship to wreaking chaos in the health care system. But beyond the bill's specifics and the growing political fray is the larger reality that the repeal legislation is really the first salvo in a Republican-led class war on ordinary Americans."
The GOP's Obamacare repeal plan is out — and it's even worse than anyone expected
"The truth is that the GOP measure would destroy the ability of millions of Americans to access any health care worth the name. The Congressional Budget Office reportedly warned the Republicans that their proposals would lead to lost coverage for millions and higher costs for millions more, but the GOP is pushing ahead anyway."
"The truth is that the GOP measure would destroy the ability of millions of Americans to access any health care worth the name. The Congressional Budget Office reportedly warned the Republicans that their proposals would lead to lost coverage for millions and higher costs for millions more, but the GOP is pushing ahead anyway."
GOP Plan Targets Poor, Sick, Elderly While Providing Tax Cuts for Wealthy
"The Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) "will do active harm to millions of people, particularly low-income people and seniors;" includes tax breaks for wealthy insurance CEOs; and is generally "a nastier, more consumer-unfriendly proposal than even close followers could have expected"."
"The Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) "will do active harm to millions of people, particularly low-income people and seniors;" includes tax breaks for wealthy insurance CEOs; and is generally "a nastier, more consumer-unfriendly proposal than even close followers could have expected"."
These are the people who will suffer under Trumpcare
"Americans most affected by this plan are women, low-income people, the elderly, and people with mental illnesses — but it’s likely that all Americans will lose out under this plan."
"Americans most affected by this plan are women, low-income people, the elderly, and people with mental illnesses — but it’s likely that all Americans will lose out under this plan."
Paul Ryan, Trump staff say Trump didn't mean it when he said no Social Security, Medicare cuts
"Ryan has long pushed for reforming Medicare to keep that system solvent, but he also argues strongly changing the big ticket entitlement is the only way to really rein in deficit spending. "I've been a big time entitlement reformer for a long time because if you don't start bending the curve in the out years, we are hosed," Ryan said bluntly Tuesday morning. By the way, this is one of Ryan's very favorite lies, one which this CNN story fails to debunk. Medicare isn't facing an insolvency crisis and one of the reasons why is because of Obamacare. But Ryan isn't going to give up on this goal anytime soon, and he clearly believes he's got a president he can hoodwink or arm-twist into doing his will."
"Ryan has long pushed for reforming Medicare to keep that system solvent, but he also argues strongly changing the big ticket entitlement is the only way to really rein in deficit spending. "I've been a big time entitlement reformer for a long time because if you don't start bending the curve in the out years, we are hosed," Ryan said bluntly Tuesday morning. By the way, this is one of Ryan's very favorite lies, one which this CNN story fails to debunk. Medicare isn't facing an insolvency crisis and one of the reasons why is because of Obamacare. But Ryan isn't going to give up on this goal anytime soon, and he clearly believes he's got a president he can hoodwink or arm-twist into doing his will."
Repealing the Affordable Care Act would cost jobs in every state
Repealing the Affordable Care Act would cost jobs in every state:
"Of course, the primary reason to oppose repeal (let alone build upon the ACA to reach a genuinely universal system of health coverage) is to protect the increased health and financial security that the ACA extended to tens of millions of Americans. But the macroeconomic effect of rapidly unraveling it is significant, and some states will suffer more than others."
"Of course, the primary reason to oppose repeal (let alone build upon the ACA to reach a genuinely universal system of health coverage) is to protect the increased health and financial security that the ACA extended to tens of millions of Americans. But the macroeconomic effect of rapidly unraveling it is significant, and some states will suffer more than others."
Cancer survivors' message to Republicans: 'We literally live and die by insurance'
"Nearly 1 in 4 Americans has a pre-existing health condition—that's 52 million people under the age of 65. It's 52 million people who for the past three years had the peace of mind of knowing that they could not be denied health insurance. Among them are more than 15 million who are cancer patients or survivors, who are at the forefront of people speaking out against Republican efforts to repeal the law."
"Nearly 1 in 4 Americans has a pre-existing health condition—that's 52 million people under the age of 65. It's 52 million people who for the past three years had the peace of mind of knowing that they could not be denied health insurance. Among them are more than 15 million who are cancer patients or survivors, who are at the forefront of people speaking out against Republican efforts to repeal the law."
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