"Trump’s lack of familiarity with the bill’s contents was made evident by the exchange, but this is only the latest indicator from Trump that he doesn’t have the slightest idea how health policy works — his own, or anyone else’s."
Trump’s ignorance about health care carries real consequences
"the president has literally never demonstrated any real familiarity with the details of the debate, and accounts of his private interactions with lawmakers bolster concerns that Trump simply has no idea what he’s talking about. Either he’s ignorant about the substance of health care or he’s doing a remarkable imitation of someone who’s ignorant about the substance of health care. Eight years ago this week, then-President Barack Obama hosted a 90-minute public forum exclusively on health care policy, fielding questions from doctors, reporters, and the public at large. Can anyone imagine Donald J. Trump doing something similar? Does anyone seriously believe he’d want to try?"
"the president has literally never demonstrated any real familiarity with the details of the debate, and accounts of his private interactions with lawmakers bolster concerns that Trump simply has no idea what he’s talking about. Either he’s ignorant about the substance of health care or he’s doing a remarkable imitation of someone who’s ignorant about the substance of health care. Eight years ago this week, then-President Barack Obama hosted a 90-minute public forum exclusively on health care policy, fielding questions from doctors, reporters, and the public at large. Can anyone imagine Donald J. Trump doing something similar? Does anyone seriously believe he’d want to try?"
Paul Krugman Sums Up Senate Health Care Bill in One Devastating Chart
"You can discount Trump and the Republican Party's promise of affordable health care that covers more people for less money. You can discount their promises to look after seniors and ensure the vulnerable get the care they need -- and you can particularly ignore Trump's promise to cover all Americans with his tremendous health care bill. This is, and always was complete bullsh*t. The Republican health care bill is about one thing, and one thing only: transferring more money to the rich. It isn't clear whether Trump and the Republicans intend to hurt women, the poor, the disabled, the old, and the vulnerable. What is clear though, is that they don't care if they do. Every reputable analysis shows Trumpcare and the latest Senate bill to be a tragic disaster in the making. As long as the Republicans fulfill their obligations to the rich people who paid for them to get elected, they are willing to spend every ounce of political capital they have to get the harmful legislation through."
"You can discount Trump and the Republican Party's promise of affordable health care that covers more people for less money. You can discount their promises to look after seniors and ensure the vulnerable get the care they need -- and you can particularly ignore Trump's promise to cover all Americans with his tremendous health care bill. This is, and always was complete bullsh*t. The Republican health care bill is about one thing, and one thing only: transferring more money to the rich. It isn't clear whether Trump and the Republicans intend to hurt women, the poor, the disabled, the old, and the vulnerable. What is clear though, is that they don't care if they do. Every reputable analysis shows Trumpcare and the latest Senate bill to be a tragic disaster in the making. As long as the Republicans fulfill their obligations to the rich people who paid for them to get elected, they are willing to spend every ounce of political capital they have to get the harmful legislation through."
Why are 13 men in charge of healthcare for all American women?
"The Senate healthcare bill would increase the number of uninsured people in the US by 22 million, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, and is opposed by the American Medical Association on the grounds that it violates the Hippocratic oath. It would also be particularly devastating to women’s health, in a number of ways."
"The Senate healthcare bill would increase the number of uninsured people in the US by 22 million, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, and is opposed by the American Medical Association on the grounds that it violates the Hippocratic oath. It would also be particularly devastating to women’s health, in a number of ways."
Seth Meyers: Republicans Are Lying About ‘Cartoonishly Evil’ Health Bill
"In the wake of a CBO report that the Senate version of Trumpcare would deprive 22 million more Americans of health coverage while providing tax breaks for the rich, Seth Meyers got animated."
"In the wake of a CBO report that the Senate version of Trumpcare would deprive 22 million more Americans of health coverage while providing tax breaks for the rich, Seth Meyers got animated."
Republican defenses of the health care bill: Fatuous half-truths, misdirection and lots of blatant lying
"Defenders of this grotesque bill are willing to dissemble, obfuscate and blatantly lie to the public about what is in it. They have no choice. It’s indefensible on the merits."
"Defenders of this grotesque bill are willing to dissemble, obfuscate and blatantly lie to the public about what is in it. They have no choice. It’s indefensible on the merits."
G.O.P. Senators Might Not Realize It, but Not One State Supports the Republican Health Bill
"New estimates show that Republicans have stumbled upon the rare thing that unites red and blue states: opposition to the health care bill."
"New estimates show that Republicans have stumbled upon the rare thing that unites red and blue states: opposition to the health care bill."
G.O.P. Senators Might Not Realize It, but Not One State Supports the Republican Health Bill
"New estimates show that Republicans have stumbled upon the rare thing that unites red and blue states: opposition to the health care bill."
"New estimates show that Republicans have stumbled upon the rare thing that unites red and blue states: opposition to the health care bill."
The nation’s largest medical group opposes Trumpcare
"On Monday, the American Medical Association (AMA), a nonprofit organization made up of doctors and medical students, released a letter to Congress detailing the organization’s concerns with the bill. “Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or ‘first, do no harm.’ The draft legislation violates that standard on many levels,” reads the letter in part."
"On Monday, the American Medical Association (AMA), a nonprofit organization made up of doctors and medical students, released a letter to Congress detailing the organization’s concerns with the bill. “Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or ‘first, do no harm.’ The draft legislation violates that standard on many levels,” reads the letter in part."
Republicans reduced to lying about GOP health plan’s Medicaid cuts
"Donald Trump promised Americans, over and over again, in writing and in public remarks, that he would never cut Medicaid. And yet, the president is now an enthusiastic proponent for a Republican health care plan that makes brutal cuts to Medicaid."
"Donald Trump promised Americans, over and over again, in writing and in public remarks, that he would never cut Medicaid. And yet, the president is now an enthusiastic proponent for a Republican health care plan that makes brutal cuts to Medicaid."
The GOP bill isn't just 22 million Americans losing health insurance—it's 28,600 murders
"In what may be the year’s most timely study, the Annals of Internal Medicine published a study on Monday showing something that should be obvious, but needs to be stated: Insurance saves lives. The evidence strengthens confidence in the Institute of Medicine's conclusion that health insurance saves lives: The odds of dying among the insured relative to the uninsured is 0.71 to 0.97. What does that mean? It means that for every 1 million people who lose health insurance, 1,300 will die early. Combine that with the CBO score of the latest Senate healthcare bill and the cost for Republicans meeting their “repeal and replace” talking point isn’t just measured in the huge increases in cost to individuals. It’s 28,600 dead Americans who would be alive if Obamacare stays in place. It’s murder to score political points with their base. Where do those deaths come from? Uninsured people are less likely to engage in preventative care. They’re more likely to wait until conditions are more serious before seeking treatment. They’re less likely to get the best quality care or necessary follow-up care. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the ranks of the uninsured have been cut by 20 million. That’s 26,000 lives saved. But Trump and the Republicans are ready to throw those lives and more down the drain … because that’s the real price of getting revenge on Barack Obama."
"In what may be the year’s most timely study, the Annals of Internal Medicine published a study on Monday showing something that should be obvious, but needs to be stated: Insurance saves lives. The evidence strengthens confidence in the Institute of Medicine's conclusion that health insurance saves lives: The odds of dying among the insured relative to the uninsured is 0.71 to 0.97. What does that mean? It means that for every 1 million people who lose health insurance, 1,300 will die early. Combine that with the CBO score of the latest Senate healthcare bill and the cost for Republicans meeting their “repeal and replace” talking point isn’t just measured in the huge increases in cost to individuals. It’s 28,600 dead Americans who would be alive if Obamacare stays in place. It’s murder to score political points with their base. Where do those deaths come from? Uninsured people are less likely to engage in preventative care. They’re more likely to wait until conditions are more serious before seeking treatment. They’re less likely to get the best quality care or necessary follow-up care. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the ranks of the uninsured have been cut by 20 million. That’s 26,000 lives saved. But Trump and the Republicans are ready to throw those lives and more down the drain … because that’s the real price of getting revenge on Barack Obama."
'It's Not Hyperbole': Study Finds Thousands Could Die If Trumpcare Passes
"On the heels of the Congressional Budget Office report projecting 22 million people could lose health insurance if the Senate's version of Trumpcare becomes law, a new analysis published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (AIM) suggests the legislation could cause the deaths of thousands of people per year."
"On the heels of the Congressional Budget Office report projecting 22 million people could lose health insurance if the Senate's version of Trumpcare becomes law, a new analysis published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (AIM) suggests the legislation could cause the deaths of thousands of people per year."
Catholic bishops condemn Senate’s ‘simply unacceptable’ Trumpcare bill
"Within hours of news that the Senate bill will likely leave 22 million people uninsured over ten years, Bishop Frank Dewane, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Domestic Justice and Humane Development Committee, issued a scathing critique of the Republican-led effort."
"Within hours of news that the Senate bill will likely leave 22 million people uninsured over ten years, Bishop Frank Dewane, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Domestic Justice and Humane Development Committee, issued a scathing critique of the Republican-led effort."
Nation’s Largest Doctors’ Group Slams Republican Health Care Bill
"The largest association of doctors in the country released a blistering statement Monday blasting Senate Republicans’ bill to repeal Obamacare. “Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or ‘first, do no harm,'” reads the letter sent by American Medical Association to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). “The draft legislation violates that standard on many levels"."
"The largest association of doctors in the country released a blistering statement Monday blasting Senate Republicans’ bill to repeal Obamacare. “Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or ‘first, do no harm,'” reads the letter sent by American Medical Association to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). “The draft legislation violates that standard on many levels"."
Rural hospital association representative: 'This bill will close hospitals. ... People will die'
"All the while Republicans were screaming about death panels in Obamacare, they were actually plotting out the most cruel way to create them."
"All the while Republicans were screaming about death panels in Obamacare, they were actually plotting out the most cruel way to create them."
AMA opposes Trumpcare because it violates their standard 'First, do no harm on many levels'
"No major healthcare organization—whether hospital association, provider group, patient advocacy group—none supports this legislation. In fact, all of them are ringing alarm bells about how it's actually going to close hospitals and kill people. What the bill does first is harm, it harms millions of people. Except, of course, for the one percent. They make out like bandits with its tax cuts."
"No major healthcare organization—whether hospital association, provider group, patient advocacy group—none supports this legislation. In fact, all of them are ringing alarm bells about how it's actually going to close hospitals and kill people. What the bill does first is harm, it harms millions of people. Except, of course, for the one percent. They make out like bandits with its tax cuts."
Opposition To Trumpcare Surges As American Medical Association Say GOP Bill Harms People
"Forty economists, including six Nobel Prize winners, also came out in opposition to the bill on Monday. All told, it is virtually impossible to find a non-partisan group within the medical community that supports this legislation. From all corners, the warning has been consistent. The Better Care Act is a bad bill that will harm millions of Americans."
"Forty economists, including six Nobel Prize winners, also came out in opposition to the bill on Monday. All told, it is virtually impossible to find a non-partisan group within the medical community that supports this legislation. From all corners, the warning has been consistent. The Better Care Act is a bad bill that will harm millions of Americans."
40 Economists Just Destroyed Every Big Republican Lie About The Healthcare Bill
"The forty economists who signed the letter included six Nobel Prize winners. The message from the economists has nothing to do with partisan politics. What they are discussing the true economic impact of the health care bill. Every single one of the major lies that Republicans are telling about this legislation was debunked by the experts. People will lose their health insurance, and those who still have insurance will see their coverage narrowed. The Republican bill is going to increase costs and deductibles while reducing financial assistance for millions of people, and states will be allowed to strip protections from patients. The Trump White House and Congressional Republicans have decided to go with a strategy of lying about what’s in the bill. The economists aren’t letting it happen."
"The forty economists who signed the letter included six Nobel Prize winners. The message from the economists has nothing to do with partisan politics. What they are discussing the true economic impact of the health care bill. Every single one of the major lies that Republicans are telling about this legislation was debunked by the experts. People will lose their health insurance, and those who still have insurance will see their coverage narrowed. The Republican bill is going to increase costs and deductibles while reducing financial assistance for millions of people, and states will be allowed to strip protections from patients. The Trump White House and Congressional Republicans have decided to go with a strategy of lying about what’s in the bill. The economists aren’t letting it happen."
Republican Health Bill Would Leave 22 Million More People Without Insurance, CBO Projects
"Senate Republicans kept the bill secret until last Thursday, but they are nonetheless rushing forward with a plan to vote on it by the end of this week so they can wrap things up before they head home for the Fourth of July. In a nearly unprecedented move, the entire drafting of the bill happened behind closed doors, with zero public hearings. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) hopes that the accelerated schedule will help his members pass the controversial legislation before they are confronted by angry voters in their home states over the holiday recess."
"Senate Republicans kept the bill secret until last Thursday, but they are nonetheless rushing forward with a plan to vote on it by the end of this week so they can wrap things up before they head home for the Fourth of July. In a nearly unprecedented move, the entire drafting of the bill happened behind closed doors, with zero public hearings. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) hopes that the accelerated schedule will help his members pass the controversial legislation before they are confronted by angry voters in their home states over the holiday recess."
Are you 64 and making $56,800 a year? Welcome to a $20,500 Trumpcare insurance premium
"In some areas of the country—particularly sparsely populated ones (are you listening Lisa Murkowski)—the CBO foresees a market collapse, the classic death spiral. “Some sparsely populated areas might have no nongroup insurance offered because the reductions in subsidies would lead fewer people to decide to purchase insurance—and markets with few purchasers are less profitable for insurers.” Yes, this bill is mean, mean, mean. But hey, it’s got lots of tax cuts for the very rich, so expect most Republicans to overlook the other parts."
"In some areas of the country—particularly sparsely populated ones (are you listening Lisa Murkowski)—the CBO foresees a market collapse, the classic death spiral. “Some sparsely populated areas might have no nongroup insurance offered because the reductions in subsidies would lead fewer people to decide to purchase insurance—and markets with few purchasers are less profitable for insurers.” Yes, this bill is mean, mean, mean. But hey, it’s got lots of tax cuts for the very rich, so expect most Republicans to overlook the other parts."
The CBO Score Proves It: This Healthcare Bill Is a Con
"So, instead of the 23 million Americans that would lose their insurance under the House bill, Mitch McConnell and his merry band of male caucasians have gone into their secret clubhouse and produced a bill that will deprive of insurance only 22 million Americans. I am really tired of all this winning."
"So, instead of the 23 million Americans that would lose their insurance under the House bill, Mitch McConnell and his merry band of male caucasians have gone into their secret clubhouse and produced a bill that will deprive of insurance only 22 million Americans. I am really tired of all this winning."
The Real Human Impact of the Senate GOP's Trumpcare Disaster
"Yep, all those "pro life" Republican senators are perfectly amenable to cutting off healthcare access for a significant percentage of poor children, disabled children and, well, all children in general. Once again, they're proving Barney Frank's theory: "For Republicans, life begins at conception and ends at birth"."
"Yep, all those "pro life" Republican senators are perfectly amenable to cutting off healthcare access for a significant percentage of poor children, disabled children and, well, all children in general. Once again, they're proving Barney Frank's theory: "For Republicans, life begins at conception and ends at birth"."
Jimmy Kimmel discusses health care with kids
"The big story of the week was the health care bill the Senate unveiled Thursday, so Jimmy Kimmel celebrated the occasion by talking to children, who will undoubtedly be affected by the “mean” legislation."
"The big story of the week was the health care bill the Senate unveiled Thursday, so Jimmy Kimmel celebrated the occasion by talking to children, who will undoubtedly be affected by the “mean” legislation."
Message to Sen. Portman: 220,000 Ohioans with substance abuse coverage will lose it if ACA repealed
"Meanwhile, behind closed doors in the Senate, a small group of Republicans worked with industry lobbyists to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that currently covers 2.8 million people with substance abuse disorders, including 220,000 Ohioans. The Senate bill was released Thursday and it too will make the heroin crisis worse."
"Meanwhile, behind closed doors in the Senate, a small group of Republicans worked with industry lobbyists to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that currently covers 2.8 million people with substance abuse disorders, including 220,000 Ohioans. The Senate bill was released Thursday and it too will make the heroin crisis worse."
Trump Confirms He Called House Repeal Bill ‘Mean,’ Claims Obama Copied Him
"President Donald Trump confirmed in an interview aired Sunday that he called House Republicans’ bill to repeal and replace Obamacare “mean” in a private meeting, and claimed former President Barack Obama copied his one-word phrasing. “He actually used my term, mean. That was my term. Because I want to see, and I speak from the heart, that’s what I want to see. I want to see a bill with heart,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox and Friends” with Pete Hegseth. Obama on Thursday said the newly revealed Senate repeal bill is built on “fundamental meanness"."
"President Donald Trump confirmed in an interview aired Sunday that he called House Republicans’ bill to repeal and replace Obamacare “mean” in a private meeting, and claimed former President Barack Obama copied his one-word phrasing. “He actually used my term, mean. That was my term. Because I want to see, and I speak from the heart, that’s what I want to see. I want to see a bill with heart,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox and Friends” with Pete Hegseth. Obama on Thursday said the newly revealed Senate repeal bill is built on “fundamental meanness"."
Medicaid, Obamacare more popular than ever now they Republicans want to kill them
"No wonder Majority Leader Mitch McConnell feels compelled to rush it through."
"No wonder Majority Leader Mitch McConnell feels compelled to rush it through."
Trumpcare Truth: A Gift to the 1% and a Kick to the Sick and Poor
"If this shameful bill is enacted, McConnell and Trump – as well as every Republican senator who signs on – will bear the burden of hundreds of thousands of deaths that could have been avoided, were they not so determined to make rich Americans even richer."
"If this shameful bill is enacted, McConnell and Trump – as well as every Republican senator who signs on – will bear the burden of hundreds of thousands of deaths that could have been avoided, were they not so determined to make rich Americans even richer."
Republicans settle on public strategy to sell their healthcare repeal bill: Lie, lie, and lie.
"So after producing a tax cut bill that guts the Medicaid program as we know it, tosses tens of millions off of insurance, and tells the individual states that they're on their own with that, the official Republican platform is to simply deny that any of that is happening. The cuts don't exist. The Medicaid expansion isn't being defunded. Millions won't lose the ability to buy affordable insurance. These are lies. The lies are being peddled in order to block the public from knowing the effects of the Republican legislation before that legislation is voted on. If the bill becomes law, we can expect that the individuals losing coverage will be treated as imaginary and that the results of the massive Medicaid cuts will be simply denied, on-camera, again. This isn't a functional democracy, at this point. It's not. There may be an argument to be had in how much government ought to do to ensure health coverage for citizens; we aren't having it. There may be a number of deaths that may be considered acceptable in order to give an "economy-boosting" tax cut; no such number has been presented. There has been no debate on what happens to poor Americans with diabetes or cancer. There has been no debate on how Americans almost but not yet at Medicare age are supposed to cope with rate increases that could top $10,000 per year. There is no argument being made, period. The public is told that there are no cuts, there will be no loss of services, there will be no price increases, there will be no harm to those with preexisting conditions, or those that lose their jobs and cannot afford continued coverage, and none of the rest of it will happen. And you cannot blame that on Trump, or on the public, or even on the media. The Republican Party as a whole has adopted intentional misinformation—that is, propaganda—as their prime vehicle for selling policies that directly damage the public. It was their choice."
"So after producing a tax cut bill that guts the Medicaid program as we know it, tosses tens of millions off of insurance, and tells the individual states that they're on their own with that, the official Republican platform is to simply deny that any of that is happening. The cuts don't exist. The Medicaid expansion isn't being defunded. Millions won't lose the ability to buy affordable insurance. These are lies. The lies are being peddled in order to block the public from knowing the effects of the Republican legislation before that legislation is voted on. If the bill becomes law, we can expect that the individuals losing coverage will be treated as imaginary and that the results of the massive Medicaid cuts will be simply denied, on-camera, again. This isn't a functional democracy, at this point. It's not. There may be an argument to be had in how much government ought to do to ensure health coverage for citizens; we aren't having it. There may be a number of deaths that may be considered acceptable in order to give an "economy-boosting" tax cut; no such number has been presented. There has been no debate on what happens to poor Americans with diabetes or cancer. There has been no debate on how Americans almost but not yet at Medicare age are supposed to cope with rate increases that could top $10,000 per year. There is no argument being made, period. The public is told that there are no cuts, there will be no loss of services, there will be no price increases, there will be no harm to those with preexisting conditions, or those that lose their jobs and cannot afford continued coverage, and none of the rest of it will happen. And you cannot blame that on Trump, or on the public, or even on the media. The Republican Party as a whole has adopted intentional misinformation—that is, propaganda—as their prime vehicle for selling policies that directly damage the public. It was their choice."
STUFF IT, Mitch. Same To The Turtle You Rode In On. | Crooks and Liars
STUFF IT, Mitch. Same To The Turtle You Rode In On. | Crooks and Liars
"The stark fact of the matter is that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and virtually every member of the Republican congress are trying to pass a bill that will literally result in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, bankruptcy for many more and suffering for millions. And why are they doing this? They want to get their hands on 800 billion dollars that funds Obamacare so that for the first time since 1986 they can give permanent tax cuts to the likes of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. Because when you get down to it, that’s what all this is about."
"The stark fact of the matter is that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and virtually every member of the Republican congress are trying to pass a bill that will literally result in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, bankruptcy for many more and suffering for millions. And why are they doing this? They want to get their hands on 800 billion dollars that funds Obamacare so that for the first time since 1986 they can give permanent tax cuts to the likes of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. Because when you get down to it, that’s what all this is about."
These pictures are worth a thousand words (and an untold number of lives)
"Who stands to gain the most from this Republican bill? It’s a winner winner chicken dinner jackpot for the 400 wealthiest families in America."
"Who stands to gain the most from this Republican bill? It’s a winner winner chicken dinner jackpot for the 400 wealthiest families in America."
Disabled Activists Put Their Bodies on the Line to Defend Health Care
"Given how cruel the GOP bill is, it is no surprise that its negotiations took place in secret."
"Given how cruel the GOP bill is, it is no surprise that its negotiations took place in secret."
Trumpcare's national numbers are horrifying. The state numbers bring the horror home.
"The numbers of people who would be harmed by Trumpcare at the national level are horrifying—so horrifying that it can be hard to wrap your mind around them. But the state numbers can be a little more manageable, and feel closer to home, literally, and that’s where local news can have a major impact. The New York Times has rounded up local reporting on Trumpcare, and while it’s powerful to hear the director of Delaware’s Division of Public health saying that “The bills under consideration by Congress are simply inhumane … people will die,” the by-the-numbers reporting may bring it home the most directly: This could affect you, too."
"The numbers of people who would be harmed by Trumpcare at the national level are horrifying—so horrifying that it can be hard to wrap your mind around them. But the state numbers can be a little more manageable, and feel closer to home, literally, and that’s where local news can have a major impact. The New York Times has rounded up local reporting on Trumpcare, and while it’s powerful to hear the director of Delaware’s Division of Public health saying that “The bills under consideration by Congress are simply inhumane … people will die,” the by-the-numbers reporting may bring it home the most directly: This could affect you, too."
Donald Trump Confirms He Called House GOP Health Care Bill ‘Mean’
"President Donald Trump confirmed that he privately called the House Republicans’ health care bill “mean,” the same legislation he publicly celebrated with a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden."
"President Donald Trump confirmed that he privately called the House Republicans’ health care bill “mean,” the same legislation he publicly celebrated with a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden."
The Word "Women" Literally Never Appears in the US Senate’s 142-Page Healthcare Bill
"Since the ACA passed, the number of women of child-bearing age without health insurance has dropped significantly. It is a full bill more than 900 pages long, not a draft working document like the Senate’s bill. But there’s little indication from that first draft that the men who wrote it are thinking about women’s health at all."
"Since the ACA passed, the number of women of child-bearing age without health insurance has dropped significantly. It is a full bill more than 900 pages long, not a draft working document like the Senate’s bill. But there’s little indication from that first draft that the men who wrote it are thinking about women’s health at all."
White House threatens to sabotage insurance of low-income people if Trumpcare isn’t passed
"During an off-camera briefing on Monday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer signaled that the Trump administration is willing to use low-income Americans’ health insurance as a bargaining chip to persuade Congress to pass Trumpcare, which will result in tens of millions of Americans losing their health insurance."
"During an off-camera briefing on Monday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer signaled that the Trump administration is willing to use low-income Americans’ health insurance as a bargaining chip to persuade Congress to pass Trumpcare, which will result in tens of millions of Americans losing their health insurance."
AHCA Is About A Mean Ideology. Tax Cuts Are A Bonus. | Crooks and Liars
AHCA Is About A Mean Ideology. Tax Cuts Are A Bonus. | Crooks and Liars
"The thing to remember about these Republicans is that they are, with rare exception, only in it for themselves. What elected leaders like Trump, Ryan, McConnell, Cruz etc. want more than anything is power. They want to be a Koch, a DeVos, an Adelson, but they will never be. They are and always will be a tool for these uber rich families. An easily replicated and replaceable tool. I would even venture that this is why we are seeing these notoriously private super wealthy people come out and hold public office. Republicans have not moved fast or harsh enough for them and must be whipped into shape. Financing of campaigns is not the only control these wealthy families have over elected leaders though. Perhaps an even bigger control mechanism is to threaten NOT to fund them. If Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz suddenly did not do the bidding of their uber rich supporters, they would be immediately cast out into that barren desert of campaign no-man's land. The Kochs and such would simply fund a contender; something that Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) is facing. The threat of NOT being supported is often times more influential to a politician than being supported. With Kris Kobach’s Crosscheck kicking minorities off of voter rolls and Republicans’ decades worth of extreme gerrymandering, these politicians need not worry. This is not to mention the real possibility that our voting systems are still compromised by the Russian hacking. So far, only Illinois has admitted that hacking led to voters being kicked off their system. In North Carolina’s heavily minority and blue districts, hacking is thought to have caused the computer database of registered voters to shut down during the 2016 election. This led to poll workers having to check registration by hand, and in turn caused such a delay that many left without casting their votes. Now a report has come out that 1 in 4 African Americans were not allowed to vote in Florida during the election. So, you see, they are not too concerned about being voted out of office."
"The thing to remember about these Republicans is that they are, with rare exception, only in it for themselves. What elected leaders like Trump, Ryan, McConnell, Cruz etc. want more than anything is power. They want to be a Koch, a DeVos, an Adelson, but they will never be. They are and always will be a tool for these uber rich families. An easily replicated and replaceable tool. I would even venture that this is why we are seeing these notoriously private super wealthy people come out and hold public office. Republicans have not moved fast or harsh enough for them and must be whipped into shape. Financing of campaigns is not the only control these wealthy families have over elected leaders though. Perhaps an even bigger control mechanism is to threaten NOT to fund them. If Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz suddenly did not do the bidding of their uber rich supporters, they would be immediately cast out into that barren desert of campaign no-man's land. The Kochs and such would simply fund a contender; something that Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) is facing. The threat of NOT being supported is often times more influential to a politician than being supported. With Kris Kobach’s Crosscheck kicking minorities off of voter rolls and Republicans’ decades worth of extreme gerrymandering, these politicians need not worry. This is not to mention the real possibility that our voting systems are still compromised by the Russian hacking. So far, only Illinois has admitted that hacking led to voters being kicked off their system. In North Carolina’s heavily minority and blue districts, hacking is thought to have caused the computer database of registered voters to shut down during the 2016 election. This led to poll workers having to check registration by hand, and in turn caused such a delay that many left without casting their votes. Now a report has come out that 1 in 4 African Americans were not allowed to vote in Florida during the election. So, you see, they are not too concerned about being voted out of office."
In a strong statement, AARP vows to 'hold all 100 Senators accountable' for health care bill
"Why are Republicans so hellbent on harming so many Americans in exchange for private insurance and Big Pharma profits and a tax cut to 400 of the wealthiest families in America?"
"Why are Republicans so hellbent on harming so many Americans in exchange for private insurance and Big Pharma profits and a tax cut to 400 of the wealthiest families in America?"
Ruthless, Soulless, Vicious: Three Reasons the Senate GOP's ACA Replacement Is a Disgrace
"the Better Care Reconciliation Act is a genuinely cruel piece of work that will deliver millions of people to the gutter or the grave."
"the Better Care Reconciliation Act is a genuinely cruel piece of work that will deliver millions of people to the gutter or the grave."
The window of opportunity to stop the GOP health plan is closing
"We’re looking at a landscape in which the Senate will vote next week, and if it passes, House Republicans will almost certainly act quickly to rubber-stamp that legislation – at which point, it’s game over. At the risk of sounding overdramatic, the next six days will dictate the health security for tens of millions of Americans."
"We’re looking at a landscape in which the Senate will vote next week, and if it passes, House Republicans will almost certainly act quickly to rubber-stamp that legislation – at which point, it’s game over. At the risk of sounding overdramatic, the next six days will dictate the health security for tens of millions of Americans."
Once again, 13 men wrote a bill that’s bad for women’s health
"Senate Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act, would make it harder for women to access crucial health benefits — from birth control to maternity coverage. This may come as no surprise, given the bill was written by 13 men."
"Senate Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act, would make it harder for women to access crucial health benefits — from birth control to maternity coverage. This may come as no surprise, given the bill was written by 13 men."
Bernie Sanders Absolutely Unloads on Senate Republicans' 'Barbaric' Health Care Bill @alternet
Bernie Sanders Absolutely Unloads on Senate Republicans' 'Barbaric' Health Care Bill @alternet: 'This is what oligarchy is all about.' Senate Republicans have finally unveiled their Better Care Reconciliation Act, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) can't hide his disdain for the newest version of Trumpcare.The bill Republicans announced today is even worse than expected and by far the most harmful piece of legislation I've seen in my lifetime.
Add higher deductibles to the ways Trumpcare will hurt you
"there’s plenty of pain to go around, all to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy."
"there’s plenty of pain to go around, all to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy."
GOP 'Health' Bill: Death, Disaster, and Gilded Age Greed
"The Republican Senate’s draft health bill differs from the House version, but its basic purpose is the same: give millionaires and billionaires a massive new tax cut by slashing health benefits for millions of Americans, and take care away altogether from millions more."
"The Republican Senate’s draft health bill differs from the House version, but its basic purpose is the same: give millionaires and billionaires a massive new tax cut by slashing health benefits for millions of Americans, and take care away altogether from millions more."
Republicans’ main argument for Obamacare repeal is a lie
"Republicans have long predicted an Obamacare death spiral. So far, it hasn’t happened. But their plan would near certainly move the individual market much more in that direction."
"Republicans have long predicted an Obamacare death spiral. So far, it hasn’t happened. But their plan would near certainly move the individual market much more in that direction."
McConnell's "health care" bill fails the moral test
"the moral test posed by the late Hubert H. Humphrey, who said It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped It will fail this moral test on all three counts"
"the moral test posed by the late Hubert H. Humphrey, who said It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped It will fail this moral test on all three counts"
Does Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito have a heart?
"In this clip she’s meeting a mother who talks about her adult daughter who has lived with cancer for four years, imploring the senator to understand how Trumpcare could ruin everything for her daughter. She's 41 years old. She's been fighting this cancer for four years, very diligently. [She] has maintained her job, has gotten promotions, has led teams. As sick as she has been, she would not be alive today if it wasn't for the ACA (Affordable Care Act). […] With the cap, if she ever lost her insurance—in seven months she went over $1,200,000, and this has been going on for four years. Pre-existing condition, and we're not sure how long she's gonna be able to work. Maybe forever, that's what our goal is. But these are real people. My daughter. And so I just want you to have that in your brain when you look at this [healthcare bill]. So, Sen. Capito. Will it be in your head when you vote on this next week? Or will you stay true to form and capitulate to McConnell?"
"In this clip she’s meeting a mother who talks about her adult daughter who has lived with cancer for four years, imploring the senator to understand how Trumpcare could ruin everything for her daughter. She's 41 years old. She's been fighting this cancer for four years, very diligently. [She] has maintained her job, has gotten promotions, has led teams. As sick as she has been, she would not be alive today if it wasn't for the ACA (Affordable Care Act). […] With the cap, if she ever lost her insurance—in seven months she went over $1,200,000, and this has been going on for four years. Pre-existing condition, and we're not sure how long she's gonna be able to work. Maybe forever, that's what our goal is. But these are real people. My daughter. And so I just want you to have that in your brain when you look at this [healthcare bill]. So, Sen. Capito. Will it be in your head when you vote on this next week? Or will you stay true to form and capitulate to McConnell?"
Obama's Blistering Post on Republican Health Care Bill Must Be Read by Every American
"Yesterday, President Obama weighed in on the bill proposed by Republicans in the Senate, and he was very clear about what this means for Americans -- less healthcare for more money, and an enormous transfer of wealth to the richest Americans. "This bill will do you harm," wrote Obama. It will, and every American absolutely needs to read this, regardless of what side of the political aisle they are on. Because this about the health of you and your family and the consequences of stripping away rights every other industrialized country on earth guarantees for their citizens."
"Yesterday, President Obama weighed in on the bill proposed by Republicans in the Senate, and he was very clear about what this means for Americans -- less healthcare for more money, and an enormous transfer of wealth to the richest Americans. "This bill will do you harm," wrote Obama. It will, and every American absolutely needs to read this, regardless of what side of the political aisle they are on. Because this about the health of you and your family and the consequences of stripping away rights every other industrialized country on earth guarantees for their citizens."
Jimmy Kimmel discusses health care with kids
"The big story of the week was the health care bill the Senate unveiled Thursday, so Jimmy Kimmel celebrated the occasion by talking to children, who will undoubtedly be affected by the “mean” legislation."
"The big story of the week was the health care bill the Senate unveiled Thursday, so Jimmy Kimmel celebrated the occasion by talking to children, who will undoubtedly be affected by the “mean” legislation."
Here's the simplest takedown of the Republican scheme to take away health care from millions
"How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked. This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene. Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement. Why is that a big deal? Because that means insurance companies would no longer be required to cover critical preventatives services like mammograms, colon cancer screenings, vaccinations, check-ups. No longer required to cover prescription drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, emergency room visits and more."
"How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked. This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene. Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement. Why is that a big deal? Because that means insurance companies would no longer be required to cover critical preventatives services like mammograms, colon cancer screenings, vaccinations, check-ups. No longer required to cover prescription drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, emergency room visits and more."
Big Pharma Gets $28 Billion Tax Break in GOP Trumpcare Plan
"There will be a lot of losers if the House GOP’s disastrous plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act ever becomes law: people with preexisting medical conditions, working families, older folks, kids. One of the few winners would be the nation’s pharmaceutical industry: $28 billion richer thanks to a big tax cut. The Senate is likely to keep this tax break in its version of the legislation. Do America’s drug makers deserve a $28 billion tax cut over 10 years, when the profits of the top 10 companies topped $83 billion last year alone, with the top 5 pocketing nearly $58 billion? Hardly. In fact, they need to start paying their fair share. The Republican plan passed by the House and endorsed by President Trump this spring would cost 23 million Americans their health care while handing out $660 billion in tax cuts, mostly to wealthy individuals and big health-care companies."
"There will be a lot of losers if the House GOP’s disastrous plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act ever becomes law: people with preexisting medical conditions, working families, older folks, kids. One of the few winners would be the nation’s pharmaceutical industry: $28 billion richer thanks to a big tax cut. The Senate is likely to keep this tax break in its version of the legislation. Do America’s drug makers deserve a $28 billion tax cut over 10 years, when the profits of the top 10 companies topped $83 billion last year alone, with the top 5 pocketing nearly $58 billion? Hardly. In fact, they need to start paying their fair share. The Republican plan passed by the House and endorsed by President Trump this spring would cost 23 million Americans their health care while handing out $660 billion in tax cuts, mostly to wealthy individuals and big health-care companies."
Trump's Plan for Drug Pricing Executive Order Is a Big Pharma Wish List
"Raise your hand if you believed Donald Trump's repeated promises to take on Big Pharma. What about the presidential boast that drug prices for the American people "will come way down?" Anyone? Sadly, skepticism about the true impact of Trump's populist posturing on drug pricing has proven to be well justified. As a worried nation focuses on the looming danger of the Senate vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the pharmaceutical industry has joined hands with the president who once said its corporate members are "getting away with murder." This week, the New York Times obtained a draft of a planned President Trump executive order on drug pricing. As Patients for Affordable Drugs founder and cancer patient David Mitchell told the Times, the text indicates that "Pharma has captured the process." The order, which appears likely to be rolled out after the dust settles on the Affordable Care Act repeal effort, was reportedly written largely by Trump budget staffer Joe Grogan, who was hired by the administration fresh from his role as a drug industry lobbyist."
"Raise your hand if you believed Donald Trump's repeated promises to take on Big Pharma. What about the presidential boast that drug prices for the American people "will come way down?" Anyone? Sadly, skepticism about the true impact of Trump's populist posturing on drug pricing has proven to be well justified. As a worried nation focuses on the looming danger of the Senate vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the pharmaceutical industry has joined hands with the president who once said its corporate members are "getting away with murder." This week, the New York Times obtained a draft of a planned President Trump executive order on drug pricing. As Patients for Affordable Drugs founder and cancer patient David Mitchell told the Times, the text indicates that "Pharma has captured the process." The order, which appears likely to be rolled out after the dust settles on the Affordable Care Act repeal effort, was reportedly written largely by Trump budget staffer Joe Grogan, who was hired by the administration fresh from his role as a drug industry lobbyist."
A Message to Trump Voters on the Occasion of This Healthcare Bill
"Today is not the day for you to ask for my understanding as to how you're going to afford Grandma's chemo now that she's busted the lifetime cap on her insurance. Today is not the day for you to ask for my sympathy for Grandpa who's going to get his ass hoisted out of his rest home and dropped onto the couch in your basement family room because his Medicaid ran out. Today is not the day for you to moan into TV cameras about how Cousin Clyde with the opioid problem has to go back to sticking up tourists for his fix because the little hospital up by the mountain closed. Not today. Not this particular Thursday. Maybe by Monday. The Senate unveiled its big secret tax-cut plan on Thursday morning. It also contains some elements dealing with healthcare that will make the lives of millions of sick and elderly Americans immeasurably worse, but, since it's actually a tax-cut bill, and it actually does cut taxes for the wealthiest among us, then I guess you can say the strategy was a success. And they say the Republicans can't govern. Hah."
"Today is not the day for you to ask for my understanding as to how you're going to afford Grandma's chemo now that she's busted the lifetime cap on her insurance. Today is not the day for you to ask for my sympathy for Grandpa who's going to get his ass hoisted out of his rest home and dropped onto the couch in your basement family room because his Medicaid ran out. Today is not the day for you to moan into TV cameras about how Cousin Clyde with the opioid problem has to go back to sticking up tourists for his fix because the little hospital up by the mountain closed. Not today. Not this particular Thursday. Maybe by Monday. The Senate unveiled its big secret tax-cut plan on Thursday morning. It also contains some elements dealing with healthcare that will make the lives of millions of sick and elderly Americans immeasurably worse, but, since it's actually a tax-cut bill, and it actually does cut taxes for the wealthiest among us, then I guess you can say the strategy was a success. And they say the Republicans can't govern. Hah."
The Impact of the AHCA on Veterans: State-by-State Breakdown
"Contrary to common misperceptions, the majority of the nation’s 20 million veterans do not get their health care coverage from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs but instead depend on other types of insurance. This includes Medicaid, which currently covers nearly 1.8 million American veterans. The cuts not only break President Trump’s pledge to support veterans, they also disproportionately harm voters in the areas that most strongly supported him."
"Contrary to common misperceptions, the majority of the nation’s 20 million veterans do not get their health care coverage from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs but instead depend on other types of insurance. This includes Medicaid, which currently covers nearly 1.8 million American veterans. The cuts not only break President Trump’s pledge to support veterans, they also disproportionately harm voters in the areas that most strongly supported him."
Mitch McConnell's Sh*tty "Healthcare" Abomination is a Massive Tax Cut for the Rich and That's the Entire Point
"There's more but the most important thing to keep in mind is that Republicans are literally going to send people to their death so they can shower billions in unnecessary tax cuts to the rich. The Koch brothers will be able to buy a few more super yachts while tens of thousands of people die every year because they lost their heath insurance. Republicans are not doing this because they want to "fix" the system they deliberately broke. They don't actually care about fighting "big government" because they clearly like using oppressive government regulations to their own ends. The GOP doesn't even really care about the detrimental impact on the economy their bill will have outside of giving them a new excuse to cut food stamps for children. The bottom line is that this entire episode has to do with cutting taxes and making those cuts permanent. Period. End of line. Every other horrible thing that goes along with it (like erasing Obama and savagely hurting the poor) is just icing on the cake. But it's even worse because Republicans will use the "savings" gained by stealing healthcare from 23 million people to "pay" for a second set of tax cuts. So, really, the rich will be getting two separate tax cuts at our expense. The AHCA is the result of a worldview based on a visceral hatred of the poor and middle class. There really isn't any other way to put it: Republicans despise every American that isn't part of their 1% club."
"There's more but the most important thing to keep in mind is that Republicans are literally going to send people to their death so they can shower billions in unnecessary tax cuts to the rich. The Koch brothers will be able to buy a few more super yachts while tens of thousands of people die every year because they lost their heath insurance. Republicans are not doing this because they want to "fix" the system they deliberately broke. They don't actually care about fighting "big government" because they clearly like using oppressive government regulations to their own ends. The GOP doesn't even really care about the detrimental impact on the economy their bill will have outside of giving them a new excuse to cut food stamps for children. The bottom line is that this entire episode has to do with cutting taxes and making those cuts permanent. Period. End of line. Every other horrible thing that goes along with it (like erasing Obama and savagely hurting the poor) is just icing on the cake. But it's even worse because Republicans will use the "savings" gained by stealing healthcare from 23 million people to "pay" for a second set of tax cuts. So, really, the rich will be getting two separate tax cuts at our expense. The AHCA is the result of a worldview based on a visceral hatred of the poor and middle class. There really isn't any other way to put it: Republicans despise every American that isn't part of their 1% club."
The face of Republican evil: It’s not Donald Trump
"This Republican contempt for democracy was evident long before Trump started grasping for the presidential nomination with his stubby orange fingers. McConnell was so unwilling to accept the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s two substantial presidential election victories that the Republican leader refused to acknowledge Obama’s right to nominate a Supreme Court justice after Antonin Scalia’s death. Not only did that work out perfectly for McConnell — he got Neil Gorsuch onto the high court, instead of rightful nominee Merrick Garland — but it proved once and for all that bedrock conservative voters don’t care about niceties like the rule of law or government by the people. They just want to punish women for having sex and gripe about “Obama phones,” and don’t care if the price paid is the ultimate ruin of this country. Trump didn’t make Republicans corrupt. They were already there. That’s why he hasn’t really needed to do any arm-twisting or commit blackmail, no matter how much he’d like to, in order to get a GOP-controlled Congress willing to look the other way when presented with a growing pile of evidence that something weird is going on with Trump and the Russians. It’s easier to not care if Russian intelligence is actively seeking to subvert U.S. elections for those who aggressively try to deny voting rights to millions of Americans, especially people of color and younger voters who insist on voting for Democrats. At this point, the Republican rejection of democracy is an established fact. The only question is how far the ruling party is willing to take it. The antidemocratic, secretive process surrounding the GOP’s health care bill suggests there may be no real limit."
"This Republican contempt for democracy was evident long before Trump started grasping for the presidential nomination with his stubby orange fingers. McConnell was so unwilling to accept the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s two substantial presidential election victories that the Republican leader refused to acknowledge Obama’s right to nominate a Supreme Court justice after Antonin Scalia’s death. Not only did that work out perfectly for McConnell — he got Neil Gorsuch onto the high court, instead of rightful nominee Merrick Garland — but it proved once and for all that bedrock conservative voters don’t care about niceties like the rule of law or government by the people. They just want to punish women for having sex and gripe about “Obama phones,” and don’t care if the price paid is the ultimate ruin of this country. Trump didn’t make Republicans corrupt. They were already there. That’s why he hasn’t really needed to do any arm-twisting or commit blackmail, no matter how much he’d like to, in order to get a GOP-controlled Congress willing to look the other way when presented with a growing pile of evidence that something weird is going on with Trump and the Russians. It’s easier to not care if Russian intelligence is actively seeking to subvert U.S. elections for those who aggressively try to deny voting rights to millions of Americans, especially people of color and younger voters who insist on voting for Democrats. At this point, the Republican rejection of democracy is an established fact. The only question is how far the ruling party is willing to take it. The antidemocratic, secretive process surrounding the GOP’s health care bill suggests there may be no real limit."
Heartless! Senate Trumpcare Plan Every Bit as 'Ugly' and 'Cruel' as Expected
"After weeks of secrecy, the Senate GOP's Trumpcare plan—described as "a tax cut wrapped in the veneer of a healthcare bill" that could portend a "near-apocalyptic scenario for the poor"—was made available (pdf) to the public on Thursday and is largely living up to the gruesome expectations of analysts and critics."
"After weeks of secrecy, the Senate GOP's Trumpcare plan—described as "a tax cut wrapped in the veneer of a healthcare bill" that could portend a "near-apocalyptic scenario for the poor"—was made available (pdf) to the public on Thursday and is largely living up to the gruesome expectations of analysts and critics."
WATCH: Capitol Police Drag Disabled Protesters Out Of McConnell's Office | Crooks and Liars
WATCH: Capitol Police Drag Disabled Protesters Out Of McConnell's Office | Crooks and Liars
"Senate Republicans have finally released a version of their healthcare bill. It was written in complete secrecy by 13 Senators, all of them wealthy. Of course, it's devastating to the 75 million Americans on Medicaid, does away with preexisting conditions, and is a boondoggle to the rich."
"Senate Republicans have finally released a version of their healthcare bill. It was written in complete secrecy by 13 Senators, all of them wealthy. Of course, it's devastating to the 75 million Americans on Medicaid, does away with preexisting conditions, and is a boondoggle to the rich."
The gigantic lie in Mitch McConnell’s introduction of the Senate’s health care bill
"As a candidate, Donald Trump promised not to cut Medicaid at all. If he signs this bill, or the House bill, it will represent one of the biggest broken promises of his presidency. After the Senate draft’s release, Trump noted that “it’s going to be negotiated.” Reaction on the Hill for Sen. McConnell was swift. People with disabilities staged a “die-in” outside his office over the Medicaid cuts. They were then arrested and dragged away."
"As a candidate, Donald Trump promised not to cut Medicaid at all. If he signs this bill, or the House bill, it will represent one of the biggest broken promises of his presidency. After the Senate draft’s release, Trump noted that “it’s going to be negotiated.” Reaction on the Hill for Sen. McConnell was swift. People with disabilities staged a “die-in” outside his office over the Medicaid cuts. They were then arrested and dragged away."
We Have Less Than a Week to Preserve the Health Care of 24 Million People
"I am asking you to act. Today, tomorrow, the next day, repeatedly, until this thing is dead. I am asking you to raise the alarm, call your senators and take direct action as though you are standing between 24 million people and a force of imminent destruction, because that's what this fight has come to. It is not enough, in this moment, to be informed, or even reiterate what you know to others. It is not enough to be a voter who believes in your civic duty. Forces that would kill disabled people, defund medical services for children, and rip health care away from the sick and dying are knocking at our door, and we have to push back."
"I am asking you to act. Today, tomorrow, the next day, repeatedly, until this thing is dead. I am asking you to raise the alarm, call your senators and take direct action as though you are standing between 24 million people and a force of imminent destruction, because that's what this fight has come to. It is not enough, in this moment, to be informed, or even reiterate what you know to others. It is not enough to be a voter who believes in your civic duty. Forces that would kill disabled people, defund medical services for children, and rip health care away from the sick and dying are knocking at our door, and we have to push back."
Trumpcare tax cuts to nation's 400 wealthiest families is Medicaid blood money
"The tax cuts for the wealthy bill masquerading as an Obamacare "replacement" bill destroys Medicaid, the 52-year-old program that covers 1 in 5 Americans, providing coverage from conception to grave. Half of all births, two-thirds of nursing home residents, a third of all adults with disabilities, three-quarters of poor children—that’s who Medicaid covers."
"The tax cuts for the wealthy bill masquerading as an Obamacare "replacement" bill destroys Medicaid, the 52-year-old program that covers 1 in 5 Americans, providing coverage from conception to grave. Half of all births, two-thirds of nursing home residents, a third of all adults with disabilities, three-quarters of poor children—that’s who Medicaid covers."
Arrests of Trumpcare Protesters, Some in Wheelchairs, Outside McConnell's Office
"Amid chants of "Don't Touch Medicaid!" and signs suggesting the same, many of those protesting the Senate bill were either elderly or in wheelchairs, offering a stunning visual as police tried to remove them from the hallway."
"Amid chants of "Don't Touch Medicaid!" and signs suggesting the same, many of those protesting the Senate bill were either elderly or in wheelchairs, offering a stunning visual as police tried to remove them from the hallway."
GOP Sneak Attack on Health Care Nears a Critical Moment—and It's a Total Monstrosity @alternet
GOP Sneak Attack on Health Care Nears a Critical Moment—and It's a Total Monstrosity @alternet:
"The fact is that Republicans are willing to destroy the health and financial security of millions of Americans so they can give massive tax cuts to Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and others like them who are lucky enough to be vastly wealthy. This is their first real chance to enact permanent tax cuts since 1986. (This Vox article explains why that is.) Republicans have been chasing this dream a very long time. It is their white whale, so important that even the prospect of millions of people suffering and going bankrupt is not enough to make them think better of it."
"The fact is that Republicans are willing to destroy the health and financial security of millions of Americans so they can give massive tax cuts to Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and others like them who are lucky enough to be vastly wealthy. This is their first real chance to enact permanent tax cuts since 1986. (This Vox article explains why that is.) Republicans have been chasing this dream a very long time. It is their white whale, so important that even the prospect of millions of people suffering and going bankrupt is not enough to make them think better of it."
In an Aging Nation, Single-Payer Is the Alternative to Dying Under Austerity
"Meanwhile, the Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that passed the House last month would gut ACA provisions that kept insurance companies from gouging older customers and cut $839 billion from Medicaid over the next decade. The bill would increase private insurance rates for older people with lower incomes and leave 5.1 million people between the ages of 50 and 65 without insurance by 2026, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Despite the popular misconception that Medicare covers all of seniors' health care needs, millions of Americans over 65 are also enrolled in Medicaid. Elderly people would certainly suffer if the program saw deep cuts. The proposed cuts to Medicaid are generally unpopular, and the Republican House bill has slumped in the polls. The repeal effort has recently stalled in the Senate due to deep divisions among Republicans. However, reports now indicate that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been hammering out a compromise on Medicaid behind closed doors, with the goal of holding a vote on a Senate repeal package before a July 4 recess. A repeal is not a given, but it will take a sustained push from those who value affordable health care for low-income and working families to prevent a repeal while the GOP has a majority in Congress. Amid this crucial resistance, a renewed push has also emerged for the creation of something different: a single-payer system. A House bill for a "Medicare for All" health plan has more co-sponsors than ever among progressive Democrats, and grassroots activists are rolling out campaigns across the country. When it comes to the issue of how to best serve elderly patients, advocates say guaranteeing health coverage for everyone would help prepare the system for an aging nation."
"Meanwhile, the Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that passed the House last month would gut ACA provisions that kept insurance companies from gouging older customers and cut $839 billion from Medicaid over the next decade. The bill would increase private insurance rates for older people with lower incomes and leave 5.1 million people between the ages of 50 and 65 without insurance by 2026, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Despite the popular misconception that Medicare covers all of seniors' health care needs, millions of Americans over 65 are also enrolled in Medicaid. Elderly people would certainly suffer if the program saw deep cuts. The proposed cuts to Medicaid are generally unpopular, and the Republican House bill has slumped in the polls. The repeal effort has recently stalled in the Senate due to deep divisions among Republicans. However, reports now indicate that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been hammering out a compromise on Medicaid behind closed doors, with the goal of holding a vote on a Senate repeal package before a July 4 recess. A repeal is not a given, but it will take a sustained push from those who value affordable health care for low-income and working families to prevent a repeal while the GOP has a majority in Congress. Amid this crucial resistance, a renewed push has also emerged for the creation of something different: a single-payer system. A House bill for a "Medicare for All" health plan has more co-sponsors than ever among progressive Democrats, and grassroots activists are rolling out campaigns across the country. When it comes to the issue of how to best serve elderly patients, advocates say guaranteeing health coverage for everyone would help prepare the system for an aging nation."
The GOP is working stealthily to shred health and financial protections for ordinary Americans
"While Trump scandals dominate the headlines, Republicans are quietly working on legislation that could hurt millions."
"While Trump scandals dominate the headlines, Republicans are quietly working on legislation that could hurt millions."
How the Republican Coward Caucus is about to sell out its own constituents — in secret
"A bill of stunning cruelty, crafted in secret, and all that stands in its way is a bunch of weak-kneed GOP senators."
"A bill of stunning cruelty, crafted in secret, and all that stands in its way is a bunch of weak-kneed GOP senators."
Republicans lack public support for new health care scheme
"Republicans are no doubt aware of this. Indeed, it helps explain why they’re trying so desperately to legislate in secret. But as an electoral matter, for GOP policymakers to ignore Americans’ attitudes on life-and-death legislation is to play with fire. Given partisan instincts and widespread tribalism, it takes effort to come up with a proposal as unpopular as the Republican health care plan – but they’ve managed to pull it off anyway."
"Republicans are no doubt aware of this. Indeed, it helps explain why they’re trying so desperately to legislate in secret. But as an electoral matter, for GOP policymakers to ignore Americans’ attitudes on life-and-death legislation is to play with fire. Given partisan instincts and widespread tribalism, it takes effort to come up with a proposal as unpopular as the Republican health care plan – but they’ve managed to pull it off anyway."
Senate Trumpcare Bill As Devastating For People With Pre-Existing Conditions As House Version | Crooks and Liars
Senate Trumpcare Bill As Devastating For People With Pre-Existing Conditions As House Version | Crooks and Liars
"Senate Republicans are going to try to sell this bill as a kinder, gentler Trumpcare. Don't let them. If you have a Republican senator call them through the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and let them know you won't be fooled."
"Senate Republicans are going to try to sell this bill as a kinder, gentler Trumpcare. Don't let them. If you have a Republican senator call them through the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and let them know you won't be fooled."
Think you're safe from Trumpcare in your blue state? Think again
"There is really no one who will escape the disastrous effects of Trumpcare if it passes. If you've got a pre-existing condition, you're screwed. If you're on Medicare, you're not safe, either. If you're a child, it's potentially catastrophic. If you have insurance through your employer, you're sunk, too. You might feel shielded because you live in a blue state, with a Democratic governor or legislature, and you think the waivers for states that would make the Affordable Care Act's provisions protecting people with pre-existing conditions won't be taken by your lawmakers. But that's probably not how it's going to work, say most experts, refuting the claim made by Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) who told people not to get worked up"
"There is really no one who will escape the disastrous effects of Trumpcare if it passes. If you've got a pre-existing condition, you're screwed. If you're on Medicare, you're not safe, either. If you're a child, it's potentially catastrophic. If you have insurance through your employer, you're sunk, too. You might feel shielded because you live in a blue state, with a Democratic governor or legislature, and you think the waivers for states that would make the Affordable Care Act's provisions protecting people with pre-existing conditions won't be taken by your lawmakers. But that's probably not how it's going to work, say most experts, refuting the claim made by Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) who told people not to get worked up"
Senate Republicans Hope You Won’t Notice They’re About to Repeal Obamacare
"Quickly and in secret — that’s how lawmakers operate when they’re about to pass legislation that is both harmful and deeply unpopular. Last week, while everyone was distracted by former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put the Republican health care overhaul on fast track. His caucus is writing its bill in secret, and McConnell’s move means he could bring the legislation up for a vote anytime, without holding a single public hearing. All signs indicate that Senate Republicans are preparing to copy their colleagues in the House and jam through a massively destructive piece of legislation before the public knows what’s going on."
"Quickly and in secret — that’s how lawmakers operate when they’re about to pass legislation that is both harmful and deeply unpopular. Last week, while everyone was distracted by former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put the Republican health care overhaul on fast track. His caucus is writing its bill in secret, and McConnell’s move means he could bring the legislation up for a vote anytime, without holding a single public hearing. All signs indicate that Senate Republicans are preparing to copy their colleagues in the House and jam through a massively destructive piece of legislation before the public knows what’s going on."
Senate Republicans ask Trump administration to kneecap Obamacare
"Even as they seek to repeal the Affordable Care Act, GOP lawmakers look for ways to undo it from the inside."
"Even as they seek to repeal the Affordable Care Act, GOP lawmakers look for ways to undo it from the inside."
Senate Trumpcare bill as devastating for people with pre-existing conditions as the House version
"As a result, people with pre-existing conditions in waiver states would face significantly higher costs and find it much harder to find insurance plans that actually covered treatment for even relatively common conditions such as mental health problems or diabetes."
"As a result, people with pre-existing conditions in waiver states would face significantly higher costs and find it much harder to find insurance plans that actually covered treatment for even relatively common conditions such as mental health problems or diabetes."
The House GOP health care bill is a job killer, says a new report
"In addition to potentially increasing the number of uninsured by 23 million and being unequivocally unpopular, House Republicans’ Obamacare replacement plan could leave nearly a million people unemployed."
"In addition to potentially increasing the number of uninsured by 23 million and being unequivocally unpopular, House Republicans’ Obamacare replacement plan could leave nearly a million people unemployed."
The Emerging Senate Repeal Bill Eviscerates Protections for Millions in Employer Plans Nationwide
"The Republican bill’s waivers of essential health benefits threaten coverage not just for the individual market but also for the roughly 134 million Americans covered through large employers. Unlimited coverage for basic services like mental health, prescription drugs, and maternity coverage could disappear. Without it, cancer patients would not be able to access life-saving drugs, families would not be able to help a loved one obtain substance-abuse treatment, and new mothers would take home both babies and medical debt. For too long, many American families—even those with health insurance—were just one illness away from bankruptcy, or faced the prospect of forgoing care for conditions excluded from coverage. The Senate must not return Americans to that time."
"The Republican bill’s waivers of essential health benefits threaten coverage not just for the individual market but also for the roughly 134 million Americans covered through large employers. Unlimited coverage for basic services like mental health, prescription drugs, and maternity coverage could disappear. Without it, cancer patients would not be able to access life-saving drugs, families would not be able to help a loved one obtain substance-abuse treatment, and new mothers would take home both babies and medical debt. For too long, many American families—even those with health insurance—were just one illness away from bankruptcy, or faced the prospect of forgoing care for conditions excluded from coverage. The Senate must not return Americans to that time."
Trump Officials Overseeing Health Care Overhaul Previously Lobbied for Health Insurance Firms
"THE POLITICAL APPOINTEES tapped by President Donald Trump to oversee federal health care programs — including the potential transition to a new Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act — joined the government just after working as lobbyists and attorneys for the largest health care interests in America."
"THE POLITICAL APPOINTEES tapped by President Donald Trump to oversee federal health care programs — including the potential transition to a new Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act — joined the government just after working as lobbyists and attorneys for the largest health care interests in America."
State-by-State Estimates of the AHCA’s 2018 Rate Hikes and Age Tax
"For example, the average 64-year-old West Virginian making an income of $26,500 in 2026 would pay a net premium of $22,400 per year under the AHCA, compared with just $1,700 per year under the ACA—a $20,700 increase in annual costs. The age tax would be much higher in states where health care costs are high. The ACA subsidies would ensure that a similar Alaskan would pay only $1,700 for coverage, but under the AHCA, that person would owe $49,070 toward coverage. Thus, the AHCA’s age tax in Alaska would be more than $47,000 per year."
"For example, the average 64-year-old West Virginian making an income of $26,500 in 2026 would pay a net premium of $22,400 per year under the AHCA, compared with just $1,700 per year under the ACA—a $20,700 increase in annual costs. The age tax would be much higher in states where health care costs are high. The ACA subsidies would ensure that a similar Alaskan would pay only $1,700 for coverage, but under the AHCA, that person would owe $49,070 toward coverage. Thus, the AHCA’s age tax in Alaska would be more than $47,000 per year."
I’ve covered Obamacare since day one. I’ve never seen lying and obstruction like this.
"Republicans do not want the country to know what is in their health care bill. This has become more evident each day, as the Senate plots out a secretive path toward Obamacare repeal — and top White House officials (including the president) consistently lie about what the House bill actually does. There was even a brief moment Tuesday where Senate Republicans flirted with the idea of banning on-camera interviews in congressional hallways, a plan quickly reversed after outcry from the press. “The extreme secrecy is a situation without precedent, at least in creating health care law” writes Julie Rovner, who has covered health care politics since 1986 and is arguably the dean of the DC health care press corps."
"Republicans do not want the country to know what is in their health care bill. This has become more evident each day, as the Senate plots out a secretive path toward Obamacare repeal — and top White House officials (including the president) consistently lie about what the House bill actually does. There was even a brief moment Tuesday where Senate Republicans flirted with the idea of banning on-camera interviews in congressional hallways, a plan quickly reversed after outcry from the press. “The extreme secrecy is a situation without precedent, at least in creating health care law” writes Julie Rovner, who has covered health care politics since 1986 and is arguably the dean of the DC health care press corps."
Senate Republicans intend to ram through secret health care bill
"In the meantime, there’s still the underlying scandal of how the bill is being constructed: in a process unlike anything in the American tradition, Republicans are still trying to overhaul behind closed doors, in total secrecy, without so much as a single committee hearing. Even many GOP lawmakers have publicly conceded that they have no idea what their party has in mind because Republican members of the Senate “working group” haven’t shared the uncompleted bill. Several GOP senators have complained about the process, but none of them has used his or her power to change the party’s strategy. For his part, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters this week that “nobody is hiding the ball here” and people are “free to ask anybody anything.” This is, of course, ridiculous. McConnell is trying to pass a secret bill that affects one-sixth of the world’s largest economy, and which will have a life-or-death impact on millions of Americans. Because he knows the bill will be unpopular, he’s keeping it hidden, even from many of his own members. The fact that we’re all “free to ask anybody anything” is irrelevant – since the only people with answers about the legislation refuse to share information with the public."
"In the meantime, there’s still the underlying scandal of how the bill is being constructed: in a process unlike anything in the American tradition, Republicans are still trying to overhaul behind closed doors, in total secrecy, without so much as a single committee hearing. Even many GOP lawmakers have publicly conceded that they have no idea what their party has in mind because Republican members of the Senate “working group” haven’t shared the uncompleted bill. Several GOP senators have complained about the process, but none of them has used his or her power to change the party’s strategy. For his part, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters this week that “nobody is hiding the ball here” and people are “free to ask anybody anything.” This is, of course, ridiculous. McConnell is trying to pass a secret bill that affects one-sixth of the world’s largest economy, and which will have a life-or-death impact on millions of Americans. Because he knows the bill will be unpopular, he’s keeping it hidden, even from many of his own members. The fact that we’re all “free to ask anybody anything” is irrelevant – since the only people with answers about the legislation refuse to share information with the public."
Of Course Republicans Are Passing Trumpcare in Secret
"If you're writing a bill to take health care away from millions of people to give a tax cut to the wealthy, you probably aren't overly concerned about the morality of the process."
"If you're writing a bill to take health care away from millions of people to give a tax cut to the wealthy, you probably aren't overly concerned about the morality of the process."
The scandalous secrecy surrounding the Republican health care gambit
"Republicans had a choice. They could’ve acted like a governing party, pursued their goals like grown-ups, and adopted a sensible legislative strategy built on evidence, consensus, expertise, and outcomes. No one forced, or even asked, GOP lawmakers to conduct themselves in such a ridiculous fashion. But they chose this course anyway, largely because they saw it as necessary to achieve their regressive and ideological goals. If more Americans knew what was transpiring in their name, Republicans would be facing an extraordinary backlash – which is precisely why they’re clinging to secrecy with all their might."
"Republicans had a choice. They could’ve acted like a governing party, pursued their goals like grown-ups, and adopted a sensible legislative strategy built on evidence, consensus, expertise, and outcomes. No one forced, or even asked, GOP lawmakers to conduct themselves in such a ridiculous fashion. But they chose this course anyway, largely because they saw it as necessary to achieve their regressive and ideological goals. If more Americans knew what was transpiring in their name, Republicans would be facing an extraordinary backlash – which is precisely why they’re clinging to secrecy with all their might."
Trump slams the “mean” health care law he once celebrated
"President Donald Trump has privately referred to the House Republicans’ health care bill as “mean,” despite previously hailing it as a superior alternative to the Affordable Care Act."
"President Donald Trump has privately referred to the House Republicans’ health care bill as “mean,” despite previously hailing it as a superior alternative to the Affordable Care Act."
Republicans betray their gray-haired base with Trumpcare
"the GOP’s plan to “repeal and replace” Obamacare will hit Trump voters hardest. It’s no mystery as to why. As the New York Times explained, “The Republican plan offers less assistance to older and lower income Americans, especially in rural areas.” Due to the lack of competition for insurers and health care providers, as the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) documented, 12 of the 15 states hardest hit by the AHCA’s shriveled tax credits are rural ones. Fourteen of the 15 voted for Donald Trump for president in 2016. And with the GOP’s plan to redirect $880 billion in Medicaid spending to tax cuts for the richest Americans, older Americans—especially those near the poverty line—will face catastrophic increases in premiums, rendering health insurance an impossible acquisition"
"the GOP’s plan to “repeal and replace” Obamacare will hit Trump voters hardest. It’s no mystery as to why. As the New York Times explained, “The Republican plan offers less assistance to older and lower income Americans, especially in rural areas.” Due to the lack of competition for insurers and health care providers, as the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) documented, 12 of the 15 states hardest hit by the AHCA’s shriveled tax credits are rural ones. Fourteen of the 15 voted for Donald Trump for president in 2016. And with the GOP’s plan to redirect $880 billion in Medicaid spending to tax cuts for the richest Americans, older Americans—especially those near the poverty line—will face catastrophic increases in premiums, rendering health insurance an impossible acquisition"
We asked 8 Senate Republicans to explain what their health bill is trying to do
"Senate Republicans can't answer simple and critical questions about the health care bill they're crafting in secret. Some still can't say what it's trying to do — other than garner enough votes to pass the Senate — or how they believe it will improve the American health care system."
"Senate Republicans can't answer simple and critical questions about the health care bill they're crafting in secret. Some still can't say what it's trying to do — other than garner enough votes to pass the Senate — or how they believe it will improve the American health care system."
10 Ways Mitch McConnell's Secret, Evil Senate Operation to Destroy Obamacare Will Make Life Hell for Many Americans @alternet
10 Ways Mitch McConnell's Secret, Evil Senate Operation to Destroy Obamacare Will Make Life Hell for Many Americans @alternet:
"What’s unfolding in Washington right now is appalling. Beyond the cowardly political tactics, the GOP is literally playing with the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of Americans. Everyone ages, and many will get sick and develop chronic illness and disease. The consequences can be devastating if the GOP shreds medical safety nets for the poor and allows the insurance industry to charge more yet deliver less health security in myriad ways."
"What’s unfolding in Washington right now is appalling. Beyond the cowardly political tactics, the GOP is literally playing with the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of Americans. Everyone ages, and many will get sick and develop chronic illness and disease. The consequences can be devastating if the GOP shreds medical safety nets for the poor and allows the insurance industry to charge more yet deliver less health security in myriad ways."
Senate Republicans Are Trying To Keep You In The Dark About Obamacare Repeal
"McConnell has absorbed the most important political lesson from the GOP’s House effort ― namely, that the American Health Care Act is wildly unpopular. The more the public knows about it, the less it seems to like it. It was only after the bill appeared to fail in the House, and attention turned elsewhere, that Republican leaders were able to modify it and put together the votes they needed for passage ― and then stage a vote before opposition could mobilize all over again. By avoiding public scrutiny for as long as possible, and keeping the final debate brief, McConnell is trying to pull off a similar feat in his chamber."
"McConnell has absorbed the most important political lesson from the GOP’s House effort ― namely, that the American Health Care Act is wildly unpopular. The more the public knows about it, the less it seems to like it. It was only after the bill appeared to fail in the House, and attention turned elsewhere, that Republican leaders were able to modify it and put together the votes they needed for passage ― and then stage a vote before opposition could mobilize all over again. By avoiding public scrutiny for as long as possible, and keeping the final debate brief, McConnell is trying to pull off a similar feat in his chamber."
People in states represented by the cosponsors of the CHOICE Act lose $12.1 billion each year due to conflicted retirement advice
People in states represented by the cosponsors of the CHOICE Act lose $12.1 billion each year due to conflicted retirement advice
"Representatives who voted for the CHOICE Act have chosen to side with unscrupulous actors in the financial industry, who have profited handsomely from loopholes that allowed them to fleece retirement savers."
"Representatives who voted for the CHOICE Act have chosen to side with unscrupulous actors in the financial industry, who have profited handsomely from loopholes that allowed them to fleece retirement savers."
Trump’s sabotage takes its toll on the health care system
"There are many aspects of the health care debate that are complex – the president himself recently complained that “nobody” knew how “complicated” this is – but this aspect is relatively straightforward. When private insurers don’t know about the fate of existing federal subsidies, they need to protect themselves against potential future losses imposed by Republicans. It’s Business 101. And so, by playing games, Trump and his GOP allies are effectively forcing insurance companies to start charging consumers more today because they don’t know what the White House and Congress will do tomorrow. The president, in other words, is imposing a political surcharge on the cost of middle-class health coverage for no reason. That may sound insane, and it’s the kind of problem that’s easily avoided, but Team Trump believes this is the smart course of action."
"There are many aspects of the health care debate that are complex – the president himself recently complained that “nobody” knew how “complicated” this is – but this aspect is relatively straightforward. When private insurers don’t know about the fate of existing federal subsidies, they need to protect themselves against potential future losses imposed by Republicans. It’s Business 101. And so, by playing games, Trump and his GOP allies are effectively forcing insurance companies to start charging consumers more today because they don’t know what the White House and Congress will do tomorrow. The president, in other words, is imposing a political surcharge on the cost of middle-class health coverage for no reason. That may sound insane, and it’s the kind of problem that’s easily avoided, but Team Trump believes this is the smart course of action."
Drop dead, America: Trump's billion-dollar budget cuts to medical research and disease prevention
"The Trump administration's proposed budget isn't just unconscionable for how inhumane it is, it's a sweeping effort to hamstring science, setting back lifesaving advances in both medical research and treatment that will inevitably make our nation sicker and result in unneeded deaths."
"The Trump administration's proposed budget isn't just unconscionable for how inhumane it is, it's a sweeping effort to hamstring science, setting back lifesaving advances in both medical research and treatment that will inevitably make our nation sicker and result in unneeded deaths."
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