HealthCare Notes


In Defense of Science: How the Fiscal Cliff Could Cripple Research Enterprise - The Atlantic

In Defense of Science: How the Fiscal Cliff Could Cripple Research Enterprise - The Atlantic
"Research is the only way we can improve upon diagnosis and treatments that will allow people to long, healthy, and productive lives. Solutions here can ultimately bring down health care costs -- the far bigger driver of our national indebtedness. It is the NIH that funds research on diseases such as diabetes, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, cancer, heart disease, infectious diseases, liver, kidney, immune-mediated diseases, you name it. And these are just the more common ailments. There are so many others less well known, often devastating, frequently genetic, that as a group cause enormous havoc to human health.
The only hope for patients and their caregivers is through research."