HealthCare Notes

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What Ryan's Budget Really Says: 'I Love Rich People' | Common Dreams

What Ryan's Budget Really Says: 'I Love Rich People' | Common Dreams
"Let's look at some of Ryan's trademark policies. Ryan repeatedly has proposed replacing Medicare with a voucher system or "premium support" as he likes to say. Note that Ryan has not proposed just eliminating Medicare and telling people when they turn age 65 (or 67) that they are on their own. 

What's the difference between handing people a voucher to buy insurance from private insurers and giving them access to a government-run Medicare system when they turn age 65? Over Medicare's 75-year planning period the difference is tens of trillions of dollars in additional money for private insurers and the health care industry, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). 
As CBO and many other independent analysts have documented, using private insurers raises rather than lowers costs."