Obama Administration: Half Of Young Adults Can Get Marketplace Coverage For $50 Or Less A Month
Obama Administration: Half Of Young Adults Can Get Marketplace Coverage For $50 Or Less A Month: A new government report finds good news for 40 percent of the 7.2 million young, uninsured adults living in states with a federal Obamacare marketplace.
The Great Medicaid Transfer From Red States to Blue States
"According to an analysis I have done using Kaiser Family Foundation data—in 2016 alone—the 24 expanding states will receive $30.3 Billion additional federal dollars, while those not expanding will forego an additional $35.0 Billion they could have had."
"According to an analysis I have done using Kaiser Family Foundation data—in 2016 alone—the 24 expanding states will receive $30.3 Billion additional federal dollars, while those not expanding will forego an additional $35.0 Billion they could have had."
5 Reasons Why Cutting Social Security Would Be Irrational | Alternet
5 Reasons Why Cutting Social Security Would Be Irrational | Alternet
"Cutting this popular and well-run and life-sustaining program would be irrational."
"Cutting this popular and well-run and life-sustaining program would be irrational."
Meet 3 Master Manipulators of America’s Oligarchy | Alternet
Meet 3 Master Manipulators of America’s Oligarchy | Alternet
"Whether they’re ginning up deficit hysteria to cut Social Security or blaming teachers and firefighters for state budget crises, these 1 percenters pose as defenders of your interests while arranging things so that they can plunder America and leave hard-working people with scraps."
"Whether they’re ginning up deficit hysteria to cut Social Security or blaming teachers and firefighters for state budget crises, these 1 percenters pose as defenders of your interests while arranging things so that they can plunder America and leave hard-working people with scraps."
PERRspectives: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Affair with Obamacare
PERRspectives: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Affair with Obamacare
"The Affordable Care Act, Republicans and their right-wing water carriers warn, is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery and theFugitive Slave Act. But for Congressional Republicans in general and Paul Ryan in particular, Obamacare also happens to be the love that dare not speak its name. After all, Ryan's dangerous and unpopular voucher scheme to privatize Medicare not only depends on the success of the very kind of health insurance exchanges he now decries, but also requires the ACA to cover the 65 and 66 year-old beneficiaries he would drop from the program covering 49 million seniors. And as it turns out, the same Paul Ryan who would defund, delay or repeal Obamacare nevertheless wants to keep every penny in new revenue it generates in order to fund his massive tax cut windfall for the wealthy."
"The Affordable Care Act, Republicans and their right-wing water carriers warn, is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery and theFugitive Slave Act. But for Congressional Republicans in general and Paul Ryan in particular, Obamacare also happens to be the love that dare not speak its name. After all, Ryan's dangerous and unpopular voucher scheme to privatize Medicare not only depends on the success of the very kind of health insurance exchanges he now decries, but also requires the ACA to cover the 65 and 66 year-old beneficiaries he would drop from the program covering 49 million seniors. And as it turns out, the same Paul Ryan who would defund, delay or repeal Obamacare nevertheless wants to keep every penny in new revenue it generates in order to fund his massive tax cut windfall for the wealthy."
Republicans Demand Social Security And Medicare Cuts, Is It Reported? | Common Dreams
Republicans Demand Social Security And Medicare Cuts, Is It Reported? | Common Dreams
"Republicans are demanding cuts in Social Security and Medicare if Democrats want to change the terms of the “sequester.” I’m sure their Tea Party “base” would be shocked if they understood this. So would most Americans. So is the media giving Americans the information they need in order to make informed decisions?"
"Republicans are demanding cuts in Social Security and Medicare if Democrats want to change the terms of the “sequester.” I’m sure their Tea Party “base” would be shocked if they understood this. So would most Americans. So is the media giving Americans the information they need in order to make informed decisions?"
The Affordable Care Act’s Lower-Than-Projected Premiums Will Save $190 Billion
"These savings will boost the health law’s amount of deficit reduction by 174 percent and represent about 40 percent of the health care savings proposed by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform—commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles commission—in 2010.
Moreover, we estimate that lower premiums will lower the number of uninsured even further, by an additional 700,000 people, even as the number of individuals who receive tax credits will decline because insurance is more affordable."
"These savings will boost the health law’s amount of deficit reduction by 174 percent and represent about 40 percent of the health care savings proposed by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform—commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles commission—in 2010.
Moreover, we estimate that lower premiums will lower the number of uninsured even further, by an additional 700,000 people, even as the number of individuals who receive tax credits will decline because insurance is more affordable."
6 Most Brazen Right-Wing Lies About Obamacare | Alternet
6 Most Brazen Right-Wing Lies About Obamacare | Alternet
"These are not the hackneyed GOP talking points about death panels, job killers and government bureaucrats coming between patients and doctors. These are far more fanciful efforts that stretch the limits of credulity and appear to have more in common with satire than actual news reporting. But this is what it has come to as Obamacare has finally reached the consumer stage and conservatives are desperate to keep people from discovering its benefits."
"These are not the hackneyed GOP talking points about death panels, job killers and government bureaucrats coming between patients and doctors. These are far more fanciful efforts that stretch the limits of credulity and appear to have more in common with satire than actual news reporting. But this is what it has come to as Obamacare has finally reached the consumer stage and conservatives are desperate to keep people from discovering its benefits."
How Obamacare Will Save The Federal Government $190 Billion
How Obamacare Will Save The Federal Government $190 Billion: The emergence of new insurers and increased competition within the law's marketplaces has lowered premiums, leading to big savings for consumers and the federal government.
Obamacare off to great start in Kentucky, Washington, Oregon
"What do all these states have in common? Democratic governors who actually want everyone in their state to have access to health care."
"What do all these states have in common? Democratic governors who actually want everyone in their state to have access to health care."
Social Security Pumps $2 Into US Economy for Every Benefit Dollar Spent
Social Security Pumps $2 Into US Economy for Every Benefit Dollar Spent
"Just as Food Stamps stimulate the economy by creating about $1.80 of economic activity for every dollar of Food Stamps spent, Social Secuity pumps up job-generating and business activity by about $2 for every dollar recipients spend. This is according to a new study by the AARP"
"Just as Food Stamps stimulate the economy by creating about $1.80 of economic activity for every dollar of Food Stamps spent, Social Secuity pumps up job-generating and business activity by about $2 for every dollar recipients spend. This is according to a new study by the AARP"
Ohio Will Expand Medicaid Under Obamacare, Extending Health Coverage To Nearly 300,000 Residents
Ohio Will Expand Medicaid Under Obamacare, Extending Health Coverage To Nearly 300,000 Residents: Ohio joins the growing number of GOP-led states agreeing to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
South Dakota Doctors Urge Their Governor To Expand Medicaid Under Obamacare
South Dakota Doctors Urge Their Governor To Expand Medicaid Under Obamacare: If the state agreed to Obamacare's optional Medicaid expansion, its uninsurance rate would be cut in half.
6 Reasons Privatization Often Ends in Disaster | Alternet
6 Reasons Privatization Often Ends in Disaster | Alternet
"But the privatizers keep encroaching on the public sector. Our government reimburses the CEOs of private contractors at a rate approximately double what we pay the President. Overall, we pay the corporate bosses over $7 billion a year.
"But the privatizers keep encroaching on the public sector. Our government reimburses the CEOs of private contractors at a rate approximately double what we pay the President. Overall, we pay the corporate bosses over $7 billion a year.
Many Americans don't realize that the privatization of Social Security and Medicare would transfer much of our money to yet another group of CEOs."
McDowell County, USA Has Close to Haiti's Life Expectancy: Welcome to Third World America | Alternet
McDowell County, USA Has Close to Haiti's Life Expectancy: Welcome to Third World America | Alternet
"The Affordable Care Act is merely a small step in the direction of universal healthcare. One need only look at the data on life expectancy among Americans to realize how badly health care reform is needed in the United States. People in much of Europe are, on the whole, outliving residents of the U.S., which in some places, is looking more and more like a Third World country when it comes to life expectancy.
"The Affordable Care Act is merely a small step in the direction of universal healthcare. One need only look at the data on life expectancy among Americans to realize how badly health care reform is needed in the United States. People in much of Europe are, on the whole, outliving residents of the U.S., which in some places, is looking more and more like a Third World country when it comes to life expectancy.
There is a considerable amount of data on life expectancy among Americans, much of it disturbing."
I Would Be Dead Without Health Insurance -- GOPers Trying to Kill Obamacare Are Also Killing People | Alternet
I Would Be Dead Without Health Insurance -- GOPers Trying to Kill Obamacare Are Also Killing People | Alternet
"Obamacare requires insurance companies for the first time to cover everyone, regardless of any preexisting conditions. There's no more disqualifying condition than cancer; without Obamacare, I would now almost certainly be uninsurable if someday in the future I try to get insurance on the individual market. And we know what happens to people without health insurance in the United States: they die."
"Obamacare requires insurance companies for the first time to cover everyone, regardless of any preexisting conditions. There's no more disqualifying condition than cancer; without Obamacare, I would now almost certainly be uninsurable if someday in the future I try to get insurance on the individual market. And we know what happens to people without health insurance in the United States: they die."
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans: Volunteers with the conservative organization are distributing misleading flyers, attending committee hearings, and intimidating constituents.
10 Reasons Why the Tea Party is So Unpopular | Alternet
10 Reasons Why the Tea Party is So Unpopular | Alternet
"They’d gut Social Security and Medicare. Pew found that 73 percent of Tea Partiers would cut funds to these retirement programs to pay down the federal debt, which, again, is consistent with their “I’ve got mine; go get yours” mentality."
"They’d gut Social Security and Medicare. Pew found that 73 percent of Tea Partiers would cut funds to these retirement programs to pay down the federal debt, which, again, is consistent with their “I’ve got mine; go get yours” mentality."
Ted Cruz vs. Twitter: Does Obamacare Hurt Americans?
"Americans across the country telling tales of how Obamacare has lowered premiums for them or provided better insurance at similar rates."
"Americans across the country telling tales of how Obamacare has lowered premiums for them or provided better insurance at similar rates."
Paul Ryan’s Worst Nightmare Comes True as Bernie Sanders Is On The Budget Committee
"Majority Leader Harry Reid has shattered Paul Ryan’s dreams of killing Social Security and Medicare by putting Sen. Bernie Sanders on the budget conference committee."
"Majority Leader Harry Reid has shattered Paul Ryan’s dreams of killing Social Security and Medicare by putting Sen. Bernie Sanders on the budget conference committee."
Fox's Obamacare Victims Aren't Victims At All
"none of host Sean Hannity's guests had even attempted to shop on the exchange. When he shopped on the exchange with the information he was given for two of the three couples Hannity hosted, he found that both families could save thousands annually by enrolling in an ACA-compliant policy."
"none of host Sean Hannity's guests had even attempted to shop on the exchange. When he shopped on the exchange with the information he was given for two of the three couples Hannity hosted, he found that both families could save thousands annually by enrolling in an ACA-compliant policy."
Beer Offensive: The Koch Brothers Try to Bribe College Students Not to Sign Up for Obamacare with Brewskies | Alternet
Beer Offensive: The Koch Brothers Try to Bribe College Students Not to Sign Up for Obamacare with Brewskies | Alternet
"What's a family values conservative to do when every effort to protect millions of Americans from the scourge of affordable healthcare fails?
"What's a family values conservative to do when every effort to protect millions of Americans from the scourge of affordable healthcare fails?
Break out the beer, of course. The latest campaign to kill off Obamacare in its infancy is now playing out on college campuses where a conservative group known as Generation Opportunity (GO), who are funded in part by the billionaire Koch brothers, is using the lure of free beer and "opt out" beer koozies to persuade young students not to buy health insurance – or, at least, not to buy it from the Obamacare exchanges."
Thanks To Obamacare, Oregon Cut Its Unsinsured Population By 10 Percent Over The Past Two Weeks
Thanks To Obamacare, Oregon Cut Its Unsinsured Population By 10 Percent Over The Past Two Weeks: 56,000 new people have signed up for Oregon's Medicaid program so far this month. Most of them wouldn't be eligible for coverage without Obamacare.
The Shutdown May Be Over, But It’s Still Hurting Public Health
The Shutdown May Be Over, But It’s Still Hurting Public Health:
"The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will need to start up their influenza monitoring program again, and they’ll need to scramble to make up for lost time as flu season intensifies. The CDC is also behind when it comes to monitoring and analyzing a recent outbreak of salmonella that’s started to display signs of antibiotic resistance."
"The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will need to start up their influenza monitoring program again, and they’ll need to scramble to make up for lost time as flu season intensifies. The CDC is also behind when it comes to monitoring and analyzing a recent outbreak of salmonella that’s started to display signs of antibiotic resistance."
Rick Perry Is Actually Encouraging Texans To Enroll In Obamacare
Rick Perry Is Actually Encouraging Texans To Enroll In Obamacare: Texas is shuttering a state-based health care program and pushing Texans to sign-up for coverage in Obamacare's health care exchange.
Health Care Hypocrisy | Common Dreams
Health Care Hypocrisy | Common Dreams
"While going to extremes to keep millions of Americans from getting vitally needed health coverage, Cruz repeatedly refused to answer whether taxpayers covered his health care. Finally, he piously responded that he was eligible for taxpayer coverage, but had nobly declined.
Such slapstick! It turns out that Ted was fibbing, for he’s covered by his wife’s policy. As a millionaire top executive at Goldman Sachs, she and her family are given gold-plated Cadillac coverage by the Wall Street giant. Goldman pays some $40,000 a year for her and Ted’s policy — a benefit-cost that the firm passes on to us taxpayers by deducting it from its corporate tax bill. Hilarious, huh?"
"While going to extremes to keep millions of Americans from getting vitally needed health coverage, Cruz repeatedly refused to answer whether taxpayers covered his health care. Finally, he piously responded that he was eligible for taxpayer coverage, but had nobly declined.
Such slapstick! It turns out that Ted was fibbing, for he’s covered by his wife’s policy. As a millionaire top executive at Goldman Sachs, she and her family are given gold-plated Cadillac coverage by the Wall Street giant. Goldman pays some $40,000 a year for her and Ted’s policy — a benefit-cost that the firm passes on to us taxpayers by deducting it from its corporate tax bill. Hilarious, huh?"
A Simple Reform Could Save America From Wall Street and Boost the Economy: What’s Washington Waiting For? | Alternet
A Simple Reform Could Save America From Wall Street and Boost the Economy: What’s Washington Waiting For? | Alternet
"Financiers have been getting a free ride for too long. Let's make them pay their share instead of robbing seniors."
"Financiers have been getting a free ride for too long. Let's make them pay their share instead of robbing seniors."
Backfire! GOP Hostage-Taking Boosts Obamacare's Popularity | Alternet
Backfire! GOP Hostage-Taking Boosts Obamacare's Popularity | Alternet
'The GOP-led federal government shutdown over Obamacare has dramatically backfired on Republicans. Nearly two-thirds of active voters, the largest share yet, support the health insurance reform law and want it to work, new nationwide polling has found."
'The GOP-led federal government shutdown over Obamacare has dramatically backfired on Republicans. Nearly two-thirds of active voters, the largest share yet, support the health insurance reform law and want it to work, new nationwide polling has found."
The Government Shutdown Has Cost The Economy $24 Billion
The Government Shutdown Has Cost The Economy $24 Billion:
"Standard & Poor’s calculates that the shutdown that has so far lasted just over two weeks has taken $24 billion out of the economy, shaving at least 0.6 percent off of GDP in the fourth quarter."
"Standard & Poor’s calculates that the shutdown that has so far lasted just over two weeks has taken $24 billion out of the economy, shaving at least 0.6 percent off of GDP in the fourth quarter."
Misunderestimating Who They Are: They Like To Destroy Things
Misunderestimating Who They Are: They Like To Destroy Things
"If you listen to right-wing radio, watch FOX News and read their online media and take it seriously (because they do) then you would know that many on the right don’t want to live in a country that has Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, the minimum wage, Food Stamps, immigration, public schools, infant nutrition programs and the rest of the things government does to make our lives better. Andthey don't want anyone else to live in a country that has those things, either.
"If you listen to right-wing radio, watch FOX News and read their online media and take it seriously (because they do) then you would know that many on the right don’t want to live in a country that has Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, the minimum wage, Food Stamps, immigration, public schools, infant nutrition programs and the rest of the things government does to make our lives better. Andthey don't want anyone else to live in a country that has those things, either.
They are willing to destroy the village to keep the village from having those things. If you don't "get that" before entering into negotiations, you're at risk of making a terrible mistake -- like the sequester."
Paul Ryan's Peddling a 'Shock Doctrine' Cure | Common Dreams
Paul Ryan's Peddling a 'Shock Doctrine' Cure | Common Dreams
"If you are looking for certainties in American politics, count on this one: If a crisis of governing develops, the advocates for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will arrive with a plan to resolve the standoff by balancing budgets on the backs of America’s most vulnerable citizens.
Cue Paul Ryan.
The House Budget Committee chairman, a Republican from Janesville, has for the better part of a decade been the most determined advocate on Capitol Hill for the Wall Street agenda that says earned-benefit programs should be reshaped as investment vehicles and voucher schemes that will benefit brokers and the health insurance industry."
"If you are looking for certainties in American politics, count on this one: If a crisis of governing develops, the advocates for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will arrive with a plan to resolve the standoff by balancing budgets on the backs of America’s most vulnerable citizens.
Cue Paul Ryan.
The House Budget Committee chairman, a Republican from Janesville, has for the better part of a decade been the most determined advocate on Capitol Hill for the Wall Street agenda that says earned-benefit programs should be reshaped as investment vehicles and voucher schemes that will benefit brokers and the health insurance industry."
STUDY: Steadfast GOP Refusal To Expand Medicaid Leaves 5 Million Poor Americans Without Health Care
STUDY: Steadfast GOP Refusal To Expand Medicaid Leaves 5 Million Poor Americans Without Health Care: Without Medicaid expansion, many Americans earning less than $11,500 per year won't get any assistance to purchase health care.
What Obamacare Means to Me: The Difference Between Bankruptcy and Having a Life Again | Alternet
What Obamacare Means to Me: The Difference Between Bankruptcy and Having a Life Again | Alternet
"We lived under the illusion that we were adequately covered by our health insurance plan ... until my wife got sick."
"We lived under the illusion that we were adequately covered by our health insurance plan ... until my wife got sick."
Fox Would Prefer Millennials Go Without Health Insurance To Sabotage Obamacare (VIDEO)
"Proof that Fox doesn’t just promote misinformation about Obamacare but is willing to put its viewers well-being in jeopardy in order to destroy it."
"Proof that Fox doesn’t just promote misinformation about Obamacare but is willing to put its viewers well-being in jeopardy in order to destroy it."
A Mom's Message To John Boehner And Ted Cruz
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Republicans: While we're at it, let's just throw Social Security into the ransom note
"Republicans seem intent on alienating the last group of voters that is hanging with them: old white people. First consider Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) adding Medicare to their shutdown and debt ceiling ransom note. Then add to that the demand of 50 House Republicans in a letter written by Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) that House Speaker John Boehner include slashing Social Security in the hostage taking."
"Republicans seem intent on alienating the last group of voters that is hanging with them: old white people. First consider Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) adding Medicare to their shutdown and debt ceiling ransom note. Then add to that the demand of 50 House Republicans in a letter written by Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) that House Speaker John Boehner include slashing Social Security in the hostage taking."
GOP Governor May Expand Medicaid By Executive Order After Facing Opposition From His Own Party
GOP Governor May Expand Medicaid By Executive Order After Facing Opposition From His Own Party: “We continue to explore all our options and just want to get this done," said a spokesman for Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R).
GOP Governor To Congressional Republicans: Stop Trying To Defund Obamacare
GOP Governor To Congressional Republicans: Stop Trying To Defund Obamacare: Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) says Arizona stands to lose money as a result of the GOP's demands.
91-year old WWII vet schools Republicans on the difference between their shutdown and 'epic battles'
"The ad, brought to you by VoteVets.org, will be running on national cable stations starting today."
"The ad, brought to you by VoteVets.org, will be running on national cable stations starting today."
Paul Ryan adds Medicare and Medicaid to the ransom note
"So far from taking Obamacare off the table, Ryan says he was expanding the playing field to include Medicare and Medicaid as well"
"So far from taking Obamacare off the table, Ryan says he was expanding the playing field to include Medicare and Medicaid as well"
The GOP's Entitlement Reform Bait And Switch
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GOP Sticks To Obamacare Scare Tactics
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Ginni Thomas and Her Groundswell Gang Planned ACA Hostage Scenario
Ginni Thomas and Her Groundswell Gang Planned ACA Hostage Scenario
"This post is revealing in so many ways. It's not just about the Affordable Care Act anymore, but about Medicare and Social Security, which are the real targets of their hostage-taking."
"This post is revealing in so many ways. It's not just about the Affordable Care Act anymore, but about Medicare and Social Security, which are the real targets of their hostage-taking."
MAP: How GOP Governors Resisting Obamacare Are Denying Coverage To The Poorest Americans
MAP: How GOP Governors Resisting Obamacare Are Denying Coverage To The Poorest Americans: In states that aren't expanding Medicaid under Obamacare, the vast majority of the uninsured won't receive any public assistance to help them get covered.
Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security
Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security
"As the government shutdown marches on and the dangerously real deadline of the federal debt limit approaches, it is increasingly clear that the fight over "Obamacare" is merely an opening salvo. The real goal of the hostage takers is a "Grand Bargain" on the budget that would include cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
"As the government shutdown marches on and the dangerously real deadline of the federal debt limit approaches, it is increasingly clear that the fight over "Obamacare" is merely an opening salvo. The real goal of the hostage takers is a "Grand Bargain" on the budget that would include cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
This has been the long-term agenda for debt crisis-monger Pete Peterson and government haters David and Charles Koch for many decades."
Starting Today, Maine Residents Can Officially Import Cheaper Prescription Drugs From Other Countries
Starting Today, Maine Residents Can Officially Import Cheaper Prescription Drugs From Other Countries: The first-of-its-kind law is drawing criticism from the pharmaceutical industry, which will challenge it in court.
Support For Obamacare Seen In High Demand
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Obamacare Is Right-Wing Proxy For Social Security and Medicare
Obamacare Is Right-Wing Proxy For Social Security and Medicare
"Despite all the sound and fury about Obamacare, here's the truth: It's not the prime target of the right. The real targets are Medicare and Social Security, as Rep. Barton admits in the video above when he says he wants "real reforms in entitlements"."
"Despite all the sound and fury about Obamacare, here's the truth: It's not the prime target of the right. The real targets are Medicare and Social Security, as Rep. Barton admits in the video above when he says he wants "real reforms in entitlements"."
15 Myths The Media Should Ignore During Obamacare Implementation
"Right-wing media have consistently hyped several myths about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) during the lead up to open enrollment for state-based exchanges. As media outlets report on implementation of the health care law, they should be aware of these false claims, including zombie myths that the law includes "death panels" and that Congress is "exempt" from the law."
"Right-wing media have consistently hyped several myths about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) during the lead up to open enrollment for state-based exchanges. As media outlets report on implementation of the health care law, they should be aware of these false claims, including zombie myths that the law includes "death panels" and that Congress is "exempt" from the law."
Republicans Continue Obamacare Assault
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Nevada Residents Are Calling Their Obamacare Hotline In Tears, Desperate For Health Coverage
Nevada Residents Are Calling Their Obamacare Hotline In Tears, Desperate For Health Coverage: The employees helping Nevada residents sign up for Obamacare say that uninsured people are calling them in tears, asking if they can get their coverage today and see a doctor this afternoon.
How A Rand Paul Republican From Alabama Learned To Love Obamacare
How A Rand Paul Republican From Alabama Learned To Love Obamacare: Joshua Pittman doesn't believe that Obamacare is perfect, but says Republicans in Congress should stop trying to repeal the law and give it a chance to work.
Despite Website Glitches, These People Have Successfully Enrolled In Obamacare Coverage
Despite Website Glitches, These People Have Successfully Enrolled In Obamacare Coverage: Technological issues didn't prevent everyone from signing up for Obamacare so far this week.
PERRspectives: Kentucky's Success Makes a Mockery of GOP Obamacare Foes
PERRspectives: Kentucky's Success Makes a Mockery of GOP Obamacare Foes
Meanwhile in Republican-dominated states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia and more, the GOP has manufactured a "coverage gap" ensuring that millions of their residents will needlessly be left without health insurance next year. But as Governor Steve Beshear shows, it doesn't need to be this way. As Mark A. Rothstein, a professor of law and medicine at the University of Louisville put it:
Meanwhile in Republican-dominated states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia and more, the GOP has manufactured a "coverage gap" ensuring that millions of their residents will needlessly be left without health insurance next year. But as Governor Steve Beshear shows, it doesn't need to be this way. As Mark A. Rothstein, a professor of law and medicine at the University of Louisville put it:
"If the law can go in Kentucky, it can go anywhere."
Meet Butch Matthews, A Republican Who Came To Love Obamacare After Realizing It Will Save Him $13,000
Meet Butch Matthews, A Republican Who Came To Love Obamacare After Realizing It Will Save Him $13,000: But after doing a little research, Matthews eventually realized how much the law could help him. And on Tuesday, his local Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) provider confirmed that he would be able to buy a far better plan than his current policy while saving at least $13,000 per year through Arkansas’ Obamacare marketplace.
Market Place Exchanges Roll Out
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Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act
No matter what state you live in, you'll be able to use the Marketplace to apply for coverage, compare your options, and enroll. Now Open
No matter what state you live in, you'll be able to use the Marketplace to apply for coverage, compare your options, and enroll. Now Open
Affordable Health Care's Long Time Coming
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Obamacare Rolls Out-Gliches And All
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Obamacare Exchanges Open Across The Country
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Obamacare so in demand that sites are overwhelmed
"New York has had more than 2 million visitors this morning, which is causing some trouble for people trying to sign up. To put that in perspective, New York has 2.5 million uninsured residents. [...]
Kentucky's new marketplace, the Kynect, had processed over 1,000 applications for insurance by 9:30 a.m. this morning. The Web site has had more than 24,000 visits from people browsing the insurance rates."
"New York has had more than 2 million visitors this morning, which is causing some trouble for people trying to sign up. To put that in perspective, New York has 2.5 million uninsured residents. [...]
Kentucky's new marketplace, the Kynect, had processed over 1,000 applications for insurance by 9:30 a.m. this morning. The Web site has had more than 24,000 visits from people browsing the insurance rates."
Obamacare Enrollment Is Beating Expectations
Obamacare Enrollment Is Beating Expectations: On the first morning that Obamacare's new exchanges have been open to the public, some state officials are being met with a flood of people who want to enroll.
Republicans’ health care delusion could kill Americans
Republicans’ health care delusion could kill Americans
"Today, hundreds of millions of Americans already have more affordable and more reliable, quality health care thanks to Obamacare. And that was even before the main part of the law, the state-based health insurance exchange markets, took effect. Soon, millions more Americans — yes, myself included — will take advantage of an expanded, competitive private insurance market that offers more affordability and choice in coverage. The cost of insurance for all Americans will continue to go down while access to insurance and health care goes up."
"Today, hundreds of millions of Americans already have more affordable and more reliable, quality health care thanks to Obamacare. And that was even before the main part of the law, the state-based health insurance exchange markets, took effect. Soon, millions more Americans — yes, myself included — will take advantage of an expanded, competitive private insurance market that offers more affordability and choice in coverage. The cost of insurance for all Americans will continue to go down while access to insurance and health care goes up."
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