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PERRspectives: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Affair with Obamacare

PERRspectives: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Affair with Obamacare
"The Affordable Care Act, Republicans and their right-wing water carriers warn, is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery and theFugitive Slave Act. But for Congressional Republicans in general and Paul Ryan in particular, Obamacare also happens to be the love that dare not speak its name. After all, Ryan's dangerous and unpopular voucher scheme to privatize Medicare not only depends on the success of the very kind of health insurance exchanges he now decries, but also requires the ACA to cover the 65 and 66 year-old beneficiaries he would drop from the program covering 49 million seniors. And as it turns out, the same Paul Ryan who would defund, delay or repeal Obamacare nevertheless wants to keep every penny in new revenue it generates in order to fund his massive tax cut windfall for the wealthy."