HealthCare Notes


GOP Governors Who Refused Medicaid Expansion Are Screwing Over Their Constituents While Not Saving Money | Alternet

GOP Governors Who Refused Medicaid Expansion Are Screwing Over Their Constituents While Not Saving Money | Alternet
"No state, the study concluded, that is rejecting Medicaid will actually save money in the next decade, even after the federal reimbursement rate drops from 100 to 90 percent. That's because they're still on the hook for a lot of uncompensated care: paying for the health care of all those people who still aren't covered. The study also points out that the citizens of those states will be paying federal taxes that go, in part, to the expansion of Medicaid that they won't see the benefits from.
Between that, and the fact that hospitals are closing in these red states because they can't keep affording to provide uncompensated care, Medicaid refusal is going to become a potent political issue."