HealthCare Notes


Scott Brown’s latest Obamacare fantasy: We can repeal the ACA but keep all the good ACA stuff, with magic

Scott Brown’s latest Obamacare fantasy: We can repeal the ACA but keep all the good ACA stuff, with magic

"Another day in the life of Campaign 2014, another dollop of Obamacare BS. Another Republican saying we can just repeal the Affordable Care Act, but keep all of the nice things about the Affordable Care Act. Everyone can have all the health care they want, without any of the negative complications of trying to make that happen within a private insurance marketplace.

Sen. Mitch McConnell has been leading the charge here. The man’s untouchable in terms of candidates trying to have it both ways on Obamacare. He’s trying to convince the Kentucky electorate that Obamacare can be repealed “root and branch,” but none of the 500,000 people who’ve gained coverage would lose their coverage."