HealthCare Notes


Thanks To Obamacare, Over 50,000 Lives Were Saved From Preventable Deaths
"How is it that Obamacare managed to save 50,000 people from death? It invested in our hospitals to prevent such things. Under the healthcare law we have something called Partnership for Patients,which allocates approximately $460 million dollars between 3,800 hospitals, and using 27 health engagement networks, work to reduce ten categories they call “patient harms.” Patient harms are anything from drug events to catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
The study showed that, over the course of three years, there we 1.3 million less incidents with patient harms, which saved roughly 50,000 patients who would have died based on the severity of the incident. The Washington Post also reported that, due to the strides made with the Partnerships for Patients, “The upward trajectory suggests tens of thousands in additional patient lives may have been saved since 2013"."