HealthCare Notes


American Medical Association: Obamacare Is A HUGE Success, GOP Is Wrong
"The Journal of the American Medical Association has just released a report declaring the Affordable Care Act a rousing success, especially for minorities without healthcare."

50 Years Later, Medicare And Medicaid Are A Smashing Success
"50 years after their creation, Medicaid and Medicare are very popular programs, ranked by Americans as the most important in the country."

Bernie Sanders: We Need Medicare for All, Not Cutbacks That Will Kill Our Seniors @alternet

Bernie Sanders: We Need Medicare for All, Not Cutbacks That Will Kill Our Seniors @alternet

"The coalition of nurses and other health care professionals have organized a day of actions including lobbying legislators in Washington to encourage expanding Medicare for all. Other cities including Boston, Detroit, El Paso, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Oakland, Portland, Maine, St. Paul, and Lakewood, Ohio will be holding rallies, town hall meetings, parties, picnics and barbecues where nurses and other health care workers can celebrate the success of Medicare and talk about ways to expand the program to cover more people."


Happy 50th birthday, Medicare!
"Turning Medicare into a voucher program is basically ending it. Republicans know that, the American people know that, which is why the proposal is hugely unpopular."

Senator Bernie Sanders: Medicare For All

This Map Shows Where People Are More Likely To Die Young–Sorry, Republicans (IMAGES)
"According to the National Institute of Health, if the universe re-purposes your energy before age 75, you have died prematurely. If you have died prematurely, chances of you having lived in a red state are much higher than if you had lived where people rely less on religion and more on science.
Science, which is frowned upon through most of the south and in the more rural states, assists people who believe in it with information about things like preventable deaths from heart disease, cancer, stroke and more.
Red states, particularly in the South, have a much higher rate of premature death than the progressive states of the Northeast, the heavily unionized states of the midwest and the exceedingly liberal “left coast” of California. According to the CDC, a massive portion of the premature death in the South would be preventable with adequate education, health care and personal responsibility.
Oh, the irony."

Jeb Bush Wants To End Medicare

The Koch Brothers & Rubio Launch Plot To Wreck & Privatize Vets’ Healthcare
"Behind the movement to pass these bills is a group called Concerned Veterans of America (CVA), who are funded by- you guessed it- Charles and David Koch, America’s oligarchs. While pretending to represent veterans interests, they in fact are just another part of the Kochtopus, the network of groups like Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the American Legislative Council (ALEC) or the other seventy-plus groups that are worming their devious tentacles into American politics."

Jeb Bush Goes After Elderly, Forgets Elderly Is His Voting Base

Obamacare, more health insurance and more health care
"Obamacare improved key health-care measurements for millions of Americans, reversing a troubling trend, a new study strongly suggests. The study found marked gains in the number of people with insurance—as other research has repeatedly confirmed—as well as improved access to doctors and medications, affordable health care and good health status after implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
But the research published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association also noted that the the gains in health coverage and access to care for low-income adults were particularly striking in states that expanded their Medicaid programs under the ACA to include more poor people."

Paul Krugman Decimates Jeb Bush's Medicare Delusion @alternet

Paul Krugman Decimates Jeb Bush's Medicare Delusion @alternet

"Jeb Bush's declaration that he wants to "figure out a way to phase out" Medicare last week—and his campaign's immediate lame back-pedaling— came as no big surprise to Paul Krugman."


10 Brutal Ways the American Safety Net Is Being Shredded @alternet

10 Brutal Ways the American Safety Net Is Being Shredded @alternet

"Republicans have been going after social security with a vengeance. The privatization of social security was proposed by President George W. Bush in 2004, and far-right Republicans, the Tea Party and wingnut lobbying groups like the Club for Growth have been doubling down on the idea of privatizing social security. GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush called for social security privatization at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire in June, and he also favors raising the social security retirement age to 69 or 70, which would be especially bad for blue-collar workers who have spent decades in physically demanding jobs."


Jeb Bush Quietly Suggests ‘Phasing Out’ Medicare
"Bush was speaking at event sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing group backed by the billionaire Koch Brothers that has doggedly advocated against fully implementing the Affordable Care Act.
In his comments, Bush referenced Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) politically contentious plan to radically restructure the Medicare program — which independent analysts predicted would more than double health costs for the average 65-year-old"

Democrats win as Social Security cuts removed from Senate highway bill
"Two provisions to cut Social Security benefits in the proposed highway bill caused Democrats in both the Senate and House to revolt. Democrats have succeeded in getting both of those provisions removed, but now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is facing a serious challenge in getting the bill past his own party, in both chambers of Congress."

We Need To Phase Out Medicare, Says Jeb Bush at Koch Brothers Sponsored Event
"what passes as a winning argument in a room full of Koch brothers’ GOP lackeys and what passes as a winning argument with the American people are two very different things."


Elizabeth Warren humiliates executive invited by Senate Republicans to defend opposition to financial regulations

Elizabeth Warren humiliates executive invited by Senate Republicans to defend opposition to financial regulations

"He never directly answered her very direct question, even though she asked a version of it three times."

Watch: Warren Rips A Finance Crook For Stealing Billions From Retiring Workers
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) shames and embarrasses the president of Primerica, Peter Schneider, for the predatory and exploitative practices his company uses to pillage the retirement funds of thousands of American seniors."

Social Security Has Enough Money To Expand Benefits Now, Trustee's Report Shows @alternet

Social Security Has Enough Money To Expand Benefits Now, Trustee's Report Shows @alternet

"Social Security is projected to run a surplus again this year. And next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. These annual surpluses simply add to its large and growing accumulated surplus.

Over the next 5 years, Social Security has sufficient funds to pay every penny of benefits and every penny of associated administrative costs. That is true for the next 10 years. And also the next 15 years. Over the next 25 years, Social Security is projecting a modest shortfall of just .51 percent of GDP. Over the next 50 years, the projection is just 0.8 of GDP. And over the next 75 years, the shortfall is projected to be just 0.96 percent of GDP. Let's put those percentages in perspective. Military spending after the 9/11 terrorist attack increased 1.1 percent, of GDP. Spending on public education nationwide went up 2.8 percent of GDP between 1950 and 1975, when the baby boom generation showed up as school children.

The fact is that, as the richest nation in the world at the richest point in our history, not only can we afford the current levels of Social Security protections, we can afford to greatly expand Social Security."


Bernie Sanders Discusses Healthcare, Equal Rights and a Political Revolution

Candidates Push For Support At Iowa Hall Of Fame Dinner

Candidates Push For Support At Iowa Hall Of Fame Dinner

"You could watch all four Democratic candidates fire up the faithful at this Iowa dinner Friday night. If you've never heard them speak, here's your chance."

Bernie Sanders in Phoenix Arizona 07-18-2015

Red States 'Feel The Bern' as Populist Message Resonates

Red States 'Feel The Bern' as Populist Message Resonates

"In Arizona and Texas, massive crowds—including his biggest one yet—showed up to see Sanders speak on economic and inequality issues."

Bernie Sanders Takes His Populism to the Red States and Draws Huge Crowd @alternet

Bernie Sanders Takes His Populism to the Red States and Draws Huge Crowd @alternet

"Sanders' speech in Phoenix on Saturday night brought together an estimated eleven to twelve thousand people – one of the largest political rallies in the city's history"

Bernie Sanders Draws Largest Crowd to date in the Red State of Arizona. 7.18.15


Hurtful Lindsey Graham Proposal Targets Military Retirees
"Conservatives love starting wars, but they have never cared about supporting the troops – all the way back to turning down Gen. George Washington’s request for food and blankets for his winter encampment at Valley Forge. Most recently, Republicans came under attack from veterans groups this March for killing a bill that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans.
Never one to sit on the sidelines, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is jumping in with both feet this week, saying military retirees will eventually have to pay more for their health care."