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This Map Shows Where People Are More Likely To Die Young–Sorry, Republicans (IMAGES)
"According to the National Institute of Health, if the universe re-purposes your energy before age 75, you have died prematurely. If you have died prematurely, chances of you having lived in a red state are much higher than if you had lived where people rely less on religion and more on science.
Science, which is frowned upon through most of the south and in the more rural states, assists people who believe in it with information about things like preventable deaths from heart disease, cancer, stroke and more.
Red states, particularly in the South, have a much higher rate of premature death than the progressive states of the Northeast, the heavily unionized states of the midwest and the exceedingly liberal “left coast” of California. According to the CDC, a massive portion of the premature death in the South would be preventable with adequate education, health care and personal responsibility.
Oh, the irony."