"1. Scream about the debt and deficit. 2. Shrink revenue by slashing taxes for the already palatial elite. Summarily dismiss all concerns about the debt and deficit, because, well, the debt and deficit don't really matter. Plus, tax cuts for the rich grow the economy anyway. Or maybe not. It doesn't matter. What matters is that one render unto the power elite the things that are the power elite's; everybody else can go to hell. 3. Scream about the debt and deficit. 4. Savagely gut Social Security and Medicare, because obviously the debt and deficit. Turns out the debt and deficit do matter. And to get the debt and deficit under control after slashing taxes on the rich will require nothing less than shared sacrifice from all Americans. But not really all Americans. The persecuted John Galts of the world have shouldered the burden of sacrifice long enough. Time, then, for all those particularly shiftless souls lacking the creativity and work ethic of the ruling class to sacrifice. Time for these ungrateful hordes to genuflect at the altar of capital and empty their pockets in tribute."
The Republican Long Game
"with Donald Trump in charge, Republicans feel no need to conceal. They have been emboldened, I think, to show their true selves because they feel Trump has their back with his supporters—and as long as they have that army behind them, they are willing to take the risk of promoting a “reform” nearly everyone else hates. Those aggrieved white men who form the bulk of rank-and-file Republicanism don’t care if they have to pay more taxes. They don’t care if their health insurance premiums soar. They don’t care if their children can’t afford to go to college. Surveys show that they are more devoted to Trump than to their own welfare, and they will follow Trump wherever he leads, even if he leads them to financial disaster. He voices their hatreds, and hatred trumps policy. Such is modern Republicanism."
"with Donald Trump in charge, Republicans feel no need to conceal. They have been emboldened, I think, to show their true selves because they feel Trump has their back with his supporters—and as long as they have that army behind them, they are willing to take the risk of promoting a “reform” nearly everyone else hates. Those aggrieved white men who form the bulk of rank-and-file Republicanism don’t care if they have to pay more taxes. They don’t care if their health insurance premiums soar. They don’t care if their children can’t afford to go to college. Surveys show that they are more devoted to Trump than to their own welfare, and they will follow Trump wherever he leads, even if he leads them to financial disaster. He voices their hatreds, and hatred trumps policy. Such is modern Republicanism."
People with rare diseases join cancer patients on the list of those screwed by Republican tax plan
"It’s starting to look like it would be a very bad idea to get sick, in any serious way, if the Republican tax plan becomes law. Ending cancer treatments for Medicare patients and partial Obamacare repeal aren’t the only ways the bill takes serious aim at health care. The tax bill could also cause problems for people with rare diseases"
"It’s starting to look like it would be a very bad idea to get sick, in any serious way, if the Republican tax plan becomes law. Ending cancer treatments for Medicare patients and partial Obamacare repeal aren’t the only ways the bill takes serious aim at health care. The tax bill could also cause problems for people with rare diseases"
'You Can Save My Life': Traveling on Same Plane, Man With ALS Confronts Sen. Flake Over GOP Tax Bill
"Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) boarded a plane leaving Washington, D.C. on Thursday, less than a week after voting for a tax bill that could result in devastating cuts to disability programs."
"Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) boarded a plane leaving Washington, D.C. on Thursday, less than a week after voting for a tax bill that could result in devastating cuts to disability programs."
GOP Budgets, Statements Make Plans Clear: Costly Tax Cuts for Wealthy Now, Program Cuts Later
"The Senate bill raises taxes on millions of low- and middle-income households and raises the number of Americans without health insurance by an estimated 13 million."
"The Senate bill raises taxes on millions of low- and middle-income households and raises the number of Americans without health insurance by an estimated 13 million."
Paul Ryan's winning 2018 idea: Cut Medicare and Medicaid after giving $1.5 trillion away to the rich
"Noted sociopath and House Speaker Paul Ryan hasn't even gotten the odious tax bill—a massive redistribution of wealth from the bottom-up—in final form and passed. But he's already making good on the Republican promise to use the gaping hole it blows in the nation's deficit to start in with the granny-starving again. "We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit," Ryan said during an appearance on Ross Kaminsky's talk radio show. "... Frankly, it's the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements -- because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking." Ryan said that he believes he has begun convincing President Donald Trump in their private conversations about the need to rein in Medicare, the federal health program that primarily insures the elderly. As a candidate, Trump vowed not to cut spending on Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. (Ryan also suggested congressional Republicans were unlikely to try changing Social Security, because the rules of the Senate forbid changes to the program through reconciliation—the procedure the Senate can use to pass legislation with only 50 votes.)"
"Noted sociopath and House Speaker Paul Ryan hasn't even gotten the odious tax bill—a massive redistribution of wealth from the bottom-up—in final form and passed. But he's already making good on the Republican promise to use the gaping hole it blows in the nation's deficit to start in with the granny-starving again. "We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit," Ryan said during an appearance on Ross Kaminsky's talk radio show. "... Frankly, it's the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements -- because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking." Ryan said that he believes he has begun convincing President Donald Trump in their private conversations about the need to rein in Medicare, the federal health program that primarily insures the elderly. As a candidate, Trump vowed not to cut spending on Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. (Ryan also suggested congressional Republicans were unlikely to try changing Social Security, because the rules of the Senate forbid changes to the program through reconciliation—the procedure the Senate can use to pass legislation with only 50 votes.)"
Paul Ryan admits the GOP will gut Medicare and Medicaid to pay for tax cuts
"Republicans in Congress are openly admitting they plan to use their tax reform bill to justify slashing funding for essential social programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. The bill — which is expected to balloon the national deficit by at least $1 trillion, and which only benefits the country’s wealthiest in the long-term — has not yet been reconciled or signed. But Republicans aren’t wasting any time laying out what they see as the next step."
"Republicans in Congress are openly admitting they plan to use their tax reform bill to justify slashing funding for essential social programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. The bill — which is expected to balloon the national deficit by at least $1 trillion, and which only benefits the country’s wealthiest in the long-term — has not yet been reconciled or signed. But Republicans aren’t wasting any time laying out what they see as the next step."
The Right Is Attempting to Roll Back the 20th Century @alternet
The Right Is Attempting to Roll Back the 20th Century @alternet:
"This legislation is more than a grotesque effort to take money from the poor and working class and give it to the very richest Americans and corporations. In reality, it is an effort to wholly remake American society by undoing the social progress of the New Deal, the Great Society and the civil rights movement."
"This legislation is more than a grotesque effort to take money from the poor and working class and give it to the very richest Americans and corporations. In reality, it is an effort to wholly remake American society by undoing the social progress of the New Deal, the Great Society and the civil rights movement."
Disastrous Republican Tax Plan Is Only the First Step in Long-Term Effort to Cut Social Security and Medicare, Exacerbating Inequality @alternet
Disastrous Republican Tax Plan Is Only the First Step in Long-Term Effort to Cut Social Security and Medicare, Exacerbating Inequality @alternet:
"If all the Republicans were doing was lining the pockets of the already rich, that would be bad enough—pick your adjective. But that’s not the endgame. Before the Senate voted, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a past presidential candidate, said the Republicans must make additional cuts to Social Security and Medicare, both federal programs for those over age 65 as well as people with disabilities and parentless children (such as Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan as a youth)."
"If all the Republicans were doing was lining the pockets of the already rich, that would be bad enough—pick your adjective. But that’s not the endgame. Before the Senate voted, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a past presidential candidate, said the Republicans must make additional cuts to Social Security and Medicare, both federal programs for those over age 65 as well as people with disabilities and parentless children (such as Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan as a youth)."
On taxes, what in the world was Susan Collins thinking?
"Collins recognizes the fact that her party’s tax plan is slated to end health care coverage for 13 million Americans and cut Medicare by tens of billions of dollars, but she voted for the legislation anyway because Republican leaders said they’ll soon take up other bills that should help prevent too much damage. And so, Susan Collins was comfortable making the gamble. What’s wrong with that? A few things, actually."
"Collins recognizes the fact that her party’s tax plan is slated to end health care coverage for 13 million Americans and cut Medicare by tens of billions of dollars, but she voted for the legislation anyway because Republican leaders said they’ll soon take up other bills that should help prevent too much damage. And so, Susan Collins was comfortable making the gamble. What’s wrong with that? A few things, actually."
The Atrocious Big Pharma Record of the New HHS Nominee @alternet
The Atrocious Big Pharma Record of the New HHS Nominee @alternet:
"Does anyone believe an executive who enabled such profiteering, looting of tax dollars and unethical marketing of dangerous drugs should be health secretary?"
"Does anyone believe an executive who enabled such profiteering, looting of tax dollars and unethical marketing of dangerous drugs should be health secretary?"
The GOP Tax Scam Two-Step: Explode the Deficit With Cuts for Rich, Then Screw the Poor
"the GOP is planning to use the massive deficit hole its plan would create to justify taking a sledgehammer to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—a ploy one group has termed the "tax two-step"."
"the GOP is planning to use the massive deficit hole its plan would create to justify taking a sledgehammer to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—a ploy one group has termed the "tax two-step"."
After Sen. Collins implied AARP would back tax cuts, AARP fires back with a resounding 'NO!'
"Yesterday, she tried to float out a two-pronged excuse by both pretending the tax cuts wouldn’t obliterate Medicare, while attempting to pass the buck onto Sen. Mitch McConnell."
"Yesterday, she tried to float out a two-pronged excuse by both pretending the tax cuts wouldn’t obliterate Medicare, while attempting to pass the buck onto Sen. Mitch McConnell."
Cancer doctors make emergency trip to Washington, warn senators they're sentencing patients to death
"The only thing that's certain is that if this bill passes, the already devastating cuts that cancer patients on Medicare have been subjected to are going to get much, much worse. That's the only guarantee Republicans are making. It's what they are voting for. Jam your senators' phone lines at (202) 224-3121. Tell them to vote "no" on the Republican tax bill."
"The only thing that's certain is that if this bill passes, the already devastating cuts that cancer patients on Medicare have been subjected to are going to get much, much worse. That's the only guarantee Republicans are making. It's what they are voting for. Jam your senators' phone lines at (202) 224-3121. Tell them to vote "no" on the Republican tax bill."
During tax debate, Republican questions funding for children’s health
"The context for the exchange between Hatch and Brown was quite extraordinary: this happened on the Senate floor during a debate over the Republican tax plan. In other words, Orrin Hatch was trying to pass a massive series of tax cuts, the vast majority of which will benefit large corporations and the wealthiest of the wealthy. What’s more, as the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell recently explained, The Republican tax bill is often described as being weighted toward ‘the rich.’ But that’s not the full story. It’s actually weighted toward the loafer, the freeloader, the heir, the passive investor who spends his time yachting and charity-balling. In short: the idle rich.” The price tag for the GOP tax plan is roughly $1.5 trillion. Meanwhile, there’s the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which needs $15 billion. In other words, CHIP costs literally 1% of the overall cost of the Republican tax package. And yet, there was Orrin Hatch, a supporter of his party’s tax cuts, making the case on the Senate floor that CHIP’s “having trouble” because “we don’t have money anymore.” I feel like I’m stuck in a Dickensian nightmare."
"The context for the exchange between Hatch and Brown was quite extraordinary: this happened on the Senate floor during a debate over the Republican tax plan. In other words, Orrin Hatch was trying to pass a massive series of tax cuts, the vast majority of which will benefit large corporations and the wealthiest of the wealthy. What’s more, as the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell recently explained, The Republican tax bill is often described as being weighted toward ‘the rich.’ But that’s not the full story. It’s actually weighted toward the loafer, the freeloader, the heir, the passive investor who spends his time yachting and charity-balling. In short: the idle rich.” The price tag for the GOP tax plan is roughly $1.5 trillion. Meanwhile, there’s the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which needs $15 billion. In other words, CHIP costs literally 1% of the overall cost of the Republican tax package. And yet, there was Orrin Hatch, a supporter of his party’s tax cuts, making the case on the Senate floor that CHIP’s “having trouble” because “we don’t have money anymore.” I feel like I’m stuck in a Dickensian nightmare."
Republicans will cut Social Security and Medicare next
Republicans will cut Social Security and Medicare next
"Florida Senator Marco Rubio admits that the Republican tax cut plan to aid corporations and the wealthy will require cuts to Social Security and Medicare to pay for it."
"Florida Senator Marco Rubio admits that the Republican tax cut plan to aid corporations and the wealthy will require cuts to Social Security and Medicare to pay for it."
McCain, undergoing cancer treatment, will vote to end cancer treatment for Medicare patients
"We know the tax bill is going to take $25 billion from Medicare immediately, because it will trigger automatic spending cuts and only part of Medicare won't be shielded. The part that will be cut is the part that pays for expensive chemotherapy drugs. The last time these cuts were triggered, cancer patients were denied treatment. And it's going to happen again. The last time it was resolved when the government shutdown ended. This time it's permanent."
"We know the tax bill is going to take $25 billion from Medicare immediately, because it will trigger automatic spending cuts and only part of Medicare won't be shielded. The part that will be cut is the part that pays for expensive chemotherapy drugs. The last time these cuts were triggered, cancer patients were denied treatment. And it's going to happen again. The last time it was resolved when the government shutdown ended. This time it's permanent."
Rubio: Tax bill and resulting deficit is first step for destroying Social Security, Medicare
"Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio let the cat food out of the bag Wednesday, telling a group of lobbyists that hiking the deficit with this tax bill is the first step in dismantling Social Security and Medicare."
"Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio let the cat food out of the bag Wednesday, telling a group of lobbyists that hiking the deficit with this tax bill is the first step in dismantling Social Security and Medicare."
Trump’s HHS Pick Alex Azar Is the Worst Pharma Bro of All
"Azar’s face is the industry’s face, not just that of one corrupt fraudster. And his shame is the industry’s shame. And now the date has been set for his Senate nomination hearing: November 29."
"Azar’s face is the industry’s face, not just that of one corrupt fraudster. And his shame is the industry’s shame. And now the date has been set for his Senate nomination hearing: November 29."
Lisa Murkowski is looking for an excuse to vote for Obamacare repeal, tax cuts for the super rich
"Murkowski should end this farce now by acknowledging the reality that her conditions for voting for the tax bill cannot possibly be met. Because right now she's just transparently lying to her constituents."
"Murkowski should end this farce now by acknowledging the reality that her conditions for voting for the tax bill cannot possibly be met. Because right now she's just transparently lying to her constituents."
New Report Details '13 Terrible Things' About Senate GOP Tax Plan
"The tax bill would trigger immediate Medicare cuts of at least $25 billion a year, and more than $100 billion in other cuts to agriculture subsidies, student loans, military retirement and more, because it adds $1.4 trillion to the debt. [(CBO)]"
"The tax bill would trigger immediate Medicare cuts of at least $25 billion a year, and more than $100 billion in other cuts to agriculture subsidies, student loans, military retirement and more, because it adds $1.4 trillion to the debt. [(CBO)]"
Trump's Pick for Health Secretary Led Company That Jacked Up Insulin Prices
"The Canadian research team that developed insulin as a breakthrough treatment for diabetes back in 1923 sold the patent for just $3, essentially giving its intellectual property away for the greater good. Nowadays, the companies that manufacture this crucial medicine raise the price on a regular basis in order to maximize profits. One of those companies is Eli Lilly and Co., where Alex Azar II, the man that President Trump has selected to run the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently worked as a top executive. During Azar's eight-year tenure as president and vice president of Eli Lilly's operations in the United States, the pharmaceutical giant raised the price of Humalog, a fast-acting form of insulin, from $2,657 per year to $9,172. That's a 345 percent price increase for a drug that millions of patients depend on, according to Peter Maybarduk, the director of the Access to Medicines Program at the watchdog group Public Citizen. President Trump announced on Wednesday that he is nominating Azar to replace a disgraced Tom Price as health secretary"
"The Canadian research team that developed insulin as a breakthrough treatment for diabetes back in 1923 sold the patent for just $3, essentially giving its intellectual property away for the greater good. Nowadays, the companies that manufacture this crucial medicine raise the price on a regular basis in order to maximize profits. One of those companies is Eli Lilly and Co., where Alex Azar II, the man that President Trump has selected to run the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently worked as a top executive. During Azar's eight-year tenure as president and vice president of Eli Lilly's operations in the United States, the pharmaceutical giant raised the price of Humalog, a fast-acting form of insulin, from $2,657 per year to $9,172. That's a 345 percent price increase for a drug that millions of patients depend on, according to Peter Maybarduk, the director of the Access to Medicines Program at the watchdog group Public Citizen. President Trump announced on Wednesday that he is nominating Azar to replace a disgraced Tom Price as health secretary"
The Senate Tax Bill Threatens Access to Health Care
"This week, Senate Republicans announced that they plan to pay for their tax cuts for large corporations and millionaires not only by imposing tax increases on the middle-class but also by undermining people’s access to health care."
"This week, Senate Republicans announced that they plan to pay for their tax cuts for large corporations and millionaires not only by imposing tax increases on the middle-class but also by undermining people’s access to health care."
The GOP's Tax Cut Bonanza Is a Major Attack on Medicare @alternet
The GOP's Tax Cut Bonanza Is a Major Attack on Medicare @alternet:
"To be clear: If the tax bill passes the Senate and is signed into law by Trump, nothing more needs to be done to cut Medicare. If the House and Senate do nothing, the cuts take effect immediately after the end of the congressional session and get bigger every passing year. A vote for this tax bill is a vote to cut Medicare."
"To be clear: If the tax bill passes the Senate and is signed into law by Trump, nothing more needs to be done to cut Medicare. If the House and Senate do nothing, the cuts take effect immediately after the end of the congressional session and get bigger every passing year. A vote for this tax bill is a vote to cut Medicare."
Ugly Stuff: GOP Tax and Budget Plans Will Destroy Finances of Average Americans With Sick Elders or Family Members With Disabilities @alternet
Ugly Stuff: GOP Tax and Budget Plans Will Destroy Finances of Average Americans With Sick Elders or Family Members With Disabilities @alternet:
"Tax breaks for the rich, while the GOP targets healthcare safety nets for society's most vulnerable."
"Tax breaks for the rich, while the GOP targets healthcare safety nets for society's most vulnerable."
Bernie Sanders Sounds The Alarm: Middle-Class Americans Will Foot The Bill For GOP Tax Scam
"In order to pay for the deficit-busting tax plan, the Vermont senator said GOP lawmakers will be taking aim at key programs, like Social Security and Medicare."
"In order to pay for the deficit-busting tax plan, the Vermont senator said GOP lawmakers will be taking aim at key programs, like Social Security and Medicare."
Virginia voters sent a loud message about health care
"A post-election survey of Virginia voters conducted Tuesday found that health care was a decisive issue in the closely watched gubernatorial race, with 67 percent of voters saying health care was the most important or a very important issue to them."
"A post-election survey of Virginia voters conducted Tuesday found that health care was a decisive issue in the closely watched gubernatorial race, with 67 percent of voters saying health care was the most important or a very important issue to them."
Ignoring LePage, Maine voters easily approve Medicaid expansion
"The number of states that have adopted Medicaid expansion now stands at 32 – the most recent previous state was Louisiana, which embraced the policy nearly two years ago – though Maine is the first state to do so through a ballot initiative."
"The number of states that have adopted Medicaid expansion now stands at 32 – the most recent previous state was Louisiana, which embraced the policy nearly two years ago – though Maine is the first state to do so through a ballot initiative."
Obamacare enrollment for 2018 reaches all time high
Obamacare enrollment for 2018 reaches all time high
"There are three ways in which people can apply for Obamacare. People can either visit the site to self-enroll or pick up the phone and call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325), which is open 24 hours in a day. If people require further information regarding the process of enrollment or more details about the healthcare offered under the plan, they can call toll free 844-644-5443 with their queries."
"There are three ways in which people can apply for Obamacare. People can either visit the site to self-enroll or pick up the phone and call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325), which is open 24 hours in a day. If people require further information regarding the process of enrollment or more details about the healthcare offered under the plan, they can call toll free 844-644-5443 with their queries."
Trump attempted to sabotage ACA open enrollment. 4 days in, sign-ups have soared.
"Additionally, in Virginia, a survey of voters found that health care was top of mind for many people. According to the poll, health care was the most important or a very important issue for 67 percent of voters. Those who said health care was most or very important to them voted for winning Democratic candidate Ralph Northam, who has promised to protect the health care law, by a margin of 62 to 32."
"Additionally, in Virginia, a survey of voters found that health care was top of mind for many people. According to the poll, health care was the most important or a very important issue for 67 percent of voters. Those who said health care was most or very important to them voted for winning Democratic candidate Ralph Northam, who has promised to protect the health care law, by a margin of 62 to 32."
Trump goes to war against his own country’s health care system
"It’s not as if the president can say he wasn’t warned about the adverse consequences of this ridiculous gambit. In fact, it was around this time that Sen. Lamar Alexander, the Republican chairman of the Senate committee that oversees health care policy, added that if the CSR payments end, “Americans will be hurt.” Trump is doing it anyway, indifferent to the real-world consequences. The president is making a conscious decision to undermine his own country’s health care system on purpose. All of this, of course, comes on top of the series of related steps the Republican has already taken to make it more difficult for Americans – which is to say, his ostensible constituents – to get the coverage and health security they’re entitled to under the law. If Trump thinks this will force Democrats to accept a GOP repeal plan, he’s mistaken. If Trump thinks he can blame “Obamacare” for the damage he’s doing to the system, he’s misguided – because he’s taking ownership of American health care right now, forcing consumers to pay more while he sabotages the system as part of a bizarre political vendetta. The president is taking a sledgehammer to our health care system, and he’s making no effort to hide his actions. As conditions deteriorate, there will be no one else to blame."
"It’s not as if the president can say he wasn’t warned about the adverse consequences of this ridiculous gambit. In fact, it was around this time that Sen. Lamar Alexander, the Republican chairman of the Senate committee that oversees health care policy, added that if the CSR payments end, “Americans will be hurt.” Trump is doing it anyway, indifferent to the real-world consequences. The president is making a conscious decision to undermine his own country’s health care system on purpose. All of this, of course, comes on top of the series of related steps the Republican has already taken to make it more difficult for Americans – which is to say, his ostensible constituents – to get the coverage and health security they’re entitled to under the law. If Trump thinks this will force Democrats to accept a GOP repeal plan, he’s mistaken. If Trump thinks he can blame “Obamacare” for the damage he’s doing to the system, he’s misguided – because he’s taking ownership of American health care right now, forcing consumers to pay more while he sabotages the system as part of a bizarre political vendetta. The president is taking a sledgehammer to our health care system, and he’s making no effort to hide his actions. As conditions deteriorate, there will be no one else to blame."
Obamacare sabotage in Florida: they had the most signups, and now they have the most to lose
"The Trump administration has repeatedly undercut the current health law, and most encapsulating of this was yesterday’s decision to end promised subsidy payments to insurance companies. For Florida, this is especially troublesome because more residents there than any other state depend on the ACA marketplace for insurance. Florida has had the highest number of ACA signups in the country. Approximately 1.7 million people in the state enrolled in private plans offered on the ACA marketplace last open enrollment period. And the uninsured rate dropped from around 20 percent in 2013 to 12.6 percent in 2016. The ACA has worked in Florida even without much cooperation from the state government. Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), one of the staunchest opponents of the current health law, refused federal funds to establish its own state exchange. Instead, residents enroll for coverage on the federally-facilitated marketplace, Additionally, the state has not expanded Medicaid. Florida outperformed California’s enrollment numbers by about 200,000 last enrollment period, even though Sacramento agreed to operate its own state-run exchange and is widely supported by local officials. Texas, the second-highest enrollment state that operates on, had more than half a million less enrollees than Florida last enrollment period. There are many people who qualify for insurance on the Florida marketplace but are not enrolled. Of the 2,500,000 remaining uninsured, 614,000 qualify for subsidized insurance on the marketplace and 246,000 qualify for Medicaid — insurance largely for low-income people — according to a 2016 estimate by the Kaiser Family Foundation."
"The Trump administration has repeatedly undercut the current health law, and most encapsulating of this was yesterday’s decision to end promised subsidy payments to insurance companies. For Florida, this is especially troublesome because more residents there than any other state depend on the ACA marketplace for insurance. Florida has had the highest number of ACA signups in the country. Approximately 1.7 million people in the state enrolled in private plans offered on the ACA marketplace last open enrollment period. And the uninsured rate dropped from around 20 percent in 2013 to 12.6 percent in 2016. The ACA has worked in Florida even without much cooperation from the state government. Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), one of the staunchest opponents of the current health law, refused federal funds to establish its own state exchange. Instead, residents enroll for coverage on the federally-facilitated marketplace, Additionally, the state has not expanded Medicaid. Florida outperformed California’s enrollment numbers by about 200,000 last enrollment period, even though Sacramento agreed to operate its own state-run exchange and is widely supported by local officials. Texas, the second-highest enrollment state that operates on, had more than half a million less enrollees than Florida last enrollment period. There are many people who qualify for insurance on the Florida marketplace but are not enrolled. Of the 2,500,000 remaining uninsured, 614,000 qualify for subsidized insurance on the marketplace and 246,000 qualify for Medicaid — insurance largely for low-income people — according to a 2016 estimate by the Kaiser Family Foundation."
The Obamacare Repeal Back-Up Plan
"The sheer meanness of the calculations behind the effort to deprive millions of people of their health insurance, including the millions of people who found relief from this nightmare only in the past eight years, is hard for the decent mind to comprehend. On Thursday, the president* signed an order guaranteed to corrupt health insurance marketplaces all across the country, and that corruption will not be an unintended consequence. It will be a deliberate act of vandalism, like cutting a gas line into a house and waiting for the explosion that inevitably will occur. Trump and that pack o'bastards applauding him are the perps, giggling and sweating into their palms across the street, waiting for the detonation that will shatter so many lives."
"The sheer meanness of the calculations behind the effort to deprive millions of people of their health insurance, including the millions of people who found relief from this nightmare only in the past eight years, is hard for the decent mind to comprehend. On Thursday, the president* signed an order guaranteed to corrupt health insurance marketplaces all across the country, and that corruption will not be an unintended consequence. It will be a deliberate act of vandalism, like cutting a gas line into a house and waiting for the explosion that inevitably will occur. Trump and that pack o'bastards applauding him are the perps, giggling and sweating into their palms across the street, waiting for the detonation that will shatter so many lives."
Even red states feel the brunt of Trump’s ACA sabotage campaign
"Trump and his team are going out of their way to sabotage the nation’s health care system, motivated entirely by partisan spite. It is no exaggeration to characterize this as a “scorched-earth campaign to destroy Obamacare,” the consequences of which may be severe."
"Trump and his team are going out of their way to sabotage the nation’s health care system, motivated entirely by partisan spite. It is no exaggeration to characterize this as a “scorched-earth campaign to destroy Obamacare,” the consequences of which may be severe."
Ex-HHS head Price delayed rule fining Big Pharma for price gouging before resigning: report
Ex-HHS head Price delayed rule fining Big Pharma for price gouging before resigning: report
"Less than a day before Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned from his cabinet position amid a week of controversy about his expensive travel habits, his department quietly moved to delay an Obamacare rule that would punish drug companies for knowingly price-gouging."
"Less than a day before Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned from his cabinet position amid a week of controversy about his expensive travel habits, his department quietly moved to delay an Obamacare rule that would punish drug companies for knowingly price-gouging."
Senate Republicans Aren't Just Aiming to Destroy Obamacare and Medicaid; They Want to Provide a Death Blow to Any Future Health Care Reform @alternet
Senate Republicans Aren't Just Aiming to Destroy Obamacare and Medicaid; They Want to Provide a Death Blow to Any Future Health Care Reform @alternet:
"The Senate Republicans’ latest anti-Obamacare bill has bigger goals than destroying the Affordable Care Act and dismantling Medicaid. This bill aims to blow up the very foundation upon which a national health care system could be built—even if it roils private insurance markets via massive premium hikes for 2018."
"The Senate Republicans’ latest anti-Obamacare bill has bigger goals than destroying the Affordable Care Act and dismantling Medicaid. This bill aims to blow up the very foundation upon which a national health care system could be built—even if it roils private insurance markets via massive premium hikes for 2018."
Entire health care industry fights to kill Republican repeal bill
"Next week, the Senate is poised to vote on overhauling the American health care system, and at this point, the bill’s Republican supporters have managed to persuade no one but themselves. Medical professionals hate the Graham-Cassidy plan, as do hospital administrators and every major patient-advocacy organization in the country. To a very real extent, GOP lawmakers are going up against literally everyone who has a stake in the American health care industry."
"Next week, the Senate is poised to vote on overhauling the American health care system, and at this point, the bill’s Republican supporters have managed to persuade no one but themselves. Medical professionals hate the Graham-Cassidy plan, as do hospital administrators and every major patient-advocacy organization in the country. To a very real extent, GOP lawmakers are going up against literally everyone who has a stake in the American health care industry."
Kimmel showed a ‘better grasp of health policy’ than GOP’s Cassidy
"In reality, more people won’t have coverage, Cassidy isn’t protecting those with pre-existing conditions, and Politico published a piece quoting health care analysts who concluded that between the host and the senator, “the late-night host has the better grasp of health policy"."
"In reality, more people won’t have coverage, Cassidy isn’t protecting those with pre-existing conditions, and Politico published a piece quoting health care analysts who concluded that between the host and the senator, “the late-night host has the better grasp of health policy"."
Why is the GOP desperate to pass this terrible healthcare bill? The Koch brothers threatened them
"Graham and Cassidy are pulling out all the stops in their attempt to sway votes ahead of this deadline. They’ve even gone so far as to promise key swing vote Sen. Lisa Murkowski that Alaska can keep Obamacare! You cannot make that up. So why are Republicans so laser-focused on gutting health care and tackling “tax reform,” which is nothing more than cutting taxes for the wealthy? Because The Swamp ordered them to do it and Republicans are beholden to their swamp masters above all others. The Koch brothers went to a Republican retreat in June and ordered them to gut health care and cut taxes—or else: At a weekend donor retreat attended by at least 18 elected officials, the Koch brothers warned that time is running out to push their agenda, most notably healthcare and tax reform, through Congress. One Texas-based donor warned Republican lawmakers that his “Dallas piggy bank” was now closed, until he saw legislative progress. “Get Obamacare repealed and replaced, get tax reform passed,” said Doug Deason. “Get it done and we’ll open it back up.” Republicans are terrified the “Dallas piggy bank” won’t be ponying up to prop them up and buy elections like they’ve so reliably done in the past. The Koch brothers and their allies want these things, and they want them right now. There is urgency,” said Tim Phillips, who leads Koch network’s political arm, Americans for Prosperity, at the industrialist brothers’ retreat in Colorado Springs. “We believe we have a window of about 12 months to get as much of it accomplished as possible before the 2018 elections grind policy to a halt.” The window for action may be even smaller, some Koch allies warned at the weekend retreat that drew roughly 400 participants to the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The price for admission for most was a pledge to give at least $100,000 this year to the Kochs’ broad policy and political network. So, we’re at a crossroads here. Will the American people win, or will The Swamp win?"
"Graham and Cassidy are pulling out all the stops in their attempt to sway votes ahead of this deadline. They’ve even gone so far as to promise key swing vote Sen. Lisa Murkowski that Alaska can keep Obamacare! You cannot make that up. So why are Republicans so laser-focused on gutting health care and tackling “tax reform,” which is nothing more than cutting taxes for the wealthy? Because The Swamp ordered them to do it and Republicans are beholden to their swamp masters above all others. The Koch brothers went to a Republican retreat in June and ordered them to gut health care and cut taxes—or else: At a weekend donor retreat attended by at least 18 elected officials, the Koch brothers warned that time is running out to push their agenda, most notably healthcare and tax reform, through Congress. One Texas-based donor warned Republican lawmakers that his “Dallas piggy bank” was now closed, until he saw legislative progress. “Get Obamacare repealed and replaced, get tax reform passed,” said Doug Deason. “Get it done and we’ll open it back up.” Republicans are terrified the “Dallas piggy bank” won’t be ponying up to prop them up and buy elections like they’ve so reliably done in the past. The Koch brothers and their allies want these things, and they want them right now. There is urgency,” said Tim Phillips, who leads Koch network’s political arm, Americans for Prosperity, at the industrialist brothers’ retreat in Colorado Springs. “We believe we have a window of about 12 months to get as much of it accomplished as possible before the 2018 elections grind policy to a halt.” The window for action may be even smaller, some Koch allies warned at the weekend retreat that drew roughly 400 participants to the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The price for admission for most was a pledge to give at least $100,000 this year to the Kochs’ broad policy and political network. So, we’re at a crossroads here. Will the American people win, or will The Swamp win?"
Trump isn’t the only one fibbing about the GOP’s health care plan
"If the Graham-Cassidy plan were a good idea, why can’t its supporters simply tell the truth about it?"
"If the Graham-Cassidy plan were a good idea, why can’t its supporters simply tell the truth about it?"
If Jimmy Kimmel is so wrong about Graham-Cassidy, how come the AARP, AMA, and everyone else agrees?
"After comedian Jimmy Kimmel called the GOP's bluff on the fantasy that their new healthcare repeal bill protects people with pre-existing conditions, conservatives were quick to jump all over Kimmel, noting he wasn't a policy expert. "Comedians are not public intellectuals," charged a National Review article. Okay, let's check in with some organizations that presumably know a little something about health policy. First, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)."
"After comedian Jimmy Kimmel called the GOP's bluff on the fantasy that their new healthcare repeal bill protects people with pre-existing conditions, conservatives were quick to jump all over Kimmel, noting he wasn't a policy expert. "Comedians are not public intellectuals," charged a National Review article. Okay, let's check in with some organizations that presumably know a little something about health policy. First, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)."
Basically The Entire Health Care System Hates The New Obamacare Repeal Bill
American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Osteopathic Association, American Psychiatric Association, National Council for Behavioral Health, American Hospital Association, Federation of American Hospitals, Children’s Hospital Association, Catholic Health Association of the United States, Association of American Medical Colleges, America’s Essential Hospitals, American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living, National Association of Medicaid Directors, America’s Health Insurance Plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Alliance of Community Health Plans, ALS Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Arthritis Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Family Voices, JDRF, Lutheran Services in America, March of Dimes, National Health Council, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, National Organization for Rare Diseases, Volunteers of America, WomenHeart, AARP, The Arc, Consumers Union
American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Osteopathic Association, American Psychiatric Association, National Council for Behavioral Health, American Hospital Association, Federation of American Hospitals, Children’s Hospital Association, Catholic Health Association of the United States, Association of American Medical Colleges, America’s Essential Hospitals, American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living, National Association of Medicaid Directors, America’s Health Insurance Plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Alliance of Community Health Plans, ALS Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Arthritis Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Family Voices, JDRF, Lutheran Services in America, March of Dimes, National Health Council, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, National Organization for Rare Diseases, Volunteers of America, WomenHeart, AARP, The Arc, Consumers Union
What Trump Calls "Great," All 50 State Directors of Medicaid Say Is Terrible
"With nearly unheard of consensus, and despite assurances from serial liar President Donald Trump that the bill is actually "great" and would "help people," all 50 state Medicaid directors have signed on to a letter denouncing Republicans' latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)."
"With nearly unheard of consensus, and despite assurances from serial liar President Donald Trump that the bill is actually "great" and would "help people," all 50 state Medicaid directors have signed on to a letter denouncing Republicans' latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)."
Nevada’s Dean Heller is at war with himself over health care
"As a candidate, he endorsed ACA repeal, like nearly every other Republican. But when push came to shove, he announced his opposition to his party’s repeal plan, then he supported a different repeal plan, then he was happy about the failure of the bill he voted in favor of, then he co-authored a different plan that does the one thing he said he’s against."
"As a candidate, he endorsed ACA repeal, like nearly every other Republican. But when push came to shove, he announced his opposition to his party’s repeal plan, then he supported a different repeal plan, then he was happy about the failure of the bill he voted in favor of, then he co-authored a different plan that does the one thing he said he’s against."
Graham-Cassidy now guts Obamacare even more
"Senate Republicans, seemingly short on votes for their last-ditch plan to repeal Obamacare, are desperately tweaking the bill in hopes of winning over both their moderate and conservative wings. The result is a plan from Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-SC) that would go even further in rolling back Obamacare’s protections for people with preexisting conditions, while adding hundreds of millions of dollars meant to sweeten the deal for senators from key states. Graham-Cassidy would now, according to health policy experts, effectively end to Obamacare’s insurance protections. People with preexisting conditions could face higher premiums, insurers could choose which services to cover, and plans could also require people to pay more money out of pocket than Obamacare allows."
"Senate Republicans, seemingly short on votes for their last-ditch plan to repeal Obamacare, are desperately tweaking the bill in hopes of winning over both their moderate and conservative wings. The result is a plan from Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-SC) that would go even further in rolling back Obamacare’s protections for people with preexisting conditions, while adding hundreds of millions of dollars meant to sweeten the deal for senators from key states. Graham-Cassidy would now, according to health policy experts, effectively end to Obamacare’s insurance protections. People with preexisting conditions could face higher premiums, insurers could choose which services to cover, and plans could also require people to pay more money out of pocket than Obamacare allows."
AMA, American Hospital Association and other groups blast GOP healthcare bill in joint statement
"Senators Cassidy and Graham took to the Sunday shows today to continue selling their bill, and the Republican leadership is pressing hard to see which holdout senators can still be bought. Out in the rest of the country, however, medical groups are nearly unanimous in their condemnation of the bill. The latest is a joint statement from the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the Federation of American Hospitals, the American Academy of Family Physicians, AHIP and Blue Cross/Blue Shield—some of the most prominent healthcare groups in the nation—that blasts the bill and urges the Senate to vote against it."
"Senators Cassidy and Graham took to the Sunday shows today to continue selling their bill, and the Republican leadership is pressing hard to see which holdout senators can still be bought. Out in the rest of the country, however, medical groups are nearly unanimous in their condemnation of the bill. The latest is a joint statement from the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the Federation of American Hospitals, the American Academy of Family Physicians, AHIP and Blue Cross/Blue Shield—some of the most prominent healthcare groups in the nation—that blasts the bill and urges the Senate to vote against it."
What Republicans get wrong about the cost of single-payer
"By any fair metric, this change would save an enormous amount of money. Republicans may balk for other reasons, but the cost argument is nonsense."
"By any fair metric, this change would save an enormous amount of money. Republicans may balk for other reasons, but the cost argument is nonsense."
Trump administration abandons subtlety in ACA sabotage campaign
"If the Affordable Care Act were as dreadful as the right claims, shouldn’t the sabotage campaign be unnecessary?"
"If the Affordable Care Act were as dreadful as the right claims, shouldn’t the sabotage campaign be unnecessary?"
'Groundbreaking': Democratic Co-Sponsors Rush Aboard Bernie's Medicare for All Train
"A quarter of Democratic Caucus members in the U.S. Senate have now signed on as co-sponsors of Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vt.) Medicare for All bill, which he plans to introduce Wednesday, signaling a shift among party lawmakers, who may be swayed by recent polling that has indicated a majority of Americans and more than two-thirds of Democrats favor a single-payer national healthcare system."
"A quarter of Democratic Caucus members in the U.S. Senate have now signed on as co-sponsors of Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vt.) Medicare for All bill, which he plans to introduce Wednesday, signaling a shift among party lawmakers, who may be swayed by recent polling that has indicated a majority of Americans and more than two-thirds of Democrats favor a single-payer national healthcare system."
Thanks, Obama! Number of uninsured drops again in census count
"The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the uninsured rate dropped again in 2016."
"The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the uninsured rate dropped again in 2016."
Trump’s big mistake on health care was not realizing Republicans were lying
"the larger issue here is that Republican leaders — both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, as well as Ryan’s predecessor John Boehner, and the chairs of all the relevant committees — spent years and years lying to everyone in sight about Republican health plans. Ryan’s “A Better Way for Health Care” document promises as its very first chapter heading that it will offer “High-Quality Health Care for All.” And congressional Republicans claimed — over and over again — that they had ideas on the shelf to replace the Affordable Care Act with a new program that would address the public’s main concerns with the law. In GOPtopia, premiums and deductibles would be lower, with more competition and lower copayments. Narrow networks would be a thing of the past too. All thanks to the magic of tax cuts and deregulation. If that were true — or even vaguely in the neighborhood of being true — then it would have been really easy for concurrent Republican majorities to pass a law and for President Trump to sign it. And while of course it’s easy for a political sophisticate to mock Trump for his naiveté on this point, at the end of the day his view that Republicans wouldn’t spend years claiming to have such a plan unless they actually had one wasn’t all that crazy. McConnell and Ryan don’t go around advertising themselves as huge liars, after all. In my experience, their staffers tend to get pretty angry if you assert that they are huge liars. Consequently, they’ve done a pretty good job of getting most media outlets to report on their health care assertions as if those assertions are not huge lies. Not everybody believes them, of course. But there are certainly some demographic groups — white male senior citizens who watch Fox News are constantly high on the list — that are very prone to believing them. Trump, of course, very much falls into that core audience for Republican Party spin."
"the larger issue here is that Republican leaders — both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, as well as Ryan’s predecessor John Boehner, and the chairs of all the relevant committees — spent years and years lying to everyone in sight about Republican health plans. Ryan’s “A Better Way for Health Care” document promises as its very first chapter heading that it will offer “High-Quality Health Care for All.” And congressional Republicans claimed — over and over again — that they had ideas on the shelf to replace the Affordable Care Act with a new program that would address the public’s main concerns with the law. In GOPtopia, premiums and deductibles would be lower, with more competition and lower copayments. Narrow networks would be a thing of the past too. All thanks to the magic of tax cuts and deregulation. If that were true — or even vaguely in the neighborhood of being true — then it would have been really easy for concurrent Republican majorities to pass a law and for President Trump to sign it. And while of course it’s easy for a political sophisticate to mock Trump for his naiveté on this point, at the end of the day his view that Republicans wouldn’t spend years claiming to have such a plan unless they actually had one wasn’t all that crazy. McConnell and Ryan don’t go around advertising themselves as huge liars, after all. In my experience, their staffers tend to get pretty angry if you assert that they are huge liars. Consequently, they’ve done a pretty good job of getting most media outlets to report on their health care assertions as if those assertions are not huge lies. Not everybody believes them, of course. But there are certainly some demographic groups — white male senior citizens who watch Fox News are constantly high on the list — that are very prone to believing them. Trump, of course, very much falls into that core audience for Republican Party spin."
Paul Ryan went on national television and told a big lie about the state of Obamacare
"Ryan’s wrong. His comments Monday are part of a consistent pattern by Republicans in Congress and in the Trump administration to misrepresent Obamacare as broken."
"Ryan’s wrong. His comments Monday are part of a consistent pattern by Republicans in Congress and in the Trump administration to misrepresent Obamacare as broken."
A Catholic Nun Schooled Paul Ryan in Humility Last Night
"This guy is still fighting for a policy that the Congressional Budget Office says would kick 30 million Americans off their health insurance."
"This guy is still fighting for a policy that the Congressional Budget Office says would kick 30 million Americans off their health insurance."
Paul Ryan Just Flat Out Lied About Obamacare
"Ryan's flagrant dishonesty is part of the reason why Trumpcare in all its guises failed to pass. The constant lying about Obamacare and the farcical boasts about plans that would leave millions of Americans uninsured meant that no Democrat and enough Republicans rejected it over and over and over again. History will not look kindly upon Paul Ryan. His major contribution to American society appears to be a steadfast commitment to enabling the worst president in history, and spending an inordinate amount of political energy trying to take people's health care away. Thankfully Ryan's spineless behavior hasn't worked to his advantage in recent times, but he remains a dangerous operator, always willing to lie and always ready to back president Trump no matter how insane he gets."
"Ryan's flagrant dishonesty is part of the reason why Trumpcare in all its guises failed to pass. The constant lying about Obamacare and the farcical boasts about plans that would leave millions of Americans uninsured meant that no Democrat and enough Republicans rejected it over and over and over again. History will not look kindly upon Paul Ryan. His major contribution to American society appears to be a steadfast commitment to enabling the worst president in history, and spending an inordinate amount of political energy trying to take people's health care away. Thankfully Ryan's spineless behavior hasn't worked to his advantage in recent times, but he remains a dangerous operator, always willing to lie and always ready to back president Trump no matter how insane he gets."
Florida provides sickening blueprint for what Republicans want to do to sick kids on Medicaid
"The entire story is a must-read, because it demonstrates just how low Republicans are willing to go to undermine public health care, to inject every bit of public policy-making with pure partisanship. They didn't even try that hard to pretend they were doing otherwise, all but telling the physicians who are supposed to be advising on these decisions that they were irrelevant. In fact, they literally did so, including kicking Dr. Louis St. Petery, former executive vice president of the Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a former CMS director out of a Department of Health meeting with the regional medical directors of CMS, the group of pediatricians who help run the program. He was a critic, so he was barred from attending. Since the state implemented its process for kicking kids out of the program, physicians say they have been completely ignored. The long story is very much worth the time it takes to read. But there's a take-away that isn't in the story that has to be highlighted—this is what congressional Republicans—with House Speaker Paul Ryan leading the charge—want to do to Medicaid across the country. Should their plans for decimating it come to fruition, Florida will provide the blueprint for every Republican governor and legislature for how to kick kids out of health care."
"The entire story is a must-read, because it demonstrates just how low Republicans are willing to go to undermine public health care, to inject every bit of public policy-making with pure partisanship. They didn't even try that hard to pretend they were doing otherwise, all but telling the physicians who are supposed to be advising on these decisions that they were irrelevant. In fact, they literally did so, including kicking Dr. Louis St. Petery, former executive vice president of the Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a former CMS director out of a Department of Health meeting with the regional medical directors of CMS, the group of pediatricians who help run the program. He was a critic, so he was barred from attending. Since the state implemented its process for kicking kids out of the program, physicians say they have been completely ignored. The long story is very much worth the time it takes to read. But there's a take-away that isn't in the story that has to be highlighted—this is what congressional Republicans—with House Speaker Paul Ryan leading the charge—want to do to Medicaid across the country. Should their plans for decimating it come to fruition, Florida will provide the blueprint for every Republican governor and legislature for how to kick kids out of health care."
Tom Price is coming after Medicare, Obamacare under the guise of helping doctors
"Everything Price is doing to help out his old colleagues is almost certainly something that is going to undermine actual patient care or weaken Medicare. He's trying to do it retroactively, too, "reversing certain Medicare rules to ensure some physicians no longer face penalties they would otherwise have had to pay." He's doing it all unilaterally, in his own little kingdom. It's just one more way the Trump administration isn't just sabotaging Obamacare, but the whole health system."
"Everything Price is doing to help out his old colleagues is almost certainly something that is going to undermine actual patient care or weaken Medicare. He's trying to do it retroactively, too, "reversing certain Medicare rules to ensure some physicians no longer face penalties they would otherwise have had to pay." He's doing it all unilaterally, in his own little kingdom. It's just one more way the Trump administration isn't just sabotaging Obamacare, but the whole health system."
“Deadbeat-in-chief”: Samantha Bee takes on Donald Trump and the GOP’s plan to sabotage Obamacare
"For years, Obamacare opponents have taken drastic steps to sabotage the current health care system. From filing countless lawsuits to attaching riders to random, non-health care related bills, Republicans have been steadfast in their efforts to sabotage Obamacare."
"For years, Obamacare opponents have taken drastic steps to sabotage the current health care system. From filing countless lawsuits to attaching riders to random, non-health care related bills, Republicans have been steadfast in their efforts to sabotage Obamacare."
Why on Earth Is Trump Attacking Nation's Nursing Home Population?
"the effort to roll back protections from some of society's most vulnerable people is just part of "a disturbing trend of the Trump administration attempting to reverse critical protections against forced arbitration," which prevents individuals or groups of people from filing lawsuits or seeking damages for fraud, abuse, neglect, medical malpractice and other forms of wrongdoing. As Jason P. Steed, an appellate lawyer, kindly translated on Twitter: "Translation: Trump Admin making it easier for nursing homes to abuse elderly and not be held accountable for it." With Monday the last day for the public to weigh in on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposal to ditch an Obama-era rule prohibiting use of forced arbitration "ripoff clauses" in nursing home admission agreements, lawmakers and advocacy groups are trying to draw attention to the effort and also filing official objections to the rule with the agency."
"the effort to roll back protections from some of society's most vulnerable people is just part of "a disturbing trend of the Trump administration attempting to reverse critical protections against forced arbitration," which prevents individuals or groups of people from filing lawsuits or seeking damages for fraud, abuse, neglect, medical malpractice and other forms of wrongdoing. As Jason P. Steed, an appellate lawyer, kindly translated on Twitter: "Translation: Trump Admin making it easier for nursing homes to abuse elderly and not be held accountable for it." With Monday the last day for the public to weigh in on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposal to ditch an Obama-era rule prohibiting use of forced arbitration "ripoff clauses" in nursing home admission agreements, lawmakers and advocacy groups are trying to draw attention to the effort and also filing official objections to the rule with the agency."
Tweet first, read later: Trump shares article blaming his policies for health care price increases
"the story, published Tuesday, makes clear that the Trump administration’s attempts to sabotage Obamacare are the primary culprit."
"the story, published Tuesday, makes clear that the Trump administration’s attempts to sabotage Obamacare are the primary culprit."
In 'Latest Attempt to Distort Democracy,' Koch Brothers Bolster GOP Tax Cut Efforts
"The GOP is attempting to "slash our Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and other vital services American families depend on—all to put more money into the already substantial tax breaks enjoyed by profitable corporations, millionaires, and billionaires," said Susan Harley, deputy director of Public Citizen's Congress Watch division."
"The GOP is attempting to "slash our Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and other vital services American families depend on—all to put more money into the already substantial tax breaks enjoyed by profitable corporations, millionaires, and billionaires," said Susan Harley, deputy director of Public Citizen's Congress Watch division."
Trump isn’t letting Obamacare die; he’s trying to kill it
"From the get-go, the Trump Administration quickly sought to impair the success of the Affordable Care Act. In one of its first moves, the Department of Health and Human Services under the direction of Secretary Tom Price pulled advertising for the federal government’s enrollment entity, The advertising has proven important to reach 18 to 34-years-olds. Enrolling these “young invincibles” is crucial for stabilizing risk pools because they are generally healthier and seek less medical care. States running independent campaigns, like California and its insurance marketplace Covered California, have been very successful in recruiting young people. In an ironic twist, the Trump Administration used advertising funding intended for the promotion of the Affordable Care Act for a series of social media promotions attacking the law. Also, in mid-July, the Administration moved to end contracts for enrollment assistance in 18 major cities. Contractors helped individuals navigate the often challenging enrollment process in such places as libraries, businesses and urban neighborhoods in these cities which had been identified by the Obama Administration as high priority. Finally, the window for the next open enrollment period has been cut in half compared to previous years, thus making it difficult for time-pressed people and those who need enrollment help to enroll. Many of these actions have triggered calls for inquiries into potential malfeasance by Congress and the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Trump Administration officials have been actively traveling the country and pushing talking points that are often false, or, at the very least, highly misleading and incomplete."
"From the get-go, the Trump Administration quickly sought to impair the success of the Affordable Care Act. In one of its first moves, the Department of Health and Human Services under the direction of Secretary Tom Price pulled advertising for the federal government’s enrollment entity, The advertising has proven important to reach 18 to 34-years-olds. Enrolling these “young invincibles” is crucial for stabilizing risk pools because they are generally healthier and seek less medical care. States running independent campaigns, like California and its insurance marketplace Covered California, have been very successful in recruiting young people. In an ironic twist, the Trump Administration used advertising funding intended for the promotion of the Affordable Care Act for a series of social media promotions attacking the law. Also, in mid-July, the Administration moved to end contracts for enrollment assistance in 18 major cities. Contractors helped individuals navigate the often challenging enrollment process in such places as libraries, businesses and urban neighborhoods in these cities which had been identified by the Obama Administration as high priority. Finally, the window for the next open enrollment period has been cut in half compared to previous years, thus making it difficult for time-pressed people and those who need enrollment help to enroll. Many of these actions have triggered calls for inquiries into potential malfeasance by Congress and the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Trump Administration officials have been actively traveling the country and pushing talking points that are often false, or, at the very least, highly misleading and incomplete."
After blocking the GOP's repeal of the ACA, senator describes the 'extraordinary' greeting back home
"Sen. Susan Collins returned home to Maine on Friday and was greeted with great enthusiasm by travelers inside the Bangor International Airport. As she walked off the plane, travelers in the gate area recognized her and broke into a hearty round of applause that continued to get louder as word spread she was in the area."
"Sen. Susan Collins returned home to Maine on Friday and was greeted with great enthusiasm by travelers inside the Bangor International Airport. As she walked off the plane, travelers in the gate area recognized her and broke into a hearty round of applause that continued to get louder as word spread she was in the area."
Here is the evil Trump is trying to do to Obamacare — and America
Here is the evil Trump is trying to do to Obamacare — and America:
"Actively seeking to bring hardship to millions of Americans by sabotaging their health coverage is certainly highly questionable from a moral and ethical perspective. Future inquiries may also prove that they are illegal."
"Actively seeking to bring hardship to millions of Americans by sabotaging their health coverage is certainly highly questionable from a moral and ethical perspective. Future inquiries may also prove that they are illegal."
Sen. Susan Collins: Trump's Threats Have Contributed To Instability In The Insurance Market | Crooks and Liars
Sen. Susan Collins: Trump's Threats Have Contributed To Instability In The Insurance Market | Crooks and Liars
"Sen. Susan Collins of Maine discussed the warm welcome she received in Maine after her vote against the so-called "skinny repeal" bill, and shot down the Trump administration's talking points on "insurance bailouts"."
"Sen. Susan Collins of Maine discussed the warm welcome she received in Maine after her vote against the so-called "skinny repeal" bill, and shot down the Trump administration's talking points on "insurance bailouts"."
Let's Not Ignore the Real Heroes Who Saved Our Health Care System from Total Ruin @alternet
Let's Not Ignore the Real Heroes Who Saved Our Health Care System from Total Ruin @alternet:
"What all this media coverage ignores is the tireless and determined organizing of activist groups against the bill. If anyone is to be heralded a hero for saving the ACA, it’s the activists from ADAPT, a disability rights organization, who have been on the front lines fighting for their right to health care. The primary factor driving ADAPT organizers and disability rights activists is the need to protect Medicaid, a program that has helped an estimated 10 million disabled people and counting, according to Kaiser Family Foundation. With both the House and Senate’s health care bills proposing drastic cuts to Medicaid, people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable. “Medicaid is a lifeline for us,” said Laura Halvorson, a member of the DC Metro ADAPT chapter. “It gives us our life and liberty.” ADAPT activists, ranging in age from parents with younger children to the elderly, held about 40 protests, rallies and sit-ins this week and over the past few months to pressure the lawmakers working to strip health care away from millions of people. These demonstrations took place in legislative offices on Capitol Hill as well as representatives' local offices across the country, the message ringing loud and clear. Protesters were often met with aggressive police presence. A "die-in” protest organized by ADAPT on June 22 to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Olmstead v. LC—which affirmed the rights of the disabled to live in communities instead of institutions—outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office led to the arrests of 43 people. Footage from reporters on the scene shows officers lifting individuals out of their wheelchairs to remove them from the vicinity."
"What all this media coverage ignores is the tireless and determined organizing of activist groups against the bill. If anyone is to be heralded a hero for saving the ACA, it’s the activists from ADAPT, a disability rights organization, who have been on the front lines fighting for their right to health care. The primary factor driving ADAPT organizers and disability rights activists is the need to protect Medicaid, a program that has helped an estimated 10 million disabled people and counting, according to Kaiser Family Foundation. With both the House and Senate’s health care bills proposing drastic cuts to Medicaid, people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable. “Medicaid is a lifeline for us,” said Laura Halvorson, a member of the DC Metro ADAPT chapter. “It gives us our life and liberty.” ADAPT activists, ranging in age from parents with younger children to the elderly, held about 40 protests, rallies and sit-ins this week and over the past few months to pressure the lawmakers working to strip health care away from millions of people. These demonstrations took place in legislative offices on Capitol Hill as well as representatives' local offices across the country, the message ringing loud and clear. Protesters were often met with aggressive police presence. A "die-in” protest organized by ADAPT on June 22 to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Olmstead v. LC—which affirmed the rights of the disabled to live in communities instead of institutions—outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office led to the arrests of 43 people. Footage from reporters on the scene shows officers lifting individuals out of their wheelchairs to remove them from the vicinity."
Ideology, Not Tactics, Killed Trumpcare
"There was no plan in that seven years, and there would have been no reasonable plan out of the conference committee, because a Republican health care bill is an oxymoron. The problem was never one of tactics, but always one of ideology. Every bill Republicans put forth was measured in the millions of Americans who would lose their coverage. There was never a plan on the table that would have given Americans cheaper, better, simpler, more effective access to health care. It only subtracted, because subtraction is what the Republicans in Congress believe in. They don't believe access to health care is a basic human right. They don't believe people should never go bankrupt because they get sick. They hide behind words like "freedom" and "personal responsibility," but what's freedom worth if you get cancer while making $30,000 a year? How can anyone who isn't fabulously wealthy be expected to take personal responsibility for bills that could easily go into the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars? Republican faith in the free market to solve all our problems doomed any attempt at writing a health care law. The free market doesn't care if people get sick, go bankrupt and die if there's no profit in it. The Affordable Care Act was a last-chance effort to preserve a market-based health care system, based largely on ideas that originated in conservative think tanks. Its failures – and there are some – are largely failures of too little regulation, not too much. The plan Republicans have been fiercely opposing because it has a Democratic president's name attached to it is the closest thing they could ever get to a GOP health care plan. Americans don't want to be kicked off our health insurance. We don't want it to become unaffordable, or to fail to cover our actual health care needs. But any plan that comes solely from the Republican Party will do exactly that. We know this because we just saw them try over and over again, and every result was the same: Less coverage, higher costs."
"There was no plan in that seven years, and there would have been no reasonable plan out of the conference committee, because a Republican health care bill is an oxymoron. The problem was never one of tactics, but always one of ideology. Every bill Republicans put forth was measured in the millions of Americans who would lose their coverage. There was never a plan on the table that would have given Americans cheaper, better, simpler, more effective access to health care. It only subtracted, because subtraction is what the Republicans in Congress believe in. They don't believe access to health care is a basic human right. They don't believe people should never go bankrupt because they get sick. They hide behind words like "freedom" and "personal responsibility," but what's freedom worth if you get cancer while making $30,000 a year? How can anyone who isn't fabulously wealthy be expected to take personal responsibility for bills that could easily go into the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars? Republican faith in the free market to solve all our problems doomed any attempt at writing a health care law. The free market doesn't care if people get sick, go bankrupt and die if there's no profit in it. The Affordable Care Act was a last-chance effort to preserve a market-based health care system, based largely on ideas that originated in conservative think tanks. Its failures – and there are some – are largely failures of too little regulation, not too much. The plan Republicans have been fiercely opposing because it has a Democratic president's name attached to it is the closest thing they could ever get to a GOP health care plan. Americans don't want to be kicked off our health insurance. We don't want it to become unaffordable, or to fail to cover our actual health care needs. But any plan that comes solely from the Republican Party will do exactly that. We know this because we just saw them try over and over again, and every result was the same: Less coverage, higher costs."
The 3 most compelling moments from the Senate’s late night health care debate
"The Senate continued its health care debate late into Thursday night, deciding whether or not to strip health care from 16 million people while many Americans slept. Before the vote on the so-called “skinny repeal bill” at midnight on Friday, lawmakers held the floor to speak out about the legislation. Tensions were high, and senators bickered over policy and procedure. Here are three memorable moments from the late night session"
"The Senate continued its health care debate late into Thursday night, deciding whether or not to strip health care from 16 million people while many Americans slept. Before the vote on the so-called “skinny repeal bill” at midnight on Friday, lawmakers held the floor to speak out about the legislation. Tensions were high, and senators bickered over policy and procedure. Here are three memorable moments from the late night session"
What McCain did was hard. What Murkowski and Collins did was much harder.
"Murkowski and Collins were the only Republicans to vote against a motion to proceed with the health care bill debate. Both women cast votes against the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which could have led to 22 million more uninsured Americans. They both also voted against the Obamacare Reconciliation Act — repeal and delay — which could have led to 32 million more uninsured Americans. Both senators said they could not support bills that would leave millions of people without health insurance. They also opposed provisions to defund planned parenthood. When skinny repeal — seemingly the last shot for the GOP — came down, they stood their ground and voted no again."
"Murkowski and Collins were the only Republicans to vote against a motion to proceed with the health care bill debate. Both women cast votes against the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which could have led to 22 million more uninsured Americans. They both also voted against the Obamacare Reconciliation Act — repeal and delay — which could have led to 32 million more uninsured Americans. Both senators said they could not support bills that would leave millions of people without health insurance. They also opposed provisions to defund planned parenthood. When skinny repeal — seemingly the last shot for the GOP — came down, they stood their ground and voted no again."
Dean Heller's awful, stupid, really dumb Trumpcare vote
"Sen. Dean Heller was already having an extremely bad week, all entirely of his own making. For whatever reason, the extremely vulnerable Nevada Republican—the only one running in 2018 in a state that went for Clinton last year—decided he was going to vote against his constituents in order to stick with his party."
"Sen. Dean Heller was already having an extremely bad week, all entirely of his own making. For whatever reason, the extremely vulnerable Nevada Republican—the only one running in 2018 in a state that went for Clinton last year—decided he was going to vote against his constituents in order to stick with his party."
Sean Hannity Throws a Hissy Fit Because GOP, Trump are Frauds (Video)
"He seems “shocked” that Republicans have been exposed as frauds who never had any plan to replace Obamacare, spent the last few years lying about it to benefit themselves politically, and now that they were forced to turn their propaganda into action, backed down. Despite their anti-Obamacare crusade the last seven years, the GOP is well aware of how many conservatives have actually benefited from the law. What Hannity fails to mention is that, while the “skinny repeal” barely failed, the vote to reject the full-on repeal of Obamacare wasn’t even close. As far as not wanting “the president to succeed,” that’s just idiotic. During his campaign he promised a bill that would make health care cheaper, better, and cover more Americans — yet Trumpcare literally would have done none of that. It was going to strip-down coverage, raise premiums, and 22 million fewer Americans would have had health insurance by 2026. He then went on to claim that the “deck is stacked” against the Trump administration. It’s easy to understand why Trump and Hannity get along so well; they’re two of the biggest crybabies I’ve ever seen. In case anybody’s forgotten, the Republican Party controls the House, the Senate, and the White House. If they can’t pass legislation that’s on them — and nobody else. What Sean Hannity’s essentially whining about here is the fact that Donald Trump and the GOP are liars who pander to ignorance. Now he’s upset because their conservative fan fiction they all desperately want to be real is running up against a reality that would expose what con artists they are. They know if they instantly stripped health care away from millions — many of whom are their own voters — the political ramifications from that fallout would be catastrophic for the party at nearly every level of government. So Hannity can blame whoever, or whatever, he wants for the failures of Donald Trump and the Republican Party in fulfilling the lies they fed to millions of naive people who actually believed their nonsense."
"He seems “shocked” that Republicans have been exposed as frauds who never had any plan to replace Obamacare, spent the last few years lying about it to benefit themselves politically, and now that they were forced to turn their propaganda into action, backed down. Despite their anti-Obamacare crusade the last seven years, the GOP is well aware of how many conservatives have actually benefited from the law. What Hannity fails to mention is that, while the “skinny repeal” barely failed, the vote to reject the full-on repeal of Obamacare wasn’t even close. As far as not wanting “the president to succeed,” that’s just idiotic. During his campaign he promised a bill that would make health care cheaper, better, and cover more Americans — yet Trumpcare literally would have done none of that. It was going to strip-down coverage, raise premiums, and 22 million fewer Americans would have had health insurance by 2026. He then went on to claim that the “deck is stacked” against the Trump administration. It’s easy to understand why Trump and Hannity get along so well; they’re two of the biggest crybabies I’ve ever seen. In case anybody’s forgotten, the Republican Party controls the House, the Senate, and the White House. If they can’t pass legislation that’s on them — and nobody else. What Sean Hannity’s essentially whining about here is the fact that Donald Trump and the GOP are liars who pander to ignorance. Now he’s upset because their conservative fan fiction they all desperately want to be real is running up against a reality that would expose what con artists they are. They know if they instantly stripped health care away from millions — many of whom are their own voters — the political ramifications from that fallout would be catastrophic for the party at nearly every level of government. So Hannity can blame whoever, or whatever, he wants for the failures of Donald Trump and the Republican Party in fulfilling the lies they fed to millions of naive people who actually believed their nonsense."
Trump angrily rants that ‘Obamacare is death’ – and it backfires hilariously
Trump angrily rants that ‘Obamacare is death’ – and it backfires hilariously:
"the president’s claim that Obamacare was “death” quickly ignited mockery on social media."
"the president’s claim that Obamacare was “death” quickly ignited mockery on social media."
Trump Appears to Not Understand What Health Insurance Is
"the theory that our government can function even if the president is clueless is being tested."
"the theory that our government can function even if the president is clueless is being tested."
Bipartisan Group Of Governors Warns Senate Not To Pass ‘Skinny’ Obamacare Repeal Bill
"A bipartisan group of 10 governors wrote a letter Wednesday urging the Senate to reject a proposed “skinny” health care bill that Republican leaders are now trying feverishly to pass. And if the collective voice of so many governors doesn’t get the attention of GOP leaders, the letter’s endorsement by one particular Republican governor might."
"A bipartisan group of 10 governors wrote a letter Wednesday urging the Senate to reject a proposed “skinny” health care bill that Republican leaders are now trying feverishly to pass. And if the collective voice of so many governors doesn’t get the attention of GOP leaders, the letter’s endorsement by one particular Republican governor might."
The GOP Is Willing to Destroy Our Democracy If That's What It Takes to Repeal Obamacare @alternet
The GOP Is Willing to Destroy Our Democracy If That's What It Takes to Repeal Obamacare @alternet:
"The Republicans have shown themselves to be the party that cares most about their power, political gamesmanship and serving their wealthy patrons. But the lawlessness they have embraced is multi-layered."
"The Republicans have shown themselves to be the party that cares most about their power, political gamesmanship and serving their wealthy patrons. But the lawlessness they have embraced is multi-layered."
Somebody tell the United States Senate they are voting on a real bill
"Senate Republicans are primed to pass some kind of health care bill in the next 24 hours. The crazy thing is, they say they don't actually want it to become law.They just want to pass something and then start negotiations with the House on a much bigger bill. In fact, they want assurances that whatever they pass won't just be taken up by the House and passed. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) told reporters that senators weren't concerned about the "substance" of the bill they're about to vote on, they just want a guarantee the House won't pass it too. What on earth."
"Senate Republicans are primed to pass some kind of health care bill in the next 24 hours. The crazy thing is, they say they don't actually want it to become law.They just want to pass something and then start negotiations with the House on a much bigger bill. In fact, they want assurances that whatever they pass won't just be taken up by the House and passed. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) told reporters that senators weren't concerned about the "substance" of the bill they're about to vote on, they just want a guarantee the House won't pass it too. What on earth."
GOP Senators threaten to blow up Trumpcare unless they are given an unconstitutional guarantee
"Sens. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) held an odd press conference Thursday evening where they announced that they will vote for the latest gambit to advance Trumpcare, but only if they can be sure that the bill they vote for does not become law."
"Sens. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) held an odd press conference Thursday evening where they announced that they will vote for the latest gambit to advance Trumpcare, but only if they can be sure that the bill they vote for does not become law."
GOP Senators Call “Skinny” Repeal Bill a Fraud—But Say They Might Vote for It Anyway
"In other words, these four senators are saying that they are willing to vote for a bill they don’t support as long as congressional leaders promise it won’t actually become law."
"In other words, these four senators are saying that they are willing to vote for a bill they don’t support as long as congressional leaders promise it won’t actually become law."
GOP senator says Trump should just sign health care bill even if he doesn’t know what’s in it
"On Wednesday, President Trump revealed profound confusion about how health insurance works, suggesting to the New York Times that he thinks people can buy coverage for $12 a year. Asked about Trump’s comments during an MSNBC interview Thursday morning, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) defended the president, saying he’s “about broad principles,” not specifics. But Cassidy — who publicly expressed concern about the version of Trumpcare that went down in flames earlier this week, and has proposed his own replacement plan — took things a step further. He went on to say that he doesn’t think it’s important for the president to understand the details health care legislation at all."
"On Wednesday, President Trump revealed profound confusion about how health insurance works, suggesting to the New York Times that he thinks people can buy coverage for $12 a year. Asked about Trump’s comments during an MSNBC interview Thursday morning, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) defended the president, saying he’s “about broad principles,” not specifics. But Cassidy — who publicly expressed concern about the version of Trumpcare that went down in flames earlier this week, and has proposed his own replacement plan — took things a step further. He went on to say that he doesn’t think it’s important for the president to understand the details health care legislation at all."
Republicans Have Yet Another Health Care Bill. This One Would Leave 22 Million More Uninsured.
"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is out with yet another report on yet another Republican proposal to repeal and replace Obamacare. And yet again, the CBO is projecting that 22 million fewer people would have health insurance as a result of the legislation."
"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is out with yet another report on yet another Republican proposal to repeal and replace Obamacare. And yet again, the CBO is projecting that 22 million fewer people would have health insurance as a result of the legislation."
The President of the United States thinks health insurance costs $12 per year
"Other comments from Trump’s interview with the Times reveal that the president might not understand what health insurance is."
"Other comments from Trump’s interview with the Times reveal that the president might not understand what health insurance is."
The Trump administration melts down—and McConnell STILL tries to take health care away from millions
"All hell is breaking lose at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Popular vote loser Donald Trump is actually trying to figure out if he can pardon himself and all of his family because of their Russia connections—connections that are just getting deeper and deeper and smack dab in the middle of the Kremlin. He's openly talking about firing Robert Mueller, the guy looking into those connections, essentially confirming that yeah, he's in Putin's pocket. His legal team is in turmoil, his White House staff is in turmoil. He just conducted an interview with The New York Times in which he demonstrated, repeatedly that he is losing what he had of his mind. Calling this a circus is an insult to the institution of the circus. And in the middle of all of that, after having declared defeat but being beaten back into submission by the deranged ring-master himself, Mitch McConnell is going to force his caucus into voting to take health insurance away from 22 million people. Even worse, a possible majority of that caucus is A-Okay with that, or he wouldn't still be trying. He's actually using all this confusion to force this vote. All as if it's business as usually as he horse-trades peoples lives away. They are about ready to vote to sentence untold tens of thousands of people to death—because that's what Obamacare repeal will do—and very possibly end their own careers. All for a president who might just have been elected by Vladimir Putin, and even if he wasn't, is working hard to make sure Putin gets to pull the strings of our government. This is not normal."
"All hell is breaking lose at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Popular vote loser Donald Trump is actually trying to figure out if he can pardon himself and all of his family because of their Russia connections—connections that are just getting deeper and deeper and smack dab in the middle of the Kremlin. He's openly talking about firing Robert Mueller, the guy looking into those connections, essentially confirming that yeah, he's in Putin's pocket. His legal team is in turmoil, his White House staff is in turmoil. He just conducted an interview with The New York Times in which he demonstrated, repeatedly that he is losing what he had of his mind. Calling this a circus is an insult to the institution of the circus. And in the middle of all of that, after having declared defeat but being beaten back into submission by the deranged ring-master himself, Mitch McConnell is going to force his caucus into voting to take health insurance away from 22 million people. Even worse, a possible majority of that caucus is A-Okay with that, or he wouldn't still be trying. He's actually using all this confusion to force this vote. All as if it's business as usually as he horse-trades peoples lives away. They are about ready to vote to sentence untold tens of thousands of people to death—because that's what Obamacare repeal will do—and very possibly end their own careers. All for a president who might just have been elected by Vladimir Putin, and even if he wasn't, is working hard to make sure Putin gets to pull the strings of our government. This is not normal."
Here’s Exactly How Many People Will Be Uninsured Under Each Republican Health Care Bill
"Over the past few months, Republicans have trotted out a variety of ideas for killing Obamacare. Each of their various bills has shared one key trait: They would all leave tens of millions more Americans without health insurance."
"Over the past few months, Republicans have trotted out a variety of ideas for killing Obamacare. Each of their various bills has shared one key trait: They would all leave tens of millions more Americans without health insurance."
Nation's doctors demand Republicans pull the plug on Trumpcare, work to shore up Obamacare
"Every major health advocacy group opposes it. The vast majority of the voting population opposes repeal."
"Every major health advocacy group opposes it. The vast majority of the voting population opposes repeal."
CBO: Mitch McConnell’s Latest Health Care Bill Would Leave 32 Million More Uninsured
"Whether they do repeal-and-replace or straight repeal, the results would be devastating."
"Whether they do repeal-and-replace or straight repeal, the results would be devastating."
Here’s what Mitch McConnell wants to do to the U.S. health care system
"Whether they do repeal-and-replace or straight repeal, the results would be devastating."
"Whether they do repeal-and-replace or straight repeal, the results would be devastating."
Trump levels another threat at insurers, Obamacare
"Trump has every intention of destroying Obamacare, and he and his fellow Republicans are going to be the ones who take the blame for that."
"Trump has every intention of destroying Obamacare, and he and his fellow Republicans are going to be the ones who take the blame for that."
Mitch McConnell Announces Plan To Harm Even More People With Obamacare Repeal Only Bill
"A stand alone repeal bill would take health care away from 32 million Americans. It is even worse than repeal and replace. If Republicans couldn’t get 50 votes for their bill that took coverage away from 22 million people, they aren’t going to get 50 votes for a bill that takes coverage away from 32 million people."
"A stand alone repeal bill would take health care away from 32 million Americans. It is even worse than repeal and replace. If Republicans couldn’t get 50 votes for their bill that took coverage away from 22 million people, they aren’t going to get 50 votes for a bill that takes coverage away from 32 million people."
Condoms don't work, smoking doesn't kill, GOP is saving Medicaid—the world class lies of Mike Pence
"His current boss aside, you’d be hard-pressed to name another politician who so openly and freely spews one lie after another."
"His current boss aside, you’d be hard-pressed to name another politician who so openly and freely spews one lie after another."
Tom Price Says Insurers Should ‘Dust Off How They Did Business Before Obamacare’
"Prior to Obamacare, 79 million — more than one in four Americans — either lacked health insurance or were underinsured."
"Prior to Obamacare, 79 million — more than one in four Americans — either lacked health insurance or were underinsured."
'Total Garbage': Senate GOP's New Trumpcare Bill Even Worse Than Original
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who spent this past weekend rallying the Trumpcare opposition in West Virginia and Kentucky, reiterated a point he has made frequently in recent months. "Make no mistake about it," he wrote, "thousands of Americans every year will die unnecessarily if the Republican legislation is passed"."
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who spent this past weekend rallying the Trumpcare opposition in West Virginia and Kentucky, reiterated a point he has made frequently in recent months. "Make no mistake about it," he wrote, "thousands of Americans every year will die unnecessarily if the Republican legislation is passed"."
New Health Care Bill Proves GOP Promises On Pre-Existing Conditions Were Never Serious
"If you have medical problems, this proposal probably won’t be good for you."
"If you have medical problems, this proposal probably won’t be good for you."
Republican Steve King's Astonishing Cruelty isn't the Exception, it's the Norm
"It should be remembered that the Republican Party, in collusion with Donald Trump, is attempting to pass a health care bill that could kill roughly 24,000 Americans a year. The Republican Party and Donald Trump are also seeking to slash $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives that include after-school programs for the poorest students in America."
"It should be remembered that the Republican Party, in collusion with Donald Trump, is attempting to pass a health care bill that could kill roughly 24,000 Americans a year. The Republican Party and Donald Trump are also seeking to slash $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives that include after-school programs for the poorest students in America."
McConnell's Latest Health Care Bill Is Even Worse, Gutting Coverage and Raising Costs for Tens of Millions @alternet
McConnell's Latest Health Care Bill Is Even Worse, Gutting Coverage and Raising Costs for Tens of Millions @alternet:
"The latest Trumpcare bill released by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a political dealmaker’s version of putting lipstick on a pig—taking a colossally destructive bill hurting tens of millions and dressing it up so it can win enough votes to pass."
"The latest Trumpcare bill released by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a political dealmaker’s version of putting lipstick on a pig—taking a colossally destructive bill hurting tens of millions and dressing it up so it can win enough votes to pass."
Paul Krugman: Republicans Are on the Brink of Completing a Long, Deadly Con @alternet
Paul Krugman: Republicans Are on the Brink of Completing a Long, Deadly Con @alternet:
"It's really very simple. If the GOP manages to pass its health care bill, millions of Americans will be deprived of insurance, while those who manage to keep theirs will pay considerably more for less. As Krugman sees it, this is what Republicans have wanted all along."
"It's really very simple. If the GOP manages to pass its health care bill, millions of Americans will be deprived of insurance, while those who manage to keep theirs will pay considerably more for less. As Krugman sees it, this is what Republicans have wanted all along."
American Medical Association, health groups sound alarms over Trumpcare 3.0
"Other major industry groups agree. The president of the American Hospital Association, Rick Pollack, says it would mean "real consequences for real people. […] Among them people with chronic conditions such as cancer, individuals with disabilities who need long-term services and support, and the elderly." Darrel Kirch, president of the Association of American Medical Colleges, specifically address the harm the Cruz amendment would cause, saying that it "will hurt those with preexisting conditions and further destabilize insurance markets." Chris Hansen, president of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, reinforces that, saying that the bill as a whole, including the Cruz amendment, would make health care worse for cancer patients and everyone. "This bill would leave patients and those with pre-existing conditions paying more for less coverage and would substantially erode the progress our nation has been trying to make in providing affordable, adequate and meaningful coverage to all Americans," he said. None of these groups or any others in the industry or representing patients had any say in this bill. Neither did at least 45 of the 52 Republican senators who are about to vote on this thing, if Mitch McConnell has his way. One, just one, of those 45 or so who've been shut out of the process could put an end to this thing right now. It only takes three to torpedo the bill, and Susan Collins and Rand Paul are already there."
"Other major industry groups agree. The president of the American Hospital Association, Rick Pollack, says it would mean "real consequences for real people. […] Among them people with chronic conditions such as cancer, individuals with disabilities who need long-term services and support, and the elderly." Darrel Kirch, president of the Association of American Medical Colleges, specifically address the harm the Cruz amendment would cause, saying that it "will hurt those with preexisting conditions and further destabilize insurance markets." Chris Hansen, president of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, reinforces that, saying that the bill as a whole, including the Cruz amendment, would make health care worse for cancer patients and everyone. "This bill would leave patients and those with pre-existing conditions paying more for less coverage and would substantially erode the progress our nation has been trying to make in providing affordable, adequate and meaningful coverage to all Americans," he said. None of these groups or any others in the industry or representing patients had any say in this bill. Neither did at least 45 of the 52 Republican senators who are about to vote on this thing, if Mitch McConnell has his way. One, just one, of those 45 or so who've been shut out of the process could put an end to this thing right now. It only takes three to torpedo the bill, and Susan Collins and Rand Paul are already there."
The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations
"The Commonwealth Fund focused on care process, access, administrative efficiency, equity and health care outcomes, studying 72 indicators within those fields. The 11 countries analyzed were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition to ranking last or close to last in access, administrative efficiency, equity and health care outcomes, the U.S. was found to spend the most money on health care. The U.S. rated especially poor in equality of coverage."
"The Commonwealth Fund focused on care process, access, administrative efficiency, equity and health care outcomes, studying 72 indicators within those fields. The 11 countries analyzed were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition to ranking last or close to last in access, administrative efficiency, equity and health care outcomes, the U.S. was found to spend the most money on health care. The U.S. rated especially poor in equality of coverage."
Republicans Are Trying to Exempt Themselves from the More Brutal Aspects of Trumpcare
"the GOP is trying to carve out special language in Trumpcare to avoid the more punitive cuts in the embattled Trumpcare bill. They tried it once in the House bill, only to be forced to close the loophole. It's back."
"the GOP is trying to carve out special language in Trumpcare to avoid the more punitive cuts in the embattled Trumpcare bill. They tried it once in the House bill, only to be forced to close the loophole. It's back."
Republican governor fact-checks Pence’s lie about Medicaid
"the Trump administration has no shame about the disinformation campaign officials are waging."
"the Trump administration has no shame about the disinformation campaign officials are waging."
What Trump’s GOP health cuts mean for rural America
What Trump’s GOP health cuts mean for rural America
"Rural health care has at times been characterized as patchwork. In part, that’s because the costs of sustaining health care infrastructure in rural areas are higher thanks to the large service areas, the inability to negotiate bulk pricing and lack of financial incentives to fill in provider gaps. The ACA, intended to turn this around, has in fact led to dramatic gains in insurance coverage among rural Americans. Broadly speaking, insurance rates in rural areas reached almost 86 percent in early 2015, up from an estimated 78 percent in 2013. In Kentucky – a state with high poverty, a large rural population (42 percent of residents) and a successful Medicaid expansion initiative – tens of thousands of newly insured low-income adults began using preventative services after previously being unable to afford it. The state’s uninsured fell by half and, as a result, fewer people skipped taking their medications due to financial hardships relative to other states that didn’t expand Medicaid. The ACA also strengthened rural health care institutions by investing in upgrades to hospitals and clinics, preventative health programs and support for providers to stay in rural areas. While rural hospitals are often laden with the expense of providing extensive care without payment to indigent patients, rural hospitals in states that expanded Medicaid under the ACA finally were able to better balance their books when caring for this vulnerable group. At the same time, the ACA supported innovative models ideal for rural areas that prioritized outreach, integration of services and collaboration between safety-net players. Both the House and Senate bills to repeal and replace Obamacare would drastically reduce rural Americans’ insurance coverage and significantly threaten the ability of many rural hospitals and clinics to keep their doors open."
"Rural health care has at times been characterized as patchwork. In part, that’s because the costs of sustaining health care infrastructure in rural areas are higher thanks to the large service areas, the inability to negotiate bulk pricing and lack of financial incentives to fill in provider gaps. The ACA, intended to turn this around, has in fact led to dramatic gains in insurance coverage among rural Americans. Broadly speaking, insurance rates in rural areas reached almost 86 percent in early 2015, up from an estimated 78 percent in 2013. In Kentucky – a state with high poverty, a large rural population (42 percent of residents) and a successful Medicaid expansion initiative – tens of thousands of newly insured low-income adults began using preventative services after previously being unable to afford it. The state’s uninsured fell by half and, as a result, fewer people skipped taking their medications due to financial hardships relative to other states that didn’t expand Medicaid. The ACA also strengthened rural health care institutions by investing in upgrades to hospitals and clinics, preventative health programs and support for providers to stay in rural areas. While rural hospitals are often laden with the expense of providing extensive care without payment to indigent patients, rural hospitals in states that expanded Medicaid under the ACA finally were able to better balance their books when caring for this vulnerable group. At the same time, the ACA supported innovative models ideal for rural areas that prioritized outreach, integration of services and collaboration between safety-net players. Both the House and Senate bills to repeal and replace Obamacare would drastically reduce rural Americans’ insurance coverage and significantly threaten the ability of many rural hospitals and clinics to keep their doors open."
Trump voter fighting cerebral palsy fears life would be ‘destroyed’ by massive Trumpcare cuts
Trump voter fighting cerebral palsy fears life would be ‘destroyed’ by massive Trumpcare cuts
"An Arkansas man who voted enthusiastically for President Donald Trump last fall is now worried about how he’ll be affected by both the GOP’s proposed budget and the party’s proposed health care legislation. The Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell reports that 36-year-old Trump voter Bradley Ledgerwood is worried about proposed cuts to two programs that have helped him survive ever since he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of just two years old: Medicaid and legal aid."
"An Arkansas man who voted enthusiastically for President Donald Trump last fall is now worried about how he’ll be affected by both the GOP’s proposed budget and the party’s proposed health care legislation. The Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell reports that 36-year-old Trump voter Bradley Ledgerwood is worried about proposed cuts to two programs that have helped him survive ever since he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of just two years old: Medicaid and legal aid."
Indiana Republicans ask for Obamacare horror stories and get ... something different
"Now, Obamacare is getting more popular as people are facing the prospect of losing it, and a lot of people have stories of their own or their loved ones’ lives being saved, or not being stuck in a bad job for the health coverage, or not facing mountains of debt for minor health problems."
"Now, Obamacare is getting more popular as people are facing the prospect of losing it, and a lot of people have stories of their own or their loved ones’ lives being saved, or not being stuck in a bad job for the health coverage, or not facing mountains of debt for minor health problems."
Sean Hannity Pretends To Care About ‘The American People’ As He Demands GOP Take Away Health Insurance | Crooks and Liars
Sean Hannity Pretends To Care About ‘The American People’ As He Demands GOP Take Away Health Insurance | Crooks and Liars
"If Hannity really cared about upheld promises, he’d be bugging Donald Trump about violating his promises that Trumpcare would have insurance for everybody, regardless of their income; that he would not cut Medicaid; that people would still get coverage of pre-existing conditions; and that “nobody is going to be better on women’s health issues than Donald Trump,” for example."
"If Hannity really cared about upheld promises, he’d be bugging Donald Trump about violating his promises that Trumpcare would have insurance for everybody, regardless of their income; that he would not cut Medicaid; that people would still get coverage of pre-existing conditions; and that “nobody is going to be better on women’s health issues than Donald Trump,” for example."
Republican Lawmakers Buy Health Insurance Stocks as Repeal Effort Moves Forward
"Health industry stocks, including insurance giants like UnitedHealth, have surged as Republicans move forward with their repeal effort, which rolls back broad taxes on health care firms while loosening consumer regulations which prevent insurance companies from denying coverage for medical treatment"
"Health industry stocks, including insurance giants like UnitedHealth, have surged as Republicans move forward with their repeal effort, which rolls back broad taxes on health care firms while loosening consumer regulations which prevent insurance companies from denying coverage for medical treatment"
Trump administration steps on Trump’s ‘death spiral’ talking point
"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, last week released a report about a wonky aspect of the Affordable Care Act related to insurance payments. Tucked away in the report, however, was evidence that the health insurance marketplaces set up by Obamacare were relatively stable in 2016. Contrary to the “death-spiral” narrative, the CMS report found that the mix of healthy and sick people buying insurance on the Obamacare marketplaces in 2016 was surprisingly similar to those who enrolled in 2015."
"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, last week released a report about a wonky aspect of the Affordable Care Act related to insurance payments. Tucked away in the report, however, was evidence that the health insurance marketplaces set up by Obamacare were relatively stable in 2016. Contrary to the “death-spiral” narrative, the CMS report found that the mix of healthy and sick people buying insurance on the Obamacare marketplaces in 2016 was surprisingly similar to those who enrolled in 2015."
Trumpcare could force 4 million special needs kids into pricy ‘pediatric nursing homes’
Trumpcare could force 4 million special needs kids into pricy ‘pediatric nursing homes’
"Under the version of Trumpcare being considered in the United States Senate, four million special needs children would be at risk for institutionalization due to cuts in the Medicaid programs that currently allow them to live at home with their families."
"Under the version of Trumpcare being considered in the United States Senate, four million special needs children would be at risk for institutionalization due to cuts in the Medicaid programs that currently allow them to live at home with their families."
Unprecedented spite: The American carnage of the GOP health care bill
"A calamity a wiser Donald Trump might call “American carnage”—22 million more uninsured Americans, millions more facing financial ruin, gutted essential health protections, skyrocketing premiums to maintain comparable coverage, jacked-up deductibles, spiraling out of pockets costs and over 200,000 needless deaths by 2026, all to fund an $600 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthy—Mitch McConnell’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” has nothing to do with “replacing” Obamacare. For 25 years, Republicans have never wanted to enable universal health care coverage for the American people, but only to prevent the Democratic Party from doing so. We know this—that is, that Republicans feared not Obamacare’s failure, but its success—because they told us so. Barack Obama himself never fully articulated this crucial point. During an August 2013 press conference, President Obama pondered why the GOP's "number one priority, the one unifying principle in the Republican Party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people don't have health care." But in attributing the 40-plus Affordable Care Act repeal votes, the threats to shut down the government over Obamacare funding, the tens of millions of dollars in misleading ads and another summer of town hall rage to the GOP's "ideological fixation," the president was only partly right. At its core, the Republicans' scorched-earth opposition to Obamacare has never been so much about "freedom" or "limited government" or any other right-wing ideological buzzword as it has been about political power, pure and simple. Now as for the past 20 years, Republicans have feared not that health care reform would fail the American people, but that it would succeed. Along with Social Security and Medicare, successful healthcare reform would provide the third and final pillar of Americans' social safety net, all brought you by the Democratic Party."
"A calamity a wiser Donald Trump might call “American carnage”—22 million more uninsured Americans, millions more facing financial ruin, gutted essential health protections, skyrocketing premiums to maintain comparable coverage, jacked-up deductibles, spiraling out of pockets costs and over 200,000 needless deaths by 2026, all to fund an $600 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthy—Mitch McConnell’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” has nothing to do with “replacing” Obamacare. For 25 years, Republicans have never wanted to enable universal health care coverage for the American people, but only to prevent the Democratic Party from doing so. We know this—that is, that Republicans feared not Obamacare’s failure, but its success—because they told us so. Barack Obama himself never fully articulated this crucial point. During an August 2013 press conference, President Obama pondered why the GOP's "number one priority, the one unifying principle in the Republican Party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people don't have health care." But in attributing the 40-plus Affordable Care Act repeal votes, the threats to shut down the government over Obamacare funding, the tens of millions of dollars in misleading ads and another summer of town hall rage to the GOP's "ideological fixation," the president was only partly right. At its core, the Republicans' scorched-earth opposition to Obamacare has never been so much about "freedom" or "limited government" or any other right-wing ideological buzzword as it has been about political power, pure and simple. Now as for the past 20 years, Republicans have feared not that health care reform would fail the American people, but that it would succeed. Along with Social Security and Medicare, successful healthcare reform would provide the third and final pillar of Americans' social safety net, all brought you by the Democratic Party."
The Trump administration is quietly making it easier to abuse seniors in nursing homes
"The Trump administration is poised to undo rules issued by the Obama administration last year to protect seniors from a common tactic used by businesses to shield themselves from consequences for illegal conduct. Under these rules, issued last September, Medicare and Medicaid would cut off payments to nursing homes that require new residents to sign forced arbitration agreements, a contract which strips individuals of their ability to sue in a real court and diverts the case to a privatized arbitration system. But last month, the Trump administration published a proposed rule which will reinstate nursing homes’ ability to receive federal money even if they force seniors into arbitration agreements. Forced arbitration can prevent even the most egregious cases from ever reaching a judge. According to the New York Times, a 94 year-old nursing home resident “who died from a head wound that had been left to fester, was ordered to go to arbitration.” In another case, the family of a woman who suffered “two spine fractures from serious falls, a large, infected ulcer on her heel that prevented her from walking, incontinence from not being able to get to the bathroom, receding gums from poor hygiene assistance, and a dramatic weigh loss from not being given her dentures,” was also sent to an arbitrator after they sued the woman’s nursing home alleging neglect. Moreover, as law professor and health policy expert Nicholas Bagley notes, arbitration tends “to favor the repeat players who hire them — companies, not consumers.” Several studies have found that forced arbitration typically produces worse outcomes for consumers and workers."
"The Trump administration is poised to undo rules issued by the Obama administration last year to protect seniors from a common tactic used by businesses to shield themselves from consequences for illegal conduct. Under these rules, issued last September, Medicare and Medicaid would cut off payments to nursing homes that require new residents to sign forced arbitration agreements, a contract which strips individuals of their ability to sue in a real court and diverts the case to a privatized arbitration system. But last month, the Trump administration published a proposed rule which will reinstate nursing homes’ ability to receive federal money even if they force seniors into arbitration agreements. Forced arbitration can prevent even the most egregious cases from ever reaching a judge. According to the New York Times, a 94 year-old nursing home resident “who died from a head wound that had been left to fester, was ordered to go to arbitration.” In another case, the family of a woman who suffered “two spine fractures from serious falls, a large, infected ulcer on her heel that prevented her from walking, incontinence from not being able to get to the bathroom, receding gums from poor hygiene assistance, and a dramatic weigh loss from not being given her dentures,” was also sent to an arbitrator after they sued the woman’s nursing home alleging neglect. Moreover, as law professor and health policy expert Nicholas Bagley notes, arbitration tends “to favor the repeat players who hire them — companies, not consumers.” Several studies have found that forced arbitration typically produces worse outcomes for consumers and workers."
Healthcare’s biggest losers: Which states are harmed the most under the Senate TrumpCare plan?
Healthcare’s biggest losers: Which states are harmed the most under the Senate TrumpCare plan?:
"In Alabama, for example, premiums would increase 164 percent from $156 a month to $411 under the BRCA. In Alaska, they would increase 142 percent from $334 a month to $802 a month. The reductions in premium subsidies, in concert with tax cuts for the wealthy, will cost Americans jobs as well. Because low- and moderate-income households tend to spend a much higher share of their disposable income, the overall effect of the BCRA would be less spending and lower aggregate demand across every state and congressional district."
"In Alabama, for example, premiums would increase 164 percent from $156 a month to $411 under the BRCA. In Alaska, they would increase 142 percent from $334 a month to $802 a month. The reductions in premium subsidies, in concert with tax cuts for the wealthy, will cost Americans jobs as well. Because low- and moderate-income households tend to spend a much higher share of their disposable income, the overall effect of the BCRA would be less spending and lower aggregate demand across every state and congressional district."
Trumpcare is Even Worse for America Than You Think
"Remember, before the ACA, insurance companies could jack your premiums through the roof if you got sick or they could kick you off of your policy. Got breast cancer? No more coverage for you. It was cruel and immoral but 100% legal. Insurance companies also set yearly and lifetime caps on coverage. Did you get HIV through a blood transfusion? Wow, that's rough. Fortunately, there are drugs that can keep it from turning into AIDS indefinitely. Unfortunately, they're very expensive and you reached your lifetime cap after 6 months. Better luck next time. Then there were pre-existing conditions, children being thrown off their parents' policy at age 18, policies that didn't actually cover anything beyond a summer cold, etc. etc. Racking up enormous medical debt was extremely easy and the United States is the only country in the world where this is a routine problem. But this is the system Republicans would like very much to return to. Trump and the GOP say they want to maintain coverage for pre-existing conditions and no yearly of lifetime caps but the system they're trying to create will bankrupt insurance companies unless they can throw people off of their coverage or raise their premiums so high they can't pay them. We can't even hold it against them because they won't have any choice but to reduce the number of people they cover. This, by the way, is the lie behind the Republican catchphrase "guaranteeing access to healthcare." Sure, you have access to healthcare, you just won't be able to pay for it. It's like saying you have access to food but it's up on a ledge 20 feet off the ground. And I just took your ladder away and gave it to the guy over there who already has 100 ladders."
"Remember, before the ACA, insurance companies could jack your premiums through the roof if you got sick or they could kick you off of your policy. Got breast cancer? No more coverage for you. It was cruel and immoral but 100% legal. Insurance companies also set yearly and lifetime caps on coverage. Did you get HIV through a blood transfusion? Wow, that's rough. Fortunately, there are drugs that can keep it from turning into AIDS indefinitely. Unfortunately, they're very expensive and you reached your lifetime cap after 6 months. Better luck next time. Then there were pre-existing conditions, children being thrown off their parents' policy at age 18, policies that didn't actually cover anything beyond a summer cold, etc. etc. Racking up enormous medical debt was extremely easy and the United States is the only country in the world where this is a routine problem. But this is the system Republicans would like very much to return to. Trump and the GOP say they want to maintain coverage for pre-existing conditions and no yearly of lifetime caps but the system they're trying to create will bankrupt insurance companies unless they can throw people off of their coverage or raise their premiums so high they can't pay them. We can't even hold it against them because they won't have any choice but to reduce the number of people they cover. This, by the way, is the lie behind the Republican catchphrase "guaranteeing access to healthcare." Sure, you have access to healthcare, you just won't be able to pay for it. It's like saying you have access to food but it's up on a ledge 20 feet off the ground. And I just took your ladder away and gave it to the guy over there who already has 100 ladders."
Why Are 'Pro-Life' Republicans Pushing a Bill That Will Kill Tens of Thousands?
"Here's a dark fact: Every single GOP senator who calls him or herself pro-life who votes for the Republican health care bill knowingly will be voting for legislation that will kill tens of thousands of Americans per year."
"Here's a dark fact: Every single GOP senator who calls him or herself pro-life who votes for the Republican health care bill knowingly will be voting for legislation that will kill tens of thousands of Americans per year."
Guide to right-wing media myths and facts about the Senate health care bill
"Right-wing media figures are trying to curry favor for the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) by attacking the Affordable Care Act (ACA), pushing lies about the BCRA, disparaging the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or distorting its analysis of the legislation, and muddying the truth about the health care system in general. Here is a guide to the myths right-wing media are employing to sell the Senate Republican health care bill."
"Right-wing media figures are trying to curry favor for the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) by attacking the Affordable Care Act (ACA), pushing lies about the BCRA, disparaging the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or distorting its analysis of the legislation, and muddying the truth about the health care system in general. Here is a guide to the myths right-wing media are employing to sell the Senate Republican health care bill."
Media Boosts Trumpcare Promoter Without Asking Who’s Writing His Checks @alternet
Media Boosts Trumpcare Promoter Without Asking Who’s Writing His Checks @alternet:
"Avik Roy’s primary function is to be the Reasonable Conservative and lobby centrists and liberals in their own media spaces that their worries about smoke-filled backroom Republican health care plans are unwarranted. This is done with a mix of “aw, shucks” nuance trolling and warmed-over discredited claims that health care coverage does not, in fact, affect mortality. This isn’t a post about the substance of Avik Roy’s argument. Lots of other writers have written about his claims and sought to debunk them. This post is about whether the source of his funding and his sudden rise as the face of the otherwise faceless, secret GOP plan is worth an ounce of scrutiny. Given his enthusiastic and unqualified spin (even before anyone knew what was in the legislation), some, such as MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid, have understandably begun to question Roy's motives. Avik Roy and others involved with his generically named Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity have ties to far-right billionaires through the Manhattan Institute and other organizations. FREOPP itself is associated with the Koch-backed State Policy Network, but FREOPP’s website does not reveal any of its donors, nor does it share its tax number, as most nonprofits do. This could be because FREOPP is a new corporation (it was founded in May 2016), but neither the firm nor Roy responded to multiple questions via email and Twitter about who funds the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity. Others are noticing the sudden importance of the heretofore obscure think tank. FREOPP is "a very official-sounding think tank that popped up in 2016 seemingly just to orchestrate a repeal of the Affordable Care Act," The New Republic's Cilo Chang wrote. The online address for Roy’s “think tank" is for a P.O. Box inside a UPS store in Austin. The physical address on record for the state of Texas for FREOPP is Roy’s personal home in Austin."
"Avik Roy’s primary function is to be the Reasonable Conservative and lobby centrists and liberals in their own media spaces that their worries about smoke-filled backroom Republican health care plans are unwarranted. This is done with a mix of “aw, shucks” nuance trolling and warmed-over discredited claims that health care coverage does not, in fact, affect mortality. This isn’t a post about the substance of Avik Roy’s argument. Lots of other writers have written about his claims and sought to debunk them. This post is about whether the source of his funding and his sudden rise as the face of the otherwise faceless, secret GOP plan is worth an ounce of scrutiny. Given his enthusiastic and unqualified spin (even before anyone knew what was in the legislation), some, such as MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid, have understandably begun to question Roy's motives. Avik Roy and others involved with his generically named Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity have ties to far-right billionaires through the Manhattan Institute and other organizations. FREOPP itself is associated with the Koch-backed State Policy Network, but FREOPP’s website does not reveal any of its donors, nor does it share its tax number, as most nonprofits do. This could be because FREOPP is a new corporation (it was founded in May 2016), but neither the firm nor Roy responded to multiple questions via email and Twitter about who funds the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity. Others are noticing the sudden importance of the heretofore obscure think tank. FREOPP is "a very official-sounding think tank that popped up in 2016 seemingly just to orchestrate a repeal of the Affordable Care Act," The New Republic's Cilo Chang wrote. The online address for Roy’s “think tank" is for a P.O. Box inside a UPS store in Austin. The physical address on record for the state of Texas for FREOPP is Roy’s personal home in Austin."
Latest Republican Health Care Tactic: A Sneak Attack on People With Pre-Existing Conditions @alternet
Latest Republican Health Care Tactic: A Sneak Attack on People With Pre-Existing Conditions @alternet:
"It’s becoming clear that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s plan to decimate the American health care system is to tinker around the edges of his bill until, as Charles Pierce of Esquire argued, “you get a CBO score you can plausibly use to con the country, the elite political press, and the mind of Susan Collins into thinking you’re ‘moderating’ the bill.” McConnell is counting on the fact that the press is easily bored and always eager to move onto the next new thing — often meaning whatever President Trump has just said on Twitter — and all he needs is a week of such distractions to pass this stinker under the cover of darkness. But don’t let the tinkering or assurances that the health care bill is somehow becoming more moderate fool you. Republicans still plan on passing a bill that will lay waste to the protections offered ordinary Americans in the Affordable Care Act, leaving people vulnerable to financial ruin or even death from illnesses or conditions that are covered under existing law. One of the ways Republicans plan to do this is to gut the part of the Affordable Care Act that guarantees coverage of what are deemed “essential health care benefits"."
"It’s becoming clear that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s plan to decimate the American health care system is to tinker around the edges of his bill until, as Charles Pierce of Esquire argued, “you get a CBO score you can plausibly use to con the country, the elite political press, and the mind of Susan Collins into thinking you’re ‘moderating’ the bill.” McConnell is counting on the fact that the press is easily bored and always eager to move onto the next new thing — often meaning whatever President Trump has just said on Twitter — and all he needs is a week of such distractions to pass this stinker under the cover of darkness. But don’t let the tinkering or assurances that the health care bill is somehow becoming more moderate fool you. Republicans still plan on passing a bill that will lay waste to the protections offered ordinary Americans in the Affordable Care Act, leaving people vulnerable to financial ruin or even death from illnesses or conditions that are covered under existing law. One of the ways Republicans plan to do this is to gut the part of the Affordable Care Act that guarantees coverage of what are deemed “essential health care benefits"."
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