HealthCare Notes


The 10 Step Scheme for One-Sided Class War
"1. Scream about the debt and deficit. 2. Shrink revenue by slashing taxes for the already palatial elite. Summarily dismiss all concerns about the debt and deficit, because, well, the debt and deficit don't really matter. Plus, tax cuts for the rich grow the economy anyway. Or maybe not. It doesn't matter. What matters is that one render unto the power elite the things that are the power elite's; everybody else can go to hell. 3. Scream about the debt and deficit. 4. Savagely gut Social Security and Medicare, because obviously the debt and deficit. Turns out the debt and deficit do matter. And to get the debt and deficit under control after slashing taxes on the rich will require nothing less than shared sacrifice from all Americans. But not really all Americans. The persecuted John Galts of the world have shouldered the burden of sacrifice long enough. Time, then, for all those particularly shiftless souls lacking the creativity and work ethic of the ruling class to sacrifice. Time for these ungrateful hordes to genuflect at the altar of capital and empty their pockets in tribute."