State by State Increases in Number of Insured Americans, Thanks to Obamacare @alternet
"Republicans should stop their posturing and concede that the ACA is a success."
PERRspectives: Sorry, GOP: Senate Obamacare 'Repeal' Does Not Reduce Deficits
PERRspectives: Sorry, GOP: Senate Obamacare 'Repeal' Does Not Reduce Deficits
"repealing Obamacare increases Uncle Sam's deficits. Unless, that is, you change what the meaning of "repeal" is. Which is precisely the shell game Republicans are playing now. And just like "death panels" and a "government takeover of health care" (Politifact's Lie of the Year for 2009 and 2010, respectively), the Senate's partial Obamacare repeal is just another of the GOP's killer lies on health care."
"repealing Obamacare increases Uncle Sam's deficits. Unless, that is, you change what the meaning of "repeal" is. Which is precisely the shell game Republicans are playing now. And just like "death panels" and a "government takeover of health care" (Politifact's Lie of the Year for 2009 and 2010, respectively), the Senate's partial Obamacare repeal is just another of the GOP's killer lies on health care."
SAVE Act Calls For One-Time Payment To Make Up For No COLA
SAVE Act Calls For One-Time Payment To Make Up For No COLA
"Today, United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Al Franken (D-Minn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawai'i), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) introduced legislation to boost Social Security and other critical benefits for seniors, veterans and other Americans following last month's announcement that there will be a zero cost-of-living adjustment in 2016."
"Today, United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Al Franken (D-Minn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawai'i), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) introduced legislation to boost Social Security and other critical benefits for seniors, veterans and other Americans following last month's announcement that there will be a zero cost-of-living adjustment in 2016."
Obamacare Is Saving Lives: Early Cancer Detection And Treatment For Young Women On The Rise
"A new study conducted by researchers at the American Cancer Society found that, since the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) took effect, more women between the ages of 18 and 25 are being diagnosed with cervical cancer in the early stages, a time when treatment is more likely to be effective."
"A new study conducted by researchers at the American Cancer Society found that, since the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) took effect, more women between the ages of 18 and 25 are being diagnosed with cervical cancer in the early stages, a time when treatment is more likely to be effective."
Republicans Celebrate Christmas By Voting To Take Healthcare Away From 17 Million Americans
"The fact that Senate Republicans chose to hold this vote during the holiday season spoke volumes about their priorities. Tonight’s vote was an advertisement for how Republicans intend to harm working people if they take back the White House."
"The fact that Senate Republicans chose to hold this vote during the holiday season spoke volumes about their priorities. Tonight’s vote was an advertisement for how Republicans intend to harm working people if they take back the White House."
GOP’s Obamacare lie-fest: “Post-truth” politics dominated the Republican debate
GOP’s Obamacare lie-fest: “Post-truth” politics dominated the Republican debate
"The lying even extended down into the undercard debate."
"The lying even extended down into the undercard debate."
To Help Hard-Hit Seniors, Warren/Sanders Bill Would Boost Social Security
To Help Hard-Hit Seniors, Warren/Sanders Bill Would Boost Social Security
"Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced legislation on Thursday that would provide tens of millions of Americans with an emergency payment while tackling a corporate loophole that boosts CEO pay."
"Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced legislation on Thursday that would provide tens of millions of Americans with an emergency payment while tackling a corporate loophole that boosts CEO pay."
Let's recap hilariously wrong Republican predictions about Obamacare
"There are definitely two sides to our politics today, and they are "right" and "wrong." In a sane world, that whole "wrong" crowd would never have a platform or be treated seriously again."
"There are definitely two sides to our politics today, and they are "right" and "wrong." In a sane world, that whole "wrong" crowd would never have a platform or be treated seriously again."
Lazy Reporters Don't Think To Check Paul Ryan's Budget Math
Lazy Reporters Don't Think To Check Paul Ryan's Budget Math
"In addition to wanting to privatize both Social Security and Medicare, Ryan has indicated that he essentially wants to shut down the federal government in the sense of taking all of the money for the non-military portion of the budget."
"In addition to wanting to privatize both Social Security and Medicare, Ryan has indicated that he essentially wants to shut down the federal government in the sense of taking all of the money for the non-military portion of the budget."
Ben Carson Pretends He Doesn't Really Want To End Medicare
Ben Carson Pretends He Doesn't Really Want To End Medicare
"It's pretty bad when even a host on Fox isn't buying the B.S. you're shoveling. Wallace pushed and pushed Carson on where the money would come from for his program, and Carson either doesn't even understand what his own health care proposal would do, or he's just lying through his teeth."
"It's pretty bad when even a host on Fox isn't buying the B.S. you're shoveling. Wallace pushed and pushed Carson on where the money would come from for his program, and Carson either doesn't even understand what his own health care proposal would do, or he's just lying through his teeth."
Jeb! Bush has a plan for America seniors, sort of, and it isn't pretty
"If you were waiting breathlessly for policy details on Social Security and Medicare from Jeb! Bush (beyond his endorsement of his brother's disastrous Social Security privatization scheme, or how much he wants to "phase out" Medicare) here you go. While it's pretty weak on actual specifics, Jeb! has released his plan to "Preserve, Protect and Reform Medicare and Social Security." In other words, how he'll privatize Social Security and phase out Medicare under the usual Republican guise of "protecting" them."
"If you were waiting breathlessly for policy details on Social Security and Medicare from Jeb! Bush (beyond his endorsement of his brother's disastrous Social Security privatization scheme, or how much he wants to "phase out" Medicare) here you go. While it's pretty weak on actual specifics, Jeb! has released his plan to "Preserve, Protect and Reform Medicare and Social Security." In other words, how he'll privatize Social Security and phase out Medicare under the usual Republican guise of "protecting" them."
Ben Carson’s Plan for Health Care is a Comically Bad Version of Socialized Medicine (Video)
Ben Carson’s Plan for Health Care is a Comically Bad Version of Socialized Medicine (Video)
"What Carson is essentially advocating for is socialized health care just a really bad version of it. What he wants to do is set up what he calls “health savings accounts” that are established the moment someone is born. The way he wants to accomplish this is by taking the money Americans are currently paying for health insurance and putting it into these HSAs established by the government. That, ladies and gentlemen, is socialized health care. But the idiotic part of his plan is that he doesn’t want these HSAs to cover catastrophic health care. For those situations he wants people to purchase their own care at what he thinks will be a heavily discounted rate considering the bulk of their health care would be provided via these HSA accounts. So, in other words, he wants Americans to pay money into a government account to cover part of their health care while still having to purchase catastrophic coverage through a private insurance company. That’s just stupid. And his plan does nothing to address those who can’t afford to pay into these accounts. But why even have the gap in coverage? If you’re going to go all-in with a form of socialized health care (which is Ben Carson’s plan) then go all in. Don’t half-ass it by not covering catastrophic occurrences. This is all about semantics. Either the government is raising taxes on Americans to cover socialized medicine (eliminating the need to pay private insurance companies monthly) or you’re creating these HSA’s that people pay into with the money they would normally pay to private insurance companies. Either way, it’s money Americans are handing over to the government to pay for health insurance. That is socialized health care. It’s just that Carson’s plan doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. While covering day-to-day health care needs is great, it’s the catastrophic events in someone’s life that tend to leave millions in mountains of debt. And don’t believe for a moment that these “catastrophic-only” policies would be cheap, either. If there’s one thing insurance companies prove time and time again, it’s that they’re going to get their money and try to screw over their policies holders whenever they can."
"What Carson is essentially advocating for is socialized health care just a really bad version of it. What he wants to do is set up what he calls “health savings accounts” that are established the moment someone is born. The way he wants to accomplish this is by taking the money Americans are currently paying for health insurance and putting it into these HSAs established by the government. That, ladies and gentlemen, is socialized health care. But the idiotic part of his plan is that he doesn’t want these HSAs to cover catastrophic health care. For those situations he wants people to purchase their own care at what he thinks will be a heavily discounted rate considering the bulk of their health care would be provided via these HSA accounts. So, in other words, he wants Americans to pay money into a government account to cover part of their health care while still having to purchase catastrophic coverage through a private insurance company. That’s just stupid. And his plan does nothing to address those who can’t afford to pay into these accounts. But why even have the gap in coverage? If you’re going to go all-in with a form of socialized health care (which is Ben Carson’s plan) then go all in. Don’t half-ass it by not covering catastrophic occurrences. This is all about semantics. Either the government is raising taxes on Americans to cover socialized medicine (eliminating the need to pay private insurance companies monthly) or you’re creating these HSA’s that people pay into with the money they would normally pay to private insurance companies. Either way, it’s money Americans are handing over to the government to pay for health insurance. That is socialized health care. It’s just that Carson’s plan doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. While covering day-to-day health care needs is great, it’s the catastrophic events in someone’s life that tend to leave millions in mountains of debt. And don’t believe for a moment that these “catastrophic-only” policies would be cheap, either. If there’s one thing insurance companies prove time and time again, it’s that they’re going to get their money and try to screw over their policies holders whenever they can."
Red States Spent $2 Billion Rejecting Medicare Expansion
Red States Spent $2 Billion Rejecting Medicare Expansion
"If there's one thing you can count on from Republicans, it's that their governing principles always include finding new ways to kick poor people in their teeth as they did here: Red States Spent $2 Billion in 2015 to Screw the Poor"
"If there's one thing you can count on from Republicans, it's that their governing principles always include finding new ways to kick poor people in their teeth as they did here: Red States Spent $2 Billion in 2015 to Screw the Poor"
Kentucky Is Obamacare’s Undeniable Success Story. This Man Is Trying To Burn It All Down.
"The nation’s most unlikely Obamacare success story — a state system that has provided more than 500,000 Kentuckians with affordable health insurance — might well be ransacked by a Tea Party candidate named Matt Bevin."
"The nation’s most unlikely Obamacare success story — a state system that has provided more than 500,000 Kentuckians with affordable health insurance — might well be ransacked by a Tea Party candidate named Matt Bevin."
Republican 2016 Candidate To Seniors: I’m Cutting Your Social Security, ‘Get Over It!’
"John Kasich, like the rest of his GOP comrades who live to serve the corporations and the billionaires of America, want to take away that basic dignity and security from Americans who have worked hard all their lives and sever one of our nation’s most sacred social covenants. He is also basing his ideas on the false belief that this program is in trouble and that it won’t be around much longer anyway, so it may as well be cutting now. The “get over it” remark shows just how much disregard this man shows for America’s seniors.
Of course, Kasich is lying; there’s no way the Governor of a state doesn’t know what the numbers are like"
"John Kasich, like the rest of his GOP comrades who live to serve the corporations and the billionaires of America, want to take away that basic dignity and security from Americans who have worked hard all their lives and sever one of our nation’s most sacred social covenants. He is also basing his ideas on the false belief that this program is in trouble and that it won’t be around much longer anyway, so it may as well be cutting now. The “get over it” remark shows just how much disregard this man shows for America’s seniors.
Of course, Kasich is lying; there’s no way the Governor of a state doesn’t know what the numbers are like"
Kasich Tells Social Security Recipients To 'Get Over' Potential Cuts In Benefits
Kasich Tells Social Security Recipients To 'Get Over' Potential Cuts In Benefits
"The reduction in benefits Kasich is referring to is the actuarial projection for how long Social Security can pay 100 percent of promised benefits before running short. No one "has" to get over anything. Congress needs to get up off its butt and fix the cap for Social Security to be more realistic in today's dollars.
Don't be fooled by Kasich's faux populism. He's just like the rest of them, except he's more skilled in how to sell you that sh*t sandwich sitting on the counter."
"The reduction in benefits Kasich is referring to is the actuarial projection for how long Social Security can pay 100 percent of promised benefits before running short. No one "has" to get over anything. Congress needs to get up off its butt and fix the cap for Social Security to be more realistic in today's dollars.
Don't be fooled by Kasich's faux populism. He's just like the rest of them, except he's more skilled in how to sell you that sh*t sandwich sitting on the counter."
Tea Party: We Will Wreck Economy Unless Next Speaker Agrees To Slash Social Security & Medicare
"McCarthy realized that, even if he could get the votes needed without capitulating to demands that will effectively destroy America as we know it, he would still need to deal with the Freedom Caucus. Even someone as extreme as McCarthy realizes that he needs to step up his game on that front if he wants the Freedom Caucus to take him seriously. He needs to be ready to criminalize poverty, institute the death penalty for same-sex marriage, destroy women’s health, defund the public school system, and destroy our infrastructure to even begin to be someone these 40 extremists will deal with. No one wants that responsibility, even someone who is widely considered too stupid to become Speaker"
"McCarthy realized that, even if he could get the votes needed without capitulating to demands that will effectively destroy America as we know it, he would still need to deal with the Freedom Caucus. Even someone as extreme as McCarthy realizes that he needs to step up his game on that front if he wants the Freedom Caucus to take him seriously. He needs to be ready to criminalize poverty, institute the death penalty for same-sex marriage, destroy women’s health, defund the public school system, and destroy our infrastructure to even begin to be someone these 40 extremists will deal with. No one wants that responsibility, even someone who is widely considered too stupid to become Speaker"
Reminder: Paul Ryan is a wild-eyed, right-wing nut. He’s acceptable to the insane caucus because he is one of them
Reminder: Paul Ryan is a wild-eyed, right-wing nut. He’s acceptable to the insane caucus because he is one of them
"Ryan justifies taking food from babies, pills from seniors, and money out of your wallet to give to rich people by simply assuming that if you’re not of the elite, it’s because you’re a lazy, no-good waste of space."
"Ryan justifies taking food from babies, pills from seniors, and money out of your wallet to give to rich people by simply assuming that if you’re not of the elite, it’s because you’re a lazy, no-good waste of space."
Demanding Medicare-for-All, Medical Students Rise Up Nationwide
Demanding Medicare-for-All, Medical Students Rise Up Nationwide
"Taking a stand for the future of their profession and the healthcare needs of the nation, medical students across the U.S. are holding rallies and demonstrations on Thursday demanding the creation of a non-profit, publicly financed, single-payer system—a solution, they say, that is long overdue."
"Taking a stand for the future of their profession and the healthcare needs of the nation, medical students across the U.S. are holding rallies and demonstrations on Thursday demanding the creation of a non-profit, publicly financed, single-payer system—a solution, they say, that is long overdue."
Paul Ryan's Plan To Kill Obamacare By 1000 Cuts
Paul Ryan's Plan To Kill Obamacare By 1000 Cuts
"They do not want people to have health care. They have no intention of doing anything other than rolling back what we've already gained."
"They do not want people to have health care. They have no intention of doing anything other than rolling back what we've already gained."
How Big Pharma Is Price-Gouging You @alternet
How Big Pharma Is Price-Gouging You @alternet
"The United States stands out among wealthy countries in that we give drug companies patent monopolies on drugs that are essential for people’s health or lives and then allows them to charge whatever they want. Every other wealthy country has some system of price controls or negotiated prices where the government limits the extent to which drug companies can exploit the monopoly it has given them. The result is that we pay roughly twice as much for our drugs as the average for other wealthy countries. This additional cost is not associated with better care; we are just paying more for the same drugs."
"The United States stands out among wealthy countries in that we give drug companies patent monopolies on drugs that are essential for people’s health or lives and then allows them to charge whatever they want. Every other wealthy country has some system of price controls or negotiated prices where the government limits the extent to which drug companies can exploit the monopoly it has given them. The result is that we pay roughly twice as much for our drugs as the average for other wealthy countries. This additional cost is not associated with better care; we are just paying more for the same drugs."
Prescription Drug Prices Are Out Of Control. Bernie Sanders Has A Plan.
"The U.S. has some of the highest prescription drug prices and spending in the world, with much higher average yearly spending compared with Europeans or Canadians."
"The U.S. has some of the highest prescription drug prices and spending in the world, with much higher average yearly spending compared with Europeans or Canadians."
Sanders Vows To End Pres. Bush’s ‘Prescription Drug Heist’
"President Bush catered to a billion dollar industry and made sure that elderly Americans on Medicare had no choice but to pay insanely high drug prices; none of the Republican presidential candidates will address this issue, because they don’t care about vulnerable Americans who do not pad their bank accounts."
"President Bush catered to a billion dollar industry and made sure that elderly Americans on Medicare had no choice but to pay insanely high drug prices; none of the Republican presidential candidates will address this issue, because they don’t care about vulnerable Americans who do not pad their bank accounts."
Why the Nation’s Nurses are Supporting Bernie Sanders for President
Why the Nation’s Nurses are Supporting Bernie Sanders for President
"The more than 100,000 people who have jammed into arenas in Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, Madison, and other cities should be a wake up call for anyone still on the sidelines in the critical 2016 election campaign."
"The more than 100,000 people who have jammed into arenas in Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, Madison, and other cities should be a wake up call for anyone still on the sidelines in the critical 2016 election campaign."
Social Security at 80: Defending a Program Which Has Defended All of Us
Social Security at 80: Defending a Program Which Has Defended All of Us
"from the moment of Social Security's enactment onward, ideological opponents, backed by wealthy donors, railed against Social Security. But they were vastly outnumbered. Indeed, President Dwight Eisenhower, in a private letter to his brother, wrote, "There is a tiny splinter group...that believes you can [abolish Social Security.]...Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
The tiny splinter group tried to end Social Security in the 1930s and failed. They tried in the 1940's and failed. The 1950's and failed. The 1960's and again failed. So they changed their tactics. They started asserting that Social Security was a wonderful program but unaffordable and would bankrupt the country, crowding out spending for children and other important national priorities.
Though they have not been successful so far in actually cutting Social Security's cash benefits, they have stripped away an intangible benefit. As Social Security's name suggests, it is intended to provide security, peace of mind that if wages are lost, Social Security will always be there to partly replace those earnings. Eisenhower's small splinter group has effectively convinced too many Americans that Social Security is in danger of disappearing. That successful crusade to undermine confidence in the future has stripped away that peace of mind. But the reality is that it would take an act of Congress to end Social Security.
As the richest country in the world at the wealthiest moment in its history, the United States can afford a greatly expanded Social Security, while also greatly increasing spending on children, infrastructure, and other pressing needs. The issue is one of values and priorities. The choice is ours."
"from the moment of Social Security's enactment onward, ideological opponents, backed by wealthy donors, railed against Social Security. But they were vastly outnumbered. Indeed, President Dwight Eisenhower, in a private letter to his brother, wrote, "There is a tiny splinter group...that believes you can [abolish Social Security.]...Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
The tiny splinter group tried to end Social Security in the 1930s and failed. They tried in the 1940's and failed. The 1950's and failed. The 1960's and again failed. So they changed their tactics. They started asserting that Social Security was a wonderful program but unaffordable and would bankrupt the country, crowding out spending for children and other important national priorities.
Though they have not been successful so far in actually cutting Social Security's cash benefits, they have stripped away an intangible benefit. As Social Security's name suggests, it is intended to provide security, peace of mind that if wages are lost, Social Security will always be there to partly replace those earnings. Eisenhower's small splinter group has effectively convinced too many Americans that Social Security is in danger of disappearing. That successful crusade to undermine confidence in the future has stripped away that peace of mind. But the reality is that it would take an act of Congress to end Social Security.
As the richest country in the world at the wealthiest moment in its history, the United States can afford a greatly expanded Social Security, while also greatly increasing spending on children, infrastructure, and other pressing needs. The issue is one of values and priorities. The choice is ours."
Republicans' big plan for 2017: Privatizing Medicare
"according to the most recent polling on it, done last month by the Kaiser Family Foundation just 26 percent of voters support the idea of vouchers. It's universally hated. Only 31 percent of Republicans support it! And guess who votes? People who love their Medicare the way it is."
"according to the most recent polling on it, done last month by the Kaiser Family Foundation just 26 percent of voters support the idea of vouchers. It's universally hated. Only 31 percent of Republicans support it! And guess who votes? People who love their Medicare the way it is."
80 Years Later, Republicans Are Still Fighting Social Security
80 Years Later, Republicans Are Still Fighting Social Security
"To campaign against Social Security is to court political suicide. (It certainly didn’t help Alf Landon; he was trounced.) It therefore becomes imperative to convince voters instead that the program is unreliable. That’s the Republican strategy.
Elements of the strategy include:
Insist that the program’s $2.8 trillion trust fund isn’t real, that it consists of “only IOUs” – a description that could just as easily be applied to the Treasury bonds held by billionaires and Wall Street banks, or any other legally executed instrument of debt.
Exaggerate minor imbalances between the retirement and disability funds – funds which many experts believe should have been merged long ago – in order to convince voters that one or both of them is “running out of money,” despite its $2.8 trillion size. This gamesmanship extracts a very real human cost.)
Repeatedly describe Social Security as “going broke,” despite its massive cash flow. Exaggerate relatively minor future shortfalls, without mentioning that they could easily be fixed – and benefits expanded – if millionaires and billionaires were willing to pay into the program at the same rates as middle-class Americans.
Starve Social Security’s administrative budget, even though that budget comes out of Social Security funds and not general revenues, just as millions of baby boomers claim retirement benefits for the first time. Use any resulting delays or difficulties to claim that “government isn’t as efficient as the private sector,” despite the fact that Social Security is run much more cost-effectively than any private corporation in the same general line of business.
The Social Security Act was signed on August 14, 1935. Eighty years later, that’s a heck of a way to wish it a happy birthday.
Why do they do it? Part of the objection is clearly ideological. They don’t want to admit that there are some things that government simply does better than the private sector. That helps explain the overheated rhetoric from the Fox set. To that extent, at least, Social Security’s detractors are sincere (if wrongheaded)."
"To campaign against Social Security is to court political suicide. (It certainly didn’t help Alf Landon; he was trounced.) It therefore becomes imperative to convince voters instead that the program is unreliable. That’s the Republican strategy.
Elements of the strategy include:
Insist that the program’s $2.8 trillion trust fund isn’t real, that it consists of “only IOUs” – a description that could just as easily be applied to the Treasury bonds held by billionaires and Wall Street banks, or any other legally executed instrument of debt.
Exaggerate minor imbalances between the retirement and disability funds – funds which many experts believe should have been merged long ago – in order to convince voters that one or both of them is “running out of money,” despite its $2.8 trillion size. This gamesmanship extracts a very real human cost.)
Repeatedly describe Social Security as “going broke,” despite its massive cash flow. Exaggerate relatively minor future shortfalls, without mentioning that they could easily be fixed – and benefits expanded – if millionaires and billionaires were willing to pay into the program at the same rates as middle-class Americans.
Starve Social Security’s administrative budget, even though that budget comes out of Social Security funds and not general revenues, just as millions of baby boomers claim retirement benefits for the first time. Use any resulting delays or difficulties to claim that “government isn’t as efficient as the private sector,” despite the fact that Social Security is run much more cost-effectively than any private corporation in the same general line of business.
The Social Security Act was signed on August 14, 1935. Eighty years later, that’s a heck of a way to wish it a happy birthday.
Why do they do it? Part of the objection is clearly ideological. They don’t want to admit that there are some things that government simply does better than the private sector. That helps explain the overheated rhetoric from the Fox set. To that extent, at least, Social Security’s detractors are sincere (if wrongheaded)."
Social Security Still Strong at 80
Social Security Still Strong at 80
"Despite such a strong record, Social Security is under attack from profiteers and their political allies who claim it will not be around when people retire and is in need of drastic reform. A myth, says the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) since “Social Security is fully funded through 2033. Even if nothing is done to shore up the system, Social Security can continue to pay three-fourths of promised benefits after the trust fund runs out. Though this would be far from ideal, it’s certainly no reason to preemptively cut benefits.” A decrease in Social Security benefits would leave over half of elderly Americans in poverty, hitting African Americans, Latinos and women the hardest.
Because Social Security is such a large public sector program, with almost $3 trillion in reserves, Wall Street has long wanted to get its hands on it. Various proposals to privatize or partially privatize the program would allow investment firms to run up fees for every transaction, profiting off of retirees and making the program vulnerable to economic crashes."
"Despite such a strong record, Social Security is under attack from profiteers and their political allies who claim it will not be around when people retire and is in need of drastic reform. A myth, says the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) since “Social Security is fully funded through 2033. Even if nothing is done to shore up the system, Social Security can continue to pay three-fourths of promised benefits after the trust fund runs out. Though this would be far from ideal, it’s certainly no reason to preemptively cut benefits.” A decrease in Social Security benefits would leave over half of elderly Americans in poverty, hitting African Americans, Latinos and women the hardest.
Because Social Security is such a large public sector program, with almost $3 trillion in reserves, Wall Street has long wanted to get its hands on it. Various proposals to privatize or partially privatize the program would allow investment firms to run up fees for every transaction, profiting off of retirees and making the program vulnerable to economic crashes."
Game of Groans: How focus on Trump Taunts Hides GOP War on Middle Class, Workers
Game of Groans: How focus on Trump Taunts Hides GOP War on Middle Class, Workers
"Last Thursday we had 10 rich white males on a debate stage seeking to represent the billionaire class (some 536 individuals in US, who have more wealth than the bottom half of the US population).
US billionaires are getting richer at a time when wages for working and middle class people have not kept pace with increases in productivity. Working and middle class Americans, unlike the stock market (80% of which is owned by the top 20% of the population), have never recovered from the bust of 2008. And no, it was not caused by ordinary people trying to live above their means. It was caused by bankers who were venal and corrupt and stole enormous sums from the public.
So what did the would-be representatives of the super-wealthy want? They wanted to take away health care from tens of millions of Americans. Why would you want to do that? Having to contribute to health care for the US public is an inconvenience to the business classes, many of whom don’t want Obamacare.
They want to take away your medicaid and social security. Again, this step is in the interest of the super-wealthy who don’t want the government to run such large entitlement programs for fear that Washington will end up taxing them for the operation. (In fact, social security would be healthier if the wealthy had to pay into it according to full income; at the moment, there is a cut-off for payments, which saves the billionaires a lot of money.)
So folks this is an amazing tableau. We had 10 persons up there who openly announce that they want to ruin the lives of the majority of Americans."
"Last Thursday we had 10 rich white males on a debate stage seeking to represent the billionaire class (some 536 individuals in US, who have more wealth than the bottom half of the US population).
US billionaires are getting richer at a time when wages for working and middle class people have not kept pace with increases in productivity. Working and middle class Americans, unlike the stock market (80% of which is owned by the top 20% of the population), have never recovered from the bust of 2008. And no, it was not caused by ordinary people trying to live above their means. It was caused by bankers who were venal and corrupt and stole enormous sums from the public.
So what did the would-be representatives of the super-wealthy want? They wanted to take away health care from tens of millions of Americans. Why would you want to do that? Having to contribute to health care for the US public is an inconvenience to the business classes, many of whom don’t want Obamacare.
They want to take away your medicaid and social security. Again, this step is in the interest of the super-wealthy who don’t want the government to run such large entitlement programs for fear that Washington will end up taxing them for the operation. (In fact, social security would be healthier if the wealthy had to pay into it according to full income; at the moment, there is a cut-off for payments, which saves the billionaires a lot of money.)
So folks this is an amazing tableau. We had 10 persons up there who openly announce that they want to ruin the lives of the majority of Americans."
The Proof That Obamacare Is Working Is Getting Really Hard To Ignore
"the states that embraced Obamacare have seen the largest drops in the number of residents going without health care."
"the states that embraced Obamacare have seen the largest drops in the number of residents going without health care."
Championing a 'President for All People,' Nurses Back Bernie
Championing a 'President for All People,' Nurses Back Bernie
"Championing "a president for all people," the National Nurses Union on Monday announced that it is throwing the full weight of its 185,000-member organization behind Senator Bernie Sanders in his bid for president."
"Championing "a president for all people," the National Nurses Union on Monday announced that it is throwing the full weight of its 185,000-member organization behind Senator Bernie Sanders in his bid for president."
Most 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates Would Push Seniors Into Poverty By Cutting Social Security @alternet
Most 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates Would Push Seniors Into Poverty By Cutting Social Security @alternet
"It sounds like everyone but Huckabee and Trump are taking their Social Security advice from their billionaire donors."
"It sounds like everyone but Huckabee and Trump are taking their Social Security advice from their billionaire donors."
American Medical Association: Obamacare Is A HUGE Success, GOP Is Wrong
"The Journal of the American Medical Association has just released a report declaring the Affordable Care Act a rousing success, especially for minorities without healthcare."
"The Journal of the American Medical Association has just released a report declaring the Affordable Care Act a rousing success, especially for minorities without healthcare."
50 Years Later, Medicare And Medicaid Are A Smashing Success
"50 years after their creation, Medicaid and Medicare are very popular programs, ranked by Americans as the most important in the country."
"50 years after their creation, Medicaid and Medicare are very popular programs, ranked by Americans as the most important in the country."
Bernie Sanders: We Need Medicare for All, Not Cutbacks That Will Kill Our Seniors @alternet
Bernie Sanders: We Need Medicare for All, Not Cutbacks That Will Kill Our Seniors @alternet
"The coalition of nurses and other health care professionals have organized a day of actions including lobbying legislators in Washington to encourage expanding Medicare for all. Other cities including Boston, Detroit, El Paso, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Oakland, Portland, Maine, St. Paul, and Lakewood, Ohio will be holding rallies, town hall meetings, parties, picnics and barbecues where nurses and other health care workers can celebrate the success of Medicare and talk about ways to expand the program to cover more people."
"The coalition of nurses and other health care professionals have organized a day of actions including lobbying legislators in Washington to encourage expanding Medicare for all. Other cities including Boston, Detroit, El Paso, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Oakland, Portland, Maine, St. Paul, and Lakewood, Ohio will be holding rallies, town hall meetings, parties, picnics and barbecues where nurses and other health care workers can celebrate the success of Medicare and talk about ways to expand the program to cover more people."
Happy 50th birthday, Medicare!
"Turning Medicare into a voucher program is basically ending it. Republicans know that, the American people know that, which is why the proposal is hugely unpopular."
"Turning Medicare into a voucher program is basically ending it. Republicans know that, the American people know that, which is why the proposal is hugely unpopular."
This Map Shows Where People Are More Likely To Die Young–Sorry, Republicans (IMAGES)
"According to the National Institute of Health, if the universe re-purposes your energy before age 75, you have died prematurely. If you have died prematurely, chances of you having lived in a red state are much higher than if you had lived where people rely less on religion and more on science.
Science, which is frowned upon through most of the south and in the more rural states, assists people who believe in it with information about things like preventable deaths from heart disease, cancer, stroke and more.
Red states, particularly in the South, have a much higher rate of premature death than the progressive states of the Northeast, the heavily unionized states of the midwest and the exceedingly liberal “left coast” of California. According to the CDC, a massive portion of the premature death in the South would be preventable with adequate education, health care and personal responsibility.
Oh, the irony."
"According to the National Institute of Health, if the universe re-purposes your energy before age 75, you have died prematurely. If you have died prematurely, chances of you having lived in a red state are much higher than if you had lived where people rely less on religion and more on science.
Science, which is frowned upon through most of the south and in the more rural states, assists people who believe in it with information about things like preventable deaths from heart disease, cancer, stroke and more.
Red states, particularly in the South, have a much higher rate of premature death than the progressive states of the Northeast, the heavily unionized states of the midwest and the exceedingly liberal “left coast” of California. According to the CDC, a massive portion of the premature death in the South would be preventable with adequate education, health care and personal responsibility.
Oh, the irony."
The Koch Brothers & Rubio Launch Plot To Wreck & Privatize Vets’ Healthcare
"Behind the movement to pass these bills is a group called Concerned Veterans of America (CVA), who are funded by- you guessed it- Charles and David Koch, America’s oligarchs. While pretending to represent veterans interests, they in fact are just another part of the Kochtopus, the network of groups like Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the American Legislative Council (ALEC) or the other seventy-plus groups that are worming their devious tentacles into American politics."
"Behind the movement to pass these bills is a group called Concerned Veterans of America (CVA), who are funded by- you guessed it- Charles and David Koch, America’s oligarchs. While pretending to represent veterans interests, they in fact are just another part of the Kochtopus, the network of groups like Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the American Legislative Council (ALEC) or the other seventy-plus groups that are worming their devious tentacles into American politics."
Obamacare, more health insurance and more health care
"Obamacare improved key health-care measurements for millions of Americans, reversing a troubling trend, a new study strongly suggests. The study found marked gains in the number of people with insurance—as other research has repeatedly confirmed—as well as improved access to doctors and medications, affordable health care and good health status after implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
But the research published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association also noted that the the gains in health coverage and access to care for low-income adults were particularly striking in states that expanded their Medicaid programs under the ACA to include more poor people."
"Obamacare improved key health-care measurements for millions of Americans, reversing a troubling trend, a new study strongly suggests. The study found marked gains in the number of people with insurance—as other research has repeatedly confirmed—as well as improved access to doctors and medications, affordable health care and good health status after implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
But the research published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association also noted that the the gains in health coverage and access to care for low-income adults were particularly striking in states that expanded their Medicaid programs under the ACA to include more poor people."
Paul Krugman Decimates Jeb Bush's Medicare Delusion @alternet
Paul Krugman Decimates Jeb Bush's Medicare Delusion @alternet
"Jeb Bush's declaration that he wants to "figure out a way to phase out" Medicare last week—and his campaign's immediate lame back-pedaling— came as no big surprise to Paul Krugman."
"Jeb Bush's declaration that he wants to "figure out a way to phase out" Medicare last week—and his campaign's immediate lame back-pedaling— came as no big surprise to Paul Krugman."
10 Brutal Ways the American Safety Net Is Being Shredded @alternet
10 Brutal Ways the American Safety Net Is Being Shredded @alternet
"Republicans have been going after social security with a vengeance. The privatization of social security was proposed by President George W. Bush in 2004, and far-right Republicans, the Tea Party and wingnut lobbying groups like the Club for Growth have been doubling down on the idea of privatizing social security. GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush called for social security privatization at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire in June, and he also favors raising the social security retirement age to 69 or 70, which would be especially bad for blue-collar workers who have spent decades in physically demanding jobs."
"Republicans have been going after social security with a vengeance. The privatization of social security was proposed by President George W. Bush in 2004, and far-right Republicans, the Tea Party and wingnut lobbying groups like the Club for Growth have been doubling down on the idea of privatizing social security. GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush called for social security privatization at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire in June, and he also favors raising the social security retirement age to 69 or 70, which would be especially bad for blue-collar workers who have spent decades in physically demanding jobs."
Jeb Bush Quietly Suggests ‘Phasing Out’ Medicare
"Bush was speaking at event sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing group backed by the billionaire Koch Brothers that has doggedly advocated against fully implementing the Affordable Care Act.
In his comments, Bush referenced Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) politically contentious plan to radically restructure the Medicare program — which independent analysts predicted would more than double health costs for the average 65-year-old"
"Bush was speaking at event sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing group backed by the billionaire Koch Brothers that has doggedly advocated against fully implementing the Affordable Care Act.
In his comments, Bush referenced Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) politically contentious plan to radically restructure the Medicare program — which independent analysts predicted would more than double health costs for the average 65-year-old"
Democrats win as Social Security cuts removed from Senate highway bill
"Two provisions to cut Social Security benefits in the proposed highway bill caused Democrats in both the Senate and House to revolt. Democrats have succeeded in getting both of those provisions removed, but now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is facing a serious challenge in getting the bill past his own party, in both chambers of Congress."
"Two provisions to cut Social Security benefits in the proposed highway bill caused Democrats in both the Senate and House to revolt. Democrats have succeeded in getting both of those provisions removed, but now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is facing a serious challenge in getting the bill past his own party, in both chambers of Congress."
We Need To Phase Out Medicare, Says Jeb Bush at Koch Brothers Sponsored Event
"what passes as a winning argument in a room full of Koch brothers’ GOP lackeys and what passes as a winning argument with the American people are two very different things."
"what passes as a winning argument in a room full of Koch brothers’ GOP lackeys and what passes as a winning argument with the American people are two very different things."
Elizabeth Warren humiliates executive invited by Senate Republicans to defend opposition to financial regulations
Elizabeth Warren humiliates executive invited by Senate Republicans to defend opposition to financial regulations
"He never directly answered her very direct question, even though she asked a version of it three times."
"He never directly answered her very direct question, even though she asked a version of it three times."
Watch: Warren Rips A Finance Crook For Stealing Billions From Retiring Workers
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) shames and embarrasses the president of Primerica, Peter Schneider, for the predatory and exploitative practices his company uses to pillage the retirement funds of thousands of American seniors."
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) shames and embarrasses the president of Primerica, Peter Schneider, for the predatory and exploitative practices his company uses to pillage the retirement funds of thousands of American seniors."
Social Security Has Enough Money To Expand Benefits Now, Trustee's Report Shows @alternet
Social Security Has Enough Money To Expand Benefits Now, Trustee's Report Shows @alternet
"Social Security is projected to run a surplus again this year. And next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. These annual surpluses simply add to its large and growing accumulated surplus.
Over the next 5 years, Social Security has sufficient funds to pay every penny of benefits and every penny of associated administrative costs. That is true for the next 10 years. And also the next 15 years. Over the next 25 years, Social Security is projecting a modest shortfall of just .51 percent of GDP. Over the next 50 years, the projection is just 0.8 of GDP. And over the next 75 years, the shortfall is projected to be just 0.96 percent of GDP. Let's put those percentages in perspective. Military spending after the 9/11 terrorist attack increased 1.1 percent, of GDP. Spending on public education nationwide went up 2.8 percent of GDP between 1950 and 1975, when the baby boom generation showed up as school children.
The fact is that, as the richest nation in the world at the richest point in our history, not only can we afford the current levels of Social Security protections, we can afford to greatly expand Social Security."
"Social Security is projected to run a surplus again this year. And next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. These annual surpluses simply add to its large and growing accumulated surplus.
Over the next 5 years, Social Security has sufficient funds to pay every penny of benefits and every penny of associated administrative costs. That is true for the next 10 years. And also the next 15 years. Over the next 25 years, Social Security is projecting a modest shortfall of just .51 percent of GDP. Over the next 50 years, the projection is just 0.8 of GDP. And over the next 75 years, the shortfall is projected to be just 0.96 percent of GDP. Let's put those percentages in perspective. Military spending after the 9/11 terrorist attack increased 1.1 percent, of GDP. Spending on public education nationwide went up 2.8 percent of GDP between 1950 and 1975, when the baby boom generation showed up as school children.
The fact is that, as the richest nation in the world at the richest point in our history, not only can we afford the current levels of Social Security protections, we can afford to greatly expand Social Security."
Candidates Push For Support At Iowa Hall Of Fame Dinner
Candidates Push For Support At Iowa Hall Of Fame Dinner
"You could watch all four Democratic candidates fire up the faithful at this Iowa dinner Friday night. If you've never heard them speak, here's your chance."
"You could watch all four Democratic candidates fire up the faithful at this Iowa dinner Friday night. If you've never heard them speak, here's your chance."
Red States 'Feel The Bern' as Populist Message Resonates
Red States 'Feel The Bern' as Populist Message Resonates
"In Arizona and Texas, massive crowds—including his biggest one yet—showed up to see Sanders speak on economic and inequality issues."
"In Arizona and Texas, massive crowds—including his biggest one yet—showed up to see Sanders speak on economic and inequality issues."
Bernie Sanders Takes His Populism to the Red States and Draws Huge Crowd @alternet
Bernie Sanders Takes His Populism to the Red States and Draws Huge Crowd @alternet
"Sanders' speech in Phoenix on Saturday night brought together an estimated eleven to twelve thousand people – one of the largest political rallies in the city's history"
"Sanders' speech in Phoenix on Saturday night brought together an estimated eleven to twelve thousand people – one of the largest political rallies in the city's history"
Republicans Want To Take Money From The Elderly And Injured To Pay For Roads
"as far as Republicans are concerned, retirees and the injured can go live and die in the street before they would take one extra penny from the rich."
"as far as Republicans are concerned, retirees and the injured can go live and die in the street before they would take one extra penny from the rich."
Hurtful Lindsey Graham Proposal Targets Military Retirees
"Conservatives love starting wars, but they have never cared about supporting the troops – all the way back to turning down Gen. George Washington’s request for food and blankets for his winter encampment at Valley Forge. Most recently, Republicans came under attack from veterans groups this March for killing a bill that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans.
Never one to sit on the sidelines, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is jumping in with both feet this week, saying military retirees will eventually have to pay more for their health care."
"Conservatives love starting wars, but they have never cared about supporting the troops – all the way back to turning down Gen. George Washington’s request for food and blankets for his winter encampment at Valley Forge. Most recently, Republicans came under attack from veterans groups this March for killing a bill that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans.
Never one to sit on the sidelines, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is jumping in with both feet this week, saying military retirees will eventually have to pay more for their health care."
Undeterred, Boehner Presses Forward With ACA Lawsuit Against Administration
Undeterred, Boehner Presses Forward With ACA Lawsuit Against Administration
"It will never end until we make them stop. Time to de-fund the billionaires behind the Murray litigation brigade."
"It will never end until we make them stop. Time to de-fund the billionaires behind the Murray litigation brigade."
Yet Again, A Scalia Dissent Is Used Against Him
"Justice Antonin Scalia strongly objected to Thursday's Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, so it was amusing to see Chief Justice John Roberts use Scalia's own dissent in the last major Obamacare case against him."
"Justice Antonin Scalia strongly objected to Thursday's Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, so it was amusing to see Chief Justice John Roberts use Scalia's own dissent in the last major Obamacare case against him."
ACA Ruling Safeguards Subsidies No Matter Who Occupies The White House
ACA Ruling Safeguards Subsidies No Matter Who Occupies The White House
"There is certainly plenty of Republican angst today over the decision, but they should all be thanking the Chief Justice for hauling their butts out of the political fire. Had it gone the other way, they would have been forced to admit they had no plan now or ever for how to deal with dead citizens' blood on their hands."
"There is certainly plenty of Republican angst today over the decision, but they should all be thanking the Chief Justice for hauling their butts out of the political fire. Had it gone the other way, they would have been forced to admit they had no plan now or ever for how to deal with dead citizens' blood on their hands."
The Supreme Court’s Obamacare Decision Is The Biggest Possible Win For The Obama Administration
"The attorneys and activists behind this lawsuit came to the Court hoping to gut Obamacare; instead, they placed it on the strongest possible legal footing."
"The attorneys and activists behind this lawsuit came to the Court hoping to gut Obamacare; instead, they placed it on the strongest possible legal footing."
Obamacare Keeps Working As Uninsured Rate Keeps Dropping
"The CDC’s survey results confirm what other surveys have also verified. Obamacare has reduced the uninsured rate in America significantly."
"The CDC’s survey results confirm what other surveys have also verified. Obamacare has reduced the uninsured rate in America significantly."
The right’s tortured Obamacare arguments get a Supreme Court smackdown: Inside the demise of the “Moops” doctrine
The right’s tortured Obamacare arguments get a Supreme Court smackdown: Inside the demise of the “Moops” doctrine
"For Republicans, the reaction should be one of complete and utter relief. They’ll complain and moan to keep up appearances with the conservative activists and to remain consistent with their full-throated, bad-faith support for the King plaintiffs, but this is a boon for the GOP. If the court had ruled in the other direction, Republicans in Congress would be in the position of having to move and move quickly to do something to mitigate the damage. They would have had to find unity of purpose within their own ranks to move forward on healthcare policy. That’s something they’ve tried and failed to do for over half a decade now, and there was little reason to believe that they were on the cusp of getting their act together. The stage was set for vicious intra-party fight that would have, in all likelihood, left congressional Republicans in their all-too-familiar position of deadlocked incompetence."
"For Republicans, the reaction should be one of complete and utter relief. They’ll complain and moan to keep up appearances with the conservative activists and to remain consistent with their full-throated, bad-faith support for the King plaintiffs, but this is a boon for the GOP. If the court had ruled in the other direction, Republicans in Congress would be in the position of having to move and move quickly to do something to mitigate the damage. They would have had to find unity of purpose within their own ranks to move forward on healthcare policy. That’s something they’ve tried and failed to do for over half a decade now, and there was little reason to believe that they were on the cusp of getting their act together. The stage was set for vicious intra-party fight that would have, in all likelihood, left congressional Republicans in their all-too-familiar position of deadlocked incompetence."
Supreme Court Saves Republicans From Themselves by Upholding the Affordable Care Act
"This time, even if Republicans don’t recognize it, the Supreme Court rescued them from the political fallout that would have came had millions their constituents gotten a notice informing them they no longer had health insurance. Some of their constituents might have even figured out that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are the same things."
"This time, even if Republicans don’t recognize it, the Supreme Court rescued them from the political fallout that would have came had millions their constituents gotten a notice informing them they no longer had health insurance. Some of their constituents might have even figured out that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are the same things."
BREAKING: Supreme Court Will Not Take Away Health Care From Millions Of Americans
"By a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court decided on Thursday to avoid a major disruption to the insurance market by leaving in place the Affordable Care Act’s current tax subsidies."
"By a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court decided on Thursday to avoid a major disruption to the insurance market by leaving in place the Affordable Care Act’s current tax subsidies."
PERRspectives: CBO Once Again Tells GOP Obamacare Repeal Will Increase National Debt
PERRspectives: CBO Once Again Tells GOP Obamacare Repeal Will Increase National Debt
"Now with the Republicans in control of both houses of Congress and their man Keith Hall installed as its director, CBO has once told GOP leaders what they don't want to hear. On the eve of the Supreme Court's monumental ruling in King v. Burwell, CBO has again announced that the repeal of Obamacare will cost Uncle Sam hundreds of billions of dollars."
"Now with the Republicans in control of both houses of Congress and their man Keith Hall installed as its director, CBO has once told GOP leaders what they don't want to hear. On the eve of the Supreme Court's monumental ruling in King v. Burwell, CBO has again announced that the repeal of Obamacare will cost Uncle Sam hundreds of billions of dollars."
GOP Forced To Admit Repealing Obamacare Would Blow Up The Deficit Like A Bad Bush War
"It means that no matter how the GOP tries to spin it, the Affordable Care Act is working. Repealing it would not only deprive an estimated 17 million people of quality health care, it would send the economy into a tailspin."
"It means that no matter how the GOP tries to spin it, the Affordable Care Act is working. Repealing it would not only deprive an estimated 17 million people of quality health care, it would send the economy into a tailspin."
Jeb!: 'My brother tried on Social Security'
"Just to refresh everyone's memories on W's efforts on Social Security: In his 2005 State of the Union Address, Bush laid out his plan for diverting retirement savings from Social Security payroll taxes into private investments. Which truly did go over like a mashed potato sandwich with the public and members of Congress (except for Rep. Paul Ryan, who loved it so much he sponsored the legislation to do it). That would, of course, eventually bankrupt the program as less and less payroll tax money came in. And that was and always has been the ultimate goal of Republicans.
As American Bridge details Jeb! was there every step of the way with his brother. Now he's running to finish the job."
"Just to refresh everyone's memories on W's efforts on Social Security: In his 2005 State of the Union Address, Bush laid out his plan for diverting retirement savings from Social Security payroll taxes into private investments. Which truly did go over like a mashed potato sandwich with the public and members of Congress (except for Rep. Paul Ryan, who loved it so much he sponsored the legislation to do it). That would, of course, eventually bankrupt the program as less and less payroll tax money came in. And that was and always has been the ultimate goal of Republicans.
As American Bridge details Jeb! was there every step of the way with his brother. Now he's running to finish the job."
Republicans’ raging civil war: GOP can’t decide how best to take away your healthcare
Republicans’ raging civil war: GOP can’t decide how best to take away your healthcare
"Republican politicians are in the awkward position of rooting for the subsidies to be killed but also seeking to avoid the blowback that would come from effectively kicking millions of people off their insurance."
"Republican politicians are in the awkward position of rooting for the subsidies to be killed but also seeking to avoid the blowback that would come from effectively kicking millions of people off their insurance."
Supreme Court ruling against Obamacare could cause economic shockwaves
"The hospital sector alone gained more than 100,000 jobs in the last year. The repercussions of what more than six million people losing health insurance will be big. Very big. The repercussions of what Republicans would do in response would be even worse."
"The hospital sector alone gained more than 100,000 jobs in the last year. The repercussions of what more than six million people losing health insurance will be big. Very big. The repercussions of what Republicans would do in response would be even worse."
The Manipulative Way Obamacare Opponents Made Their Lawsuit Look Legitimate
"A leading Republican attorney made a surprising admission at a legal conference this weekend, revealing a key element of the strategy he and many of his fellow Republican lawyers have used in order to lend credibility to lawsuits challenging Obama administration policies. The law’s supporters have long suspected the lawyers who challenged the Affordable Care Act of intentionally maneuvering to bring the case before a very conservative judge who was inclined to support their agenda. One of those lawyers helped feed those suspicions last Friday."
"A leading Republican attorney made a surprising admission at a legal conference this weekend, revealing a key element of the strategy he and many of his fellow Republican lawyers have used in order to lend credibility to lawsuits challenging Obama administration policies. The law’s supporters have long suspected the lawyers who challenged the Affordable Care Act of intentionally maneuvering to bring the case before a very conservative judge who was inclined to support their agenda. One of those lawyers helped feed those suspicions last Friday."
Infographic: How Many Women Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act?
"This infographic is a compilation of data from multiple sources to highlight how women are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act."
"This infographic is a compilation of data from multiple sources to highlight how women are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act."
Survey: Uninsured rate nears single digits for first time
"All the surveys conclude, though, that Obamacare has quickly succeeded in dramatically reducing the uninsured rate to the lowest levels on record. That's a well-documented success that only the most craven Republicans can deny, which they will because they are Republicans. But that denial is setting them up for some serious hurt if the Supreme Court rules their way in a few weeks and strips premium subsidies away from millions of people. Because, despite all their assurances that they've got a secret plan ready to go, it's obvious that their only plan right now is praying that the Supreme Court doesn't hand this mess to them. Because they got nothin'."
"All the surveys conclude, though, that Obamacare has quickly succeeded in dramatically reducing the uninsured rate to the lowest levels on record. That's a well-documented success that only the most craven Republicans can deny, which they will because they are Republicans. But that denial is setting them up for some serious hurt if the Supreme Court rules their way in a few weeks and strips premium subsidies away from millions of people. Because, despite all their assurances that they've got a secret plan ready to go, it's obvious that their only plan right now is praying that the Supreme Court doesn't hand this mess to them. Because they got nothin'."
Paul Ryan’s Disastrous Obamacare Interview Shows Republican Ideology is Officially Bankrupt
"Ryan’s inability to put forward literally anything that resembles a serious plan for the country’s health care system is indicative of a much wider problem the GOP will have to grapple with if it wants a shot in 2016. The truth is, the Republicans don’t actually have any serious ideas about anything. When your entire political philosophy has been built on the premise that free markets solve everything, you’ve pretty much absolved yourself of having to think about anything ever again. Sure, you can criticize those in power actually engaging in policy, pointing out problems, inconsistencies etc, etc, but you never have to offer anything up yourself. This works well in opposition, but tends to fall apart when applied – as did the country when free market militants took over from 2000-2008.
While impossible to predict the nature of the 2016 Presidential election, we can be sure it won’t be a battle of ideas. Because one side categorically doesn’t have any."
"Ryan’s inability to put forward literally anything that resembles a serious plan for the country’s health care system is indicative of a much wider problem the GOP will have to grapple with if it wants a shot in 2016. The truth is, the Republicans don’t actually have any serious ideas about anything. When your entire political philosophy has been built on the premise that free markets solve everything, you’ve pretty much absolved yourself of having to think about anything ever again. Sure, you can criticize those in power actually engaging in policy, pointing out problems, inconsistencies etc, etc, but you never have to offer anything up yourself. This works well in opposition, but tends to fall apart when applied – as did the country when free market militants took over from 2000-2008.
While impossible to predict the nature of the 2016 Presidential election, we can be sure it won’t be a battle of ideas. Because one side categorically doesn’t have any."
Watch: Chris Hayes Beats Down Ex-Senator's ACA Lies With Facts
Watch: Chris Hayes Beats Down Ex-Senator's ACA Lies With Facts
"Former Senator and Governor Judd Gregg was the guest. The topic was the Affordable Care Act, and Judd Gregg was serving up the usual nonsensical talking points in a particularly vitriolic way. From his claim that the ACA was a mess that helped no one, to his mockery of Hayes' claim that the ACA has gotten health coverage to millions, Gregg was mean, nasty, and rude.
Hayes was having none of it, and he used that good old fashioned fallback to debunk Gregg: Facts, with a touch of math for good measure.
Gregg scoffed at Hayes' use of the word "plummeted" to describe the uninsured rate in this country. But in fact, it has plummeted.
I was taken aback by the nastiness and disrespect Gregg showed Chris Hayes, but Hayes persisted in simply using facts and math to contradict his claims.
Watch it, because a transcript won't do it justice.
Aside to Chris Hayes: This is one that your colleagues (particularly Chuck Todd), should study to understand how to use facts to stop these talking points dead in their tracks. It's what we expect from our so-called liberal media, and you delivered.
The other thing you'll notice is that Gregg never answered the question."
"Former Senator and Governor Judd Gregg was the guest. The topic was the Affordable Care Act, and Judd Gregg was serving up the usual nonsensical talking points in a particularly vitriolic way. From his claim that the ACA was a mess that helped no one, to his mockery of Hayes' claim that the ACA has gotten health coverage to millions, Gregg was mean, nasty, and rude.
Hayes was having none of it, and he used that good old fashioned fallback to debunk Gregg: Facts, with a touch of math for good measure.
Gregg scoffed at Hayes' use of the word "plummeted" to describe the uninsured rate in this country. But in fact, it has plummeted.
I was taken aback by the nastiness and disrespect Gregg showed Chris Hayes, but Hayes persisted in simply using facts and math to contradict his claims.
Watch it, because a transcript won't do it justice.
Aside to Chris Hayes: This is one that your colleagues (particularly Chuck Todd), should study to understand how to use facts to stop these talking points dead in their tracks. It's what we expect from our so-called liberal media, and you delivered.
The other thing you'll notice is that Gregg never answered the question."
After Denying Health Insurance To 800k Poor, Florida Lawmakers Want To Reward Themselves With Cheap Insurance
After Denying Health Insurance To 800k Poor, Florida Lawmakers Want To Reward Themselves With Cheap Insurance
"It’s no wonder Scott has done just about everything he can to disenfranchise voters who tend to vote for Democrats in the state to ensure Republicans keep as much power as possible. Though it still blows my mind the people of Florida elected this crook to a second term. It’s not just that he’s sleazy, he’s flat-out incompetent as well. But if you’ve ever wanted a clear-cut example of what politicians really think of poor people, look no further than this. It’s pathetic that after years of denying nearly 1 million poor Floridians access to health insurance, many state lawmakers would approve ridiculously low premiums for themselves."
"It’s no wonder Scott has done just about everything he can to disenfranchise voters who tend to vote for Democrats in the state to ensure Republicans keep as much power as possible. Though it still blows my mind the people of Florida elected this crook to a second term. It’s not just that he’s sleazy, he’s flat-out incompetent as well. But if you’ve ever wanted a clear-cut example of what politicians really think of poor people, look no further than this. It’s pathetic that after years of denying nearly 1 million poor Floridians access to health insurance, many state lawmakers would approve ridiculously low premiums for themselves."
Florida House rejects Medicaid expansion again, but passes sweet insurance deal for themselves
"How low? Really low, as in "$8.34 a month for individual coverage and $30 a month for family coverage." That's for the high-level state employees, like Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi, legislative staff and various management level state employees."
"How low? Really low, as in "$8.34 a month for individual coverage and $30 a month for family coverage." That's for the high-level state employees, like Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi, legislative staff and various management level state employees."
Killing Medicare on back burner as Paul Ryan pushes 'tax reform'
"A key problem Republicans face with any new Paul Ryan plan is that voters know a little too much about the last Paul Ryan plan, and don't like what they know. Sure, this time it will include big promises of tax cuts (bigger for rich people than for you, but Republicans will have a talking point to obscure that), but you can confidently expect Democrats to remind voters—correctly!—that this is a plan coming from a guy whose end game is privatizing Medicare and Social Security."
"A key problem Republicans face with any new Paul Ryan plan is that voters know a little too much about the last Paul Ryan plan, and don't like what they know. Sure, this time it will include big promises of tax cuts (bigger for rich people than for you, but Republicans will have a talking point to obscure that), but you can confidently expect Democrats to remind voters—correctly!—that this is a plan coming from a guy whose end game is privatizing Medicare and Social Security."
Watch: Paul Ryan’s Obamacare Hypocrisy Gets DESTROYED In Two Minutes
"The Republican House has made it their number one priority to deny healthcare to millions of Americans"
"The Republican House has made it their number one priority to deny healthcare to millions of Americans"
The high price of being uninsured in for-profit America
"Most of these hospitals are in red states that didn't take Medicaid expansion and where subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare are jeopardized by the lawsuit the Supreme Court will decide by the end of the month. Which means that a lot of these hospitals are in states that already still have high uninsured rates. Rates that will increase if the Supreme Court rules against the administration and the Republican Congress refuses to act. But hey, that's just more profit to Community Health Systems, which operates 25 of the hospitals on the list, and Hospital Corporation of America, which has 14 of the others. Republicans will say that's just how it works in the world's greatest healthcare system."
"Most of these hospitals are in red states that didn't take Medicaid expansion and where subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare are jeopardized by the lawsuit the Supreme Court will decide by the end of the month. Which means that a lot of these hospitals are in states that already still have high uninsured rates. Rates that will increase if the Supreme Court rules against the administration and the Republican Congress refuses to act. But hey, that's just more profit to Community Health Systems, which operates 25 of the hospitals on the list, and Hospital Corporation of America, which has 14 of the others. Republicans will say that's just how it works in the world's greatest healthcare system."
Unease growing in red states over Supreme Court Obamacare decision
"Gwinnett County, Georgia, is one of those places in deep-red America where there's a growing sense of doom about what the Supreme Court might do in a few weeks to Obamacare, when it decides King v. Burwell. About one in eight residents of the county gets insurance through Obamacare. They got that insurance on the federal exchange, because the state's Republican leadership refused to establish one for the state."
"Gwinnett County, Georgia, is one of those places in deep-red America where there's a growing sense of doom about what the Supreme Court might do in a few weeks to Obamacare, when it decides King v. Burwell. About one in eight residents of the county gets insurance through Obamacare. They got that insurance on the federal exchange, because the state's Republican leadership refused to establish one for the state."
Montana Republican Uses the Story of Noah’s Ark to Justify Why Americans Don’t Need Social Security
Montana Republican Uses the Story of Noah’s Ark to Justify Why Americans Don’t Need Social Security
"Once upon a time these sort of wackos could easily be ignored because nobody was really paying attention to them, let alone electing them to public office. But since the rise of the tea party, these crazy people now have a voice."
"Once upon a time these sort of wackos could easily be ignored because nobody was really paying attention to them, let alone electing them to public office. But since the rise of the tea party, these crazy people now have a voice."
Billionaire Republican to Montana: Old people should be more like Noah and build arks until they die
"A billionaire claiming the "concept of retirement is not biblical"? What could possibly go wrong?"
"A billionaire claiming the "concept of retirement is not biblical"? What could possibly go wrong?"
Budget Cuts In Illinois Could Leave Hundreds Of Thousands Without Kidney Dialysis
"If Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s proposal to cut Medicaid dollars comes to fruition, kidney dialysis patients in 40 percent of the state’s treatment centers will no longer receive the proper care they often receive."
"If Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s proposal to cut Medicaid dollars comes to fruition, kidney dialysis patients in 40 percent of the state’s treatment centers will no longer receive the proper care they often receive."
Florida Republicans May Have Just Signed Death Warrants For Almost A Million Of The State’s Working Poor
"They have continually denied people the comfort of health insurance in a state with the second highest number of uninsured citizens, but this time they didn’t just hurt the poor, they hurt hospitals too."
"They have continually denied people the comfort of health insurance in a state with the second highest number of uninsured citizens, but this time they didn’t just hurt the poor, they hurt hospitals too."
PERRspectives: The Supreme Irony of King v. Burwell
PERRspectives: The Supreme Irony of King v. Burwell
"But merely tallying up the ranks of the uninsured understates the magnitude of the health care horror story in Red State America. In its 2014 state health care scorecard, the Commonwealth Fund measured performance in providing health care access, prevention and treatment, avoidable hospital use, equity across income levels, and healthy lives for residents. Again, all of the top 10 performing states voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, 9 of the 10 cellar-dwellers backed Republican Mitt Romney. Texas, which then Governor and 2016 White House hopeful Rick Perry claimed in 2010 had the best health care system in the nation, is ranked a moribund 44th."
"But merely tallying up the ranks of the uninsured understates the magnitude of the health care horror story in Red State America. In its 2014 state health care scorecard, the Commonwealth Fund measured performance in providing health care access, prevention and treatment, avoidable hospital use, equity across income levels, and healthy lives for residents. Again, all of the top 10 performing states voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, 9 of the 10 cellar-dwellers backed Republican Mitt Romney. Texas, which then Governor and 2016 White House hopeful Rick Perry claimed in 2010 had the best health care system in the nation, is ranked a moribund 44th."
The States That Thwarted Obamacare Have Left Poor People In The Dark About The Law
"Anti-Obamacare politicians have rarely been candid about the fact that, on a practical level, their opposition to the law translates into fewer people getting access to health care. But, when it comes to state-level restrictions on education and enrollment campaigns, there certainly appears to be a correlation. Previous studies have found that patients are less likely to get accurate information about Obamacare in states where the governor opposes the law."
"Anti-Obamacare politicians have rarely been candid about the fact that, on a practical level, their opposition to the law translates into fewer people getting access to health care. But, when it comes to state-level restrictions on education and enrollment campaigns, there certainly appears to be a correlation. Previous studies have found that patients are less likely to get accurate information about Obamacare in states where the governor opposes the law."
Bernie Sanders Lays Into Republicans For Their Attack On Social Security
Bernie Sanders Lays Into Republicans For Their Attack On Social Security
"Unlike the GOP, Sanders actually has a plan to keep it solvent that doesn't involve asking Americans to work until they drop dead."
"Unlike the GOP, Sanders actually has a plan to keep it solvent that doesn't involve asking Americans to work until they drop dead."
Deep red Florida town is epicenter for Obamacare
"Here's a bit of irony—the place in the country that has the most Obamacare enrollees and stands to lose the most if the Supreme Court rules against subsidies is the stomping grounds of two Republican candidates for president. Both of those candidates, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, want to repeal Obamacare."
"Here's a bit of irony—the place in the country that has the most Obamacare enrollees and stands to lose the most if the Supreme Court rules against subsidies is the stomping grounds of two Republican candidates for president. Both of those candidates, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, want to repeal Obamacare."
States stand to lose big in Obamacare case, but the majority of people in them don't know that
"Texas stands to lose $205,586,498 in tax credits to its citizens with Obamacare policies, if the Supreme Court rules that the law doesn't authorize those subsidies, because Texas uses the federal insurance exchange. That's 832,334 people, by the way, at risk at losing their subsidies in Texas. In Florida, it's $389,407,704 going to a whopping 1,324,516 people. Those two states represent nearly a third of the nation's population that's at risk of losing subsidies, according to new state-by-state analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation."
"Texas stands to lose $205,586,498 in tax credits to its citizens with Obamacare policies, if the Supreme Court rules that the law doesn't authorize those subsidies, because Texas uses the federal insurance exchange. That's 832,334 people, by the way, at risk at losing their subsidies in Texas. In Florida, it's $389,407,704 going to a whopping 1,324,516 people. Those two states represent nearly a third of the nation's population that's at risk of losing subsidies, according to new state-by-state analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation."
Americans In Red States Have The Most To Lose If The Supreme Court Guts Obamacare
"That’s because the people who currently rely on subsidies to help them pay for plans purchased on Obamacare’s federal marketplaces are more highly concentrated in red states"
"That’s because the people who currently rely on subsidies to help them pay for plans purchased on Obamacare’s federal marketplaces are more highly concentrated in red states"
GOP’s diabolical health care scheme: What their Obamacare “fix” is really all about
GOP’s diabolical health care scheme: What their Obamacare “fix” is really all about
"A new paper explains why the Senate GOP's Obamacare "fix" wouldn't fix anything. That's the point."
"A new paper explains why the Senate GOP's Obamacare "fix" wouldn't fix anything. That's the point."
America will die old and broke: The systematic right-wing plot to ransack the middle-class nest egg
America will die old and broke: The systematic right-wing plot to ransack the middle-class nest egg
"Libertarians and conservatives will not rest until they have unmade the last century of progress and the entire New Deal. They will destroy and dismantle, vilify and divide, because it’s easier to make people resent one another than to make society better. They want to not only halt progress, but to turn back the hands of time. It’s not just pensions, but overtime pay, weekends and the forty-hour workweek that are all in danger."
"Libertarians and conservatives will not rest until they have unmade the last century of progress and the entire New Deal. They will destroy and dismantle, vilify and divide, because it’s easier to make people resent one another than to make society better. They want to not only halt progress, but to turn back the hands of time. It’s not just pensions, but overtime pay, weekends and the forty-hour workweek that are all in danger."
More Bad News for GOP: New Survey Shows Americans Really Like Their Obamacare
More Bad News for GOP: New Survey Shows Americans Really Like Their Obamacare
"While Republicans will go on endless rants about all the “horrors” they claim are going to happen as a result of the Affordable Care Act, what they’re really afraid of is what’s actually starting to happen: Americans are realizing that they like it – a lot."
"While Republicans will go on endless rants about all the “horrors” they claim are going to happen as a result of the Affordable Care Act, what they’re really afraid of is what’s actually starting to happen: Americans are realizing that they like it – a lot."
Obamacare is great for family values
"Based on these findings it appears that Obamacare has allowed many young parents the opportunity to work at part-time jobs so that they could spend more time with their kids. Back in the old days we might have thought this was an outcome that family-values conservatives would have welcomed."
"Based on these findings it appears that Obamacare has allowed many young parents the opportunity to work at part-time jobs so that they could spend more time with their kids. Back in the old days we might have thought this was an outcome that family-values conservatives would have welcomed."
Democrat Busts Republican Scheme to Screw With Medicare To Benefit Corporations
"During a Health Subcommittee Hearing on Competition in Medicare, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) busted Republicans for trying to elimate competition in a Medicare program to raise prices on consumers to benefit corporations."
"During a Health Subcommittee Hearing on Competition in Medicare, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) busted Republicans for trying to elimate competition in a Medicare program to raise prices on consumers to benefit corporations."
Myth Busting: Medicaid and Low-Income Pool Facts
"Lawmakers in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and Kansas continue to play politics with their citizens’ health care by demanding federal funding for the low-income pool while refusing to expand Medicaid."
"Lawmakers in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and Kansas continue to play politics with their citizens’ health care by demanding federal funding for the low-income pool while refusing to expand Medicaid."
Another Huge Obama Win: 12 Million Have Chosen Private Policies Through Obamacare Exchanges
"Another day, another Republican fail. Suddenly Republicans aren’t calling it Obamacare so much. But it was Obamacare when they slammed it and it is Obamacare now that they have been thoroughly proven wrong as they trolled the free market solution to our healthcare crisis."
"Another day, another Republican fail. Suddenly Republicans aren’t calling it Obamacare so much. But it was Obamacare when they slammed it and it is Obamacare now that they have been thoroughly proven wrong as they trolled the free market solution to our healthcare crisis."
Rick Scott Caught Red-Handed Lying About Health Care Again While Poor Floridians Suffer
Rick Scott Caught Red-Handed Lying About Health Care Again While Poor Floridians Suffer
"This is a man who was once so incompetent that he signed a bill that essentially banned all computers in his state."
"This is a man who was once so incompetent that he signed a bill that essentially banned all computers in his state."
Fact Bomb Obliterates Republicans: Obamacare Helps 137 Million Americans Save Money
"New data released today blew the Republican anti-Obamacare argument to smithereens as 137 million Americans are saving money due to the ACA’s free preventative services.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services:
Nationwide, about 137 million individuals, including 55 million women and 28 million children, have private health insurance that covers recommended preventive services without cost sharing, according to a new ASPE Data Point from the Department of Health and Human Services. Under the Affordable Care Act, most health plans are required to provide coverage for recommended preventive health care services without copays. Increased access to preventive services can reduce and prevent costly chronic diseases and help Americans live healthier lives. These services include but are not limited to:
* Blood pressure screening *Well-baby and well-child visits
* Obesity screening and counseling * Flu vaccination and other immunizations
* Well-woman visits *Tobacco cessation interventions
* Domestic violence screening and counseling * Vision screening for children
* Breastfeeding support and supplies *HIV screening
* FDA-approved contraceptive methods *Depression screening"
"New data released today blew the Republican anti-Obamacare argument to smithereens as 137 million Americans are saving money due to the ACA’s free preventative services.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services:
Nationwide, about 137 million individuals, including 55 million women and 28 million children, have private health insurance that covers recommended preventive services without cost sharing, according to a new ASPE Data Point from the Department of Health and Human Services. Under the Affordable Care Act, most health plans are required to provide coverage for recommended preventive health care services without copays. Increased access to preventive services can reduce and prevent costly chronic diseases and help Americans live healthier lives. These services include but are not limited to:
* Blood pressure screening *Well-baby and well-child visits
* Obesity screening and counseling * Flu vaccination and other immunizations
* Well-woman visits *Tobacco cessation interventions
* Domestic violence screening and counseling * Vision screening for children
* Breastfeeding support and supplies *HIV screening
* FDA-approved contraceptive methods *Depression screening"
Bernie Sanders Schools Foolish Rand Paul For Supporting Elder Abuse And Neglect
"When you listen to Sanders’ arguments for this program and Paul’s “counter points,” it’s almost comedic how cold-hearted and ideological Paul is. It was like watching a movie with a republican caricature rather than a real person."
"When you listen to Sanders’ arguments for this program and Paul’s “counter points,” it’s almost comedic how cold-hearted and ideological Paul is. It was like watching a movie with a republican caricature rather than a real person."
He Said No To Obamacare -- And Now He's Going Blind
He Said No To Obamacare -- And Now He's Going Blind
"So he's a South Carolina conservative and heavy smoker who hasn't done anything to control his diabetes, and now he's pissed off that he can't get the Obamacare he didn't want. Yes, folks, another example from the Party of Personal Responsibility!"
"So he's a South Carolina conservative and heavy smoker who hasn't done anything to control his diabetes, and now he's pissed off that he can't get the Obamacare he didn't want. Yes, folks, another example from the Party of Personal Responsibility!"
Court Case Shows How Health Insurers Rip Off You And Your Employer
Court Case Shows How Health Insurers Rip Off You And Your Employer
"It turns out that one of the reasons workers have been paying more for their coverage is allegedly a common practice among insurers: charging their employer customers unlawful hidden fees."
"It turns out that one of the reasons workers have been paying more for their coverage is allegedly a common practice among insurers: charging their employer customers unlawful hidden fees."
Florida Governor Rick Scott Now Bragging He Used His Mother’s Death As Political Ruse
"If Floridians who saw Governor Rick Scott’s emotional change of heart about denying health care to millions of people in his state after the death of his mother are wondering why it’s taking so long for him to follow through, the answer is simple: Scott was lying and he knew the Obama administration would buy it if he dragged his dead mother into it.
In a move that would likely make Machiavelli blush, CBS Miami is reporting that Scott is openly flaunting the fact that his “change of heart” was nothing more than a political ruse to trick Obama into giving him more leeway to implement his privatization of health care coverage under the guise of showing interest in expanding Medicaid (currently standing in the way of covering close to one million Floridians).
Using your mother’s death to trick your political enemies into letting you continue preventing people from getting health insurance? In the often cutthroat world of politics, that might just be the coldest power play ever pulled. Certainly, most politicians not currently starring in House of Cards would never brazenly admit to it. But Scott seems to think it makes him look savvy."
"If Floridians who saw Governor Rick Scott’s emotional change of heart about denying health care to millions of people in his state after the death of his mother are wondering why it’s taking so long for him to follow through, the answer is simple: Scott was lying and he knew the Obama administration would buy it if he dragged his dead mother into it.
In a move that would likely make Machiavelli blush, CBS Miami is reporting that Scott is openly flaunting the fact that his “change of heart” was nothing more than a political ruse to trick Obama into giving him more leeway to implement his privatization of health care coverage under the guise of showing interest in expanding Medicaid (currently standing in the way of covering close to one million Floridians).
Using your mother’s death to trick your political enemies into letting you continue preventing people from getting health insurance? In the often cutthroat world of politics, that might just be the coldest power play ever pulled. Certainly, most politicians not currently starring in House of Cards would never brazenly admit to it. But Scott seems to think it makes him look savvy."
FL Gov. Rick Scott Used His Mother's Death To Manipulate Feds On Medicaid
FL Gov. Rick Scott Is A Lying Sack Of Sh*t
"That's a page right out of the Karl Rove playbook, by the way. Just today, he advised Republicans to stop trying to repeal Obamacare until after the 2016 elections. Why should they telegraph their intentions to take health care away from millions who need it, after all?"
"That's a page right out of the Karl Rove playbook, by the way. Just today, he advised Republicans to stop trying to repeal Obamacare until after the 2016 elections. Why should they telegraph their intentions to take health care away from millions who need it, after all?"
Independent Study Finds That Every Republican Prediction About Obamacare Was Wrong
"Wrong on every single fearmongering prediction and claim they made."
"Wrong on every single fearmongering prediction and claim they made."
Boehner and pals: 'Obamacare will destroy the economy,' except it didn't
"You don't get to predict dire economic collapse, then say "the only reason employers are hiring is because the economy is doing well." Well, no sh*t that's why they're hiring. Point is, the economy isn't where you claimed it would be. You were wrong. As usual."
"You don't get to predict dire economic collapse, then say "the only reason employers are hiring is because the economy is doing well." Well, no sh*t that's why they're hiring. Point is, the economy isn't where you claimed it would be. You were wrong. As usual."
Senate Republicans Pass Budget That Throws 27 Million Americans Off Health Insurance
"The Republican passed budget promises big tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires that are paid for by throwing people off of their health insurance and turning Medicare into a voucher system. Today’s vote was a message to millions of people that the billionaire controlled Republicans in Congress are coming for their health care."
"The Republican passed budget promises big tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires that are paid for by throwing people off of their health insurance and turning Medicare into a voucher system. Today’s vote was a message to millions of people that the billionaire controlled Republicans in Congress are coming for their health care."
'Here In Florida, They Let You Die'
'Here In Florida, They Let You Die'
"Scott made his fortune in the healthcare sector, where he once presided over Columbia/HCA, a major for-profit company. He resigned in 1997 after it was investigated for what the Justice Department ultimately deemed the “largest health care fraud case in U.S. history,” which included attempting to falsely bill Medicare. Scott was never charged in the case but was generously compensated after he resigned from the company."
"Scott made his fortune in the healthcare sector, where he once presided over Columbia/HCA, a major for-profit company. He resigned in 1997 after it was investigated for what the Justice Department ultimately deemed the “largest health care fraud case in U.S. history,” which included attempting to falsely bill Medicare. Scott was never charged in the case but was generously compensated after he resigned from the company."
Republicans Are Now Trying To Pass Obamacare Extension To Save Their Own Asses
Republicans Are Now Trying To Pass Obamacare Extension To Save Their Own Asses
"It is astonishing how stupid Republicans treat conservative voters - yet their voters seem to eat it right up. Republicans couldn’t be any more transparent about what they’re trying to do, but conservative voters couldn’t seem to care less. Clearly Republicans know the law is working and they also know millions of Americans are going to finally see just how valuable “Obamacare” has been if the GOP finally gets its way. If they didn’t fear that, and they truly believed this law was one of the worst things to ever happen to this country, Senate Republicans wouldn’t be pathetically trying to pass an extension to the very subsidies they want struck down just to save their political asses in 2016."
"It is astonishing how stupid Republicans treat conservative voters - yet their voters seem to eat it right up. Republicans couldn’t be any more transparent about what they’re trying to do, but conservative voters couldn’t seem to care less. Clearly Republicans know the law is working and they also know millions of Americans are going to finally see just how valuable “Obamacare” has been if the GOP finally gets its way. If they didn’t fear that, and they truly believed this law was one of the worst things to ever happen to this country, Senate Republicans wouldn’t be pathetically trying to pass an extension to the very subsidies they want struck down just to save their political asses in 2016."
The Rich Are Not Entitled to Bankrupt the United States
The Rich Are Not Entitled to Bankrupt the United States
"Tax Avoidance: $2,200 Billion
That's $2.2 trillion in tax expenditures, tax underpayments, tax havens, and corporate nonpayment. It is estimated that two-thirds of tax breaks accrue to the top quintile of taxpayers."
"Tax Avoidance: $2,200 Billion
That's $2.2 trillion in tax expenditures, tax underpayments, tax havens, and corporate nonpayment. It is estimated that two-thirds of tax breaks accrue to the top quintile of taxpayers."
This Obamacare Poll Is Bad News For Republicans But Great For America (IMAGE)
"the trend reveals momentum is gaining as Americans see the benefits of the program in their own lives."
"the trend reveals momentum is gaining as Americans see the benefits of the program in their own lives."
Public Support For Obamacare Grows As Less Than 30 Percent Of Americans Support Repeal
"The American people aren’t interested in repealing Obamacare. If Republicans ignore that fact, their obsession with overturning Obamacare could hurt them politically in 2016, as well it should."
"The American people aren’t interested in repealing Obamacare. If Republicans ignore that fact, their obsession with overturning Obamacare could hurt them politically in 2016, as well it should."
Kochs Defeated in Montana: 6 Lessons America Can Learn From This Rural Western State | Alternet
Kochs Defeated in Montana: 6 Lessons America Can Learn From This Rural Western State | Alternet
"Montana is the only state where the Kochs got beaten down like this."
"Montana is the only state where the Kochs got beaten down like this."
Sen. Orrin Hatch cribs from Obamacare, again, for his 'replacement' plan
"This "new idea" from Hatch couldn't possibly be a reflection of the fact that the last Reuters-Ipsos poll found that 79 percent of people support the subsidies in Obamacare, could it? Surely that's just a coincidence, as is the fact that Hatch, all on his own, came up with an idea that is essentially identical to the one in the hated Obamacare. This is becoming a pattern."
"This "new idea" from Hatch couldn't possibly be a reflection of the fact that the last Reuters-Ipsos poll found that 79 percent of people support the subsidies in Obamacare, could it? Surely that's just a coincidence, as is the fact that Hatch, all on his own, came up with an idea that is essentially identical to the one in the hated Obamacare. This is becoming a pattern."
Group Of Doctors And Nurses Deliver Flip-Flops To Gov Rick Scott
Group Of Doctors And Nurses Deliver Flip-Flops To Gov Rick Scott
"A group of doctors and nurses in Florida decided to remind the state about Scott's support for the Medicaid expansion before the Koch cabal got involved."
"A group of doctors and nurses in Florida decided to remind the state about Scott's support for the Medicaid expansion before the Koch cabal got involved."
Bernie Sanders Busts The GOP Plan To Take Health Insurance Away From 27 Million Americans
"Republicans are planning on gutting Medicare and throwing 27 million people off of their private insurance in order to pay for tax cuts to the top one-tenth of one percent."
"Republicans are planning on gutting Medicare and throwing 27 million people off of their private insurance in order to pay for tax cuts to the top one-tenth of one percent."
Scott Walker's New Budget Is So Brutal Even Republicans Are Afraid Of It | Alternet
Scott Walker's New Budget Is So Brutal Even Republicans Are Afraid Of It | Alternet
"The governor is proposing massive cuts to programs that are crucial for seniors and the disabled."
"The governor is proposing massive cuts to programs that are crucial for seniors and the disabled."
Marco Rubio’s Florida ‘Market Based’ Anti-Obamacare Program Results In Humiliating Defeat
"Marco Rubio’s market-based health care program was supposed to prove that the Republican ideas for health care reform can work. Instead, only 80 people have signed up compared to the 1.6 million Floridians enrolled in the ACA exchange.
Rubio’s plan, which predates the ACA, was designed to put the conservative ideas about healthcare reform into practice. The result has been a multi-million dollar program that nobody wants."
"Marco Rubio’s market-based health care program was supposed to prove that the Republican ideas for health care reform can work. Instead, only 80 people have signed up compared to the 1.6 million Floridians enrolled in the ACA exchange.
Rubio’s plan, which predates the ACA, was designed to put the conservative ideas about healthcare reform into practice. The result has been a multi-million dollar program that nobody wants."
Rick Scott Is Revealing The GOP’s Ultimate Obamacare Hypocrisy
"Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), one of the staunchest opponents of the health care reform law, refuses to accept federal funds to implement Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, which would extend coverage to about 800,000 low-income people in the state. At the same time, however, Scott wants the Obama administration to give him federal funds to help implement a specific Medicaid pilot program. Ultimately, Scott is demanding money from the government that doesn’t appear to be linked to Obamacare — and he’s willing to go to great lengths to get it.
Scott wants the government to give Florida about $1 billion in federal funds for a Medicaid pilot project — called the Low-Income Pool, or LIP — that helps support hospitals that serve low-income and uninsured patients. LIP is a program that was initiated under the Jeb Bush administration to address hospitals’ budget shortfalls from providing too much uncompensated care to uninsured people who can’t pay their bills.
Federal officials are refusing, saying that Scott wouldn’t need LIP funding if he simply expanded the eligibility requirements for the state’s entire Medicaid program. Florida’s LIP program is set to expire at the end of June, and the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) don’t want to renew it. Essentially, the pilot program has become obsolete under the Affordable Care Act, and it doesn’t make sense to fund LIP instead of funding Medicaid expansion."
"Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), one of the staunchest opponents of the health care reform law, refuses to accept federal funds to implement Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, which would extend coverage to about 800,000 low-income people in the state. At the same time, however, Scott wants the Obama administration to give him federal funds to help implement a specific Medicaid pilot program. Ultimately, Scott is demanding money from the government that doesn’t appear to be linked to Obamacare — and he’s willing to go to great lengths to get it.
Scott wants the government to give Florida about $1 billion in federal funds for a Medicaid pilot project — called the Low-Income Pool, or LIP — that helps support hospitals that serve low-income and uninsured patients. LIP is a program that was initiated under the Jeb Bush administration to address hospitals’ budget shortfalls from providing too much uncompensated care to uninsured people who can’t pay their bills.
Federal officials are refusing, saying that Scott wouldn’t need LIP funding if he simply expanded the eligibility requirements for the state’s entire Medicaid program. Florida’s LIP program is set to expire at the end of June, and the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) don’t want to renew it. Essentially, the pilot program has become obsolete under the Affordable Care Act, and it doesn’t make sense to fund LIP instead of funding Medicaid expansion."
Obamacare rises in Marco Rubio's backyard
"HHS released its updated list of enrollments by zip code and it turns out the top 15 are in Rubio's backyard - Miami-Dade and Broward counties. In fact, the second highest zip code in the country is 33126, which lies just blocks from the City of West Miami, where Rubio got his political start. That area saw 11,222 people sign-up for the healthcare benefits, in the enrollment period ending in February.
That's roughly 4,000 less than the top Obamacare zip code in the United States, 33012, which is in the heart of Hialeah, a Republican stronghold."
"HHS released its updated list of enrollments by zip code and it turns out the top 15 are in Rubio's backyard - Miami-Dade and Broward counties. In fact, the second highest zip code in the country is 33126, which lies just blocks from the City of West Miami, where Rubio got his political start. That area saw 11,222 people sign-up for the healthcare benefits, in the enrollment period ending in February.
That's roughly 4,000 less than the top Obamacare zip code in the United States, 33012, which is in the heart of Hialeah, a Republican stronghold."
Rick Scott Would Rather Sue Obama Than Expand Medicaid
Rick Scott Would Rather Sue Obama Than Expand Medicaid
"When Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA he was Medicare's biggest fraudster. Is his resistance to the Medicaid expansion ideological, or does he just not see the same potential for skimming profits with it that he does with the now-ended emergency room payment plan?
Whatever the case, he's even managed to rile up some Florida Republican lawmakers on this, who are more interested in getting the budget done than waging another ACA battle when it is becoming more popular and they are not."
"When Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA he was Medicare's biggest fraudster. Is his resistance to the Medicaid expansion ideological, or does he just not see the same potential for skimming profits with it that he does with the now-ended emergency room payment plan?
Whatever the case, he's even managed to rile up some Florida Republican lawmakers on this, who are more interested in getting the budget done than waging another ACA battle when it is becoming more popular and they are not."
Thanks To Obamacare, Nearly 9 In 10 American Adults Now Have Insurance
"However, the gains under Obamacare have been uneven throughout the country. A recent study from the Commonwealth Fund suggests that the people who live in states where political leaders have resisted health reform — refusing to set up their own marketplaces, expand Medicaid, or help ease the enrollment process — are still struggling to access insurance."
"However, the gains under Obamacare have been uneven throughout the country. A recent study from the Commonwealth Fund suggests that the people who live in states where political leaders have resisted health reform — refusing to set up their own marketplaces, expand Medicaid, or help ease the enrollment process — are still struggling to access insurance."
Florida governor flip-flops on Medicaid expansion, kicks 800,000 people to the curb
"When he was running for re-election in 2014, Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) cared deeply about the "poorest and weakest" Floridians, and bucked the tea party by supporting Medicaid expansion under Obamacare. But he won in November, so all that concern is history"
"When he was running for re-election in 2014, Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) cared deeply about the "poorest and weakest" Floridians, and bucked the tea party by supporting Medicaid expansion under Obamacare. But he won in November, so all that concern is history"
McMorris-Rodgers Posts Video Promising To Repeal ACA In Spite Of Constituent Support
McMorris-Rodgers Posts Video Promising To Repeal ACA In Spite Of Constituent Support
"she received almost no negative responses, but just ignored all the positive ones. Because billionaires."
"she received almost no negative responses, but just ignored all the positive ones. Because billionaires."
Fact check: Has Obamacare helped save 50,000 lives? Why yes, it has
"Last December, the administration announced that Obamacare programs to improve hospital safety have resulted in 50,000 fewer preventable deaths since 2010. Because good news on Obamacare travels very slowly, the report didn't get a lot of attention. Not until President Obama included that news in his speech marking the fifth anniversary of Obamacare's signing. That warranted enough attention for the Washington Post's fact checker to get around to fact checking, and it turns out that, yeah, it's true, and in fact, might be actually understated."
"Last December, the administration announced that Obamacare programs to improve hospital safety have resulted in 50,000 fewer preventable deaths since 2010. Because good news on Obamacare travels very slowly, the report didn't get a lot of attention. Not until President Obama included that news in his speech marking the fifth anniversary of Obamacare's signing. That warranted enough attention for the Washington Post's fact checker to get around to fact checking, and it turns out that, yeah, it's true, and in fact, might be actually understated."
GOP Lawmaker Denies 280,000 Healthcare, Then Calls Uninsured Constituent An ‘@sshole’ (VIDEO)
"Gardenhire sits on his state’s Commerce Committee, where he and six other Republicans voted not to move forward with Insure Tennessee."
"Gardenhire sits on his state’s Commerce Committee, where he and six other Republicans voted not to move forward with Insure Tennessee."
Thanks To Obamacare, Over 50,000 Lives Were Saved From Preventable Deaths
"How is it that Obamacare managed to save 50,000 people from death? It invested in our hospitals to prevent such things. Under the healthcare law we have something called Partnership for Patients,which allocates approximately $460 million dollars between 3,800 hospitals, and using 27 health engagement networks, work to reduce ten categories they call “patient harms.” Patient harms are anything from drug events to catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
The study showed that, over the course of three years, there we 1.3 million less incidents with patient harms, which saved roughly 50,000 patients who would have died based on the severity of the incident. The Washington Post also reported that, due to the strides made with the Partnerships for Patients, “The upward trajectory suggests tens of thousands in additional patient lives may have been saved since 2013"."
"How is it that Obamacare managed to save 50,000 people from death? It invested in our hospitals to prevent such things. Under the healthcare law we have something called Partnership for Patients,which allocates approximately $460 million dollars between 3,800 hospitals, and using 27 health engagement networks, work to reduce ten categories they call “patient harms.” Patient harms are anything from drug events to catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
The study showed that, over the course of three years, there we 1.3 million less incidents with patient harms, which saved roughly 50,000 patients who would have died based on the severity of the incident. The Washington Post also reported that, due to the strides made with the Partnerships for Patients, “The upward trajectory suggests tens of thousands in additional patient lives may have been saved since 2013"."
This Red State Almost Expanded Health Insurance to 280,000 Poor People -- Then Koch Group Got Involved | Alternet
This Red State Almost Expanded Health Insurance to 280,000 Poor People -- Then Koch Group Got Involved | Alternet
"It should not be surprising that anti-government conservatives backed by the Koch brothers gave torpedoing the plan their all."
"It should not be surprising that anti-government conservatives backed by the Koch brothers gave torpedoing the plan their all."
Four Anti-Obamacare Republican Governors Took $352 Million In Health Care Grants
"Walker, Perry, Jindal, and Christie all claim that they hate the healthcare law, but that hatred hasn’t stopped them from putting their hands out and taking hundreds of millions of federal dollars."
"Walker, Perry, Jindal, and Christie all claim that they hate the healthcare law, but that hatred hasn’t stopped them from putting their hands out and taking hundreds of millions of federal dollars."
McMorris-Rodgers Pretends Obamacare Isn't Really Obamacare
McMorris-Rodgers Pretends Obamacare Isn't Really Obamacare
"She's voted to repeal this law 52 more times than I've had to visit the doctor since I had health insurance, and her votes have been to repeal the ban on pre-existing conditions provisions and coverage for young people on their parents' policies.
She knows, just like we all know, that the Affordable Care Act is the sum of many parts, and you can't just have the consumer protections without the other parts. She's just too much of a candy-ass coward to admit she doesn't give a damn."
"She's voted to repeal this law 52 more times than I've had to visit the doctor since I had health insurance, and her votes have been to repeal the ban on pre-existing conditions provisions and coverage for young people on their parents' policies.
She knows, just like we all know, that the Affordable Care Act is the sum of many parts, and you can't just have the consumer protections without the other parts. She's just too much of a candy-ass coward to admit she doesn't give a damn."
Doctor Wins State Senate Just To Overturn Law Inspired By His Dead Patient
"Rose Church, a 36-year-old registered nurse from Haleyville, gave birth to a healthy baby girl on December 1, 1998. After 36 hours she was released from the hospital only to return around 36 hours later due to sessile bleeding that required four units of blood. She was again discharged only to die approximately 36 hours later of a heart attack, according to the report. Her autopsy revealed that Church had placental tissue still inside her womb, 11 days after she delivered her daughter Logan Rose.
Stutts was her OB/GYN and was named in the wrongful death suit filed by her husband Gene Church. The suit states, among other things, that Rose Church was released from the hospital despite the fact that she “was suffering from placenta accreta and continued to display persistent tachycardia"."
"Rose Church, a 36-year-old registered nurse from Haleyville, gave birth to a healthy baby girl on December 1, 1998. After 36 hours she was released from the hospital only to return around 36 hours later due to sessile bleeding that required four units of blood. She was again discharged only to die approximately 36 hours later of a heart attack, according to the report. Her autopsy revealed that Church had placental tissue still inside her womb, 11 days after she delivered her daughter Logan Rose.
Stutts was her OB/GYN and was named in the wrongful death suit filed by her husband Gene Church. The suit states, among other things, that Rose Church was released from the hospital despite the fact that she “was suffering from placenta accreta and continued to display persistent tachycardia"."
Senate Republicans Pass Sadistic Budget: End Medicare, Slash Food Stamps, Increase Military Spending
"Oh, and just in case it wasn’t clear how much they despise the people they’re supposed to be representing? They also want to cut funding for education because why educate the kids you want to strip healthcare and food from anyway?
The icing on top of this vomit flavored cake is the multibillion dollar increase to military spending. So while Republican bemoan the cost of feeding the hungry and caring for the sick, they’re gleefully throwing more money at the Pentagon to wage war. Thank you, Republicans, for so clearly spelling out what it is you stand for going into the 2016 election cycle."
"Oh, and just in case it wasn’t clear how much they despise the people they’re supposed to be representing? They also want to cut funding for education because why educate the kids you want to strip healthcare and food from anyway?
The icing on top of this vomit flavored cake is the multibillion dollar increase to military spending. So while Republican bemoan the cost of feeding the hungry and caring for the sick, they’re gleefully throwing more money at the Pentagon to wage war. Thank you, Republicans, for so clearly spelling out what it is you stand for going into the 2016 election cycle."
Stark Choices: “People’s Budget” vs. Republican Plan
Stark Choices: “People’s Budget” vs. Republican Plan
"Budgets are about choices. Republicans have chosen in their budgets to further enrich the wealthy and corporations at the expense of workers, children, veterans, seniors—the whole broad American family."
"Budgets are about choices. Republicans have chosen in their budgets to further enrich the wealthy and corporations at the expense of workers, children, veterans, seniors—the whole broad American family."
"Mississippi, the state with the very worst healthcare system in the nation, nevertheless turned down Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. It’s no wonder the Magnolia State was the only one to see its uninsured rate increase after the implementation of the ACA in 2014. In sharp contrast, Arkansas and Kentucky, two red states whose Democratic governors accepted Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, saw the steepest reductions in the ranks of the uninsured since the ACA went fully into effect.
Now, House Republicans want to create a United States of Mississippi."
"Mississippi, the state with the very worst healthcare system in the nation, nevertheless turned down Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. It’s no wonder the Magnolia State was the only one to see its uninsured rate increase after the implementation of the ACA in 2014. In sharp contrast, Arkansas and Kentucky, two red states whose Democratic governors accepted Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, saw the steepest reductions in the ranks of the uninsured since the ACA went fully into effect.
Now, House Republicans want to create a United States of Mississippi."
20 Obamacare Stats Republicans Don't Want You to See
"Nearly 30 million Americans have gotten health insurance under Obamacare."
"Nearly 30 million Americans have gotten health insurance under Obamacare."
Obamacare Makes A Stunning Economic Impact: New Companies, More Jobs
"The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is five years old — on Monday, March 23rd, to be precise. PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) has delivered a walloping good birthday present, just in time.
The company’s Health Research Institute released a report on the ACA’s impact. In spite of all the naysayers, in spite of all the obstacles, in spite of — basically — the Republicans in Congress, the Affordable Care Act has spurred enormous growth in the healthcare industry. The report makes this remarkable statement:
Not since the Telecommunications Act of 1996, has a piece of legislation sparked such significant changes in a leading sector of the economy."
"The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is five years old — on Monday, March 23rd, to be precise. PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) has delivered a walloping good birthday present, just in time.
The company’s Health Research Institute released a report on the ACA’s impact. In spite of all the naysayers, in spite of all the obstacles, in spite of — basically — the Republicans in Congress, the Affordable Care Act has spurred enormous growth in the healthcare industry. The report makes this remarkable statement:
Not since the Telecommunications Act of 1996, has a piece of legislation sparked such significant changes in a leading sector of the economy."
GOP Sociopaths, Not God, Don’t Want Americans To Have Medical Care
"The crusade to eliminate healthcare for Americans is not reserved to conservative attacks on ACA subsidies. In both the House and Senate budget proposals, the ACA is repealed, Medicare, Medicaid, and the children’s CHIP healthcare program are slated for deep Draconian cuts to keep tens-of-millions of Americans of all ages sick and dying. It is, no matter how one looks at it, the definition of evil to deliberately strip basic healthcare from human beings, and insanity to invoke some god as justification for social immorality"
"The crusade to eliminate healthcare for Americans is not reserved to conservative attacks on ACA subsidies. In both the House and Senate budget proposals, the ACA is repealed, Medicare, Medicaid, and the children’s CHIP healthcare program are slated for deep Draconian cuts to keep tens-of-millions of Americans of all ages sick and dying. It is, no matter how one looks at it, the definition of evil to deliberately strip basic healthcare from human beings, and insanity to invoke some god as justification for social immorality"
The law isn't making Ted Cruz accept Obamacare
"Ted Cruz says he has to accept Obamacare because it's the law. See, his wife is taking unpaid leave from her job at Goldman Sachs for the duration of the presidential campaign, and is giving up her health insurance there. The health insurance that has been covering the whole family. Now, Cruz says, he has no legal choice but to take Obamacare because Obamacare is making him do it.
Except it's not. What the law demands of members of Congress is not that they get their health insurance through Obamacare (unless they have Medicare or coverage from a spouse). It just says that if they do get their health insurance from a plan that's not on an exchange, they don't get a sweet taxpayer subsidy to help pay their premiums."
"Ted Cruz says he has to accept Obamacare because it's the law. See, his wife is taking unpaid leave from her job at Goldman Sachs for the duration of the presidential campaign, and is giving up her health insurance there. The health insurance that has been covering the whole family. Now, Cruz says, he has no legal choice but to take Obamacare because Obamacare is making him do it.
Except it's not. What the law demands of members of Congress is not that they get their health insurance through Obamacare (unless they have Medicare or coverage from a spouse). It just says that if they do get their health insurance from a plan that's not on an exchange, they don't get a sweet taxpayer subsidy to help pay their premiums."
Amazing Hypocrisy: Ted Cruz Is Enrolling In Obamacare
Amazing Hypocrisy: Ted Cruz Is Enrolling In Obamacare
"So there you have it. Ted Cruz who previously made a big deal about other folks in Congress getting federal health insurance while being on his wife’s private, high-end health plan, is now going to have to buy health insurance on a state exchange, and he may or may not receive subsidies to help cover the cost. If Ted Cruz was really that opposed to Obamacare, why not forgo coverage, pay the fines on his tax return and make that a campaign issue? But this is what the Affordable Care Act has done, and not just for the spouses of U.S. Senators or Goldman Sachs executives. The Affordable Care Act has allowed people to become entrepreneurs and strike out on their own instead of being dependent on employer coverage. Now the Cruz family is showing us that Obamacare is working for America, whether Ted Cruz wants to admit it or not. And who knows, maybe like those infamous “green eggs and ham,” he might just like it."
"So there you have it. Ted Cruz who previously made a big deal about other folks in Congress getting federal health insurance while being on his wife’s private, high-end health plan, is now going to have to buy health insurance on a state exchange, and he may or may not receive subsidies to help cover the cost. If Ted Cruz was really that opposed to Obamacare, why not forgo coverage, pay the fines on his tax return and make that a campaign issue? But this is what the Affordable Care Act has done, and not just for the spouses of U.S. Senators or Goldman Sachs executives. The Affordable Care Act has allowed people to become entrepreneurs and strike out on their own instead of being dependent on employer coverage. Now the Cruz family is showing us that Obamacare is working for America, whether Ted Cruz wants to admit it or not. And who knows, maybe like those infamous “green eggs and ham,” he might just like it."
Sanders Blasts GOP Budgets
Sanders Blasts GOP Budgets
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) blasted as large a hole in the newly-released Republican budget as he could muster, declaring it an attack on low- and middle-income Americans, a fiesta of deregulation and subsidies for Wall Street and Big Business, and a plan to further enrich the nation's wealthiest and most powerful"
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) blasted as large a hole in the newly-released Republican budget as he could muster, declaring it an attack on low- and middle-income Americans, a fiesta of deregulation and subsidies for Wall Street and Big Business, and a plan to further enrich the nation's wealthiest and most powerful"
Thanks To Obamacare, Hospitals Saved More Than $7 Billion Last Year
"The savings reflect a reduction in the so-called “uncompensated care” that hospitals provide to uninsured Americans, and are even greater than HHS officials predicted they would be at the beginning of this year.
Since people without insurance typically don’t have any means to cover their medical bills, the cost of their treatment ends up falling on the hospital itself. Therefore, as more people gain coverage, it become less expensive for hospitals to care for their patients. More than 16 million previously uninsured Americans have gotten covered under Obamacare, contributing to the biggest drop in the national uninsurance rate over the past four decades."
"The savings reflect a reduction in the so-called “uncompensated care” that hospitals provide to uninsured Americans, and are even greater than HHS officials predicted they would be at the beginning of this year.
Since people without insurance typically don’t have any means to cover their medical bills, the cost of their treatment ends up falling on the hospital itself. Therefore, as more people gain coverage, it become less expensive for hospitals to care for their patients. More than 16 million previously uninsured Americans have gotten covered under Obamacare, contributing to the biggest drop in the national uninsurance rate over the past four decades."
Cut their paychecks and take away their healthcare! The GOP’s insane plan to woo women in 2016
Cut their paychecks and take away their healthcare! The GOP’s insane plan to woo women in 2016
"It is bizarro world out there, and it only promises to get more bizarro as we move closer to 2016. The GOP will be in the unenviable position of pretending that decimating women’s paychecks and taking away their healthcare is the real way to improve their lives. (Because being broke and sick without access to a doctor always turns out so well.) Some in the party may have had a moment of political savvy back in January, but that moment is gone. There’s no disguising the GOP’s blatant assault on women’s lives and basic livelihoods, and what’s ahead looks bleaker than ever."
"It is bizarro world out there, and it only promises to get more bizarro as we move closer to 2016. The GOP will be in the unenviable position of pretending that decimating women’s paychecks and taking away their healthcare is the real way to improve their lives. (Because being broke and sick without access to a doctor always turns out so well.) Some in the party may have had a moment of political savvy back in January, but that moment is gone. There’s no disguising the GOP’s blatant assault on women’s lives and basic livelihoods, and what’s ahead looks bleaker than ever."
Infographic: How Many Women Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act?
"This infographic is a compilation of data from multiple sources to highlight how women are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act."
"This infographic is a compilation of data from multiple sources to highlight how women are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act."
14 Reasons Why House and Senate Republicans Have Declared Economic War On Average Americans | Alternet
14 Reasons Why House and Senate Republicans Have Declared Economic War On Average Americans | Alternet
"In almost every one of these budget areas, nationwide polls show that a majority of Americans strongly oppose what the GOP is proposing. In other words, the Republicans are not delivering the kind of federal government that Americans want; they are declaring economic war on average Americans by reshaping government to serve the upper classes and biggest businesses."
"In almost every one of these budget areas, nationwide polls show that a majority of Americans strongly oppose what the GOP is proposing. In other words, the Republicans are not delivering the kind of federal government that Americans want; they are declaring economic war on average Americans by reshaping government to serve the upper classes and biggest businesses."
GOP’s “black magic” budget: Using voodoo to conjure trillions in savings
GOP’s “black magic” budget: Using voodoo to conjure trillions in savings
"The House Republicans have a plan for restructuring Medicare: they want to transform it into a voucher system and cut roughly $150 billion from the program over 10 years."
"The House Republicans have a plan for restructuring Medicare: they want to transform it into a voucher system and cut roughly $150 billion from the program over 10 years."
House GOP Budget: More Money For War, Repeal Obamacare, Cut Food Stamps and Medicaid
"While it should be obvious to the American public what the Republican Party’s priorities are by now, the recently unveiled House budget serves as yet another reminder about what the modern GOP stands for. The Republican Party’s eagerness to cut programs that benefit poor and middle class families, while lavishing favor on the big banks, the corporate CEOs, and the military contractors, demonstrates all too clearly who they work for."
"While it should be obvious to the American public what the Republican Party’s priorities are by now, the recently unveiled House budget serves as yet another reminder about what the modern GOP stands for. The Republican Party’s eagerness to cut programs that benefit poor and middle class families, while lavishing favor on the big banks, the corporate CEOs, and the military contractors, demonstrates all too clearly who they work for."
The Numbers Don’t Lie, Obamacare Is Working
The Numbers Don’t Lie, Obamacare Is Working
"Republicans aren’t going to let facts get in the way of attempting further repeals of Obamacare, and they’ll certainly continue to make the same old debunked claims about it because they’ve come too far to turn back now. However, the numbers don’t lie; despite all of the doomsday prophecies from conservatives opposed to the Affordable Care Act, it’s working even better than expected."
"Republicans aren’t going to let facts get in the way of attempting further repeals of Obamacare, and they’ll certainly continue to make the same old debunked claims about it because they’ve come too far to turn back now. However, the numbers don’t lie; despite all of the doomsday prophecies from conservatives opposed to the Affordable Care Act, it’s working even better than expected."
Paul Ryan Warns GOP Governors Not To Set Up Exchanges If SCOTUS Kills Subsidies
Paul Ryan Warns GOP Governors Not To Set Up Exchanges If SCOTUS Kills Subsidies
"In other words, turn the clock back to 2008 all over again. Because liberty!"
"In other words, turn the clock back to 2008 all over again. Because liberty!"
Most Americans Don't Understand Their Health Insurance Is At Risk
Most Americans Don't Understand Their Health Insurance Is At Risk
"If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the law’s challengers, it is expected that millions would be unable to afford health insurance, uninsured rates would spike and health insurance costs would soar, affecting even those who do not rely on subsidies to buy insurance."
"If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the law’s challengers, it is expected that millions would be unable to afford health insurance, uninsured rates would spike and health insurance costs would soar, affecting even those who do not rely on subsidies to buy insurance."
After Obamacare Extends Coverage To 16 Million Americans, House Republicans Propose Repealing It
"On Tuesday, House Republicans are planning to unveil a proposed budget that would reportedly overhaul the country’s health care policies — by partially privatizing Medicare, dramatically restructuring Medicaid, and completely repealing Obamacare."
"On Tuesday, House Republicans are planning to unveil a proposed budget that would reportedly overhaul the country’s health care policies — by partially privatizing Medicare, dramatically restructuring Medicaid, and completely repealing Obamacare."
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